We propose a framework in which multiple entities collaborate to build a machine learning model while preserving privacy of their data. The approach utilizes feature embeddings from shared/per-entity feature extractors transforming data into a feature space for cooperation between entities. We propose two specific methods and compare them with a baseline method. In Shared Feature Extractor (SFE) Learning, the entities use a shared feature extractor to compute feature embeddings of samples. In Locally Trained Feature Extractor (LTFE) Learning, each entity uses a separate feature extractor and models are trained using concatenated features from all entities. As a baseline, in Cooperatively Trained Feature Extractor (CTFE) Learning, the entities train models by sharing raw data. Secure multi-party algorithms are utilized to train models without revealing data or features in plain text. We investigate the trade-offs among SFE, LTFE, and CTFE in regard to performance, privacy leakage (using an off-the-shelf membership inference attack), and computational cost. LTFE provides the most privacy, followed by SFE, and then CTFE. Computational cost is lowest for SFE and the relative speed of CTFE and LTFE depends on network architecture. CTFE and LTFE provide the best accuracy. We use MNIST, a synthetic dataset, and a credit card fraud detection dataset for evaluations.
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Differentially private federated learning (DP-FL) has received increasing attention to mitigate the privacy risk in federated learning. Although different schemes for DP-FL have been proposed, there is still a utility gap. Employing central Differential Privacy in FL (CDP-FL) can provide a good balance between the privacy and model utility, but requires a trusted server. Using Local Differential Privacy for FL (LDP-FL) does not require a trusted server, but suffers from lousy privacy-utility trade-off. Recently proposed shuffle DP based FL has the potential to bridge the gap between CDP-FL and LDP-FL without a trusted server; however, there is still a utility gap when the number of model parameters is large. In this work, we propose OLIVE, a system that combines the merits from CDP-FL and LDP-FL by leveraging Trusted Execution Environment (TEE). Our main technical contributions are the analysis and countermeasures against the vulnerability of TEE in OLIVE. Firstly, we theoretically analyze the memory access pattern leakage of OLIVE and find that there is a risk for sparsified gradients, which is common in FL. Secondly, we design an inference attack to understand how the memory access pattern could be linked to the training data. Thirdly, we propose oblivious yet efficient algorithms to prevent the memory access pattern leakage in OLIVE. Our experiments on real-world data demonstrate that OLIVE is efficient even when training a model with hundreds of thousands of parameters and effective against side-channel attacks on TEE.
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Deep neural networks are susceptible to various inference attacks as they remember information about their training data. We design white-box inference attacks to perform a comprehensive privacy analysis of deep learning models. We measure the privacy leakage through parameters of fully trained models as well as the parameter updates of models during training. We design inference algorithms for both centralized and federated learning, with respect to passive and active inference attackers, and assuming different adversary prior knowledge.We evaluate our novel white-box membership inference attacks against deep learning algorithms to trace their training data records. We show that a straightforward extension of the known black-box attacks to the white-box setting (through analyzing the outputs of activation functions) is ineffective. We therefore design new algorithms tailored to the white-box setting by exploiting the privacy vulnerabilities of the stochastic gradient descent algorithm, which is the algorithm used to train deep neural networks. We investigate the reasons why deep learning models may leak information about their training data. We then show that even well-generalized models are significantly susceptible to white-box membership inference attacks, by analyzing stateof-the-art pre-trained and publicly available models for the CIFAR dataset. We also show how adversarial participants, in the federated learning setting, can successfully run active membership inference attacks against other participants, even when the global model achieves high prediction accuracies.
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Federated learning is a collaborative method that aims to preserve data privacy while creating AI models. Current approaches to federated learning tend to rely heavily on secure aggregation protocols to preserve data privacy. However, to some degree, such protocols assume that the entity orchestrating the federated learning process (i.e., the server) is not fully malicious or dishonest. We investigate vulnerabilities to secure aggregation that could arise if the server is fully malicious and attempts to obtain access to private, potentially sensitive data. Furthermore, we provide a method to further defend against such a malicious server, and demonstrate effectiveness against known attacks that reconstruct data in a federated learning setting.
