随着在线聊天的日益普及,贴纸在我们的在线沟通中变得越来越重要。在开放域对话中选择适当的贴纸需要对对话和贴纸以及两种类型的方式之间的关系有全面的了解。为了应对这些挑战,我们提出了一种由三个辅助任务组成的多任务学习方法,以增强对对话历史,情感和语义含义的理解。在最近的一个具有挑战性的数据集中进行的广泛实验表明,我们的模型可以更好地结合多模式信息,并在强质基础上获得更高的精度。消融研究进一步验证了每个辅助任务的有效性。我们的代码可在\ url {https://github.com/nonstopfor/sticker-selection}中找到
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The goal of building dialogue agents that can converse with humans naturally has been a long-standing dream of researchers since the early days of artificial intelligence. The well-known Turing Test proposed to judge the ultimate validity of an artificial intelligence agent on the indistinguishability of its dialogues from humans'. It should come as no surprise that human-level dialogue systems are very challenging to build. But, while early effort on rule-based systems found limited success, the emergence of deep learning enabled great advance on this topic. In this thesis, we focus on methods that address the numerous issues that have been imposing the gap between artificial conversational agents and human-level interlocutors. These methods were proposed and experimented with in ways that were inspired by general state-of-the-art AI methodologies. But they also targeted the characteristics that dialogue systems possess.
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As sharing images in an instant message is a crucial factor, there has been active research on learning a image-text multi-modal dialogue model. However, training a well-generalized multi-modal dialogue model is challenging because existing multi-modal dialogue datasets contain a small number of data, limited topics, and a restricted variety of images per dialogue. In this paper, we present a multi-modal dialogue dataset creation pipeline that involves matching large-scale images to dialogues based on CLIP similarity. Using this automatic pipeline, we propose a large-scale multi-modal dialogue dataset, DialogCC, which covers diverse real-world topics and various images per dialogue. With extensive experiments, we demonstrate that training a multi-modal dialogue model with our dataset can improve generalization performance. Additionally, existing models trained with our dataset achieve state-of-the-art performance on image and text retrieval tasks. The source code and the dataset will be released after publication.
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在多方对话中有效地发现发言者的情绪状态是设计人类类似的会话代理商的重要性。在谈话期间,扬声器的认知状态通常由于某些过去的话语而改变,这可能导致他们的情绪状态的翻转。因此,在对话期间发现扬声器情感翻转背后的原因(触发)对于解释个人话语的情感标签至关重要。在本文中,除了解决对话中的情感认可的任务(ERC),我们介绍了一种新的任务 - 情感 - 翻转推理(EFR),旨在识别过去的话语,这引发了一个人的情绪状态以在一定时间翻转。我们提出了一个掩蔽的存储器网络来解决前者和基于变换器的网络的后一种任务。为此,我们考虑融合的基准情感识别数据集,用于ERC任务的多方对话,并使用EFR的新地基标签增强它。与五个最先进的模型进行了广泛的比较,表明我们对两个任务的模型的表现。我们进一步提出了轶事证据和定性和定量误差分析,以支持与基线相比模型的优势。
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Responding with multi-modal content has been recognized as an essential capability for an intelligent conversational agent. In this paper, we introduce the MMDialog dataset to better facilitate multi-modal conversation. MMDialog is composed of a curated set of 1.08 million real-world dialogues with 1.53 million unique images across 4,184 topics. MMDialog has two main and unique advantages. First, it is the largest multi-modal conversation dataset by the number of dialogues by 8x. Second, it contains massive topics to generalize the open-domain. To build engaging dialogue system with this dataset, we propose and normalize two response producing tasks based on retrieval and generative scenarios. In addition, we build two baselines for above tasks with state-of-the-art techniques and report their experimental performance. We also propose a novel evaluation metric MM-Relevance to measure the multi-modal responses. Our dataset and scripts are available in https://github.com/victorsungo/MMDialog.
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Causal Emotion Entailment aims to identify causal utterances that are responsible for the target utterance with a non-neutral emotion in conversations. Previous works are limited in thorough understanding of the conversational context and accurate reasoning of the emotion cause. To this end, we propose Knowledge-Bridged Causal Interaction Network (KBCIN) with commonsense knowledge (CSK) leveraged as three bridges. Specifically, we construct a conversational graph for each conversation and leverage the event-centered CSK as the semantics-level bridge (S-bridge) to capture the deep inter-utterance dependencies in the conversational context via the CSK-Enhanced Graph Attention module. Moreover, social-interaction CSK serves as emotion-level bridge (E-bridge) and action-level bridge (A-bridge) to connect candidate utterances with the target one, which provides explicit causal clues for the Emotional Interaction module and Actional Interaction module to reason the target emotion. Experimental results show that our model achieves better performance over most baseline models. Our source code is publicly available at https://github.com/circle-hit/KBCIN.
