我们调查分裂学习的安全 - 一种新颖的协作机器学习框架,通过需要最小的资源消耗来实现峰值性能。在本文中,我们通过介绍客户私人培训集重建的一般攻击策略来揭示议定书的脆弱性并展示其固有的不安全。更突出地,我们表明恶意服务器可以积极地劫持分布式模型的学习过程,并将其纳入不安全状态,从而为客户端提供推动攻击。我们实施不同的攻击调整,并在各种数据集中测试它们以及现实的威胁方案。我们证明我们的攻击能够克服最近提出的防御技术,旨在提高分裂学习议定书的安全性。最后,我们还通过扩展以前设计的联合学习的攻击来说明协议对恶意客户的不安全性。要使我们的结果可重复,我们会在https://github.com/pasquini-dario/splitn_fsha提供的代码。
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培训深度神经网络通常会迫使用户在分布式或外包环境中工作,并伴随着隐私问题。 Split学习旨在通过在客户端和服务器之间分配模型来解决这一问题。该方案据说提供了隐私,因为服务器无法看到客户端的模型和输入。我们表明,通过两次新颖的攻击,这是不正确的。 (1)我们表明,只有掌握客户端神经网络体系结构知识的诚实但充满感染的分裂学习服务器可以恢复输入样本并获得与客户端模型的功能相似的模型,而无需检测到。 (2)我们证明,如果客户端仅隐藏模型的输出层以“保护”专用标签,则诚实但有趣的服务器可以完全准确地推断出标签。我们使用各种基准数据集测试我们的攻击,并反对提议的隐私增强扩展以分裂学习。我们的结果表明,明文分裂学习可能会带来严重的风险,从数据(输入)隐私到知识产权(模型参数),并且不仅仅提供虚假的安全感。
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Federated learning is a collaborative method that aims to preserve data privacy while creating AI models. Current approaches to federated learning tend to rely heavily on secure aggregation protocols to preserve data privacy. However, to some degree, such protocols assume that the entity orchestrating the federated learning process (i.e., the server) is not fully malicious or dishonest. We investigate vulnerabilities to secure aggregation that could arise if the server is fully malicious and attempts to obtain access to private, potentially sensitive data. Furthermore, we provide a method to further defend against such a malicious server, and demonstrate effectiveness against known attacks that reconstruct data in a federated learning setting.
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Deep Learning has recently become hugely popular in machine learning for its ability to solve end-to-end learning systems, in which the features and the classifiers are learned simultaneously, providing significant improvements in classification accuracy in the presence of highly-structured and large databases.Its success is due to a combination of recent algorithmic breakthroughs, increasingly powerful computers, and access to significant amounts of data.Researchers have also considered privacy implications of deep learning. Models are typically trained in a centralized manner with all the data being processed by the same training algorithm. If the data is a collection of users' private data, including habits, personal pictures, geographical positions, interests, and more, the centralized server will have access to sensitive information that could potentially be mishandled. To tackle this problem, collaborative deep learning models have recently been proposed where parties locally train their deep learning structures and only share a subset of the parameters in the attempt to keep their respective training sets private. Parameters can also be obfuscated via differential privacy (DP) to make information extraction even more challenging, as proposed by Shokri and Shmatikov at CCS'15.Unfortunately, we show that any privacy-preserving collaborative deep learning is susceptible to a powerful attack that we devise in this paper. In particular, we show that a distributed, federated, or decentralized deep learning approach is fundamentally broken and does not protect the training sets of honest participants. The attack we developed exploits the real-time nature of the learning process that allows the adversary to train a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) that generates prototypical samples of the targeted training set that was meant to be private (the samples generated by the GAN are intended to come from the same distribution as the training data). Interestingly, we show that record-level differential privacy applied to the shared parameters of the model, as suggested in previous work, is ineffective (i.e., record-level DP is not designed to address our attack).
