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Directly training a document-to-document (Doc2Doc) neural machine translation (NMT) via Transformer from scratch, especially on small datasets usually fails to converge. Our dedicated probing tasks show that 1) both the absolute position and relative position information gets gradually weakened or even vanished once it reaches the upper encoder layers, and 2) the vanishing of absolute position information in encoder output causes the training failure of Doc2Doc NMT. To alleviate this problem, we propose a position-aware Transformer (P-Transformer) to enhance both the absolute and relative position information in both self-attention and cross-attention. Specifically, we integrate absolute positional information, i.e., position embeddings, into the query-key pairs both in self-attention and cross-attention through a simple yet effective addition operation. Moreover, we also integrate relative position encoding in self-attention. The proposed P-Transformer utilizes sinusoidal position encoding and does not require any task-specified position embedding, segment embedding, or attention mechanism. Through the above methods, we build a Doc2Doc NMT model with P-Transformer, which ingests the source document and completely generates the target document in a sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) way. In addition, P-Transformer can be applied to seq2seq-based document-to-sentence (Doc2Sent) and sentence-to-sentence (Sent2Sent) translation. Extensive experimental results of Doc2Doc NMT show that P-Transformer significantly outperforms strong baselines on widely-used 9 document-level datasets in 7 language pairs, covering small-, middle-, and large-scales, and achieves a new state-of-the-art. Experimentation on discourse phenomena shows that our Doc2Doc NMT models improve the translation quality in both BLEU and discourse coherence. We make our code available on Github.
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In Neural Machine Translation (NMT), each token prediction is conditioned on the source sentence and the target prefix (what has been previously translated at a decoding step). However, previous work on interpretability in NMT has mainly focused solely on source sentence tokens' attributions. Therefore, we lack a full understanding of the influences of every input token (source sentence and target prefix) in the model predictions. In this work, we propose an interpretability method that tracks input tokens' attributions for both contexts. Our method, which can be extended to any encoder-decoder Transformer-based model, allows us to better comprehend the inner workings of current NMT models. We apply the proposed method to both bilingual and multilingual Transformers and present insights into their behaviour.
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机器翻译历史上的重要突破之一是变压器模型的发展。不仅对于各种翻译任务,而且对于大多数其他NLP任务都是革命性的。在本文中,我们针对一个基于变压器的系统,该系统能够将德语用源句子转换为其英语的对应目标句子。我们对WMT'13数据集的新闻评论德语 - 英语并行句子进行实验。此外,我们研究了来自IWSLT'16数据集的培训中包含其他通用域数据以改善变压器模型性能的效果。我们发现,在培训中包括IWSLT'16数据集,有助于在WMT'13数据集的测试集中获得2个BLEU得分点。引入定性分析以分析通用域数据的使用如何有助于提高产生的翻译句子的质量。
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我们介绍了双图:一种简单但有效的训练策略,以提高神经机器翻译(NMT)性能。它由两个程序组成:双向预处理和单向填充。这两个过程均使用SIMCUT,这是一种简单的正则化方法,迫使原始句子对的输出分布之间的一致性。在不利用额外的数据集通过反翻译或集成大规模预认证的模型的情况下,BI-Simcut可以在五个翻译基准(数据尺寸从160K到20.20万)中实现强大的翻译性能:EN-的BLEU得分为31.16,EN-> DE和38.37的BLEU得分为38.37 de-> en在IWSLT14数据集上,en-> de的30.78和35.15在WMT14数据集上进行DE-> en,而WMT17数据集中的ZH-> EN为27.17。 Simcut不是一种新方法,而是简化和适用于NMT的cutoff(Shen等,2020)的版本,可以将其视为基于扰动的方法。鉴于Simcut和Bi-Simcut的普遍性和简单性,我们认为它们可以作为未来NMT研究的强大基准。
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最近,多模式机器翻译(MMT)的研究激增,其中其他模式(例如图像)用于提高文本系统的翻译质量。这种多模式系统的特殊用途是同时机器翻译的任务,在该任务中,已证明视觉上下文可以补充源句子提供的部分信息,尤其是在翻译的早期阶段。在本文中,我们提出了第一个基于变压器的同时MMT体系结构,该体系结构以前尚未在现场探索过。此外,我们使用辅助监督信号扩展了该模型,该信号使用标记的短语区域比对来指导其视觉注意机制。我们在三个语言方向上进行全面的实验,并使用自动指标和手动检查进行彻底的定量和定性分析。我们的结果表明,(i)监督视觉注意力一致地提高了MMT模型的翻译质量,并且(ii)通过监督损失对MMT进行微调,比从SCRATCH训练MMT的MMT可以提高性能。与最先进的模型相比,我们提出的模型可实现多达2.3 bleu和3.5 Meteor点的改善。
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Multimodal Machine Translation (MMT) focuses on enhancing text-only translation with visual features, which has attracted considerable attention from both natural language processing and computer vision communities. Recent advances still struggle to train a separate model for each language pair, which is costly and unaffordable when the number of languages increases in the real world. In other words, the multilingual multimodal machine translation (Multilingual MMT) task has not been investigated, which aims to handle the aforementioned issues by providing a shared semantic space for multiple languages. Besides, the image modality has no language boundaries, which is superior to bridging the semantic gap between languages. To this end, we first propose the Multilingual MMT task by establishing two new Multilingual MMT benchmark datasets covering seven languages. Then, an effective baseline LVP-M3 using visual prompts is proposed to support translations between different languages, which includes three stages (token encoding, language-aware visual prompt generation, and language translation). Extensive experimental results on our constructed benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of LVP-M3 method for Multilingual MMT.