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预先接受训练的语言模型的最新进展具有显着改善的神经反应生成。但是,现有方法通常将对话背景视为令牌的线性序列,并通过令牌级自我关注学习生成下一个单词。这些令牌级编码阻碍了话语中话语水平一致性的探索。本文介绍了对话贝特,这是一种新的会话响应生成模型,可以增强以前的基于PLM的对话模型。 DialogBert采用分层变压器架构。为了有效地捕捉话语中的话语水平一致性,我们提出了两种培训目标,包括蒙面的话语回归和分布式话语秩序与原始BERT训练相比。在三个多转对谈话数据集上的实验表明,在定量评估方面,我们的方法非常优于BART和Dialogpt等基线。人类评估表明,DialogBert比具有显着利润率的基线产生更加连贯,信息和人类的反应。
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作为对话系统的基本组成部分,响应选择旨在挑选候选人之间的最佳反应,以继续对话。在现有研究中,这项任务通常被视为二进制分类问题,其中每个候选人分别排名以获取适当性。为了提高其性能,我们将此任务重构为一个多项选择问题,允许在一次性推断中进行最佳选择。这个新的视图激励我们提出一个名为全景 - 编码器的架构(我们的工作将是再现性和未来研究的开放来源。)具有新的候选人注意机制(CAM),这允许在响应之间进行情境方面的关注并导致良好-Gremator比较。此外,我们研究并纳入了一些已被证明有效改善响应选择的技术。三个基准测试的实验表明,我们的方法推动了最先进的,同时实现了大约3x的推理速度。
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Expressing empathy is important in everyday conversations, and exploring how empathy arises is crucial in automatic response generation. Most previous approaches consider only a single factor that affects empathy. However, in practice, empathy generation and expression is a very complex and dynamic psychological process. A listener needs to find out events which cause a speaker's emotions (emotion cause extraction), project the events into some experience (knowledge extension), and express empathy in the most appropriate way (communication mechanism). To this end, we propose a novel approach, which integrates the three components - emotion cause, knowledge graph, and communication mechanism for empathetic response generation. Experimental results on the benchmark dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our method and show that incorporating the key components generates more informative and empathetic responses.
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学习高质量的对话表示对于解决各种面向对话的任务至关重要,尤其是考虑到对话系统通常会遇到数据稀缺。在本文中,我们介绍了对话句子嵌入(DSE),这是一种自我监督的对比学习方法,它学习有效的对话表示,适合各种对话任务。 DSE通过连续进行与对比度学习的正面对话的连续对话来从对话中学习。尽管它很简单,但DSE的表现能力比其他对话表示和普遍的句子表示模型要好得多。我们评估DSE的五个下游对话任务,这些任务检查了不同语义粒度的对话表示。几次射击和零射击设置的实验表明,DSE的表现要优于基线。例如,它在6个数据集中的1-Shot意图分类中比最强的无监督基线实现了13%的平均绩效提高。我们还提供了有关模型的好处和局限性的分析。
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在对话系统中,具有类似语义的话语可能在不同的环境下具有独特的情绪。因此,与扬声器依赖关系建模的远程语境情绪关系在对话情绪识别中起重要作用。同时,区分不同的情绪类别是非微不足道的,因为它们通常具有语义上类似的情绪。为此,我们采取监督对比学习,使不同的情绪相互排斥,以更好地识别类似的情绪。同时,我们利用辅助响应生成任务来增强模型处理上下文信息的能力,从而强迫模型在不同的环境中识别与类似语义的情绪。为了实现这些目标,我们使用预先训练的编码器 - 解码器模型架作为我们的骨干模型,因为它非常适合理解和生成任务。四个数据集的实验表明,我们所提出的模型在对话情绪认可中获得比最先进的模型更有利的结果。消融研究进一步展示了监督对比损失和生成损失的有效性。
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Predicting emotions expressed in text is a well-studied problem in the NLP community. Recently there has been active research in extracting the cause of an emotion expressed in text. Most of the previous work has done causal emotion entailment in documents. In this work, we propose neural models to extract emotion cause span and entailment in conversations. For learning such models, we use RECCON dataset, which is annotated with cause spans at the utterance level. In particular, we propose MuTEC, an end-to-end Multi-Task learning framework for extracting emotions, emotion cause, and entailment in conversations. This is in contrast to existing baseline models that use ground truth emotions to extract the cause. MuTEC performs better than the baselines for most of the data folds provided in the dataset.
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