With large-scale adaption to biometric based applications, security and privacy of biometrics is utmost important especially when operating in unsupervised online mode. This work proposes a novel approach for generating new artificial fingerprints also called proxy fingerprints that are natural looking, non-invertible, revocable and privacy preserving. These proxy biometrics can be generated from original ones only with the help of a user-specific key. Instead of using the original fingerprint, these proxy templates can be used anywhere with same convenience. The manuscripts walks through an interesting way in which proxy fingerprints of different types can be generated and how they can be combined with use-specific keys to provide revocability and cancelability in case of compromise. Using the proposed approach a proxy dataset is generated from samples belonging to Anguli fingerprint database. Matching experiments were performed on the new set which is 5 times larger than the original, and it was found that their performance is at par with 0 FAR and 0 FRR in the stolen key, safe key scenarios. Other parameters on revocability and diversity are also analyzed for protection performance.
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As automated face recognition applications tend towards ubiquity, there is a growing need to secure the sensitive face data used within these systems. This paper presents a survey of biometric template protection (BTP) methods proposed for securing face templates (images/features) in neural-network-based face recognition systems. The BTP methods are categorised into two types: Non-NN and NN-learned. Non-NN methods use a neural network (NN) as a feature extractor, but the BTP part is based on a non-NN algorithm, whereas NN-learned methods employ a NN to learn a protected template from the unprotected template. We present examples of Non-NN and NN-learned face BTP methods from the literature, along with a discussion of their strengths and weaknesses. We also investigate the techniques used to evaluate these methods in terms of the three most common BTP criteria: recognition accuracy, irreversibility, and renewability/unlinkability. The recognition accuracy of protected face recognition systems is generally evaluated using the same (empirical) techniques employed for evaluating standard (unprotected) biometric systems. However, most irreversibility and renewability/unlinkability evaluations are found to be based on theoretical assumptions/estimates or verbal implications, with a lack of empirical validation in a practical face recognition context. So, we recommend a greater focus on empirical evaluations to provide more concrete insights into the irreversibility and renewability/unlinkability of face BTP methods in practice. Additionally, an exploration of the reproducibility of the studied BTP works, in terms of the public availability of their implementation code and evaluation datasets/procedures, suggests that it would be difficult to faithfully replicate most of the reported findings. So, we advocate for a push towards reproducibility, in the hope of advancing face BTP research.
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Palmprint recognition has become more and more popular due to its advantages over other biometric modalities such as fingerprint, in that it is larger in area, richer in information and able to work at a distance. However, the issue of palmprint privacy and security (especially palmprint template protection) remains under-studied. Among the very few research works, most of them only use the directional and orientation features of the palmprint with transformation processing, yielding unsatisfactory protection and identification performance. Thus, this paper proposes a palmprint template protection-oriented operator that has a fixed length and is ordered in nature, by fusing point features and orientation features. Firstly, double orientations are extracted with more accuracy based on MFRAT. Then key points of SURF are extracted and converted to be fixed-length and ordered features. Finally, composite features that fuse up the double orientations and SURF points are transformed using the irreversible transformation of IOM to generate the revocable palmprint template. Experiments show that the EER after irreversible transformation on the PolyU and CASIA databases are 0.17% and 0.19% respectively, and the absolute precision loss is 0.08% and 0.07%, respectively, which proves the advantage of our method.
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本文提出了一种保护用于代表基于神经网络的面部验证系统中的人面的敏感面嵌入的方法。 PolyProtect使用基于由用户特定系数和指数参数参数化的多变量多项式的映射将映射变换为更安全的模板。在这项工作中,在合作用户移动面验证上下文中的两个开源面部识别系统中,在最艰难的威胁模型中对PolyProtect进行评估,该模型具有完全通知的攻击者,具有完全了解系统和其所有参数。结果表明,可以调整聚类以在多保护面部验证系统的识别准确性和多保护模板的不可逆转之间实现令人满意的权衡。此外,示出了聚保模板可有效地解释,特别是如果以非天真的方式选择在聚类映射中使用的用户特定参数。评估使用实用方法进行了实用方法,以在实践中将方法的鲁棒性展示在该方法的侵略性保护方案中。使用公开可用的代码,此工作完全可再现:https://gitlab.idiap.ch/bob/bob.paper.polyprotect_2021。
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生成模型的面部匿名化已经变得越来越普遍,因为它们通过生成虚拟面部图像来消毒私人信息,从而确保隐私和图像实用程序。在删除或保护原始身份后,通常无法识别此类虚拟面部图像。在本文中,我们将生成可识别的虚拟面部图像的问题形式化和解决。我们的虚拟脸部图像在视觉上与原始图像不同,以保护隐私保护。此外,它们具有新的虚拟身份,可直接用于面部识别。我们建议可识别的虚拟面部发电机(IVFG)生成虚拟面部图像。 IVFG根据用户特定的键将原始面部图像的潜在矢量投射到虚拟图像中,该键基于该图像生成虚拟面部图像。为了使虚拟面部图像可识别,我们提出了一个多任务学习目标以及一个三联生的培训策略,以学习IVFG。我们使用不同面部图像数据集上的不同面部识别器评估虚拟面部图像的性能,所有这些都证明了IVFG在生成可识别的虚拟面部图像中的有效性。
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The vulnerabilities of fingerprint-based recognition systems to direct attacks with and without the cooperation of the user are studied. Two different systems, one minutiae-based and one ridge feature-based, are evaluated on a database of real and fake fingerprints. Based on the fingerprint images quality and on the results achieved on different operational scenarios, we obtain a number of statistically significant observations regarding the robustness of the systems.
