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视觉变形金刚(VIT)S表现出可观的全球和本地陈述的自我监督学习表现,可以转移到下游应用程序。灵感来自这些结果,我们介绍了一种新的自我监督学习框架,具有用于医学图像分析的定制代理任务。具体而言,我们提出:(i)以新的3D变压器为基础的型号,被称为往返变压器(Swin Unet),具有分层编码器,用于自我监督的预训练; (ii)用于学习人类解剖学潜在模式的定制代理任务。我们展示了来自各种身体器官的5,050个公共可用的计算机断层扫描(CT)图像的提出模型的成功预培训。通过微调超出颅穹窿(BTCV)分割挑战的预先调整训练模型和来自医疗细分牌组(MSD)数据集的分割任务,通过微调训练有素的模型来验证我们的方法的有效性。我们的模型目前是MSD和BTCV数据集的公共测试排行榜上的最先进的(即第1号)。代码:https://monai.io/research/swin-unetr.
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在本文中,我们认为由于专家的昂贵的像素级注释以及大量未经发布的正常和异常图像扫描,近年来近年来引起了近年来越来越多的注意力的问题。我们介绍了一个分割网络,该分割网络利用对抗学习将图像分成两种切割,其中一个落入用户提供的参考分布。这种基于对抗的选择性切割网络(ASC-Net)桥接基于簇的深度分割和基于对抗基于对抗的异常/新奇检测算法的两个域。我们的ASC网络从正常和异常的医疗扫描中学到医疗扫描中的分段异常,没有任何掩盖的监督。我们在三个公共数据集中评估这一无监督的异常分段模型,即脑肿瘤细分的Brats 2019,肝脏病变分割和脑病变细分的MS-SEG 2015,以及脑肿瘤细分的私人数据集。与现有方法相比,我们的模型展示了无监督异常分段任务中的巨大性能增益。虽然与监督学习算法相比,仍有进一步提高性能的空间,但有希望的实验结果和有趣的观察揭示了使用用户定义的知识构建无监督学习算法的医疗异常识别。
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最近,蒙面图像建模(MIM)由于其能力从大量未标记的数据中学习而引起了人们的关注,并且已被证明对涉及自然图像的各种视觉任务有效。同时,由于未标记的图像的数量高,预计3D医学图像中的自我监督学习的潜力预计将是巨大的,以及质量标签的费用和困难。但是,MIM对医学图像的适用性仍然不确定。在本文中,我们证明了掩盖的图像建模方法还可以推进3D医学图像分析,除了自然图像。我们研究掩盖图像建模策略如何从3D医学图像分割的角度利用性能作为代表性的下游任务:i)与天真的对比度学习相比,蒙版的图像建模方法可以加快监督培训的收敛性,甚至更快(1.40美元$ \ times $ \ times $ $ $ )并最终产生更高的骰子分数; ii)预测具有较高掩盖比和相对较小的贴片大小的原始体素值是用于医学图像建模的非平凡的自我监督借口任务; iii)重建的轻质解码器或投影头设计对于3D医学图像上的掩盖图像建模非常有力,该图像加快了训练并降低成本; iv)最后,我们还研究了在不同的实际情况下使用不同图像分辨率和标记的数据比率的MIM方法的有效性。
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Automatic segmentation is essential for the brain tumor diagnosis, disease prognosis, and follow-up therapy of patients with gliomas. Still, accurate detection of gliomas and their sub-regions in multimodal MRI is very challenging due to the variety of scanners and imaging protocols. Over the last years, the BraTS Challenge has provided a large number of multi-institutional MRI scans as a benchmark for glioma segmentation algorithms. This paper describes our contribution to the BraTS 2022 Continuous Evaluation challenge. We propose a new ensemble of multiple deep learning frameworks namely, DeepSeg, nnU-Net, and DeepSCAN for automatic glioma boundaries detection in pre-operative MRI. It is worth noting that our ensemble models took first place in the final evaluation on the BraTS testing dataset with Dice scores of 0.9294, 0.8788, and 0.8803, and Hausdorf distance of 5.23, 13.54, and 12.05, for the whole tumor, tumor core, and enhancing tumor, respectively. Furthermore, the proposed ensemble method ranked first in the final ranking on another unseen test dataset, namely Sub-Saharan Africa dataset, achieving mean Dice scores of 0.9737, 0.9593, and 0.9022, and HD95 of 2.66, 1.72, 3.32 for the whole tumor, tumor core, and enhancing tumor, respectively. The docker image for the winning submission is publicly available at (https://hub.docker.com/r/razeineldin/camed22).