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分布式深度学习框架(例如分裂学习)在培训深神经网络的计算成本以及一组数据持有人的集体数据的隐私性利用方面为巨大的好处。特别是,通过将神经网络分配在客户端和服务器之间,以便客户端计算初始图层集,并且服务器计算其余的。但是,此方法引入了试图窃取客户端数据的恶意服务器的唯一攻击向量:该服务器可以将客户端模型引导到学习其选择的任何任务,例如倾向于输出易于可逆值。有了一个已经提出的具体示例(Pasquini等,CCS '21),这种训练式攻击攻击构成了分裂学习客户的数据隐私的重大风险。在本文中,我们提出了SplitGuard,该方法可以通过这种方法来检测该方法是否是通过训练式攻击攻击的目标。我们通过实验评估方法的有效性,将其与潜在的替代方案进行比较,并详细讨论与其使用相关的各个点。我们得出的结论是,Splitguard可以有效地检测训练式攻击,同时最大程度地减少对手回收的信息量。
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隐私法规法(例如GDPR)将透明度和安全性作为数据处理算法的设计支柱。在这种情况下,联邦学习是保护隐私的分布式机器学习的最具影响力的框架之一,从而实现了许多自然语言处理和计算机视觉任务的惊人结果。一些联合学习框架采用差异隐私,以防止私人数据泄漏到未经授权的政党和恶意攻击者。但是,许多研究突出了标准联邦学习对中毒和推理的脆弱性,因此引起了人们对敏感数据潜在风险的担忧。为了解决此问题,我们提出了SGDE,这是一种生成数据交换协议,可改善跨索洛联合会中的用户安全性和机器学习性能。 SGDE的核心是共享具有强大差异隐私的数据生成器,保证了对私人数据培训的培训,而不是通信显式梯度信息。这些发电机合成了任意大量数据,这些数据保留了私人样品的独特特征,但有很大差异。我们展示了将SGDE纳入跨核心联合网络如何提高对联邦学习最有影响力的攻击的弹性。我们在图像和表格数据集上测试我们的方法,利用β变量自动编码器作为数据生成器,并突出了对非生成数据的本地和联合学习的公平性和绩效改进。
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Collaborative machine learning and related techniques such as federated learning allow multiple participants, each with his own training dataset, to build a joint model by training locally and periodically exchanging model updates. We demonstrate that these updates leak unintended information about participants' training data and develop passive and active inference attacks to exploit this leakage. First, we show that an adversarial participant can infer the presence of exact data points-for example, specific locations-in others' training data (i.e., membership inference). Then, we show how this adversary can infer properties that hold only for a subset of the training data and are independent of the properties that the joint model aims to capture. For example, he can infer when a specific person first appears in the photos used to train a binary gender classifier. We evaluate our attacks on a variety of tasks, datasets, and learning configurations, analyze their limitations, and discuss possible defenses.
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本文提出了一个传感器数据匿名模型,该模型接受了分散数据的培训,并在数据实用程序和隐私之间进行了理想的权衡,即使在收集到的传感器数据具有不同的基础分布的异质环境中也是如此。我们称为Blinder的匿名模型基于以对抗性方式训练的变异自动编码器和歧视网络。我们使用模型 - 不合稳定元学习框架来调整通过联合学习训练的匿名模型,以适应每个用户的数据分布。我们在不同的设置下评估了盲人,并表明它提供了端到端的隐私保护,以增加隐私损失高达4.00%,并将数据实用程序降低高达4.24%,而最新的数据实用程序则将其降低了4.24%。对集中数据培训的匿名模型。我们的实验证实,Blinder可以一次掩盖多个私人属性,并且具有足够低的功耗和计算开销,以便将其部署在边缘设备和智能手机上,以执行传感器数据的实时匿名化。
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已经提出了安全的多方计算(MPC),以允许多个相互不信任的数据所有者在其合并数据上共同训练机器学习(ML)模型。但是,通过设计,MPC协议忠实地计算了训练功能,对抗性ML社区已证明该功能泄漏了私人信息,并且可以在中毒攻击中篡改。在这项工作中,我们认为在我们的框架中实现的模型合奏是一种称为Safenet的框架,是MPC的高度无限方法,可以避免许多对抗性ML攻击。 MPC培训中所有者之间数据的自然分区允许这种方法在训练时间高度可扩展,可证明可保护免受中毒攻击的保护,并证明可以防御许多隐私攻击。我们展示了Safenet对在端到端和转移学习方案训练的几个机器学习数据集和模型上中毒的效率,准确性和韧性。例如,Safenet可显着降低后门攻击的成功,同时获得$ 39 \ times $ $的培训,$ 36 \ times $ $ $少于达尔斯科夫(Dalskov)等人的四方MPC框架。我们的实验表明,即使在许多非IID设置中,结合也能保留这些好处。结合的简单性,廉价的设置和鲁棒性属性使其成为MPC私下培训ML模型的强大首选。
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Federated Learning (FL) is a scheme for collaboratively training Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) with multiple data sources from different clients. Instead of sharing the data, each client trains the model locally, resulting in improved privacy. However, recently so-called targeted poisoning attacks have been proposed that allow individual clients to inject a backdoor into the trained model. Existing defenses against these backdoor attacks either rely on techniques like Differential Privacy to mitigate the backdoor, or analyze the weights of the individual models and apply outlier detection methods that restricts these defenses to certain data distributions. However, adding noise to the models' parameters or excluding benign outliers might also reduce the accuracy of the collaboratively trained model. Additionally, allowing the server to inspect the clients' models creates a privacy risk due to existing knowledge extraction