由于稀疏,异步和二进制事件(或尖峰)驱动加工,尖峰神经网络(SNNS)最近成为深度学习的替代方案,可以在神经形状硬件上产生巨大的能效益。然而,从划痕训练高精度和低潜伏期的SNN,患有尖刺神经元的非微弱性质。要在SNNS中解决此培训问题,我们重新批准批量标准化,并通过时间(BNTT)技术提出时间批量标准化。大多数先前的SNN工程到现在忽略了批量标准化,认为它无效地训练时间SNN。与以前的作品不同,我们提出的BNTT沿着时轴沿着时间轴解耦的参数,以捕获尖峰的时间动态。在BNTT中的时间上不断发展的可学习参数允许神经元通过不同的时间步长来控制其尖峰率,从头开始实现低延迟和低能量训练。我们对CiFar-10,CiFar-100,微小想象特和事件驱动的DVS-CIFAR10数据集进行实验。 BNTT允许我们首次在三个复杂的数据集中培训深度SNN架构,只需25-30步即可。我们还使用BNTT中的参数分布提前退出算法,以降低推断的延迟,进一步提高了能量效率。
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我们如何为神经系统带来隐私和能效?在本文中,我们提出了PrivateNN,旨在从预先训练的ANN模型构建低功耗尖峰神经网络(SNNS),而不会泄漏包含在数据集中的敏感信息。在这里,我们解决两种类型的泄漏问题:1)当网络在Ann-SNN转换过程中访问真实训练数据时,会导致数据泄漏。 2)当类相关的特征可以从网络参数重建时,会导致类泄漏。为了解决数据泄漏问题,我们从预先培训的ANN生成合成图像,并使用所生成的图像将ANN转换为SNNS。然而,转换的SNNS仍然容易受到类泄漏的影响,因为权重参数相对于ANN参数具有相同的(或缩放)值。因此,通过训练SNNS,通过训练基于时间尖峰的学习规则来加密SNN权重。使用时间数据更新权重参数使得SNN难以在空间域中解释。我们观察到,加密的私人没有消除数据和类泄漏问题,略微的性能下降(小于〜2),与标准ANN相比,与标准ANN相比的显着的能效增益(约55倍)。我们对各种数据集进行广泛的实验,包括CiFar10,CiFar100和Tinyimagenet,突出了隐私保留的SNN培训的重要性。
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Spiking neural networks (SNNs) are promising brain-inspired energy-efficient models. Recent progress in training methods has enabled successful deep SNNs on large-scale tasks with low latency. Particularly, backpropagation through time (BPTT) with surrogate gradients (SG) is popularly used to achieve high performance in a very small number of time steps. However, it is at the cost of large memory consumption for training, lack of theoretical clarity for optimization, and inconsistency with the online property of biological learning and rules on neuromorphic hardware. Other works connect spike representations of SNNs with equivalent artificial neural network formulation and train SNNs by gradients from equivalent mappings to ensure descent directions. But they fail to achieve low latency and are also not online. In this work, we propose online training through time (OTTT) for SNNs, which is derived from BPTT to enable forward-in-time learning by tracking presynaptic activities and leveraging instantaneous loss and gradients. Meanwhile, we theoretically analyze and prove that gradients of OTTT can provide a similar descent direction for optimization as gradients based on spike representations under both feedforward and recurrent conditions. OTTT only requires constant training memory costs agnostic to time steps, avoiding the significant memory costs of BPTT for GPU training. Furthermore, the update rule of OTTT is in the form of three-factor Hebbian learning, which could pave a path for online on-chip learning. With OTTT, it is the first time that two mainstream supervised SNN training methods, BPTT with SG and spike representation-based training, are connected, and meanwhile in a biologically plausible form. Experiments on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, ImageNet, and CIFAR10-DVS demonstrate the superior performance of our method on large-scale static and neuromorphic datasets in small time steps.
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Spiking Neural networks (SNN) have emerged as an attractive spatio-temporal computing paradigm for a wide range of low-power vision tasks. However, state-of-the-art (SOTA) SNN models either incur multiple time steps which hinder their deployment in real-time use cases or increase the training complexity significantly. To mitigate this concern, we present a training framework (from scratch) for one-time-step SNNs that uses a novel variant of the recently proposed Hoyer regularizer. We estimate the threshold of each SNN layer as the Hoyer extremum of a clipped version of its activation map, where the clipping threshold is trained using gradient descent with our Hoyer regularizer. This approach not only downscales the value of the trainable threshold, thereby emitting a large number of spikes for weight update with a limited number of iterations (due to only one time step) but also shifts the membrane potential values away from the threshold, thereby mitigating the effect of noise that can degrade the SNN accuracy. Our approach outperforms existing spiking, binary, and adder neural networks in terms of the accuracy-FLOPs trade-off for complex image recognition tasks. Downstream experiments on object detection also demonstrate the efficacy of our approach.
