采样在机器学习方法中无处不在。由于大数据集和模型复杂性的增长,我们希望在训练A表示时学习和适应采样过程。为了实现这一宏伟的目标,已经提出了各种抽样技术。但是,他们中的大多数要么使用固定采样方案,要么基于简单的启发式方法调整采样方案。他们不能选择在不同阶段进行模型培训的最佳样本。受认知科学中的“思考,快速和系统2)的启发,我们提出了一种奖励指导的采样策略,称为自适应样本,并奖励(ASR)来应对这一挑战。据我们所知,这是利用强化学习(RL)解决代表学习中抽样问题的第一项工作。我们的方法最佳地调整了采样过程以实现最佳性能。我们通过基于距离的采样来探索样品之间的地理关系,以最大程度地提高整体累积奖励。我们将ASR应用于基于相似性的损失函数中的长期抽样问题。信息检索和聚类中的经验结果证明了ASR在不同数据集中的出色性能。我们还讨论了一种令人着迷的现象,我们将其称为实验中的“ ASR重力”。
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尽管深度强化学习(RL)最近取得了许多成功,但其方法仍然效率低下,这使得在数据方面解决了昂贵的许多问题。我们的目标是通过利用未标记的数据中的丰富监督信号来进行学习状态表示,以解决这一问题。本文介绍了三种不同的表示算法,可以访问传统RL算法使用的数据源的不同子集使用:(i)GRICA受到独立组件分析(ICA)的启发,并训练深层神经网络以输出统计独立的独立特征。输入。 Grica通过最大程度地减少每个功能与其他功能之间的相互信息来做到这一点。此外,格里卡仅需要未分类的环境状态。 (ii)潜在表示预测(LARP)还需要更多的上下文:除了要求状态作为输入外,它还需要先前的状态和连接它们的动作。该方法通过预测当前状态和行动的环境的下一个状态来学习状态表示。预测器与图形搜索算法一起使用。 (iii)重新培训通过训练深层神经网络来学习国家表示,以学习奖励功能的平滑版本。该表示形式用于预处理输入到深度RL,而奖励预测指标用于奖励成型。此方法仅需要环境中的状态奖励对学习表示表示。我们发现,每种方法都有其优势和缺点,并从我们的实验中得出结论,包括无监督的代表性学习在RL解决问题的管道中可以加快学习的速度。
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深度强化学习(DRL)和深度多机构的强化学习(MARL)在包括游戏AI,自动驾驶汽车,机器人技术等各种领域取得了巨大的成功。但是,众所周知,DRL和Deep MARL代理的样本效率低下,即使对于相对简单的问题设置,通常也需要数百万个相互作用,从而阻止了在实地场景中的广泛应用和部署。背后的一个瓶颈挑战是众所周知的探索问题,即如何有效地探索环境和收集信息丰富的经验,从而使政策学习受益于最佳研究。在稀疏的奖励,吵闹的干扰,长距离和非平稳的共同学习者的复杂环境中,这个问题变得更加具有挑战性。在本文中,我们对单格和多代理RL的现有勘探方法进行了全面的调查。我们通过确定有效探索的几个关键挑战开始调查。除了上述两个主要分支外,我们还包括其他具有不同思想和技术的著名探索方法。除了算法分析外,我们还对一组常用基准的DRL进行了全面和统一的经验比较。根据我们的算法和实证研究,我们终于总结了DRL和Deep Marl中探索的公开问题,并指出了一些未来的方向。
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Adequately assigning credit to actions for future outcomes based on their contributions is a long-standing open challenge in Reinforcement Learning. The assumptions of the most commonly used credit assignment method are disadvantageous in tasks where the effects of decisions are not immediately evident. Furthermore, this method can only evaluate actions that have been selected by the agent, making it highly inefficient. Still, no alternative methods have been widely adopted in the field. Hindsight Credit Assignment is a promising, but still unexplored candidate, which aims to solve the problems of both long-term and counterfactual credit assignment. In this thesis, we empirically investigate Hindsight Credit Assignment to identify its main benefits, and key points to improve. Then, we apply it to factored state representations, and in particular to state representations based on the causal structure of the environment. In this setting, we propose a variant of Hindsight Credit Assignment that effectively exploits a given causal structure. We show that our modification greatly decreases the workload of Hindsight Credit Assignment, making it more efficient and enabling it to outperform the baseline credit assignment method on various tasks. This opens the way to other methods based on given or learned causal structures.
