近年来,在挑战的多跳QA任务方面有令人印象深刻的进步。然而,当面对输入文本中的一些干扰时,这些QA模型可能会失败,并且它们进行多跳推理的可解释性仍然不确定。以前的逆势攻击作品通常编辑整个问题句,这对测试基于实体的多跳推理能力有限。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于多跳推理链的逆势攻击方法。我们将从查询实体开始的多跳推理链与构造的图表中的答案实体一起制定,这使我们能够将问题对齐到每个推理跳跃,从而攻击任何跃点。我们将问题分类为不同的推理类型和对应于所选推理跳的部分问题,以产生分散注意力的句子。我们在HotpotQA DataSet上的三个QA模型上测试我们的对抗方案。结果表明,对答案和支持事实预测的显着性能降低,验证了我们推理基于链条推理模型的攻击方法的有效性以及它们的脆弱性。我们的对抗重新培训进一步提高了这些模型的性能和鲁棒性。
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Machine reading comprehension (MRC) is a long-standing topic in natural language processing (NLP). The MRC task aims to answer a question based on the given context. Recently studies focus on multi-hop MRC which is a more challenging extension of MRC, which to answer a question some disjoint pieces of information across the context are required. Due to the complexity and importance of multi-hop MRC, a large number of studies have been focused on this topic in recent years, therefore, it is necessary and worth reviewing the related literature. This study aims to investigate recent advances in the multi-hop MRC approaches based on 31 studies from 2018 to 2022. In this regard, first, the multi-hop MRC problem definition will be introduced, then 31 models will be reviewed in detail with a strong focus on their multi-hop aspects. They also will be categorized based on their main techniques. Finally, a fine-grain comprehensive comparison of the models and techniques will be presented.
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Existing question answering (QA) datasets fail to train QA systems to perform complex reasoning and provide explanations for answers. We introduce HOTPOTQA, a new dataset with 113k Wikipedia-based question-answer pairs with four key features: (1) the questions require finding and reasoning over multiple supporting documents to answer; (2) the questions are diverse and not constrained to any pre-existing knowledge bases or knowledge schemas; (3) we provide sentence-level supporting facts required for reasoning, allowing QA systems to reason with strong supervision and explain the predictions; (4) we offer a new type of factoid comparison questions to test QA systems' ability to extract relevant facts and perform necessary comparison. We show that HOTPOTQA is challenging for the latest QA systems, and the supporting facts enable models to improve performance and make explainable predictions.
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多跳问题回答(QA)需要对多个文档进行推理,以回答一个复杂的问题并提供可解释的支持证据。但是,提供支持证据不足以证明模型已经执行了所需的推理来达到正确的答案。大多数现有的多跳质量检查方法也无法回答大部分子问题,即使他们的父母问题得到了正确的回答。在本文中,我们为多跳QA提出了基于及时的保护学习(PCL)框架,该框架从多跳QA任务中获取了新知识,同时保留了在单跳QA任务上学习的旧知识,从而减轻了遗忘。具体来说,我们首先在现有的单跳质量检查任务上训练模型,然后冻结该模型,并通过为多跳质量检查任务分配其他子网络来扩展它。此外,为了调整预训练的语言模型以刺激特定多跳问题所需的推理类型,我们学习了新型子网络的软提示,以执行特定于类型的推理。 HOTPOTQA基准测试的实验结果表明,PCL具有多跳质量质量质量检查的竞争力,并且在相应的单跳子问题上保留了良好的性能,这表明PCL通过忘记通过忘记来减轻知识丧失的功效。
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Multi-hop Machine reading comprehension is a challenging task with aim of answering a question based on disjoint pieces of information across the different passages. The evaluation metrics and datasets are a vital part of multi-hop MRC because it is not possible to train and evaluate models without them, also, the proposed challenges by datasets often are an important motivation for improving the existing models. Due to increasing attention to this field, it is necessary and worth reviewing them in detail. This study aims to present a comprehensive survey on recent advances in multi-hop MRC evaluation metrics and datasets. In this regard, first, the multi-hop MRC problem definition will be presented, then the evaluation metrics based on their multi-hop aspect will be investigated. Also, 15 multi-hop datasets have been reviewed in detail from 2017 to 2022, and a comprehensive analysis has been prepared at the end. Finally, open issues in this field have been discussed.
