A large number of empirical studies on applying self-attention models in the domain of recommender systems are based on offline evaluation and metrics computed on standardized datasets, without insights on how these models perform in real life scenarios. Moreover, many of them do not consider information such as item and customer metadata, although deep-learning recommenders live up to their full potential only when numerous features of heterogeneous types are included. Also, typically recommendation models are designed to serve well only a single use case, which increases modeling complexity and maintenance costs, and may lead to inconsistent customer experience. In this work, we present a reusable Attention-based Fashion Recommendation Algorithm (AFRA), that utilizes various interaction types with different fashion entities such as items (e.g., shirt), outfits and influencers, and their heterogeneous features. Moreover, we leverage temporal and contextual information to address both short and long-term customer preferences. We show its effectiveness on outfit recommendation use cases, in particular: 1) personalized ranked feed; 2) outfit recommendations by style; 3) similar item recommendation and 4) in-session recommendations inspired by most recent customer actions. We present both offline and online experimental results demonstrating substantial improvements in customer retention and engagement.
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Over the past years, fashion-related challenges have gained a lot of attention in the research community. Outfit generation and recommendation, i.e., the composition of a set of items of different types (e.g., tops, bottom, shoes, accessories) that go well together, are among the most challenging ones. That is because items have to be both compatible amongst each other and also personalized to match the taste of the customer. Recently there has been a plethora of work targeted at tackling these problems by adopting various techniques and algorithms from the machine learning literature. However, to date, there is no extensive comparison of the performance of the different algorithms for outfit generation and recommendation. In this paper, we close this gap by providing a broad evaluation and comparison of various algorithms, including both personalized and non-personalized approaches, using online, real-world user data from one of Europe's largest fashion stores. We present the adaptations we made to some of those models to make them suitable for personalized outfit generation. Moreover, we provide insights for models that have not yet been evaluated on this task, specifically, GPT, BERT and Seq-to-Seq LSTM.
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Session-Based Recommenders (SBRs) aim to predict users' next preferences regard to their previous interactions in sessions while there is no historical information about them. Modern SBRs utilize deep neural networks to map users' current interest(s) during an ongoing session to a latent space so that their next preference can be predicted. Although state-of-art SBR models achieve satisfactory results, most focus on studying the sequence of events inside sessions while ignoring temporal details of those events. In this paper, we examine the potential of session temporal information in enhancing the performance of SBRs, conceivably by reflecting the momentary interests of anonymous users or their mindset shifts during sessions. We propose the STAR framework, which utilizes the time intervals between events within sessions to construct more informative representations for items and sessions. Our mechanism revises session representation by embedding time intervals without employing discretization. Empirical results on Yoochoose and Diginetica datasets show that the suggested method outperforms the state-of-the-art baseline models in Recall and MRR criteria.
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受到计算机愿景和语言理解的深度学习的巨大成功的影响,建议的研究已经转移到发明基于神经网络的新推荐模型。近年来,我们在开发神经推荐模型方面目睹了显着进展,这概括和超越了传统的推荐模型,由于神经网络的强烈代表性。在本调查论文中,我们从建议建模与准确性目标的角度进行了系统审查,旨在总结该领域,促进研究人员和从业者在推荐系统上工作的研究人员和从业者。具体而具体基于推荐建模期间的数据使用,我们将工作划分为协作过滤和信息丰富的建议:1)协作滤波,其利用用户项目交互数据的关键来源; 2)内容丰富的建议,其另外利用与用户和项目相关的侧面信息,如用户配置文件和项目知识图; 3)时间/顺序推荐,其考虑与交互相关的上下文信息,例如时间,位置和过去的交互。在为每种类型审查代表性工作后,我们终于讨论了这一领域的一些有希望的方向。