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数据采集​​和注释中的困难基本上限制了3D医学成像应用的训练数据集的样本尺寸。结果,在没有足够的预训练参数的情况下,构建来自划痕的高性能3D卷积神经网络仍然是一项艰巨的任务。以前关于3D预培训的努力经常依赖于自我监督的方法,它在未标记的数据上使用预测或对比学习来构建不变的3D表示。然而,由于大规模监督信息的不可用,从这些学习框架获得语义不变和歧视性表示仍然存在问题。在本文中,我们重新审视了一种创新但简单的完全监督的3D网络预训练框架,以利用来自大型2D自然图像数据集的语义监督。通过重新设计的3D网络架构,重新设计的自然图像用于解决数据稀缺问题并开发强大的3D表示。四个基准数据集上的综合实验表明,所提出的预先接受的模型可以有效地加速收敛,同时还提高了各种3D医学成像任务,例如分类,分割和检测的准确性。此外,与从头划伤的训练相比,它可以节省高达60%的注释工作。在NIH Deeplesion数据集上,它同样地实现了最先进的检测性能,优于早期的自我监督和完全监督的预训练方法,以及从头训练进行培训的方法。为了促进3D医疗模型的进一步发展,我们的代码和预先接受的模型权重在https://github.com/urmagicsmine/cspr上公开使用。
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Recent advances in self-supervised learning (SSL) in computer vision are primarily comparative, whose goal is to preserve invariant and discriminative semantics in latent representations by comparing siamese image views. However, the preserved high-level semantics do not contain enough local information, which is vital in medical image analysis (e.g., image-based diagnosis and tumor segmentation). To mitigate the locality problem of comparative SSL, we propose to incorporate the task of pixel restoration for explicitly encoding more pixel-level information into high-level semantics. We also address the preservation of scale information, a powerful tool in aiding image understanding but has not drawn much attention in SSL. The resulting framework can be formulated as a multi-task optimization problem on the feature pyramid. Specifically, we conduct multi-scale pixel restoration and siamese feature comparison in the pyramid. In addition, we propose non-skip U-Net to build the feature pyramid and develop sub-crop to replace multi-crop in 3D medical imaging. The proposed unified SSL framework (PCRLv2) surpasses its self-supervised counterparts on various tasks, including brain tumor segmentation (BraTS 2018), chest pathology identification (ChestX-ray, CheXpert), pulmonary nodule detection (LUNA), and abdominal organ segmentation (LiTS), sometimes outperforming them by large margins with limited annotations.
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Glioblastomas是最具侵略性的快速生长的主要脑癌,起源于大脑的胶质细胞。准确鉴定恶性脑肿瘤及其子区域仍然是医学图像分割中最具挑战性问题之一。脑肿瘤分割挑战(Brats)是自动脑胶质细胞瘤分割算法的流行基准,自于其启动。在今年的挑战中,Brats 2021提供了2,000名术前患者的最大多参数(MPMRI)数据集。在本文中,我们提出了两个深度学习框架的新聚合,即在术前MPMRI中的自动胶质母细胞瘤识别的Deepseg和NNU-Net。我们的集合方法获得了92.00,87.33和84.10和Hausdorff距离为3.81,8.91和16.02的骰子相似度分数,用于增强肿瘤,肿瘤核心和全肿瘤区域,单独进行。这些实验结果提供了证据表明它可以在临床上容易地应用,从而助攻脑癌预后,治疗计划和治疗反应监测。
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State-of-the-art brain tumor segmentation is based on deep learning models applied to multi-modal MRIs. Currently, these models are trained on images after a preprocessing stage that involves registration, interpolation, brain extraction (BE, also known as skull-stripping) and manual correction by an expert. However, for clinical practice, this last step is tedious and time-consuming and, therefore, not always feasible, resulting in skull-stripping faults that can negatively impact the tumor segmentation quality. Still, the extent of this impact has never been measured for any of the many different BE methods available. In this work, we propose an automatic brain tumor segmentation pipeline and evaluate its performance with multiple BE methods. Our experiments show that the choice of a BE method can compromise up to 15.7% of the tumor segmentation performance. Moreover, we propose training and testing tumor segmentation models on non-skull-stripped images, effectively discarding the BE step from the pipeline. Our results show that this approach leads to a competitive performance at a fraction of the time. We conclude that, in contrast to the current paradigm, training tumor segmentation models on non-skull-stripped images can be the best option when high performance in clinical practice is desired.
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无监督的异常检测(UAD)只需要正常(健康)训练图像是实现医学图像分析(MIA)应用的重要工具,例如疾病筛查,因为通常难以收集和注释异常(或疾病)MIA中的图像。然而,严重依赖于正常图像可能导致模型训练过度填写正常类。自我监督的预训练是对这个问题的有效解决方案。遗憾的是,从计算机视觉调整的当前自我监督方法是MIA应用的次优,因为它们不探索设计借口任务或培训过程的MIA域知识。在本文中,我们提出了一种为MIA应用设计的UAD的新的自我监督的预训练方法,通过对比学习(MSACL)命名为多级强大增强。 MSACL基于新颖的优化,以对比正常和多种合成的异常图像,每个类在欧几里德距离和余弦相似度方面强制形成紧密和密集的聚类,其中通过模拟变化数量的病变形成异常图像在正常图像中的不同尺寸和外观。在实验中,我们表明,我们的MSACL预培训使用结肠镜检查,眼底筛选和Covid-19胸部X射线数据集来提高SOTA UAD方法的准确性。
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Clinical diagnostic and treatment decisions rely upon the integration of patient-specific data with clinical reasoning. Cancer presents a unique context that influence treatment decisions, given its diverse forms of disease evolution. Biomedical imaging allows noninvasive assessment of disease based on visual evaluations leading to better clinical outcome prediction and therapeutic planning. Early methods of brain cancer characterization predominantly relied upon statistical modeling of neuroimaging data. Driven by the breakthroughs in computer vision, deep learning became the de facto standard in the domain of medical imaging. Integrated statistical and deep learning methods have recently emerged as a new direction in the automation of the medical practice unifying multi-disciplinary knowledge in medicine, statistics, and artificial intelligence. In this study, we critically review major statistical and deep learning models and their applications in brain imaging research with a focus on MRI-based brain tumor segmentation. The results do highlight that model-driven classical statistics and data-driven deep learning is a potent combination for developing automated systems in clinical oncology.