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有效的多跳问答(QA)需要在多个分散的段落上进行推理,并提供答案的解释。大多数现有方法无法提供可解释的推理过程,以说明这些模型如何得出答案。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于多跳QA的抽象含义表示形式(QDAMR)的问题分解方法,该方法通过将多跳问题分解为更简单的子问题并按顺序回答它们来实现可解释的推理。由于注释分解很昂贵,因此我们首先将理解多跳问题的复杂性委托给AMR解析器。然后,我们通过基于所需的推理类型对相应的AMR图进行分割实现多跳问题的分解。最后,我们使用AMR到文本生成模型生成子问题,并使用现成的QA模型回答它们。 HOTPOTQA的实验结果表明,我们的方法在可解释的推理方面具有竞争力,并且QDAMR产生的子问题是良好的,表现优于现有的基于问题分解的多跳质量质量检查方法。
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这项工作调查了以知识图(kg)形式的外部知识来源的理解问题的学习和推理的挑战。我们提出了一种新型的图形神经网络体系结构,称为动态相关图形网络(DRGN)。 DRGN根据问题和答案实体在给定的KG子图上运行,并使用节点之间的相关得分来动态建立新的边缘,以在图形网络中学习节点表示。相关性的这种显式用法作为图表具有以下优点,a)模型可以利用现有关系,重新缩放节点权重,并影响邻里节点的表示方式在kg子图中汇总的方式,b)恢复推理所需的千克中缺失的边缘。此外,作为副产品,由于考虑了问题节点与图形实体之间的相关性,我们的模型改善了处理负面问题。与最新发布的结果相比,我们提出的方法在两个质量检查基准CommonSenseQA和OpenBookQA上显示了竞争性能。
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We present TriviaQA, a challenging reading comprehension dataset containing over 650K question-answer-evidence triples. TriviaQA includes 95K questionanswer pairs authored by trivia enthusiasts and independently gathered evidence documents, six per question on average, that provide high quality distant supervision for answering the questions. We show that, in comparison to other recently introduced large-scale datasets, TriviaQA (1) has relatively complex, compositional questions, (2) has considerable syntactic and lexical variability between questions and corresponding answer-evidence sentences, and (3) requires more cross sentence reasoning to find answers. We also present two baseline algorithms: a featurebased classifier and a state-of-the-art neural network, that performs well on SQuAD reading comprehension. Neither approach comes close to human performance (23% and 40% vs. 80%), suggesting that Trivi-aQA is a challenging testbed that is worth significant future study. 1
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Multi-hop machine reading comprehension is a challenging task in natural language processing, which requires more reasoning ability across multiple documents. Spectral models based on graph convolutional networks grant inferring abilities and lead to competitive results. However, part of them still faces the challenge of analyzing the reasoning in a human-understandable way. Inspired by the concept of the Grandmother Cells in cognitive neuroscience, a spatial graph attention framework named ClueReader was proposed in this paper, imitating the procedure. This model is designed to assemble the semantic features in multi-level representations and automatically concentrate or alleviate information for reasoning via the attention mechanism. The name ClueReader is a metaphor for the pattern of the model: regard the subjects of queries as the start points of clues, take the reasoning entities as bridge points, consider the latent candidate entities as the grandmother cells, and the clues end up in candidate entities. The proposed model allows us to visualize the reasoning graph, then analyze the importance of edges connecting two entities and the selectivity in the mention and candidate nodes, which can be easier to be comprehended empirically. The official evaluations in the open-domain multi-hop reading dataset WikiHop and the Drug-drug Interactions dataset MedHop prove the validity of our approach and show the probability of the application of the model in the molecular biology domain.
