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The task of Few-shot learning (FSL) aims to transfer the knowledge learned from base categories with sufficient labelled data to novel categories with scarce known information. It is currently an important research question and has great practical values in the real-world applications. Despite extensive previous efforts are made on few-shot learning tasks, we emphasize that most existing methods did not take into account the distributional shift caused by sample selection bias in the FSL scenario. Such a selection bias can induce spurious correlation between the semantic causal features, that are causally and semantically related to the class label, and the other non-causal features. Critically, the former ones should be invariant across changes in distributions, highly related to the classes of interest, and thus well generalizable to novel classes, while the latter ones are not stable to changes in the distribution. To resolve this problem, we propose a novel data augmentation strategy dubbed as PatchMix that can break this spurious dependency by replacing the patch-level information and supervision of the query images with random gallery images from different classes from the query ones. We theoretically show that such an augmentation mechanism, different from existing ones, is able to identify the causal features. To further make these features to be discriminative enough for classification, we propose Correlation-guided Reconstruction (CGR) and Hardness-Aware module for instance discrimination and easier discrimination between similar classes. Moreover, such a framework can be adapted to the unsupervised FSL scenario.
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Few-shot classification aims to recognize unlabeled samples from unseen classes given only few labeled samples. The unseen classes and low-data problem make few-shot classification very challenging. Many existing approaches extracted features from labeled and unlabeled samples independently, as a result, the features are not discriminative enough. In this work, we propose a novel Cross Attention Network to address the challenging problems in few-shot classification. Firstly, Cross Attention Module is introduced to deal with the problem of unseen classes. The module generates cross attention maps for each pair of class feature and query sample feature so as to highlight the target object regions, making the extracted feature more discriminative. Secondly, a transductive inference algorithm is proposed to alleviate the low-data problem, which iteratively utilizes the unlabeled query set to augment the support set, thereby making the class features more representative. Extensive experiments on two benchmarks show our method is a simple, effective and computationally efficient framework and outperforms the state-of-the-arts.
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从有限的数据学习是一个具有挑战性的任务,因为数据的稀缺导致训练型模型的较差。经典的全局汇总表示可能会失去有用的本地信息。最近,许多射击学习方法通​​过使用深度描述符和学习像素级度量来解决这一挑战。但是,使用深描述符作为特征表示可能丢失图像的上下文信息。这些方法中的大多数方法独立地处理支持集中的每个类,这不能充分利用鉴别性信息和特定于特定的嵌入。在本文中,我们提出了一种名为稀疏空间变压器(SSFormers)的新型变压器的神经网络架构,可以找到任务相关的功能并抑制任务无关的功能。具体地,我们首先将每个输入图像划分为不同大小的几个图像斑块,以获得密集的局部特征。这些功能在表达本地信息时保留上下文信息。然后,提出了一种稀疏的空间变压器层以在查询图像和整个支持集之间找到空间对应关系,以选择任务相关的图像斑块并抑制任务 - 无关的图像斑块。最后,我们建议使用图像补丁匹配模块来计算密集的本地表示之间的距离,从而确定查询图像属于支持集中的哪个类别。广泛的少量学习基准测试表明,我们的方法实现了最先进的性能。
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元学习已成为几乎没有图像分类的实用方法,在该方法中,“学习分类器的策略”是在标记的基础类别上进行元学习的,并且可以应用于具有新颖类的任务。我们删除了基类标签的要求,并通过无监督的元学习(UML)学习可通用的嵌入。具体而言,任务发作是在元训练过程中使用未标记的基本类别的数据增强构建的,并且我们将基于嵌入式的分类器应用于新的任务,并在元测试期间使用标记的少量示例。我们观察到两个元素在UML中扮演着重要角色,即进行样本任务和衡量实例之间的相似性的方法。因此,我们获得了具有两个简单修改的​​强基线 - 一个足够的采样策略,每情节有效地构建多个任务以及半分解的相似性。然后,我们利用来自两个方向的任务特征以获得进一步的改进。首先,合成的混淆实例被合并以帮助提取更多的判别嵌入。其次,我们利用额外的特定任务嵌入转换作为元训练期间的辅助组件,以促进预先适应的嵌入式的概括能力。几乎没有学习基准的实验证明,我们的方法比以前的UML方法优于先前的UML方法,并且比其监督变体获得了可比甚至更好的性能。
