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We present the Word Mover's Distance (WMD), a novel distance function between text documents. Our work is based on recent results in word embeddings that learn semantically meaningful representations for words from local cooccurrences in sentences. The WMD distance measures the dissimilarity between two text documents as the minimum amount of distance that the embedded words of one document need to "travel" to reach the embedded words of another document. We show that this distance metric can be cast as an instance of the Earth Mover's Distance, a well studied transportation problem for which several highly efficient solvers have been developed. Our metric has no hyperparameters and is straight-forward to implement. Further, we demonstrate on eight real world document classification data sets, in comparison with seven stateof-the-art baselines, that the WMD metric leads to unprecedented low k-nearest neighbor document classification error rates. 'Obama' word2vec embedding 'President' 'speaks' 'Illinois' 'media' 'greets' 'press' 'Chicago' document 2 document 1 Obama speaks to the media in Illinois The President greets the press in Chicago
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我们研究了自然语言处理中出现的近似对相似矩阵的算法。通常,计算$ N $数据点的相似性矩阵需要$ \ omega(n ^ 2)$相似计算。这种二次缩放是一个重要的瓶颈,尤其是当通过昂贵的功能计算相似性时,例如,通过变压器模型计算。近似方法通过使用恰好计算的相似性的小子集来减少这种二次复杂性,以近似于完整成对相似性矩阵的其余部分。大量工作侧重于正半纤维(PSD)相似矩阵的有效近似,其在内核方法中。然而,关于无限期(非PSD)相似性矩阵的较少被理解得更少,这通常在NLP中产生。通过观察到,许多这些矩阵仍然有点接近PSD,我们将流行的NYSTR \“{o} M方法介绍到无限制地的概述。我们的算法可以应用于任何相似性矩阵并在Sublinear时间运行在矩阵的大小中,使用仅$ O(ns)$相似性计算产生秩的等级$近似。我们表明我们的方法以及CR Cur分解的简单变体,在近似各种相似度方面表现得非常好在NLP任务中产生的矩阵。我们在文档分类,句子相似度和跨文档COREREFED的下游任务中展示了近似相似性矩阵的高精度。
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Measuring the semantic similarity between two sentences is still an important task. The word mover's distance (WMD) computes the similarity via the optimal alignment between the sets of word embeddings. However, WMD does not utilize word order, making it difficult to distinguish sentences with large overlaps of similar words, even if they are semantically very different. Here, we attempt to improve WMD by incorporating the sentence structure represented by BERT's self-attention matrix (SAM). The proposed method is based on the Fused Gromov-Wasserstein distance, which simultaneously considers the similarity of the word embedding and the SAM for calculating the optimal transport between two sentences. Experiments on paraphrase identification and semantic textual similarity show that the proposed method improves WMD and its variants. Our code is available at https://github.com/ymgw55/WSMD.
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Natural Language Understanding has seen an increasing number of publications in the last few years, especially after robust word embeddings models became prominent, when they proved themselves able to capture and represent semantic relationships from massive amounts of data. Nevertheless, traditional models often fall short in intrinsic issues of linguistics, such as polysemy and homonymy. Any expert system that makes use of natural language in its core, can be affected by a weak semantic representation of text, resulting in inaccurate outcomes based on poor decisions. To mitigate such issues, we propose a novel approach called Most Suitable Sense Annotation (MSSA), that disambiguates and annotates each word by its specific sense, considering the semantic effects of its context. Our approach brings three main contributions to the semantic representation scenario: (i) an unsupervised technique that disambiguates and annotates words by their senses, (ii) a multi-sense embeddings model that can be extended to any traditional word embeddings algorithm, and (iii) a recurrent methodology that allows our models to be re-used and their representations refined. We test our approach on six different benchmarks for the word similarity task, showing that our approach can produce state-of-the-art results and outperforms several more complex state-of-the-art systems.
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We propose BERTSCORE, an automatic evaluation metric for text generation. Analogously to common metrics, BERTSCORE computes a similarity score for each token in the candidate sentence with each token in the reference sentence. However, instead of exact matches, we compute token similarity using contextual embeddings. We evaluate using the outputs of 363 machine translation and image captioning systems. BERTSCORE correlates better with human judgments and provides stronger model selection performance than existing metrics. Finally, we use an adversarial paraphrase detection task to show that BERTSCORE is more robust to challenging examples when compared to existing metrics.