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我们提出了一种方法,可以针对加密域中的大型画廊搜索探针(或查询)图像表示。我们要求探针和画廊图像以固定长度表示形式表示,这对于从学习的网络获得的表示是典型的。我们的加密方案对如何获得固定长度表示不可知,因此可以应用于任何应用域中的任何固定长度表示。我们的方法被称为HERS(同派加密表示搜索),是通过(i)压缩表示其估计的固有维度的表示,而准确性的最小损失(ii)使用拟议的完全同质加密方案和(iii)有效地加密压缩表示形式(ii)直接在加密域中直接搜索加密表示的画廊,而不会解密它们。大型面部,指纹和对象数据集(例如ImageNet)上的数值结果表明,在加密域中,首次准确且快速的图像搜索是可行的(500秒; $ 275 \ times $ 275 \ times $ speed胜过状态 - 与1亿个画廊的加密搜索有关)。代码可从https://github.com/human-analysis/hers-ecrypted-image-search获得。
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Large training data and expensive model tweaking are standard features of deep learning for images. As a result, data owners often utilize cloud resources to develop large-scale complex models, which raises privacy concerns. Existing solutions are either too expensive to be practical or do not sufficiently protect the confidentiality of data and models. In this paper, we study and compare novel \emph{image disguising} mechanisms, DisguisedNets and InstaHide, aiming to achieve a better trade-off among the level of protection for outsourced DNN model training, the expenses, and the utility of data. DisguisedNets are novel combinations of image blocktization, block-level random permutation, and two block-level secure transformations: random multidimensional projection (RMT) and AES pixel-level encryption (AES). InstaHide is an image mixup and random pixel flipping technique \cite{huang20}. We have analyzed and evaluated them under a multi-level threat model. RMT provides a better security guarantee than InstaHide, under the Level-1 adversarial knowledge with well-preserved model quality. In contrast, AES provides a security guarantee under the Level-2 adversarial knowledge, but it may affect model quality more. The unique features of image disguising also help us to protect models from model-targeted attacks. We have done an extensive experimental evaluation to understand how these methods work in different settings for different datasets.
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大多数视觉检索应用程序商店都有用于下游匹配任务的向量。这些向量从可以监视用户信息的地方,如果不仔细保护,将导致隐私泄漏。为了减轻隐私风险,当前的作品主要利用不可变形的转换或完全加密算法。但是,基于转换的方法通常无法实现令人满意的匹配性能,而密码系统则遭受了大量的计算开销。此外,应提高当前方法的安全水平,以面对潜在的对手攻击。为了解决这些问题,本文提出了一个称为SecureVector的插件模块,该模块通过随机排列,4L-DEC转换和现有同构加密技术来保护功能。 SecureVector首次实现了实时的实时和无损的功能匹配,而且安全级别比当前的最新设备高得多。关于面部识别,重新识别,图像检索和隐私分析的广泛实验证明了我们方法的有效性。鉴于该领域的公共项目有限,我们的方法和实施基准的代码是在https://github.com/irvingmeng/securevector中进行开源的。
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在最近的过去,不同的研究人员提出了新的隐私增强的人脸识别系统,旨在在特征级别隐藏软生物信息。这些作品报告了令人印象深刻的结果,但通常在他们对隐私保护的分析中不考虑具体攻击。在大多数情况下,通过简单的基于机器学习的分类器和维度减少工具的可视化测试这些方案的隐私保护能力。在这项工作中,我们介绍了一个关于基于级别的面部软生物识别隐私 - 增强技术的攻击。攻击基于两个观察:(1)实现高度识别准确性,面部陈述之间的某些相似之处必须保留在其隐私增强版本中; (2)高度相似的面部表示通常来自具有相似软生物识别属性的面部图像。基于这些观察,所提出的攻击将隐私增强的面部表示与具有已知的软生物识别属性的一组隐私增强的面部表示进行了比较。随后,分析了最佳获得的相似度分数以推断攻击隐私增强的面部表示的未知软生物识别属性。也就是说,攻击仅需要一个相对较小的任意面部图像数据库和作为黑盒的隐私增强的人脸识别算法。在实验中,该攻击应用于先前据报道的两种代表性方法,以可靠地隐藏在隐私增强的面部陈述中的性别。结果表明,所呈现的攻击能够规避隐私提升到相当程度,并且能够正确地对性别进行分类,以准确性为分析的隐私增强面部识别系统的准确性高达约90%。