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自我监督学习的进步带来了强大的一般图像表示学习方法。到目前为止,它主要集中在图像级学习上。反过来,诸如无监督图像细分之类的任务并没有从这种趋势中受益,因为它们需要空间多样性的表示。但是,学习密集的表示具有挑战性,因为在无监督的环境中,尚不清楚如何指导模型学习与各种潜在对象类别相对应的表示形式。在本文中,我们认为对物体部分的自我监督学习是解决此问题的方法。对象部分是可以推广的:它们是独立于对象定义的先验性,但可以分组以形成对象后验。为此,我们利用最近提出的视觉变压器参与对象的能力,并将其与空间密集的聚类任务相结合,以微调空间令牌。我们的方法超过了三个语义分割基准的最新方法,提高了17%-3%,表明我们的表示在各种对象定义下都是用途广泛的。最后,我们将其扩展到完全无监督的分割 - 即使在测试时间也可以完全避免使用标签信息 - 并证明了一种基于社区检测的自动合并发现的对象零件的简单方法可产生可观的收益。
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Few-shot image classification consists of two consecutive learning processes: 1) In the meta-learning stage, the model acquires a knowledge base from a set of training classes. 2) During meta-testing, the acquired knowledge is used to recognize unseen classes from very few examples. Inspired by the compositional representation of objects in humans, we train a neural network architecture that explicitly represents objects as a dictionary of shared components and their spatial composition. In particular, during meta-learning, we train a knowledge base that consists of a dictionary of component representations and a dictionary of component activation maps that encode common spatial activation patterns of components. The elements of both dictionaries are shared among the training classes. During meta-testing, the representation of unseen classes is learned using the component representations and the component activation maps from the knowledge base. Finally, an attention mechanism is used to strengthen those components that are most important for each category. We demonstrate the value of our interpretable compositional learning framework for a few-shot classification using miniImageNet, tieredImageNet, CIFAR-FS, and FC100, where we achieve comparable performance.
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视觉变压器(VIT)的几乎没有射击的学习能力很少进行,尽管有很大的需求。在这项工作中,我们从经验上发现,使用相同的少数学习框架,例如\〜元基线,用VIT模型代替了广泛使用的CNN特征提取器,通常严重损害了几乎没有弹药的分类性能。此外,我们的实证研究表明,在没有归纳偏见的情况下,VIT通常会在几乎没有射击的学习方面学习低资格的令牌依赖性,在这些方案下,只有几个标记的培训数据可获得,这在很大程度上会导致上述性能降级。为了减轻这个问题,我们首次提出了一个简单而有效的几杆培训框架,即自我推广的监督(Sun)。具体而言,除了对全球语义学习的常规监督外,太阳还进一步预处理了少量学习数据集的VIT,然后使用它来生成各个位置特定的监督,以指导每个补丁令牌。此特定于位置的监督告诉VIT哪个贴片令牌相似或不同,因此可以加速令牌依赖的依赖学习。此外,它将每个贴片令牌中的本地语义建模,以提高对象接地和识别能力,以帮助学习可概括的模式。为了提高特定于位置的监督的质量,我们进一步提出了两种技术:〜1)背景补丁过滤以滤掉背景补丁并将其分配为额外的背景类别; 2)空间一致的增强,以引入足够的多样性以增加数据,同时保持生成的本地监督的准确性。实验结果表明,使用VITS的太阳显着超过了其他VIT的少量学习框架,并且是第一个获得比CNN最先进的效果更高的性能。
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A hallmark of the deep learning era for computer vision is the successful use of large-scale labeled datasets to train feature representations for tasks ranging from object recognition and semantic segmentation to optical flow estimation and novel view synthesis of 3D scenes. In this work, we aim to learn dense discriminative object representations for low-shot category recognition without requiring any category labels. To this end, we propose Deep Object Patch Encodings (DOPE), which can be trained from multiple views of object instances without any category or semantic object part labels. To train DOPE, we assume access to sparse depths, foreground masks and known cameras, to obtain pixel-level correspondences between views of an object, and use this to formulate a self-supervised learning task to learn discriminative object patches. We find that DOPE can directly be used for low-shot classification of novel categories using local-part matching, and is competitive with and outperforms supervised and self-supervised learning baselines. Code and data available at https://github.com/rehg-lab/dope_selfsup.