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Reinforcement learning (RL) gained considerable attention by creating decision-making agents that maximize rewards received from fully observable environments. However, many real-world problems are partially or noisily observable by nature, where agents do not receive the true and complete state of the environment. Such problems are formulated as partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs). Some studies applied RL to POMDPs by recalling previous decisions and observations or inferring the true state of the environment from received observations. Nevertheless, aggregating observations and decisions over time is impractical for environments with high-dimensional continuous state and action spaces. Moreover, so-called inference-based RL approaches require large number of samples to perform well since agents eschew uncertainty in the inferred state for the decision-making. Active inference is a framework that is naturally formulated in POMDPs and directs agents to select decisions by minimising expected free energy (EFE). This supplies reward-maximising (exploitative) behaviour in RL, with an information-seeking (exploratory) behaviour. Despite this exploratory behaviour of active inference, its usage is limited to discrete state and action spaces due to the computational difficulty of the EFE. We propose a unified principle for joint information-seeking and reward maximization that clarifies a theoretical connection between active inference and RL, unifies active inference and RL, and overcomes their aforementioned limitations. Our findings are supported by strong theoretical analysis. The proposed framework's superior exploration property is also validated by experimental results on partial observable tasks with high-dimensional continuous state and action spaces. Moreover, the results show that our model solves reward-free problems, making task reward design optional.
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由于共同国家行动空间相对于代理人的数量,多代理强化学习(MARL)中的政策学习(MARL)是具有挑战性的。为了实现更高的可伸缩性,通过分解执行(CTDE)的集中式培训范式被MARL中的分解结构广泛采用。但是,我们观察到,即使在简单的矩阵游戏中,合作MARL中现有的CTDE算法也无法实现最佳性。为了理解这种现象,我们引入了一个具有政策分解(GPF-MAC)的广义多代理参与者批评的框架,该框架的特征是对分解的联合政策的学习,即,每个代理人的政策仅取决于其自己的观察行动历史。我们表明,最受欢迎的CTDE MARL算法是GPF-MAC的特殊实例,可能会陷入次优的联合政策中。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个新颖的转型框架,该框架将多代理的MDP重新制定为具有连续结构的特殊“单位代理” MDP,并且可以允许使用现成的单机械加固学习(SARL)算法来有效地学习相应的多代理任务。这种转换保留了SARL算法的最佳保证,以合作MARL。为了实例化此转换框架,我们提出了一个转换的PPO,称为T-PPO,该PPO可以在有限的多代理MDP中进行理论上执行最佳的策略学习,并在一系列合作的多代理任务上显示出明显的超出性能。
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Transformer, originally devised for natural language processing, has also attested significant success in computer vision. Thanks to its super expressive power, researchers are investigating ways to deploy transformers to reinforcement learning (RL) and the transformer-based models have manifested their potential in representative RL benchmarks. In this paper, we collect and dissect recent advances on transforming RL by transformer (transformer-based RL or TRL), in order to explore its development trajectory and future trend. We group existing developments in two categories: architecture enhancement and trajectory optimization, and examine the main applications of TRL in robotic manipulation, text-based games, navigation and autonomous driving. For architecture enhancement, these methods consider how to apply the powerful transformer structure to RL problems under the traditional RL framework, which model agents and environments much more precisely than deep RL methods, but they are still limited by the inherent defects of traditional RL algorithms, such as bootstrapping and "deadly triad". For trajectory optimization, these methods treat RL problems as sequence modeling and train a joint state-action model over entire trajectories under the behavior cloning framework, which are able to extract policies from static datasets and fully use the long-sequence modeling capability of the transformer. Given these advancements, extensions and challenges in TRL are reviewed and proposals about future direction are discussed. We hope that this survey can provide a detailed introduction to TRL and motivate future research in this rapidly developing field.
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Model-free deep reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms have been demonstrated on a range of challenging decision making and control tasks. However, these methods typically suffer from two major challenges: very high sample complexity and brittle convergence properties, which necessitate meticulous hyperparameter tuning. Both of these challenges severely limit the applicability of such methods to complex, real-world domains. In this paper, we propose soft actor-critic, an offpolicy actor-critic deep RL algorithm based on the maximum entropy reinforcement learning framework. In this framework, the actor aims to maximize expected reward while also maximizing entropy. That is, to succeed at the task while acting as randomly as possible. Prior deep RL methods based on this framework have been formulated as Q-learning methods. By combining off-policy updates with a stable stochastic actor-critic formulation, our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on a range of continuous control benchmark tasks, outperforming prior on-policy and off-policy methods. Furthermore, we demonstrate that, in contrast to other off-policy algorithms, our approach is very stable, achieving very similar performance across different random seeds.
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尽管在许多具有挑战性的问题中取得了成功,但增强学习(RL)仍然面临样本效率低下,可以通过将先验知识引入代理人来缓解。但是,在加强学习方面的许多转移技术使教师是专家的局限性假设。在本文中,我们将增强学习中的行动作为推理框架 - 即,在每个状态下的行动分布,类似于教师政策,而不是贝叶斯的先验 - 恢复最先进的策略蒸馏技术。然后,我们提出了一类自适应方法,这些方法可以通过结合奖励成型和辅助正则化损失来鲁sumply动作先验。与先前的工作相反,我们开发了利用次优的动作先验的算法,这些算法可能仍然传授有价值的知识 - 我们称之为软动作先验。拟议的算法通过根据教师在每个州的有用性的估计来调整教师反馈的强度来适应。我们执行表格实验,这表明所提出的方法达到了最先进的性能,在从次优先的先验中学习时超过了它。最后,我们证明了自适应算法在连续动作中的鲁棒性深度RL问题,与现有的策略蒸馏方法相比,自适应算法显着提高了稳定性。
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Deep reinforcement learning is poised to revolutionise the field of AI and represents a step towards building autonomous systems with a higher level understanding of the visual world. Currently, deep learning is enabling reinforcement learning to scale to problems that were previously intractable, such as learning to play video games directly from pixels. Deep reinforcement learning algorithms are also applied to robotics, allowing control policies for robots to be learned directly from camera inputs in the real world. In this survey, we begin with an introduction to the general field of reinforcement learning, then progress to the main streams of value-based and policybased methods. Our survey will cover central algorithms in deep reinforcement learning, including the deep Q-network, trust region policy optimisation, and asynchronous advantage actor-critic. In parallel, we highlight the unique advantages of deep neural networks, focusing on visual understanding via reinforcement learning. To conclude, we describe several current areas of research within the field.
