我们提出了一种可扩展高效的神经波形编码系统,用于语音压缩。我们将语音编码问题作为一种自动汇总任务,其中卷积神经网络(CNN)在其前馈例程期间执行编码和解码作为神经波形编解码器(NWC)。所提出的NWC还将量化和熵编码定义为可培训模块,因此在优化过程期间处理编码伪像和比特率控制。通过将紧凑的模型组件引入NWC,如Gated Reseal Networks和深度可分离卷积,我们实现了效率。此外,所提出的模型具有可扩展的架构,跨模块残差学习(CMRL),以覆盖各种比特率。为此,我们采用残余编码概念来连接多个NWC自动汇总模块,其中每个NWC模块执行残差编码以恢复其上一模块已创建的任何重建损失。 CMRL也可以缩小以覆盖下比特率,因为它采用线性预测编码(LPC)模块作为其第一自动化器。混合设计通过将LPC的量化作为可分散的过程重新定义LPC和NWC集成,使系统培训端到端的方式。所提出的系统的解码器在低至中等比特率范围(12至20kbps)或高比特率(32kbps)中的两个NWC中的一个NWC(0.12百万个参数)。尽管解码复杂性尚不低于传统语音编解码器的复杂性,但是从其他神经语音编码器(例如基于WVENET的声码器)显着降低。对于宽带语音编码质量,我们的系统对AMR-WB的性能相当或卓越的性能,并在低和中等比特率下的速度试验话题上的表现。所提出的系统可以扩展到更高的比特率以实现近透明性能。
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神经音频/语音编码表明其能力比最近的传统方法低得多的比特率。但是,现有的神经音频/语音编解码器采用声学特征或具有卷积神经网络的学术盲功能来编码,通过该特征,编码功能中仍有时间冗余。本文将潜在域预测性编码引入VQ-VAE框架中,以完全删除此类冗余,并以端到端的方式提出了低延迟神经语音编码的TF-CODEC。具体而言,提取的特征是根据过去量化潜在框架的预测进行编码的,以便进一步删除时间相关性。更重要的是,我们在时间频输入上引入了可学习的压缩,以适应对不同比特率的主要频率和细节的关注。提出了一种基于距离映射和Gumbel-softmax的可区分矢量量化方案,以更好地模拟具有速率约束的潜在分布。多语言语音数据集的主观结果表明,在40ms的潜伏期中,提议的1kbps的TF-Codec可以比Opus 9Kbps和3Kbps的TF-Codec取得更好的质量,而3Kbps的表现都优于EVS 9.6kbps和Opus 12kbps。进行了许多研究以显示这些技术的有效性。
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事实证明,神经网络是以非常低的比特率解决语音编码问题的强大工具。但是,可以在现实世界中可以强大操作的神经编码器的设计仍然是一个重大挑战。因此,我们提出了神经末端2端语音编解码器(NESC),可用于3 kbps的高质量宽带语音编码的稳定,可扩展的端到端神经语音编解码器。编码器使用一种新的体系结构配置,该配置依赖于我们提出的双PATHCONVRNN(DPCRNN)层,而解码器体系结构基于我们以前的工作streamwise-stylemelgan。我们对干净和嘈杂的语音的主观听力测试表明,NESC对于看不见的条件和信号扰动特别强大。
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最近在各种语音域应用中提出了卷积增强的变压器(构象异构体),例如自动语音识别(ASR)和语音分离,因为它们可以捕获本地和全球依赖性。在本文中,我们提出了一个基于构型的度量生成对抗网络(CMGAN),以在时间频率(TF)域中进行语音增强(SE)。发电机使用两阶段构象体块编码大小和复杂的频谱图信息,以模拟时间和频率依赖性。然后,解码器将估计分解为尺寸掩模的解码器分支,以滤除不需要的扭曲和复杂的细化分支,以进一步改善幅度估计并隐式增强相信息。此外,我们还包括一个度量歧视器来通过优化相应的评估评分来减轻度量不匹配。客观和主观评估表明,与三个语音增强任务(DeNoising,dereverberation和Super-Losity)中的最新方法相比,CMGAN能够表现出卓越的性能。例如,对语音库+需求数据集的定量降解分析表明,CMGAN的表现优于以前的差距,即PESQ为3.41,SSNR为11.10 dB。
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Most semantic communication systems leverage deep learning models to provide end-to-end transmission performance surpassing the established source and channel coding approaches. While, so far, research has mainly focused on architecture and model improvements, but such a model trained over a full dataset and ergodic channel responses is unlikely to be optimal for every test instance. Due to limitations on the model capacity and imperfect optimization and generalization, such learned models will be suboptimal especially when the testing data distribution or channel response is different from that in the training phase, as is likely to be the case in practice. To tackle this, in this paper, we propose a novel semantic communication paradigm by leveraging the deep learning model's overfitting property. Our model can for instance be updated after deployment, which can further lead to substantial gains in terms of the transmission rate-distortion (RD) performance. This new system is named adaptive semantic communication (ASC). In our ASC system, the ingredients of wireless transmitted stream include both the semantic representations of source data and the adapted decoder model parameters. Specifically, we take the overfitting concept to the extreme, proposing a series of ingenious methods to adapt the semantic codec or representations to an individual data or channel state instance. The whole ASC system design is formulated as an optimization problem whose goal is to minimize the loss function that is a tripartite tradeoff among the data rate, model rate, and distortion terms. The experiments (including user study) verify the effectiveness and efficiency of our ASC system. Notably, the substantial gain of our overfitted coding paradigm can catalyze semantic communication upgrading to a new era.