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Few-shot object detection (FSOD), which aims at learning a generic detector that can adapt to unseen tasks with scarce training samples, has witnessed consistent improvement recently. However, most existing methods ignore the efficiency issues, e.g., high computational complexity and slow adaptation speed. Notably, efficiency has become an increasingly important evaluation metric for few-shot techniques due to an emerging trend toward embedded AI. To this end, we present an efficient pretrain-transfer framework (PTF) baseline with no computational increment, which achieves comparable results with previous state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods. Upon this baseline, we devise an initializer named knowledge inheritance (KI) to reliably initialize the novel weights for the box classifier, which effectively facilitates the knowledge transfer process and boosts the adaptation speed. Within the KI initializer, we propose an adaptive length re-scaling (ALR) strategy to alleviate the vector length inconsistency between the predicted novel weights and the pretrained base weights. Finally, our approach not only achieves the SOTA results across three public benchmarks, i.e., PASCAL VOC, COCO and LVIS, but also exhibits high efficiency with 1.8-100x faster adaptation speed against the other methods on COCO/LVIS benchmark during few-shot transfer. To our best knowledge, this is the first work to consider the efficiency problem in FSOD. We hope to motivate a trend toward powerful yet efficient few-shot technique development. The codes are publicly available at https://github.com/Ze-Yang/Efficient-FSOD.
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几次拍摄的语义分割旨在将新颖的类对象分段为仅具有少数标记的支持图像。大多数高级解决方案利用度量学习框架,通过将每个查询功能与学习的类特定的原型匹配来执行分段。然而,由于特征比较不完整,该框架遭受了偏见的分类。为了解决这个问题,我们通过引入类别特定的和类别不可知的原型来提出自适应原型表示,从而构建与查询功能学习语义对齐的完整样本对。互补特征学习方式有效地丰富了特征比较,并有助于在几次拍摄设置中产生一个非偏见的分段模型。它用双分支端到端网络(\即,特定于类分支和类别不可知分支)实现,它生成原型,然后组合查询特征以执行比较。此外,所提出的类别无神不可话的分支简单而且有效。在实践中,它可以自适应地为查询图像生成多种类别 - 不可知的原型,并以自我对比方式学习特征对齐。广泛的Pascal-5 $ ^ i $和Coco-20 $ ^ i $展示了我们方法的优越性。在不牺牲推理效率的费用中,我们的模型实现了最先进的,导致1-Shot和5-Shot Settings进行语义分割。
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Conventional training of a deep CNN based object detector demands a large number of bounding box annotations, which may be unavailable for rare categories. In this work we develop a few-shot object detector that can learn to detect novel objects from only a few annotated examples. Our proposed model leverages fully labeled base classes and quickly adapts to novel classes, using a meta feature learner and a reweighting module within a one-stage detection architecture. The feature learner extracts meta features that are generalizable to detect novel object classes, using training data from base classes with sufficient samples. The reweighting module transforms a few support examples from the novel classes to a global vector that indicates the importance or relevance of meta features for detecting the corresponding objects. These two modules, together with a detection prediction module, are trained end-to-end based on an episodic few-shot learning scheme and a carefully designed loss function. Through extensive experiments we demonstrate that our model outperforms well-established baselines by a large margin for few-shot object detection, on multiple datasets and settings. We also present analysis on various aspects of our proposed model, aiming to provide some inspiration for future few-shot detection works.
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