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Recent methods for learning vector space representations of words have succeeded in capturing fine-grained semantic and syntactic regularities using vector arithmetic, but the origin of these regularities has remained opaque. We analyze and make explicit the model properties needed for such regularities to emerge in word vectors. The result is a new global logbilinear regression model that combines the advantages of the two major model families in the literature: global matrix factorization and local context window methods. Our model efficiently leverages statistical information by training only on the nonzero elements in a word-word cooccurrence matrix, rather than on the entire sparse matrix or on individual context windows in a large corpus. The model produces a vector space with meaningful substructure, as evidenced by its performance of 75% on a recent word analogy task. It also outperforms related models on similarity tasks and named entity recognition.
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Natural Language Understanding has seen an increasing number of publications in the last few years, especially after robust word embeddings models became prominent, when they proved themselves able to capture and represent semantic relationships from massive amounts of data. Nevertheless, traditional models often fall short in intrinsic issues of linguistics, such as polysemy and homonymy. Any expert system that makes use of natural language in its core, can be affected by a weak semantic representation of text, resulting in inaccurate outcomes based on poor decisions. To mitigate such issues, we propose a novel approach called Most Suitable Sense Annotation (MSSA), that disambiguates and annotates each word by its specific sense, considering the semantic effects of its context. Our approach brings three main contributions to the semantic representation scenario: (i) an unsupervised technique that disambiguates and annotates words by their senses, (ii) a multi-sense embeddings model that can be extended to any traditional word embeddings algorithm, and (iii) a recurrent methodology that allows our models to be re-used and their representations refined. We test our approach on six different benchmarks for the word similarity task, showing that our approach can produce state-of-the-art results and outperforms several more complex state-of-the-art systems.
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We analyze skip-gram with negative-sampling (SGNS), a word embedding method introduced by Mikolov et al., and show that it is implicitly factorizing a word-context matrix, whose cells are the pointwise mutual information (PMI) of the respective word and context pairs, shifted by a global constant. We find that another embedding method, NCE, is implicitly factorizing a similar matrix, where each cell is the (shifted) log conditional probability of a word given its context. We show that using a sparse Shifted Positive PMI word-context matrix to represent words improves results on two word similarity tasks and one of two analogy tasks. When dense low-dimensional vectors are preferred, exact factorization with SVD can achieve solutions that are at least as good as SGNS's solutions for word similarity tasks. On analogy questions SGNS remains superior to SVD. We conjecture that this stems from the weighted nature of SGNS's factorization.
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大型语言数据集的可用性使数据驱动的方法能够研究语言改变。 Google Books Corpus Unigram频率数据集用于以八种语言调查排名动态。我们观察了1900年至2008年的Unigrams的等级变化,并将其与我们为分析开发的赖特 - 费舍尔灵感的模型进行了比较。该模型模拟中性进化过程,限制没有消失并添加单词。这项工作解释了模型的数学框架 - 用多项式过渡概率写作马尔可夫链 - 以展示单词频率如何变化。从我们的数据和我们的模型中的观察开始,Word Rank稳定性显示出两种类型的特点:(1)排名的增加/减少是单调,或(2)排名保持不变。基于我们的模型,高级词语往往更稳定,而低级词语往往更易挥发。有些词语以两种方式在两种方面发生变化:(a)通过累积小/减少等级和(b)的累积,通过增加/减少等级的冲击。我们所展示的所有语言中的大多数单词都是排名稳定,但并不像中立模型一样稳定。观察到的秒表和斯沃拉斯图单词在八种语言中排名稳定,这表明既定语言的语言符合性。这些签名提示所有语言的Unigram频率都以与纯粹中立的进化过程不一致的方式发生了变化。
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Spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the globe, but not necessarily Spanish is written and spoken in the same way in different countries. Understanding local language variations can help to improve model performances on regional tasks, both understanding local structures and also improving the message's content. For instance, think about a machine learning engineer who automatizes some language classification task on a particular region or a social scientist trying to understand a regional event with echoes on social media; both can take advantage of dialect-based language models to understand what is happening with more contextual information hence more precision. This manuscript presents and describes a set of regionalized resources for the Spanish language built on four-year Twitter public messages geotagged in 26 Spanish-speaking countries. We introduce word embeddings based on FastText, language models based on BERT, and per-region sample corpora. We also provide a broad comparison among regions covering lexical and semantical similarities; as well as examples of using regional resources on message classification tasks.