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由于知识图表提供的丰富信息,基于路径的可解释的推荐系统的最新进展引起了更大的关注。最现有的可解释的建议仅利用静态知识图表并忽略动态用户项演进,导致不太令人信服和不准确的解释。虽然有一些作品,但意识到建模用户的时间顺序行为可以提高推荐器系统的性能和解释性,其中大多数只关注用户在路径内的顺序交互或独立和单独的推荐机制。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的时间元路径指导可解释的推荐利用加强学习(TMER-RL),它利用了连续项目之间的加强项 - 项目路径建模,其注意机制在动态知识图上顺序模拟动态用户项演进用于解释的建议。与使用繁重的经常性神经网络模拟时间信息的现有作品相比,我们提出了简单但有效的神经网络,以捕获用户的历史项目功能和基于路径的上下文,以表征下一个购买的项目。与最近的强大基线相比,两个真实数据集的TMMER广泛评估显示了最先进的表现。
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Tasks critical to enterprise profitability, such as customer churn prediction, fraudulent account detection or customer lifetime value estimation, are often tackled by models trained on features engineered from customer data in tabular format. Application-specific feature engineering adds development, operationalization and maintenance costs over time. Recent advances in representation learning present an opportunity to simplify and generalize feature engineering across applications. When applying these advancements to tabular data researchers deal with data heterogeneity, variations in customer engagement history or the sheer volume of enterprise datasets. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to encode tabular data containing customer transactions, purchase history and other interactions into a generic representation of a customer's association with the business. We then evaluate these embeddings as features to train multiple models spanning a variety of applications. CASPR, Customer Activity Sequence-based Prediction and Representation, applies Transformer architecture to encode activity sequences to improve model performance and avoid bespoke feature engineering across applications. Our experiments at scale validate CASPR for both small and large enterprise applications.
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Embedding based product recommendations have gained popularity in recent years due to its ability to easily integrate to large-scale systems and allowing nearest neighbor searches in real-time. The bulk of studies in this area has predominantly been focused on similar item recommendations. Research on complementary item recommendations, on the other hand, still remains considerably under-explored. We define similar items as items that are interchangeable in terms of their utility and complementary items as items that serve different purposes, yet are compatible when used with one another. In this paper, we apply a novel approach to finding complementary items by leveraging dual embedding representations for products. We demonstrate that the notion of relatedness discovered in NLP for skip-gram negative sampling (SGNS) models translates effectively to the concept of complementarity when training item representations using co-purchase data. Since sparsity of purchase data is a major challenge in real-world scenarios, we further augment the model using synthetic samples to extend coverage. This allows the model to provide complementary recommendations for items that do not share co-purchase data by leveraging other abundantly available data modalities such as images, text, clicks etc. We establish the effectiveness of our approach in improving both coverage and quality of recommendations on real world data for a major online retail company. We further show the importance of task specific hyperparameter tuning in training SGNS. Our model is effective yet simple to implement, making it a great candidate for generating complementary item recommendations at any e-commerce website.
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推荐系统,为用户提供个性化建议,为当今的许多社交媒体,电子商务和娱乐提供动力。但是,已知这些系统可以从各种角度从智力上隔离用户,或引起过滤气泡。在我们的工作中,我们表征和减轻了这种过滤器气泡效应。我们通过根据其用户 - 项目交互历史记录对各种数据点进行分类,并使用众所周知的Tracin方法对彼此的影响进行分类。最后,我们通过仔细地重新训练我们的建议系统来减轻这种过滤器气泡效果而不会损害精度。
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在隐性反馈推荐中,将短期偏好纳入推荐系统近年来引起了不断的关注。但是,在历史交互中的意外行为,如偶然点击一些物品,也不能反映用户固有的偏好。现有研究未能模拟意外行为的影响,从而实现劣等的推荐性能。在本文中,我们提出了一种多偏好模型(MPM)来消除意外行为的影响。 MPM首先通过细粒度的偏好模块从最近的历史交互中提取用户的即时偏好。然后,培训意外行为检测器以判断这些即时偏好是否由意外行为偏置。我们还将用户的一般偏好集成在MPM中。最后,执行输出模块以消除意外行为的影响,并集成所有信息以进行最终推荐。我们在电影的两个数据集和电子零售中进行广泛的实验,展示了我们在最先进的方法上的模型的显着改进。实验结果表明,MPM在HR @ 10和NDCG @ 10中获得了大规模的改善,平均与斯trec模型相比相对增加了3.643%和4.107%。我们在https://github.com/chenjie04/mpm/发布我们的代码。
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