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An increasing number of public datasets have shown a marked clinical impact on assessing anatomical structures. However, each of the datasets is small, partially labeled, and rarely investigates severe tumor subjects. Moreover, current models are limited to segmenting specific organs/tumors, which can not be extended to novel domains and classes. To tackle these limitations, we introduce embedding learned from Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) to segmentation models, dubbed the CLIP-Driven Universal Model. The Universal Model can better segment 25 organs and 6 types of tumors by exploiting the semantic relationship between abdominal structures. The model is developed from an assembly of 14 datasets with 3,410 CT scans and evaluated on 6,162 external CT scans from 3 datasets. We rank first on the public leaderboard of the Medical Segmentation Decathlon (MSD) and achieve the state-of-the-art results on Beyond The Cranial Vault (BTCV). Compared with dataset-specific models, the Universal Model is computationally more efficient (6x faster), generalizes better to CT scans from varying sites, and shows stronger transfer learning performance on novel tasks. The design of CLIP embedding enables the Universal Model to be easily extended to new classes without catastrophically forgetting the previously learned classes.
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Jitendra Malik once said, "Supervision is the opium of the AI researcher". Most deep learning techniques heavily rely on extreme amounts of human labels to work effectively. In today's world, the rate of data creation greatly surpasses the rate of data annotation. Full reliance on human annotations is just a temporary means to solve current closed problems in AI. In reality, only a tiny fraction of data is annotated. Annotation Efficient Learning (AEL) is a study of algorithms to train models effectively with fewer annotations. To thrive in AEL environments, we need deep learning techniques that rely less on manual annotations (e.g., image, bounding-box, and per-pixel labels), but learn useful information from unlabeled data. In this thesis, we explore five different techniques for handling AEL.
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本文提出了基于对脑肿瘤细分任务的普遍学习培训方法。在这一概念中,3D分割网络从双互惠对抗性学习方法学习。为了增强分割预测的概括并使分割网络稳健,我们通过在原始患者数据上添加一些噪声来通过增加一些噪声来遵循虚拟的对抗训练方法。通过将其作为定量主观裁判的评论者纳入了批评,分割网络从与分段结果相关的不确定性信息学习。我们在RSNA-ASNR-MICCAI BRATS 2021数据集上培训和评估网络架构。我们在线验证数据集的表现如下:骰子相似度得分为81.38%,90.77%和85.39%; Hausdorff距离(95±95±95毫米)分别为增强肿瘤,全肿瘤和肿瘤核心的5.37毫米,8.56毫米。同样,我们的方法实现了84.55%,90.46%和85.30%的骰子相似度得分,以及最终测试数据集上的13.48 mm,6.32毫米和16.98mm的Hausdorff距离(95 \%)。总体而言,我们所提出的方法对每个肿瘤次区域的分割准确性产生更好的性能。我们的代码实现在https://github.com/himashi92/vizviva_brats_2021上公开使用
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通过磁共振成像(MRI)评估肿瘤负担对于评估胶质母细胞瘤的治疗反应至关重要。由于疾病的高异质性和复杂性,该评估的性能很复杂,并且与高变异性相关。在这项工作中,我们解决了这个问题,并提出了一条深度学习管道,用于对胶质母细胞瘤患者进行全自动的端到端分析。我们的方法同时确定了肿瘤的子区域,包括第一步的肿瘤,周围肿瘤和手术腔,然后计算出遵循神经符号学(RANO)标准的当前响应评估的体积和双相测量。此外,我们引入了严格的手动注释过程,其随后是人类专家描绘肿瘤子区域的,并捕获其分割的信心,后来在训练深度学习模型时被使用。我们广泛的实验研究的结果超过了760次术前和504例从公共数据库获得的神经胶质瘤后患者(2021 - 2020年在19个地点获得)和临床治疗试验(47和69个地点,可用于公共数据库(在19个地点获得)(47和69个地点)术前/术后患者,2009-2011)并以彻底的定量,定性和统计分析进行了备份,表明我们的管道在手动描述时间的一部分中对术前和术后MRI进行了准确的分割(最高20比人更快。二维和体积测量与专家放射科医生非常吻合,我们表明RANO测量并不总是足以量化肿瘤负担。
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