methods. We propose CrowdGuard, a model filtering defense, that mitigates backdoor attacks by leveraging the clients' data to analyze the individual models before the aggregation. To prevent data leaks, the server sends the individual models to secure enclaves, running in client-located Trusted Execution Environments. To effectively distinguish benign and poisoned models, even if the data of different clients are not independently and identically distributed (non-IID), we introduce a novel metric called HLBIM to analyze the outputs of the DNN's hidden layers. We show that the applied significance-based detection algorithm combined can effectively detect poisoned models, even in non-IID scenarios. We show in our extensive evaluation that CrowdGuard can effectively mitigate targeted poisoning attacks and achieve in various scenarios a True-Positive-Rate of 100% and a True-Negative-Rate of 100%.
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Differentially private federated learning (DP-FL) has received increasing attention to mitigate the privacy risk in federated learning. Although different schemes for DP-FL have been proposed, there is still a utility gap. Employing central Differential Privacy in FL (CDP-FL) can provide a good balance between the privacy and model utility, but requires a trusted server. Using Local Differential Privacy for FL (LDP-FL) does not require a trusted server, but suffers from lousy privacy-utility trade-off. Recently proposed shuffle DP based FL has the potential to bridge the gap between CDP-FL and LDP-FL without a trusted server; however, there is still a utility gap when the number of model parameters is large. In this work, we propose OLIVE, a system that combines the merits from CDP-FL and LDP-FL by leveraging Trusted Execution Environment (TEE). Our main technical contributions are the analysis and countermeasures against the vulnerability of TEE in OLIVE. Firstly, we theoretically analyze the memory access pattern leakage of OLIVE and find that there is a risk for sparsified gradients, which is common in FL. Secondly, we design an inference attack to understand how the memory access pattern could be linked to the training data. Thirdly, we propose oblivious yet efficient algorithms to prevent the memory access pattern leakage in OLIVE. Our experiments on real-world data demonstrate that OLIVE is efficient even when training a model with hundreds of thousands of parameters and effective against side-channel attacks on TEE.
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Split Learning (SL) and Federated Learning (FL) are two prominent distributed collaborative learning techniques that maintain data privacy by allowing clients to never share their private data with other clients and servers, and fined extensive IoT applications in smart healthcare, smart cities, and smart industry. Prior work has extensively explored the security vulnerabilities of FL in the form of poisoning attacks. To mitigate the effect of these attacks, several defenses have also been proposed. Recently, a hybrid of both learning techniques has emerged (commonly known as SplitFed) that capitalizes on their advantages (fast training) and eliminates their intrinsic disadvantages (centralized model updates). In this paper, we perform the first ever empirical analysis of SplitFed's robustness to strong model poisoning attacks. We observe that the model updates in SplitFed have significantly smaller dimensionality as compared to FL that is known to have the curse of dimensionality. We show that large models that have higher dimensionality are more susceptible to privacy and security attacks, whereas the clients in SplitFed do not have the complete model and have lower dimensionality, making them more robust to existing model poisoning attacks. Our results show that the accuracy reduction due to the model poisoning attack is 5x lower for SplitFed compared to FL.