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深度神经网络在人类分析中已经普遍存在,增强了应用的性能,例如生物识别识别,动作识别以及人重新识别。但是,此类网络的性能通过可用的培训数据缩放。在人类分析中,对大规模数据集的需求构成了严重的挑战,因为数据收集乏味,廉价,昂贵,并且必须遵守数据保护法。当前的研究研究了\ textit {合成数据}的生成,作为在现场收集真实数据的有效且具有隐私性的替代方案。这项调查介绍了基本定义和方法,在生成和采用合成数据进行人类分析时必不可少。我们进行了一项调查,总结了当前的最新方法以及使用合成数据的主要好处。我们还提供了公开可用的合成数据集和生成模型的概述。最后,我们讨论了该领域的局限性以及开放研究问题。这项调查旨在为人类分析领域的研究人员和从业人员提供。
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在指纹识别领域工作的研究人员的主要障碍是缺乏公开的,大规模的指纹数据集。确实存在的公开数据集包含每个手指的少数身份和印象。这限制了关于许多主题的研究,包括例如,使用深网络来学习固定长度指纹嵌入。因此,我们提出了Printsgan,一种能够产生独特指纹的合成指纹发生器以及给定指纹的多个印象。使用Printsgan,我们合成525,000个指纹的数据库(35,000个不同的手指,每次有15个印象)。接下来,我们通过训练深网络来提取来自指纹的固定长度嵌入的固定长度来显示Printsgan生成的数据集的实用程序。特别是,对我们的合成指纹培训并进行微调的嵌入式模型和在NIST SD302的25,000个印刷品上进行微调)在NIST SD4数据库上获得87.03%的焦点为87.03%(一个升压)当仅在NIST SD302上培训时,来自Tar = 73.37%)。普遍的合成指纹产生方法不会使I)缺乏现实主义或ii)无法产生多个印象。我们计划向公众释放我们的合成指纹数据库。
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本文提出了一种非相互作用的端到端解决方案,用于使用完全同构加密(FHE)的生物识别模板的安全融合和匹配。给定一对加密的特征向量,我们执行以下密码操作,i)特征串联,ii)通过学习的线性投影降低融合和尺寸,iii)缩放到单位$ \ ell_2 $ -norm和iv)匹配分数计算。我们的方法被称为heft(生物识别模板的同派加密融合),是定制设计的,以克服FHE所施加的独特约束,即缺乏对非偏心操作的支持。从推论的角度来看,我们系统地探索了不同的数据包装方案,以进行计算有效的线性投影,并引入多项式近似来进行比例归一化。从训练的角度来看,我们引入了一种了解线性投影矩阵的FHE感知算法,以减轻近似归一化引起的错误。与各自的UNIBIOMETICTAINS相比,对面部和语音生物识别技术的模板融合和匹配的实验评估表明,(I)将生物识别验证性能提高了11.07%和9.58%的AUROC,同时将特征向量压缩为16(512d至32d), ,(ii)融合了一对加密的特征向量,并计算出在884毫秒内的1024个画廊的匹配分数。代码和数据可在https://github.com/human-analysis/crypted-biometric-fusion上获得
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第五代(5G)网络和超越设想巨大的东西互联网(物联网)推出,以支持延长现实(XR),增强/虚拟现实(AR / VR),工业自动化,自主驾驶和智能所有带来的破坏性应用一起占用射频(RF)频谱的大规模和多样化的IOT设备。随着频谱嘎嘎和吞吐量挑战,这种大规模的无线设备暴露了前所未有的威胁表面。 RF指纹识别是预约的作为候选技术,可以与加密和零信任安全措施相结合,以确保无线网络中的数据隐私,机密性和完整性。在未来的通信网络中,在这项工作中,在未来的通信网络中的相关性,我们对RF指纹识别方法进行了全面的调查,从传统观点到最近的基于深度学习(DL)的算法。现有的调查大多专注于无线指纹方法的受限制呈现,然而,许多方面仍然是不可能的。然而,在这项工作中,我们通过解决信号智能(SIGINT),应用程序,相关DL算法,RF指纹技术的系统文献综述来缓解这一点,跨越过去二十年的RF指纹技术的系统文献综述,对数据集和潜在研究途径的讨论 - 必须以百科全书的方式阐明读者的必要条件。
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Recent years witnessed the breakthrough of face recognition with deep convolutional neural networks. Dozens of papers in the field of FR are published every year. Some of them were applied in the industrial community and played an important role in human life such as device unlock, mobile payment, and so on. This paper provides an introduction to face recognition, including its history, pipeline, algorithms based on conventional manually designed features or deep learning, mainstream training, evaluation datasets, and related applications. We have analyzed and compared state-of-the-art works as many as possible, and also carefully designed a set of experiments to find the effect of backbone size and data distribution. This survey is a material of the tutorial named The Practical Face Recognition Technology in the Industrial World in the FG2023.
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