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尖峰神经网络是低功率环境的有效计算模型。基于SPIKE的BP算法和ANN-TO-SNN(ANN2SNN)转换是SNN培训的成功技术。然而,尖峰碱BP训练速度很慢,需要大量的记忆成本。尽管Ann2NN提供了一种培训SNN的低成本方式,但它需要许多推理步骤才能模仿训练有素的ANN以表现良好。在本文中,我们提出了一个snn-to-ang(SNN2ANN)框架,以快速和记忆的方式训练SNN。 SNN2ANN由2个组成部分组成:a)ANN和SNN和B)尖峰映射单元之间的重量共享体系结构。首先,该体系结构在ANN分支上训练重量共享参数,从而快速训练和SNN的记忆成本较低。其次,尖峰映射单元确保ANN的激活值是尖峰特征。结果,可以通过训练ANN分支来优化SNN的分类误差。此外,我们设计了一种自适应阈值调整(ATA)算法来解决嘈杂的尖峰问题。实验结果表明,我们的基于SNN2ANN的模型在基准数据集(CIFAR10,CIFAR100和TININE-IMAGENET)上表现良好。此外,SNN2ANN可以在0.625倍的时间步长,0.377倍训练时间,0.27倍GPU内存成本以及基于SPIKE的BP模型的0.33倍尖峰活动下实现可比精度。
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Spiking neural networks (SNNs) are receiving increasing attention due to their low power consumption and strong bio-plausibility. Optimization of SNNs is a challenging task. Two main methods, artificial neural network (ANN)-to-SNN conversion and spike-based backpropagation (BP), both have their advantages and limitations. For ANN-to-SNN conversion, it requires a long inference time to approximate the accuracy of ANN, thus diminishing the benefits of SNN. With spike-based BP, training high-precision SNNs typically consumes dozens of times more computational resources and time than their ANN counterparts. In this paper, we propose a novel SNN training approach that combines the benefits of the two methods. We first train a single-step SNN by approximating the neural potential distribution with random noise, then convert the single-step SNN to a multi-step SNN losslessly. The introduction of Gaussian distributed noise leads to a significant gain in accuracy after conversion. The results show that our method considerably reduces the training and inference times of SNNs while maintaining their high accuracy. Compared to the previous two methods, ours can reduce training time by 65%-75% and achieves more than 100 times faster inference speed. We also argue that the neuron model augmented with noise makes it more bio-plausible.
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深度尖峰神经网络(SNNS)目前由于离散二进制激活和复杂的空间 - 时间动态而导致的基于梯度的方法的优化困难。考虑到Reset的巨大成功在深度学习中,将深入了解剩余学习,这将是自然的。以前的尖峰Reset模仿ANN的标准残留块,并简单地用尖刺神经元取代relu激活层,这遭受了劣化问题,并且很难实施剩余学习。在本文中,我们提出了尖峰元素 - 明智(SEW)RESET,以实现深部SNNS的剩余学习。我们证明SEW RESET可以轻松实现身份映射并克服Spiking Reset的消失/爆炸梯度问题。我们在Imagenet,DVS手势和CIFAR10-DVS数据集中评估我们的SEF RESET,并显示SEW RESNET以准确性和时间步长,最先进的直接训练的SNN。此外,SEW Reset通过简单地添加更多层来实现更高的性能,提供一种培训深舒头的简单方法。为了我们的最佳知识,这是第一次直接训练具有100多层以上的深度SNN。我们的代码可在https://github.com/fangwei123456/spike-element-wore-resnet上获得。
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由于它们的低能量消耗,对神经形态计算设备上的尖刺神经网络(SNNS)越来越兴趣。最近的进展使培训SNNS在精度方面开始与传统人工神经网络(ANNS)进行竞争,同时在神经胸壁上运行时的节能。然而,培训SNNS的过程仍然基于最初为ANNS开发的密集的张量操作,这不利用SNN的时空稀疏性质。我们在这里介绍第一稀疏SNN BackPropagation算法,该算法与最新的现有技术实现相同或更好的准确性,同时显着更快,更高的记忆力。我们展示了我们对不同复杂性(时尚 - MNIST,神经影像学 - MNIST和Spiking Heidelberg数字的真实数据集的有效性,在不失精度的情况下实现了高达150倍的后向通行证的加速,而不会减少精度。
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Most existing Spiking Neural Network (SNN) works state that SNNs may utilize temporal information dynamics of spikes. However, an explicit analysis of temporal information dynamics is still missing. In this paper, we ask several important questions for providing a fundamental understanding of SNNs: What are temporal information dynamics inside SNNs? How can we measure the temporal information dynamics? How do the temporal information dynamics affect the overall learning performance? To answer these questions, we estimate the Fisher Information of the weights to measure the distribution of temporal information