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已经提出了安全的多方计算(MPC),以允许多个相互不信任的数据所有者在其合并数据上共同训练机器学习(ML)模型。但是,通过设计,MPC协议忠实地计算了训练功能,对抗性ML社区已证明该功能泄漏了私人信息,并且可以在中毒攻击中篡改。在这项工作中,我们认为在我们的框架中实现的模型合奏是一种称为Safenet的框架,是MPC的高度无限方法,可以避免许多对抗性ML攻击。 MPC培训中所有者之间数据的自然分区允许这种方法在训练时间高度可扩展,可证明可保护免受中毒攻击的保护,并证明可以防御许多隐私攻击。我们展示了Safenet对在端到端和转移学习方案训练的几个机器学习数据集和模型上中毒的效率,准确性和韧性。例如,Safenet可显着降低后门攻击的成功,同时获得$ 39 \ times $ $的培训,$ 36 \ times $ $ $少于达尔斯科夫(Dalskov)等人的四方MPC框架。我们的实验表明,即使在许多非IID设置中,结合也能保留这些好处。结合的简单性,廉价的设置和鲁棒性属性使其成为MPC私下培训ML模型的强大首选。
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联邦机器学习利用边缘计算来开发网络用户数据的模型,但联合学习的隐私仍然是一个重大挑战。已经提出了使用差异隐私的技术来解决这一点,但是带来了自己的挑战 - 许多人需要一个值得信赖的第三方,或者增加了太多的噪音来生产有用的模型。使用多方计算的\ EMPH {SERVE聚合}的最新进步消除了对第三方的需求,但是在计算上尤其在规模上昂贵。我们提出了一种新的联合学习协议,利用了一种基于与错误学习的技术的新颖差异私有的恶意安全聚合协议。我们的协议优于当前最先进的技术,并且经验结果表明它缩放到大量方面,具有任何差别私有联合学习方案的最佳精度。
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隐私法规法(例如GDPR)将透明度和安全性作为数据处理算法的设计支柱。在这种情况下,联邦学习是保护隐私的分布式机器学习的最具影响力的框架之一,从而实现了许多自然语言处理和计算机视觉任务的惊人结果。一些联合学习框架采用差异隐私,以防止私人数据泄漏到未经授权的政党和恶意攻击者。但是,许多研究突出了标准联邦学习对中毒和推理的脆弱性,因此引起了人们对敏感数据潜在风险的担忧。为了解决此问题,我们提出了SGDE,这是一种生成数据交换协议,可改善跨索洛联合会中的用户安全性和机器学习性能。 SGDE的核心是共享具有强大差异隐私的数据生成器,保证了对私人数据培训的培训,而不是通信显式梯度信息。这些发电机合成了任意大量数据,这些数据保留了私人样品的独特特征,但有很大差异。我们展示了将SGDE纳入跨核心联合网络如何提高对联邦学习最有影响力的攻击的弹性。我们在图像和表格数据集上测试我们的方法,利用β变量自动编码器作为数据生成器,并突出了对非生成数据的本地和联合学习的公平性和绩效改进。
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Federated learning facilitates the collaborative training of models without the sharing of raw data. However, recent attacks demonstrate that simply maintaining data locality during training processes does not provide sufficient privacy guarantees. Rather, we need a federated learning system capable of preventing inference over both the messages exchanged during training and the final trained model while ensuring the resulting model also has acceptable predictive accuracy. Existing federated learning approaches either use secure multiparty computation (SMC) which is vulnerable to inference or differential privacy which can lead to low accuracy given a large number of parties with relatively small amounts of data each. In this paper, we present an alternative approach that utilizes both differential privacy and SMC to balance these trade-offs. Combining differential privacy with secure multiparty computation enables us to reduce the growth of noise injection as the number of parties increases without sacrificing privacy while maintaining a pre-defined rate of trust. Our system is therefore a scalable approach that protects against inference threats and produces models with high accuracy. Additionally, our system can be used to train a variety of machine learning models, which we validate with experimental results on 3 different machine learning algorithms. Our experiments demonstrate that our approach out-performs state of the art solutions. CCS CONCEPTS• Security and privacy → Privacy-preserving protocols; Trust frameworks; • Computing methodologies → Learning settings.
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Collaborative machine learning and related techniques such as federated learning allow multiple participants, each with his own training dataset, to build a joint model by training locally and periodically exchanging model updates. We demonstrate that these updates leak unintended information about participants' training data and develop passive and active inference attacks to exploit this leakage. First, we show that an adversarial participant can infer the presence of exact data points-for example, specific locations-in others' training data (i.e., membership inference). Then, we show how this adversary can infer properties that hold only for a subset of the training data and are independent of the properties that the joint model aims to capture. For example, he can infer when a specific person first appears in the photos used to train a binary gender classifier. We evaluate our attacks on a variety of tasks, datasets, and learning configurations, analyze their limitations, and discuss possible defenses.