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With the development of deep representation learning, the domain of reinforcement learning (RL) has become a powerful learning framework now capable of learning complex policies in high dimensional environments. This review summarises deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms and provides a taxonomy of automated driving tasks where (D)RL methods have been employed, while addressing key computational challenges in real world deployment of autonomous driving agents. It also delineates adjacent domains such as behavior cloning, imitation learning, inverse reinforcement learning that are related but are not classical RL algorithms. The role of simulators in training agents, methods to validate, test and robustify existing solutions in RL are discussed.
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Visual reinforcement learning (RL), which makes decisions directly from high-dimensional visual inputs, has demonstrated significant potential in various domains. However, deploying visual RL techniques in the real world remains challenging due to their low sample efficiency and large generalization gaps. To tackle these obstacles, data augmentation (DA) has become a widely used technique in visual RL for acquiring sample-efficient and generalizable policies by diversifying the training data. This survey aims to provide a timely and essential review of DA techniques in visual RL in recognition of the thriving development in this field. In particular, we propose a unified framework for analyzing visual RL and understanding the role of DA in it. We then present a principled taxonomy of the existing augmentation techniques used in visual RL and conduct an in-depth discussion on how to better leverage augmented data in different scenarios. Moreover, we report a systematic empirical evaluation of DA-based techniques in visual RL and conclude by highlighting the directions for future research. As the first comprehensive survey of DA in visual RL, this work is expected to offer valuable guidance to this emerging field.
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分布式多智能经纪增强学习(Marl)算法最近引起了兴趣激增,主要是由于深神经网络(DNN)的最新进步。由于利用固定奖励模型来学习基础值函数,传统的基于模型(MB)或无模型(MF)RL算法不可直接适用于MARL问题。虽然涉及单一代理时,基于DNN的解决方案完全良好地表现出,但是这种方法无法完全推广到MARL问题的复杂性。换句话说,尽管最近的基于DNN的DNN用于多种子体环境的方法取得了卓越的性能,但它们仍然容易出现过度,对参数选择的高敏感性,以及样本低效率。本文提出了多代理自适应Kalman时间差(MAK-TD)框架及其继任者表示的基于代表的变体,称为MAK-SR。直观地说,主要目标是利用卡尔曼滤波(KF)的独特特征,如不确定性建模和在线二阶学习。提议的MAK-TD / SR框架考虑了与高维多算法环境相关联的动作空间的连续性,并利用卡尔曼时间差(KTD)来解决参数不确定性。通过利用KTD框架,SR学习过程被建模到过滤问题,其中径向基函数(RBF)估计器用于将连续空间编码为特征向量。另一方面,对于学习本地化奖励功能,我们求助于多种模型自适应估计(MMAE),处理缺乏关于观察噪声协方差和观察映射功能的先前知识。拟议的MAK-TD / SR框架通过多个实验进行评估,该实验通过Openai Gym Marl基准实施。
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在这项努力中,我们考虑一种加强学习(RL)技术,用于解决具有复杂奖励信号的个性化任务。特别是,我们的方法是基于状态空间聚类,使用简单的$ k $ -means算法以及网络架构和优化算法的传统选择。数值示例展示了不同RL程序的效率,并用于说明该技术加速了代理的学习能力,并不限制代理商的性能。
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Graph mining tasks arise from many different application domains, ranging from social networks, transportation to E-commerce, etc., which have been receiving great attention from the theoretical and algorithmic design communities in recent years, and there has been some pioneering work employing the research-rich Reinforcement Learning (RL) techniques to address graph data mining tasks. However, these graph mining methods and RL models are dispersed in different research areas, which makes it hard to compare them. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive overview of RL and graph mining methods and generalize these methods to Graph Reinforcement Learning (GRL) as a unified formulation. We further discuss the applications of GRL methods across various domains and summarize the method descriptions, open-source codes, and benchmark datasets of GRL methods. Furthermore, we propose important directions and challenges to be solved in the future. As far as we know, this is the latest work on a comprehensive survey of GRL, this work provides a global view and a learning resource for scholars. In addition, we create an online open-source for both interested scholars who want to enter this rapidly developing domain and experts who would like to compare GRL methods.
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