during training in an empirical manner. Surprisingly, as training goes on, Fisher information starts to concentrate in the early timesteps. After training, we observe that information becomes highly concentrated in earlier few timesteps, a phenomenon we refer to as temporal information concentration. We observe that the temporal information concentration phenomenon is a common learning feature of SNNs by conducting extensive experiments on various configurations such as architecture, dataset, optimization strategy, time constant, and timesteps. Furthermore, to reveal how temporal information concentration affects the performance of SNNs, we design a loss function to change the trend of temporal information. We find that temporal information concentration is crucial to building a robust SNN but has little effect on classification accuracy. Finally, we propose an efficient iterative pruning method based on our observation on temporal information concentration. Code is available at https://github.com/Intelligent-Computing-Lab-Yale/Exploring-Temporal-Information-Dynamics-in-Spiking-Neural-Networks.
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由于具有高生物学合理性和低能消耗在神经形态硬件上的特性,因此尖峰神经网络(SNN)非常重要。作为获得深SNN的有效方法,转化方法在各种大型数据集上表现出高性能。但是,它通常遭受严重的性能降解和高时间延迟。特别是,以前的大多数工作都集中在简单的分类任务上,同时忽略了与ANN输出的精确近似。在本文中,我们首先从理论上分析转换误差,并得出时间变化极端对突触电流的有害影响。我们提出尖峰校准(Spicalib),以消除离散尖峰对输出分布的损坏,并修改脂肪,以使任意最大化层无损地转换。此外,提出了针对最佳标准化参数的贝叶斯优化,以避免经验设置。实验结果证明了分类,对象检测和分割任务的最新性能。据我们所知,这是第一次获得与ANN同时在这些任务上相当的SNN。此外,我们只需要先前在检测任务上工作的1/50推理时间,并且可以在0.492 $ \ times $ $下在分段任务上实现相同的性能。
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在本文中,我们提出了一种节能的SNN体系结构,该体系结构可以通过提高的精度无缝地运行深度尖峰神经网络(SNN)。首先,我们提出了一个转换意识培训(CAT),以减少无硬件实施开销而无需安排SNN转换损失。在拟议的CAT中,可以有效利用用于在ANN训练过程中模拟SNN的激活函数,以减少转换后的数据表示误差。基于CAT技术,我们还提出了一项首要尖峰编码,该编码可以通过使用SPIKE时间信息来轻巧计算。支持提出技术的SNN处理器设计已使用28nm CMOS流程实施。该处理器的推理能量分别为486.7UJ,503.6UJ和1426UJ的最高1级准确性,分别为91.7%,67.9%和57.4%,分别为CIFAR-10,CIFAR-100和TININE-IMIMAGENET处理。16具有5位对数权重。
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Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) are bio-plausible models that hold great potential for realizing energy-efficient implementations of sequential tasks on resource-constrained edge devices. However, commercial edge platforms based on standard GPUs are not optimized to deploy SNNs, resulting in high energy and latency. While analog In-Memory Computing (IMC) platforms can serve as energy-efficient inference engines, they are accursed by the immense energy, latency, and area requirements of high-precision ADCs (HP-ADC), overshadowing the benefits of in-memory computations. We propose a hardware/software co-design methodology to deploy SNNs into an ADC-Less IMC architecture using sense-amplifiers as 1-bit ADCs replacing conventional HP-ADCs and alleviating the above issues. Our proposed framework incurs minimal accuracy degradation by performing hardware-aware training and is able to scale beyond simple image classification tasks to more complex sequential regression tasks. Experiments on complex tasks of optical flow estimation and gesture recognition show that progressively increasing the hardware awareness during SNN training allows the model to adapt and learn the errors due to the non-idealities associated with ADC-Less IMC. Also, the proposed ADC-Less IMC offers significant energy and latency improvements, $2-7\times$ and $8.9-24.6\times$, respectively, depending on the SNN model and the workload, compared to HP-ADC IMC.
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