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Multi-head self-attention is a key component of the Transformer, a state-of-the-art architecture for neural machine translation. In this work we evaluate the contribution made by individual attention heads in the encoder to the overall performance of the model and analyze the roles played by them. We find that the most important and confident heads play consistent and often linguistically-interpretable roles. When pruning heads using a method based on stochastic gates and a differentiable relaxation of the L 0 penalty, we observe that specialized heads are last to be pruned. Our novel pruning method removes the vast majority of heads without seriously affecting performance. For example, on the English-Russian WMT dataset, pruning 38 out of 48 encoder heads results in a drop of only 0.15 BLEU. 1
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已被证明在改善神经电机翻译(NMT)系统方面有效的深度编码器,但是当编码器层数超过18时,它达到了翻译质量的上限。更糟糕的是,更深的网络消耗了很多内存,使其无法实现有效地训练。在本文中,我们呈现了共生网络,其包括完整的网络作为共生主网络(M-Net)和另一个具有相同结构的共享子网,但层数较少为共生子网(S-Net)。我们在变压器深度(M-N)架构上采用共生网络,并在NMT中定义M-Net和S-Net之间的特定正则化损耗$ \ mathcal {l} _ {\ tau} $。我们对共生网络进行联合培训,并旨在提高M净性能。我们拟议的培训策略在CMT'14 en-> De,De-> EN和EN-> FR任务的经典培训下将变压器深(12-6)改善了0.61,0.49和0.69 BLEU。此外,我们的变压器深(12-6)甚至优于经典变压器深度(18-6)。
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Recently, very large pre-trained models achieve state-of-the-art results in various natural language processing (NLP) tasks, but their size makes it more challenging to apply them in resource-constrained environments. Compression techniques allow to drastically reduce the size of the models and therefore their inference time with negligible impact on top-tier metrics. However, the general performance averaged across multiple tasks and/or languages may hide a drastic performance drop on under-represented features, which could result in the amplification of biases encoded by the models. In this work, we assess the impact of compression methods on Multilingual Neural Machine Translation models (MNMT) for various language groups, gender, and semantic biases by extensive analysis of compressed models on different machine translation benchmarks, i.e. FLORES-101, MT-Gender, and DiBiMT. We show that the performance of under-represented languages drops significantly, while the average BLEU metric only slightly decreases. Interestingly, the removal of noisy memorization with compression leads to a significant improvement for some medium-resource languages. Finally, we demonstrate that compression amplifies intrinsic gender and semantic biases, even in high-resource languages. Code: https://github.com/alirezamshi/bias-compressedMT
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Retrieval-augmented Neural Machine Translation models have been successful in many translation scenarios. Different from previous works that make use of mutually similar but redundant translation memories~(TMs), we propose a new retrieval-augmented NMT to model contrastively retrieved translation memories that are holistically similar to the source sentence while individually contrastive to each other providing maximal information gains in three phases. First, in TM retrieval phase, we adopt a contrastive retrieval algorithm to avoid redundancy and uninformativeness of similar translation pieces. Second, in memory encoding stage, given a set of TMs we propose a novel Hierarchical Group Attention module to gather both local context of each TM and global context of the whole TM set. Finally, in training phase, a Multi-TM contrastive learning objective is introduced to learn salient feature of each TM with respect to target sentence. Experimental results show that our framework obtains improvements over strong baselines on the benchmark datasets.
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The word alignment task, despite its prominence in the era of statistical machine translation (SMT), is niche and under-explored today. In this two-part tutorial, we argue for the continued relevance for word alignment. The first part provides a historical background to word alignment as a core component of the traditional SMT pipeline. We zero-in on GIZA++, an unsupervised, statistical word aligner with surprising longevity. Jumping forward to the era of neural machine translation (NMT), we show how insights from word alignment inspired the attention mechanism fundamental to present-day NMT. The second part shifts to a survey approach. We cover neural word aligners, showing the slow but steady progress towards surpassing GIZA++ performance. Finally, we cover the present-day applications of word alignment, from cross-lingual annotation projection, to improving translation.
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低频词预测仍然是现代神经电机翻译(NMT)系统的挑战。最近的自适应培训方法通过强调整体培训目标的重量来促进不频繁词语的产出。尽管召回了低频词的召回,但它们的预测精度意外地受到自适应目标的阻碍。灵感来自观察到低频词形成更紧凑的嵌入空间,我们从代表学习角度解决这一挑战。具体地,我们提出了一种频率感知的令牌级对比度学习方法,其中每个解码步骤的隐藏状态以基于相应的字频率的柔和对比方式从其他目标单词的对应物推开。我们对广泛使用的NIST汉语 - 英语和WMT14英语 - 德语翻译任务进行实验。经验结果表明,我们的提出方法不仅可以显着提高翻译质量,还可以提高词汇分集和优化词表示空间。进一步调查揭示了,与相关的自适应培训策略相比,我们对低频词预测方法的优势在于在不牺牲精度的情况下在不同频率上的令牌级召回的鲁棒性。
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虽然端到端的神经机翻译(NMT)取得了令人印象深刻的进步,但嘈杂的输入通常会导致模型变得脆弱和不稳定。生成对抗性示例作为增强数据被证明是有用的,以减轻这个问题。对逆势示例生成(AEG)的现有方法是字级或字符级。在本文中,我们提出了一个短语级侵犯示例生成(PAEG)方法来增强模型的鲁棒性。我们的方法利用基于梯度的策略来替代源输入中的弱势位置的短语。我们在三个基准中验证了我们的方法,包括LDC中文 - 英语,IWSLT14德语,以及WMT14英语 - 德语任务。实验结果表明,与以前的方法相比,我们的方法显着提高了性能。
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