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The relationship between words in a sentence often tells us more about the underlying semantic content of a document than its actual words, individually. In this work, we propose two novel algorithms, called Flexible Lexical Chain II and Fixed Lexical Chain II. These algorithms combine the semantic relations derived from lexical chains, prior knowledge from lexical databases, and the robustness of the distributional hypothesis in word embeddings as building blocks forming a single system. In short, our approach has three main contributions: (i) a set of techniques that fully integrate word embeddings and lexical chains; (ii) a more robust semantic representation that considers the latent relation between words in a document; and (iii) lightweight word embeddings models that can be extended to any natural language task. We intend to assess the knowledge of pre-trained models to evaluate their robustness in the document classification task. The proposed techniques are tested against seven word embeddings algorithms using five different machine learning classifiers over six scenarios in the document classification task. Our results show the integration between lexical chains and word embeddings representations sustain state-of-the-art results, even against more complex systems.
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Generative AI has matured to a point where large-scale models can generate text that seems indistinguishable from human-written text and remarkably photorealistic images. Automatically measuring how close the distribution of generated data is to the target real data distribution is a key step in diagnosing existing models and developing better models. We present MAUVE, a family of comparison measures between pairs of distributions such as those encountered in the generative modeling of text or images. These scores are statistical summaries of divergence frontiers capturing two types of errors in generative modeling. We explore four approaches to statistically estimate these scores: vector quantization, non-parametric estimation, classifier-based estimation, and parametric Gaussian approximations. We provide statistical bounds for the vector quantization approach. Empirically, we find that the proposed scores paired with a range of $f$-divergences and statistical estimation methods can quantify the gaps between the distributions of human-written text and those of modern neural language models by correlating with human judgments and identifying known properties of the generated texts. We conclude the paper by demonstrating its applications to other AI domains and discussing practical recommendations.
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Text classification is an important and classical problem in natural language processing. There have been a number of studies that applied convolutional neural networks (convolution on regular grid, e.g., sequence) to classification. However, only a limited number of studies have explored the more flexible graph convolutional neural networks (convolution on non-grid, e.g., arbitrary graph) for the task. In this work, we propose to use graph convolutional networks for text classification. We build a single text graph for a corpus based on word co-occurrence and document word relations, then learn a Text Graph Convolutional Network (Text GCN) for the corpus. Our Text GCN is initialized with one-hot representation for word and document, it then jointly learns the embeddings for both words and documents, as supervised by the known class labels for documents. Our experimental results on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate that a vanilla Text GCN without any external word embeddings or knowledge outperforms state-of-the-art methods for text classification. On the other hand, Text GCN also learns predictive word and document embeddings. In addition, experimental results show that the improvement of Text GCN over state-of-the-art comparison methods become more prominent as we lower the percentage of training data, suggesting the robustness of Text GCN to less training data in text classification.
