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准确的移动对象细分是自动驾驶的重要任务。它可以为许多下游任务提供有效的信息,例如避免碰撞,路径计划和静态地图构建。如何有效利用时空信息是3D激光雷达移动对象分割(LIDAR-MOS)的关键问题。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个新型的深神经网络,利用了时空信息和不同的LiDAR扫描表示方式,以提高LIDAR-MOS性能。具体而言,我们首先使用基于图像图像的双分支结构来分别处理可以从顺序的LiDAR扫描获得的空间和时间信息,然后使用运动引导的注意模块组合它们。我们还通过3D稀疏卷积使用点完善模块来融合LIDAR范围图像和点云表示的信息,并减少对象边界上的伪像。我们验证了我们提出的方法对Semantickitti的LiDAR-MOS基准的有效性。我们的方法在LiDar-Mos IOU方面大大优于最先进的方法。从设计的粗到精细体系结构中受益,我们的方法以传感器框架速率在线运行。我们方法的实现可作为开源可用:https://github.com/haomo-ai/motionseg3d。
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了解场景是自主导航车辆的关键,以及在线将周围环境分段为移动和非移动物体的能力是这项任务的中央成分。通常,基于深度学习的方法用于执行移动对象分段(MOS)。然而,这些网络的性能强烈取决于标记培训数据的多样性和数量,可以获得昂贵的信息。在本文中,我们提出了一种自动数据标记管道,用于3D LIDAR数据,以节省广泛的手动标记工作,并通过自动生成标记的训练数据来提高现有的基于学习的MOS系统的性能。我们所提出的方法通过批量处理数据来实现数据。首先利用基于占用的动态对象拆除以粗略地检测可能的动态物体。其次,它提取了提案中的段,并使用卡尔曼滤波器跟踪它们。基于跟踪的轨迹,它标记了实际移动的物体,如驾驶汽车和行人。相反,非移动物体,例如,停放的汽车,灯,道路或建筑物被标记为静态。我们表明,这种方法允许我们高效地标记LIDAR数据,并将我们的结果与其他标签生成方法的结果进行比较。我们还使用自动生成的标签培训深度神经网络,并与在同一数据上的手动标签上接受过的手动标签的培训相比,实现了类似的性能,以及使用我们方法生成的标签的其他数据集时更好的性能。此外,我们使用不同的传感器评估我们在多个数据集上的方法,我们的实验表明我们的方法可以在各种环境中生成标签。
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强大而准确的本地化是移动自主系统的基本要求。类似杆状的物体,例如交通标志,杆子和灯,由于其局部独特性和长期稳定性,经常使用地标在城市环境中定位。在本文中,我们基于在线运行并且几乎没有计算需求的几何特征,提出了一种新颖,准确,快速的杆提取方法。我们的方法直接对3D LIDAR扫描生成的范围图像执行所有计算,该图像避免了显式处理3D点云,并为每次扫描启用快速的极点提取。我们进一步使用提取的杆子作为伪标签来训练深层神经网络,以基于图像的极点分割。我们测试了我们的几何和基于学习的极点提取方法,用于在不同的扫描仪,路线和季节性变化的不同数据集上定位。实验结果表明,我们的方法表现优于其他最先进的方法。此外,通过从多个数据集提取的伪极标签增强,我们基于学习的方法可以跨不同的数据集运行,并且与基于几何的方法相比,可以实现更好的本地化结果。我们向公众发布了杆数据集,以评估杆的性能以及我们的方法的实施。
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Perception in autonomous vehicles is often carried out through a suite of different sensing modalities. Given the massive amount of openly available labeled RGB data and the advent of high-quality deep learning algorithms for image-based recognition, high-level semantic perception tasks are pre-dominantly solved using high-resolution cameras. As a result of that, other sensor modalities potentially useful for this task are often ignored. In this paper, we push the state of the art in LiDAR-only semantic segmentation forward in order to provide another independent source of semantic information to the vehicle. Our approach can accurately perform full semantic segmentation of LiDAR point clouds at sensor frame rate. We exploit range images as an intermediate representation in combination with a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) exploiting the rotating LiDAR sensor model. To obtain accurate results, we propose a novel postprocessing algorithm that deals with problems arising from this intermediate representation such as discretization errors and blurry CNN outputs. We implemented and thoroughly evaluated our approach including several comparisons to the state of the art. Our experiments show that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art approaches, while still running online on a single embedded GPU. The code can be accessed at https://github.com/PRBonn/lidar-bonnetal.