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当分布生成数据变化时,ChangePoint分析处理时间序列数据中的时间点的无监督检测和/或估计。在本文中,我们在大规模文本数据的上下文中考虑\ emph {offline} ChangePoint检测。我们在主题比例分布的分布中构建了一个专门的时间主题模型。随着该模型的完全可能性推断是在计算上难以解决的,我们开发了一个计算易诊的近似推理过程。更具体地,我们使用样品分离来首先估计多个主题,然后将似然比统计与Fryzlewicz等人的野生二进制分割算法的修改版本一起应用。 (2014)。我们的方法促进了大公司的结构变化的自动检测,而无需通过域专家手动处理。随着我们模型下的变换点对应于主题结构的变化,估计的变化点通常是高度可解释的,因为标志着时尚主题的普及涌现或下降。我们在两个大型数据集上应用我们的程序:(i)从1800-1922期(Underweet Al,2015年)的英语文学语料库; (ii)来自高能物理arxiv存储库的摘要(Clementet al。,2019)。我们获得一些历史上众所周知的改变点,发现一些新的变化点。
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The relationship between words in a sentence often tells us more about the underlying semantic content of a document than its actual words, individually. In this work, we propose two novel algorithms, called Flexible Lexical Chain II and Fixed Lexical Chain II. These algorithms combine the semantic relations derived from lexical chains, prior knowledge from lexical databases, and the robustness of the distributional hypothesis in word embeddings as building blocks forming a single system. In short, our approach has three main contributions: (i) a set of techniques that fully integrate word embeddings and lexical chains; (ii) a more robust semantic representation that considers the latent relation between words in a document; and (iii) lightweight word embeddings models that can be extended to any natural language task. We intend to assess the knowledge of pre-trained models to evaluate their robustness in the document classification task. The proposed techniques are tested against seven word embeddings algorithms using five different machine learning classifiers over six scenarios in the document classification task. Our results show the integration between lexical chains and word embeddings representations sustain state-of-the-art results, even against more complex systems.
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本文是Covid-19数据主题检测的背景下的比较研究。主题检测有各种方法,其中在本文中选择了聚类方法。聚类需要距离和计算距离需求嵌入。该研究的目的是同时研究嵌入方法,距离度量和聚类方法及其互动的三个因素。数据集包括与Covid-19相关的Hashtags收集的一个月推文用于本研究。从嵌入方法中选择五种方法,从早期到新方法:Word2Vec,FastText,Glove,BERT和T5。在本文中调查了五种聚类方法,即:K-Means,DBSCAN,光学,光谱和Jarvis-Patrick。还检查了欧几里德距离和余弦距离作为该领域中最重要的距离指标。首先,执行超过7,500个测试来调整参数。然后,通过剪影度量来研究具有距离度量和聚类方法的所有不同组合方法。这些组合的数量是50例。首先,检查这些50个测试的结果。然后,在该方法的所有测试中考虑了每种方法的等级。最后,分别研究了研究的主要变量(嵌入方法,距离度量和聚类方法)。对控制变量进行平均以中和它们的效果。实验结果表明,T5在轮廓度量方面强烈优于其他嵌入方法。在距离度量标准方面,余弦距离弱得多。 DBSCAN在聚类方法方面也优于其他方法。
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在数字人文学科和计算社会科学中,比较两个文本体系和搜索它们在它们之间使用情况不同的单词的问题。这通常是通过在每个语料库上的训练单词嵌入,对齐矢量空间,并寻找余弦距离在对齐空间中的单词很大。然而,这些方法通常需要大量过滤词汇表表现良好,而且 - 正如我们在这项工作中所展示的那样 - 导致不稳定,因此不太可靠,结果。我们提出了一种不使用矢量空间对齐的替代方法,而是考虑每个单词的邻居。该方法简单,可解释和稳定。我们在9种不同的设置中展示了它的有效性,考虑了不同的语料库分裂标准(年龄,性别和推文作者,Tweet的时间)和不同的语言(英语,法语和希伯来语)。
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Deep Learning and Machine Learning based models have become extremely popular in text processing and information retrieval. However, the non-linear structures present inside the networks make these models largely inscrutable. A significant body of research has focused on increasing the transparency of these models. This article provides a broad overview of research on the explainability and interpretability of natural language processing and information retrieval methods. More specifically, we survey approaches that have been applied to explain word embeddings, sequence modeling, attention modules, transformers, BERT, and document ranking. The concluding section suggests some possible directions for future research on this topic.