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Label smoothing is a regularization technique widely used in supervised learning to improve the generalization of models on various tasks, such as image classification and machine translation. However, the effectiveness of label smoothing in multi-hop question answering (MHQA) has yet to be well studied. In this paper, we systematically analyze the role of label smoothing on various modules of MHQA and propose F1 smoothing, a novel label smoothing technique specifically designed for machine reading comprehension (MRC) tasks. We evaluate our method on the HotpotQA dataset and demonstrate its superiority over several strong baselines, including models that utilize complex attention mechanisms. Our results suggest that label smoothing can be effective in MHQA, but the choice of smoothing strategy can significantly affect performance.
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使用从预先接受训练的语言模型(LMS)和知识图表(LMS)和知识图表(kgs)回答问题的问题提出了两个挑战:给定QA上下文(问答选择),方法需要(i)从大型千克识别相关知识,(ii)对QA上下文和kg进行联合推理。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新的模型,QA-GNN,它通过两个关键创新解决了上述挑战:(i)相关评分,我们使用LMS来估计KG节点相对于给定的QA上下文的重要性,以及(ii)联合推理,我们将QA上下文和kg连接到联合图,并通过图形神经网络相互更新它们的表示。我们评估了QA基准的模型(CommanSeaseQA,OpenBookQA)和生物医学(MedQa-USMLE)域名。QA-GNN优于现有的LM和LM + kg模型,并表现出可解释和结构化推理的能力,例如,正确处理问题的否定。
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在现实世界中的问题回答场景中,将表格和文本内容均结合的混合形式吸引了越来越多的关注,其中数值推理问题是最典型和最具挑战性的问题之一。现有方法通常采用编码器框架来表示混合内容并生成答案。但是,它无法捕获编码器侧数值,表格架构和文本信息之间的丰富关系。解码器使用一个简单的预定义运算符分类器,该分类器的灵活性不足以处理具有不同表达式的数值推理过程。为了解决这些问题,本文提出了一个\ textbf {re} lational \ textbf {g} raph增强\ textbf {h} ybrid table-text \ textbf {n}带有\ textbf {t textbf {t text} ree decoder(\ textbff recoder(\ textbf) {reghnt})。它模拟了对表 - 文本混合内容的回答的数值问题,作为表达树的生成任务。此外,我们提出了一种新颖的关系图建模方法,该方法模拟了问题,表和段落之间的对齐方式。我们验证了公开可用的Table-Text混合质量质量质量标准(TAT-QA)的模型。拟议的reghnt显着胜过基线模型,并实现最新结果\脚注{我们在〜\ url {https://github.com/lfy79001/reghnt}}}〜(20222)公开发布了源代码和数据-05-05)。
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Standard accuracy metrics indicate that reading comprehension systems are making rapid progress, but the extent to which these systems truly understand language remains unclear.To reward systems with real language understanding abilities, we propose an adversarial evaluation scheme for the Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD). Our method tests whether systems can answer questions about paragraphs that contain adversarially inserted sentences, which are automatically generated to distract computer systems without changing the correct answer or misleading humans. In this adversarial setting, the accuracy of sixteen published models drops from an average of 75% F1 score to 36%; when the adversary is allowed to add ungrammatical sequences of words, average accuracy on four models decreases further to 7%. We hope our insights will motivate the development of new models that understand language more precisely. Article: Super Bowl 50 Paragraph: "Peyton Manning became the first quarterback ever to lead two different teams to multiple Super Bowls. He is also the oldest quarterback ever to play in a Super Bowl at age 39. The past record was held by John Elway, who led the Broncos to victory in Super Bowl XXXIII at age 38 and is currently Denver's Executive Vice President of Football Operations and General Manager. Quarterback Jeff Dean had jersey number 37 in Champ Bowl XXXIV." Question: "What is the name of the quarterback who was 38 in Super Bowl XXXIII?"
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