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本文通过添加解释性,可以显着提高对分类文件的监督嵌入的流行方法,即对比词媒体嵌入。通过将聚类促进机制结合到对比损失来实现这种可解释性。在几个公共数据集上,我们表明我们的方法在现有的基座上显着提高,同时通过识别一组关键字来解释群集,这些关键字是特定类的最具代表性的。我们的方法是有必要开发\ Texit的自然语言处理(NLP)方法{评估科学写作和思维的学生工作的新问题} - 这是一个(教育)学习科学领域的核心问题(LS)。在这种情况下,我们表明我们的方法会导致对来自生物阶层的实验室报告有意义的学生工作的有意义评估,并可以帮助LS研究人员进入学生理解和评估科学思想过程的证据。
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瓦斯坦距离测量分布之间的差异,显示出各种类型的自然语言处理(NLP)和计算机视觉(CV)应用的功效。估计Wasserstein距离的挑战之一是,它在计算上很昂贵,并且对于许多分配比较任务而言,它的扩展不是很好。在本文中,我们的目标是通过树 - 瓦斯汀距离(TWD)近似1-wasserstein距离,其中TWD是带有基于树的嵌入的1-wasserstein距离,并且可以在线性时间内相对于节点的数量进行计算在树上。更具体地说,我们提出了一种简单而有效的L1调查方法来学习树中边缘的权重。为此,我们首先证明1-wasserstein近似问题可以使用树上的最短路径距离作为距离近似问题进行表述。然后,我们证明最短的路径距离可以用线性模型表示,并且可以作为基于LASSO的回归问题配方。由于凸公式,我们可以有效地获得全球最佳解决方案。此外,我们提出了这些方法的树形变体。通过实验,我们证明了加权TWD可以准确地近似原始的1-wasserstein距离。
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State-of-the-art computer vision systems are trained to predict a fixed set of predetermined object categories. This restricted form of supervision limits their generality and usability since additional labeled data is needed to specify any other visual concept. Learning directly from raw text about images is a promising alternative which leverages a much broader source of supervision. We demonstrate that the simple pre-training task of predicting which caption goes with which image is an efficient and scalable way to learn SOTA image representations from scratch on a dataset of 400 million (image, text) pairs collected from the internet. After pre-training, natural language is used to reference learned visual concepts (or describe new ones) enabling zero-shot transfer of the model to downstream tasks. We study the performance of this approach by benchmarking on over 30 different existing computer vision datasets, spanning tasks such as OCR, action recognition in videos, geo-localization, and many types of fine-grained object classification. The model transfers non-trivially to most tasks and is often competitive with a fully supervised baseline without the need for any dataset specific training. For instance, we match the accuracy of the original ResNet-50 on ImageNet zero-shot without needing to use any of the 1.28 million training examples it was trained on. We release our code and pre-trained model weights at https://github.com/OpenAI/CLIP.
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Word Mover的距离(WMD)计算单词和模型之间的距离与两个文本序列中的单词之间的移动成本相似。但是,它在句子相似性评估中没有提供良好的性能,因为它不包含单词重要性,并且在句子中未能将固有的上下文和结构信息纳入句子。提出了一种使用语法解析树(称为语法感知单词Mover的距离(SYNWMD))的改进的WMD方法,以解决这项工作中的这两个缺点。首先,基于从句子树的句法解析树中提取的一词共发生统计量建立了加权图。每个单词的重要性是从图形连接性推断出的。其次,在计算单词之间的距离时,考虑了单词的局部句法解析结构。为了证明拟议的SynWMD的有效性,我们对6个文本语义相似性(STS)数据集和4个句子分类数据集进行了实验。实验结果表明,SynWMD在STS任务上实现了最先进的性能。它还在句子分类任务上胜过其他基于WMD的方法。
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学术研究是解决以前从未解决过的问题的探索活动。通过这种性质,每个学术研究工作都需要进行文献审查,以区分其Novelties尚未通过事先作品解决。在自然语言处理中,该文献综述通常在“相关工作”部分下进行。鉴于研究文件的其余部分和引用的论文列表,自动相关工作生成的任务旨在自动生成“相关工作”部分。虽然这项任务是在10年前提出的,但直到最近,它被认为是作为科学多文件摘要问题的变种。然而,即使在今天,尚未标准化了自动相关工作和引用文本生成的问题。在这项调查中,我们进行了一个元研究,从问题制定,数据集收集,方法方法,绩效评估和未来前景的角度来比较相关工作的现有文献,以便为读者洞察到国家的进步 - 最内容的研究,以及如何进行未来的研究。我们还调查了我们建议未来工作要考虑整合的相关研究领域。
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传统的计算机视觉模型受过培训,以预测固定的预定义类别。最近,自然语言已被证明是一个更广泛而更丰富的监督来源,为视觉概念提供更精细的描述,而不是监督“黄金”标签。以前的作品,例如剪辑,使用InfoNce丢失来训练模型以预测图像和文本标题之间的配对。然而,剪辑是饥饿的数据,需要超过400米的图像文本对进行培训。效率低下可以归因于图像文本对嘈杂的事实。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了水獭(有效的零射击识别的最佳运输蒸馏),它使用在线熵最佳运输,找到一个软图像文本与标签进行对比学习。基于预磨料的图像和文本编码器,用电站培训的型号实现了强大的性能,只有3M图像文本对。与InfoNce损失相比,标记平滑和知识蒸馏,OTTER始终如一地优于零拍摄图像(19,958类)和来自腾讯ML图像的多标记Imagenet 10k(10032类)的零拍摄评估中的这些基线。在4个不同的数据集/架构设置x 6度量上,OTTER优于(32)或绑定(2)34中的所有基准。
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