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社交媒体网络已成为人们生活的重要方面,它是其思想,观点和情感的平台。因此,自动化情绪分析(SA)对于以其他信息来源无法识别人们的感受至关重要。对这些感觉的分析揭示了各种应用,包括品牌评估,YouTube电影评论和医疗保健应用。随着社交媒体的不断发展,人们以不同形式发布大量信息,包括文本,照片,音频和视频。因此,传统的SA算法已变得有限,因为它们不考虑其他方式的表现力。通过包括来自各种物质来源的此类特征,这些多模式数据流提供了新的机会,以优化基于文本的SA之外的预期结果。我们的研究重点是多模式SA的最前沿领域,该领域研究了社交媒体网络上发布的视觉和文本数据。许多人更有可能利用这些信息在这些平台上表达自己。为了作为这个快速增长的领域的学者资源,我们介绍了文本和视觉SA的全面概述,包括数据预处理,功能提取技术,情感基准数据集以及适合每个字段的多重分类方法的疗效。我们还简要介绍了最常用的数据融合策略,并提供了有关Visual Textual SA的现有研究的摘要。最后,我们重点介绍了最重大的挑战,并调查了一些重要的情感应用程序。
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分类属性是那些可以采用离散值集的那些,例如颜色。这项工作是关于将vects压缩到基于小维度离散矢量的分类属性。基于目前的哈希的方法将传感器压缩到低维离散矢量的分类属性不提供压缩表示之间的汉明距离的任何保证。在这里,我们呈现fsketch以创建稀疏分类数据的草图和估算器,以估计仅从其草图中的未压缩数据之间的成对汉明距离。我们声称这些草图可以在通常的数据挖掘任务中使用代替原始数据而不会影响任务的质量。为此,我们确保草图也是分类,稀疏,汉明距离估计是合理的精确性。素描结构和汉明距离估计算法都只需要一条单通;此外,对数据点的改变可以以有效的方式结合到其草图中。压缩性取决于数据的稀疏程度如何且与原始维度无关 - 使我们的算法对许多现实生活场景具有吸引力。我们的索赔通过对FSKetch性质的严格理论分析来支持,并通过对某些现实世界数据集的相关算法进行广泛的比较评估。我们表明FSKetch明显更快,并且通过使用其草图获得的准确性是RMSE,聚类和相似性搜索的标准无监督任务的顶部。
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The distributed representation of symbols is one of the key technologies in machine learning systems today, playing a pivotal role in modern natural language processing. Traditional word embeddings associate a separate vector with each word. While this approach is simple and leads to good performance, it requires a lot of memory for representing a large vocabulary. To reduce the memory footprint, the default embedding layer in spaCy is a hash embeddings layer. It is a stochastic approximation of traditional embeddings that provides unique vectors for a large number of words without explicitly storing a separate vector for each of them. To be able to compute meaningful representations for both known and unknown words, hash embeddings represent each word as a summary of the normalized word form, subword information and word shape. Together, these features produce a multi-embedding of a word. In this technical report we lay out a bit of history and introduce the embedding methods in spaCy in detail. Second, we critically evaluate the hash embedding architecture with multi-embeddings on Named Entity Recognition datasets from a variety of domains and languages. The experiments validate most key design choices behind spaCy's embedders, but we also uncover a few surprising results.
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