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我们调查分裂学习的安全 - 一种新颖的协作机器学习框架,通过需要最小的资源消耗来实现峰值性能。在本文中,我们通过介绍客户私人培训集重建的一般攻击策略来揭示议定书的脆弱性并展示其固有的不安全。更突出地,我们表明恶意服务器可以积极地劫持分布式模型的学习过程,并将其纳入不安全状态,从而为客户端提供推动攻击。我们实施不同的攻击调整,并在各种数据集中测试它们以及现实的威胁方案。我们证明我们的攻击能够克服最近提出的防御技术,旨在提高分裂学习议定书的安全性。最后,我们还通过扩展以前设计的联合学习的攻击来说明协议对恶意客户的不安全性。要使我们的结果可重复,我们会在https://github.com/pasquini-dario/splitn_fsha提供的代码。
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联合学习(FL)为培训机器学习模型打开了新的观点,同时将个人数据保存在用户场所上。具体而言,在FL中,在用户设备上训练了模型,并且仅将模型更新(即梯度)发送到中央服务器以进行聚合目的。但是,近年来发表的一系列推理攻击泄漏了私人数据,这强调了需要设计有效的保护机制来激励FL的大规模采用。尽管存在缓解服务器端的这些攻击的解决方案,但几乎没有采取任何措施来保护用户免受客户端执行的攻击。在这种情况下,在客户端使用受信任的执行环境(TEE)是最建议的解决方案之一。但是,现有的框架(例如,Darknetz)需要静态地将机器学习模型的很大一部分放入T恤中,以有效防止复杂的攻击或攻击组合。我们提出了GradSec,该解决方案允许在静态或动态上仅在机器学习模型的TEE上进行保护,因此将TCB的大小和整体训练时间降低了30%和56%,相比之下 - 艺术竞争者。
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Deep learning based on artificial neural networks is a very popular approach to modeling, classifying, and recognizing complex data such as images, speech, and text. The unprecedented accuracy of deep learning methods has turned them into the foundation of new AI-based services on the Internet. Commercial companies that collect user data on a large scale have been the main beneficiaries of this trend since the success of deep learning techniques is directly proportional to the amount of data available for training.Massive data collection required for deep learning presents obvious privacy issues. Users' personal, highly sensitive data such as photos and voice recordings is kept indefinitely by the companies that collect it. Users can neither delete it, nor restrict the purposes for which it is used. Furthermore, centrally kept data is subject to legal subpoenas and extra-judicial surveillance. Many data owners-for example, medical institutions that may want to apply deep learning methods to clinical records-are prevented by privacy and confidentiality concerns from sharing the data and thus benefitting from large-scale deep learning.In this paper, we design, implement, and evaluate a practical system that enables multiple parties to jointly learn an accurate neuralnetwork model for a given objective without sharing their input datasets. We exploit the fact that the optimization algorithms used in modern deep learning, namely, those based on stochastic gradient descent, can be parallelized and executed asynchronously. Our system lets participants train independently on their own datasets and selectively share small subsets of their models' key parameters during training. This offers an attractive point in the utility/privacy tradeoff space: participants preserve the privacy of their respective data while still benefitting from other participants' models and thus boosting their learning accuracy beyond what is achievable solely on their own inputs. We demonstrate the accuracy of our privacypreserving deep learning on benchmark datasets.
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联合学习(FL)已成为协作分布式学习的隐私解决方案,客户直接在其设备上训练AI模型,而不是与集中式(潜在的对手)服务器共享数据。尽管FL在某种程度上保留了本地数据隐私,但已显示有关客户数据的信息仍然可以从模型更新中推断出来。近年来,已经制定了各种隐私计划来解决这种隐私泄漏。但是,它们通常以牺牲模型性能或系统效率为代价提供隐私,而在实施FL计划时,平衡这些权衡是一个至关重要的挑战。在本手稿中,我们提出了一个保护隐私的联合学习(PPFL)框架,该框架建立在控制理论中的矩阵加密和系统沉浸工具的协同作用上。这个想法是将学习算法(随机梯度体面(SGD))浸入更高维度的系统(所谓的目标系统)中,并设计目标系统的动力学,以便:浸入原始SGD的轨迹: /嵌入其轨迹中,并在加密数据上学习(在这里我们使用随机矩阵加密)。矩阵加密是在服务器上重新重新格式化的,作为将原始参数映射到更高维的参数空间的坐标的随机更改,并强制执行目标SGD收敛到原始SGD Optiral解决方案的加密版本。服务器使用浸入式地图的左侧逆汇总模型解密。我们表明,我们的算法提供与标准FL相同的准确性和收敛速度,而计算成本可忽略不计,同时却没有透露有关客户数据的信息。
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