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最近的攻击表明,可以从FEDSGD更新中恢复用户数据,从而破坏隐私。但是,这些攻击具有有限的实际相关性,因为联邦学习通常使用FedAvg算法。与FEDSGD相比,从FedAvg更新中恢复数据要困难得多,因为:(i)更新是在未观察到的中间网络权重计算的,(ii)使用大量批次,并且(iii)标签和网络权重在客户端上同时不同脚步。在这项工作中,我们提出了一项新的基于优化的攻击,该攻击通过解决上述挑战来成功攻击FedAvg。首先,我们使用自动差异化解决了优化问题,该分化迫使客户端更新的仿真,该更新生成了恢复的标签和输入的未观察到的参数,以匹配接收到的客户端更新。其次,我们通过将来自不同时期的图像与置换不变的先验联系起来来解决大量批处理。第三,我们通过在每个FedAvg步骤中估算现有FEDSGD攻击的参数来恢复标签。在流行的女性数据集中,我们证明,平均而言,我们从现实的FedAvg更新中成功地恢复了> 45%的图像,该更新是在10个本地时期计算出的10批批次,每个批次,每个图像,每张5张图像,而使用基线仅<10%。我们的发现表明,基于FedAvg的许多现实世界联合学习实现非常脆弱。
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这项工作调查了联合学习的可能性,了解IOT恶意软件检测,并研究该新学习范式固有的安全问题。在此上下文中,呈现了一种使用联合学习来检测影响物联网设备的恶意软件的框架。 n-baiot,一个数据集在由恶意软件影响的几个实际物联网设备的网络流量,已被用于评估所提出的框架。经过培训和评估监督和无监督和无监督的联邦模型(多层Perceptron和AutoEncoder)能够检测到MATEN和UNEEN的IOT设备的恶意软件,并进行了培训和评估。此外,它们的性能与两种传统方法进行了比较。第一个允许每个参与者在本地使用自己的数据局面训练模型,而第二个包括使参与者与负责培训全局模型的中央实体共享他们的数据。这种比较表明,在联合和集中方法中完成的使用更多样化和大数据,对模型性能具有相当大的积极影响。此外,联邦模型,同时保留了参与者的隐私,将类似的结果与集中式相似。作为额外的贡献,并衡量联邦方法的稳健性,已经考虑了具有若干恶意参与者中毒联邦模型的对抗性设置。即使使用单个对手,大多数联邦学习算法中使用的基线模型聚合平均步骤也很容易受到不同攻击的影响。因此,在相同的攻击方案下评估了作为对策的其他模型聚合函数的性能。这些职能对恶意参与者提供了重大改善,但仍然需要更多的努力来使联邦方法强劲。
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联合学习使多个用户能够通过共享其模型更新(渐变)来构建联合模型,而其原始数据在其设备上保持本地。与常见的信念相比,这提供了隐私福利,我们在共享渐变时,我们在这里增加了隐私风险的最新结果。具体而言,我们调查梯度(LLG)的标签泄漏,这是一种新建攻击,从他们的共享梯度提取用户培训数据的标签。该攻击利用梯度的方向和幅度来确定任何标签的存在或不存在。 LLG简单且有效,能够泄漏由标签表示的电位敏感信息,并缩放到任意批量尺寸和多个类别。在数学上以及经验上证明了不同设置下攻击的有效性。此外,经验结果表明,LLG在模型训练的早期阶段以高精度成功提取标签。我们还讨论了针对这种泄漏的不同防御机制。我们的研究结果表明,梯度压缩是减轻攻击的实用技术。
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分流学习和差异隐私是具有越来越多的技术,可以帮助在分布式数据集上有助于隐私的先进分析。反对分裂学习的攻击是一个重要的评估工具,最近一直在接受增加的研究。这项工作的贡献是将最近的特征空间劫持攻击(FSHA)应用于使用差分隐私(DP)增强的分体式神经网络的学习过程,使用客户端的离心DP优化器。FSHA攻击获得客户的私有数据重建,在任意设置DP ePsilon级别时以低错误率。我们还试验维度减少,作为潜在的攻击风险缓解,并表明它可能有所帮助。我们讨论了差异隐私不是在此设置中有效保护的原因,提及其他风险缓解方法。
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