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Our dataset provides dense annotations for each scan of all sequences from the KITTI Odometry Benchmark [19]. Here, we show multiple scans aggregated using pose information estimated by a SLAM approach.
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We present a lightweight post-processing method to refine the semantic segmentation results of point cloud sequences. Most existing methods usually segment frame by frame and encounter the inherent ambiguity of the problem: based on a measurement in a single frame, labels are sometimes difficult to predict even for humans. To remedy this problem, we propose to explicitly train a network to refine these results predicted by an existing segmentation method. The network, which we call the P2Net, learns the consistency constraints between coincident points from consecutive frames after registration. We evaluate the proposed post-processing method both qualitatively and quantitatively on the SemanticKITTI dataset that consists of real outdoor scenes. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated by comparing the results predicted by two representative networks with and without the refinement by the post-processing network. Specifically, qualitative visualization validates the key idea that labels of the points that are difficult to predict can be corrected with P2Net. Quantitatively, overall mIoU is improved from 10.5% to 11.7% for PointNet [1] and from 10.8% to 15.9% for PointNet++ [2].
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In this work, we address the problem of unsupervised moving object segmentation (MOS) in 4D LiDAR data recorded from a stationary sensor, where no ground truth annotations are involved. Deep learning-based state-of-the-art methods for LiDAR MOS strongly depend on annotated ground truth data, which is expensive to obtain and scarce in existence. To close this gap in the stationary setting, we propose a novel 4D LiDAR representation based on multivariate time series that relaxes the problem of unsupervised MOS to a time series clustering problem. More specifically, we propose modeling the change in occupancy of a voxel by a multivariate occupancy time series (MOTS), which captures spatio-temporal occupancy changes on the voxel level and its surrounding neighborhood. To perform unsupervised MOS, we train a neural network in a self-supervised manner to encode MOTS into voxel-level feature representations, which can be partitioned by a clustering algorithm into moving or stationary. Experiments on stationary scenes from the Raw KITTI dataset show that our fully unsupervised approach achieves performance that is comparable to that of supervised state-of-the-art approaches.
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从预期的观点(例如范围视图(RV)和Bird's-eye-view(BEV))进行了云云语义细分。不同的视图捕获了点云的不同信息,因此彼此互补。但是,最近基于投影的点云语义分割方法通常会利用一种香草后期的融合策略来预测不同观点,因此未能从表示学习过程中从几何学角度探索互补信息。在本文中,我们引入了一个几何流动网络(GFNET),以探索以融合方式对准不同视图之间的几何对应关系。具体而言,我们设计了一个新颖的几何流量模块(GFM),以双向对齐并根据端到端学习方案下的几何关系跨不同观点传播互补信息。我们对两个广泛使用的基准数据集(Semantickitti和Nuscenes)进行了广泛的实验,以证明我们的GFNET对基于项目的点云语义分割的有效性。具体而言,GFNET不仅显着提高了每个单独观点的性能,而且还可以在所有基于投影的模型中取得最新的结果。代码可在\ url {https://github.com/haibo-qiu/gfnet}中获得。
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点云的Panoptic分割是一种重要的任务,使自动车辆能够使用高精度可靠的激光雷达传感器来理解其附近。现有的自上而下方法通过将独立的任务特定网络或转换方法从图像域转换为忽略激光雷达数据的复杂性,因此通常会导致次优性性能来解决这个问题。在本文中,我们提出了新的自上而下的高效激光乐光线分割(有效的LID)架构,该架构解决了分段激光雷达云中的多种挑战,包括距离依赖性稀疏性,严重的闭塞,大规模变化和重新投影误差。高效地板包括一种新型共享骨干,可以通过加强的几何变换建模容量进行编码,并聚合语义丰富的范围感知多尺度特征。它结合了新的不变语义和实例分段头以及由我们提出的Panoptic外围损耗功能监督的Panoptic Fusion模块。此外,我们制定了正则化的伪标签框架,通过对未标记数据的培训进行进一步提高高效性的性能。我们在两个大型LIDAR数据集中建议模型基准:NUSCENES,我们还提供了地面真相注释和Semantickitti。值得注意的是,高效地将在两个数据集上设置新的最先进状态。
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Scene understanding is crucial for autonomous robots in dynamic environments for making future state predictions, avoiding collisions, and path planning. Camera and LiDAR perception made tremendous progress in recent years, but face limitations under adverse weather conditions. To leverage the full potential of multi-modal sensor suites, radar sensors are essential for safety critical tasks and are already installed in most new vehicles today. In this paper, we address the problem of semantic segmentation of moving objects in radar point clouds to enhance the perception of the environment with another sensor modality. Instead of aggregating multiple scans to densify the point clouds, we propose a novel approach based on the self-attention mechanism to accurately perform sparse, single-scan segmentation. Our approach, called Gaussian Radar Transformer, includes the newly introduced Gaussian transformer layer, which replaces the softmax normalization by a Gaussian function to decouple the contribution of individual points. To tackle the challenge of the transformer to capture long-range dependencies, we propose our attentive up- and downsampling modules to enlarge the receptive field and capture strong spatial relations. We compare our approach to other state-of-the-art methods on the RadarScenes data set and show superior segmentation quality in diverse environments, even without exploiting temporal information.