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Single-channel, speaker-independent speech separation methods have recently seen great progress. However, the accuracy, latency, and computational cost of such methods remain insufficient. The majority of the previous methods have formulated the separation problem through the time-frequency representation of the mixed signal, which has several drawbacks, including the decoupling of the phase and magnitude of the signal, the suboptimality of time-frequency representation for speech separation, and the long latency in calculating the spectrograms. To address these shortcomings, we propose a fully-convolutional time-domain audio separation network (Conv-TasNet), a deep learning framework for end-to-end time-domain speech separation. Conv-TasNet uses a linear encoder to generate a representation of the speech waveform optimized for separating individual speakers. Speaker separation is achieved by applying a set of weighting functions (masks) to the encoder output. The modified encoder representations are then inverted back to the waveforms using a linear decoder. The masks are found using a temporal convolutional network (TCN) consisting of stacked 1-D dilated convolutional blocks, which allows the network to model the long-term dependencies of the speech signal while maintaining a small model size. The proposed Conv-TasNet system significantly outperforms previous time-frequency masking methods in separating two-and three-speaker mixtures. Additionally, Conv-TasNet surpasses several ideal time-frequency magnitude masks in two-speaker speech separation as evaluated by both objective distortion measures and subjective quality assessment by human listeners. Finally, Conv-TasNet has a significantly smaller model size and a shorter minimum latency, making it a suitable solution for both offline and real-time speech separation applications. This study therefore represents a major step toward the realization of speech separation systems for real-world speech processing technologies.
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比特率可伸缩性是实时通信中音频编码的理想功能。现有的神经音频编解码器通常在训练过程中强制执行特定的比特率,因此需要为每个目标比特率对不同的模型进行培训,这增加了发送者的内存足迹,并且接收器侧和反编码通常需要用于支持多个接收器。在本文中,我们引入了跨尺度可扩展矢量量化方案(CSVQ),其中多尺度特征通过逐步特征融合和改进逐渐编码。这样,如果仅接收到一部分bitstream,则重建粗级信号,并且随着更多的可用位而逐渐改善质量。提出的CSVQ方案可以灵活地应用于具有镜像自动编码器结构的任何神经音频编码网络,以实现比特量的可伸缩性。主观结果表明,所提出的方案的表现优于经典残差VQ(RVQ)。此外,拟议的3 kbps的CSVQ以9 kbps的价格优于3kbps的lyra,它可以随着比特率的增加提供优雅的质量提升。
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While machine learning is traditionally a resource intensive task, embedded systems, autonomous navigation, and the vision of the Internet of Things fuel the interest in resource-efficient approaches. These approaches aim for a carefully chosen trade-off between performance and resource consumption in terms of computation and energy. The development of such approaches is among the major challenges in current machine learning research and key to ensure a smooth transition of machine learning technology from a scientific environment with virtually unlimited computing resources into everyday's applications. In this article, we provide an overview of the current state of the art of machine learning techniques facilitating these real-world requirements. In particular, we focus on deep neural networks (DNNs), the predominant machine learning models of the past decade. We give a comprehensive overview of the vast literature that can be mainly split into three non-mutually exclusive categories: (i) quantized neural networks, (ii) network pruning, and (iii) structural efficiency. These techniques can be applied during training or as post-processing, and they are widely used to reduce the computational demands in terms of memory footprint, inference speed, and energy efficiency. We also briefly discuss different concepts of embedded hardware for DNNs and their compatibility with machine learning techniques as well as potential for energy and latency reduction. We substantiate our discussion with experiments on well-known benchmark datasets using compression techniques (quantization, pruning) for a set of resource-constrained embedded systems, such as CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs. The obtained results highlight the difficulty of finding good trade-offs between resource efficiency and predictive performance.