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Maps play a key role in rapidly developing area of autonomous driving. We survey the literature for different map representations and find that while the world is three-dimensional, it is common to rely on 2D map representations in order to meet real-time constraints. We believe that high levels of situation awareness require a 3D representation as well as the inclusion of semantic information. We demonstrate that our recently presented hierarchical 3D grid mapping framework UFOMap meets the real-time constraints. Furthermore, we show how it can be used to efficiently support more complex functions such as calculating the occluded parts of space and accumulating the output from a semantic segmentation network.
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Point cloud learning has lately attracted increasing attention due to its wide applications in many areas, such as computer vision, autonomous driving, and robotics. As a dominating technique in AI, deep learning has been successfully used to solve various 2D vision problems. However, deep learning on point clouds is still in its infancy due to the unique challenges faced by the processing of point clouds with deep neural networks. Recently, deep learning on point clouds has become even thriving, with numerous methods being proposed to address different problems in this area. To stimulate future research, this paper presents a comprehensive review of recent progress in deep learning methods for point clouds. It covers three major tasks, including 3D shape classification, 3D object detection and tracking, and 3D point cloud segmentation. It also presents comparative results on several publicly available datasets, together with insightful observations and inspiring future research directions.
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Paris-Carla-3d是由移动激光器和相机系统构建的几个浓彩色点云的数据集。数据由两组具有来自开源Carla模拟器(700百万分)的合成数据和在巴黎市中获取的真实数据(6000万分),因此Paris-Carla-3d的名称。此数据集的一个优点是在开源Carla模拟器中模拟了相同的LIDAR和相机平台,因为用于生产真实数据的开源Carla Simulator。此外,使用Carla的语义标记的手动注释在真实数据上执行,允许将转移方法从合成到实际数据进行测试。该数据集的目的是提供一个具有挑战性的数据集,以评估和改进户外环境3D映射的困难视觉任务的方法:语义分段,实例分段和场景完成。对于每项任务,我们描述了评估协议以及建立基线的实验。
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变压器在自然语言处理中的成功最近引起了计算机视觉领域的关注。由于能够学习长期依赖性,变压器已被用作广泛使用的卷积运算符的替代品。事实证明,这种替代者在许多任务中都取得了成功,其中几种最先进的方法依靠变压器来更好地学习。在计算机视觉中,3D字段还见证了使用变压器来增加3D卷积神经网络和多层感知器网络的增加。尽管许多调查都集中在视力中的变压器上,但由于与2D视觉相比,由于数据表示和处理的差异,3D视觉需要特别注意。在这项工作中,我们介绍了针对不同3D视觉任务的100多种变压器方法的系统和彻底审查,包括分类,细分,检测,完成,姿势估计等。我们在3D Vision中讨论了变形金刚的设计,该设计使其可以使用各种3D表示形式处理数据。对于每个应用程序,我们强调了基于变压器的方法的关键属性和贡献。为了评估这些方法的竞争力,我们将它们的性能与12个3D基准测试的常见非转化方法进行了比较。我们通过讨论3D视觉中变压器的不同开放方向和挑战来结束调查。除了提出的论文外,我们的目标是频繁更新最新的相关论文及其相应的实现:https://github.com/lahoud/3d-vision-transformers。
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点云是用于在自动车辆中的感知的关键模态,提供对周围环境的坚固几何理解的手段。然而,尽管传感器从自主车辆自然是季度自然的,但仍然有限地探讨了3D Sem-TIC分割的利用点云序列。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的稀疏时间本地注意力(StELA)模块,其聚合在先前点云帧中的本地邻域中中间特征,以向解码器提供丰富的时间上下文。使用稀疏的本地邻居使我们的方法能够更灵活地收集比直接匹配点特征的方法,比在整个点云框架上执行昂贵的全球关注的那些。我们在Semantickitti DataSet上实现了64.3%的竞争Miou,并在我们的消融研究中表现出对单一帧基线的显着改进。
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