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通过大量多输入和多重输出实现的许多性能增长取决于发射机(基站)下链路通道状态信息(CSI)的准确性,这通常是通过在接收器(用户终端)估算并馈入的。到发射器。 CSI反馈的开销占据了大量的上行链路带宽资源,尤其是当传输天线数量较大时。基于深度学习(DL)的CSI反馈是指基于DL的自动编码器的CSI压缩和重建,并且可以大大减少反馈开销。在本文中,提供了有关该主题的最新研究的全面概述,首先是在CSI反馈中广泛使用的基本DL概念,然后对一些现有的基于DL的反馈作品进行分类和描述。重点是新型的神经网络体系结构和沟通专家知识的利用来提高CSI反馈准确性。还介绍了有关CSI反馈和CSI反馈与其他通信模块的联合设计的作品,并讨论了一些实际问题,包括培训数据集收集,在线培训,复杂性,概括和标准化效果。在本文的最后,确定了与未来无线通信系统中基于DL的CSI反馈相关的一些挑战和潜在的研究方向。
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我们呈现深度,第一端到端联合源通道编码(JSCC)视频传输方案,其利用深神经网络(DNN)的力量直接将视频信号映射到信道符号,组合视频压缩,信道编码并且调制步骤进入单个神经变换。我们的DNN解码器预测无失真反馈的残差,这通过占闭塞/脱离和相机运动来提高视频质量。我们同时培训不同的带宽分配网络,以允许变量带宽传输。然后,我们使用强化学习(RL)训练带宽分配网络,该钢筋学习(RL)优化视频帧之间的有限可用信道带宽的分配,以最大限度地提高整体视觉质量。我们的研究结果表明,深度可以克服悬崖效应,这在传统的分离的数字通信方案中普遍存在,并在估计和实际信道质量之间取得不匹配来实现优雅的降级。 DeepWive优于H.264视频压缩,然后在所有信道条件下的低密度奇偶校验(LDPC)代码在多尺度结构相似性指数(MS-SSIM)方面平均达到0.0462,同时跳动H.265 + LDPC平均高达0.0058。我们还说明了通过显示我们的最佳带宽分配策略优于NA \“IVE统一分配来优化JSCC视频传输中的带宽分配的重要性。我们相信这是实现端到端潜力的重要一步优化的JSCC无线视频传输系统优于当前的基于分离的设计。
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我们引入基于实例自适应学习的视频压缩算法。在要传输的每个视频序列上,我们介绍了预训练的压缩模型。最佳参数与潜在代码一起发送到接收器。通过熵编码在合适的混合模型下的参数更新,我们确保可以有效地编码网络参数。该实例自适应压缩算法对于基础模型的选择是不可知的,并且具有改进任何神经视频编解码器的可能性。在UVG,HEVC和XIPH数据集上,我们的CODEC通过21%至26%的BD速率节省,提高了低延迟尺度空间流量模型的性能,以及最先进的B帧模型17至20%的BD速率储蓄。我们还证明了实例 - 自适应FineTuning改善了域移位的鲁棒性。最后,我们的方法降低了压缩模型的容量要求。我们表明它即使在将网络大小减少72%之后也能实现最先进的性能。
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Along with the springing up of semantics-empowered communication (SemCom) researches, it is now witnessing an unprecedentedly growing interest towards a wide range of aspects (e.g., theories, applications, metrics and implementations) in both academia and industry. In this work, we primarily aim to provide a comprehensive survey on both the background and research taxonomy, as well as a detailed technical tutorial. Specifically, we start by reviewing the literature and answering the "what" and "why" questions in semantic transmissions. Afterwards, we present corresponding ecosystems, including theories, metrics, datasets and toolkits, on top of which the taxonomy for research directions is presented. Furthermore, we propose to categorize the critical enabling techniques by explicit and implicit reasoning-based methods, and elaborate on how they evolve and contribute to modern content \& channel semantics-empowered communications. Besides reviewing and summarizing the latest efforts in SemCom, we discuss the relations with other communication levels (e.g., reliable and goal-oriented communications) from a holistic and unified viewpoint. Subsequently, in order to facilitate the future developments and industrial applications, we also highlight advanced practical techniques for boosting semantic accuracy, robustness, and large-scale scalability, just to mention a few. Finally, we discuss the technical challenges that shed light on future research opportunities.
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Deep neural networks (DNNs) are currently widely used for many artificial intelligence (AI) applications including computer vision, speech recognition, and robotics. While DNNs deliver state-of-the-art accuracy on many AI tasks, it comes at the cost of high computational complexity. Accordingly, techniques that enable efficient processing of DNNs to improve energy efficiency and throughput without sacrificing application accuracy or increasing hardware cost are critical to the wide deployment of DNNs in AI systems.This article aims to provide a comprehensive tutorial and survey about the recent advances towards the goal of enabling efficient processing of DNNs. Specifically, it will provide an overview of DNNs, discuss various hardware platforms and architectures that support DNNs, and highlight key trends in reducing the computation cost of DNNs either solely via hardware design changes or via joint hardware design and DNN algorithm changes. It will also summarize various development resources that enable researchers and practitioners to quickly get started in this field, and highlight important benchmarking metrics and design considerations that should be used for evaluating the rapidly growing number of DNN hardware designs, optionally including algorithmic co-designs, being proposed in academia and industry.The reader will take away the following concepts from this article: understand the key design considerations for DNNs; be able to evaluate different DNN hardware implementations with benchmarks and comparison metrics; understand the trade-offs between various hardware architectures and platforms; be able to evaluate the utility of various DNN design techniques for efficient processing; and understand recent implementation trends and opportunities.
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