In this article, the analysis of existing models of satellite image recognition was carried out, the problems in the field of satellite image recognition as a source of information were considered and analyzed, deep learning methods were compared, and existing image recognition methods were analyzed. The results obtained will be used as a basis for the prospective development of a fire recognition model based on satellite images and the use of recognition results as input data for a cognitive model of forecasting the macro-economic situation based on fuzzy cognitive maps.
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This paper discusses the development of a convolutional architecture of a deep neural network for the recognition of wildfires on satellite images. Based on the results of image classification, a fuzzy cognitive map of the analysis of the macroeconomic situation was built. The paper also considers the prospect of using hybrid cognitive models for forecasting macroeconomic indicators based on fuzzy cognitive maps using data on recognized wildfires on satellite images.
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本研究提出了一种使用深入学习工作流程来量化建筑环境中的损坏的新方法来量化。由于自动履带,从谷歌地球获得了全世界50个震中的自然灾害前后的空中图像,从谷歌地球获得了一台10,000个空中图像数据库,每像素的空间分辨率为2米。该研究利用算法SEG-Net在两个实例(现有和后自然灾害)中的卫星图像中的建筑环境的语义分割。对于图像分割,SEG-Net是最受欢迎和最通用的CNN架构之一。 SEG-NET算法在分割中达到了92%的精度。分割后,我们将两种情况之间的差异与变化百分比进行了比较。这种变化系数代表了数控的损坏,城市环境必须量化建筑环境中的整体损坏。这样的指数可以让政府估计受影响家庭的数量,也许是住房损害的程度。
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利用相对高的像素 - 明智的度量分数,正在实现使用相对卷积神经网络的编码器解码器中存在的卫星图像中存在的建筑物的语义分割。在本文中,我们的目标是利用实例分段任务的完全卷积神经网络的力量,并使用额外添加的类与流域处理技术一起利用更好的对象度量结果来利用。我们还显示Cutmix混合数据增强和单周期学习率政策是更大的正则化方法,以实现更好的培训数据和提高性能。此外,混合精度训练提供了更灵活的来试验更大的网络和批次,同时保持训练期间的稳定性和收敛性。我们比较并显示在我们整个管道中的这些额外变化的效果,最终提供了一个已被证明更好地执行的调谐超参数。
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建筑变更检测是许多重要应用,特别是在军事和危机管理领域。最近用于变化检测的方法已转向深度学习,这取决于其培训数据的质量。因此,大型注释卫星图像数据集的组装对于全球建筑更改监视是必不可少的。现有数据集几乎完全提供近Nadir观看角度。这限制了可以检测到的更改范围。通过提供更大的观察范围,光学卫星的滚动成像模式提出了克服这种限制的机会。因此,本文介绍了S2Looking,一个建筑变革检测数据集,其中包含以各种偏离Nadir角度捕获的大规模侧视卫星图像。 DataSet由5000个批次图像对组成的农村地区,并在全球范围内超过65,920个辅助的变化实例。数据集可用于培训基于深度学习的变更检测算法。它通过提供(1)更大的观察角来扩展现有数据集; (2)大照明差异; (3)额外的农村形象复杂性。为了便于{该数据集的使用,已经建立了基准任务,并且初步测试表明,深度学习算法发现数据集明显比最接近的近Nadir DataSet,Levir-CD +更具挑战性。因此,S2Looking可能会促进现有的建筑变革检测算法的重要进步。 DataSet可在使用。
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The visual dimension of cities has been a fundamental subject in urban studies, since the pioneering work of scholars such as Sitte, Lynch, Arnheim, and Jacobs. Several decades later, big data and artificial intelligence (AI) are revolutionizing how people move, sense, and interact with cities. This paper reviews the literature on the appearance and function of cities to illustrate how visual information has been used to understand them. A conceptual framework, Urban Visual Intelligence, is introduced to systematically elaborate on how new image data sources and AI techniques are reshaping the way researchers perceive and measure cities, enabling the study of the physical environment and its interactions with socioeconomic environments at various scales. The paper argues that these new approaches enable researchers to revisit the classic urban theories and themes, and potentially help cities create environments that are more in line with human behaviors and aspirations in the digital age.
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Transfer Learning methods are widely used in satellite image segmentation problems and improve performance upon classical supervised learning methods. In this study, we present a semantic segmentation method that allows us to make land cover maps by using transfer learning methods. We compare models trained in low-resolution images with insufficient data for the targeted region or zoom level. In order to boost performance on target data we experiment with models trained with unsupervised, semi-supervised and supervised transfer learning approaches, including satellite images from public datasets and other unlabeled sources. According to experimental results, transfer learning improves segmentation performance 3.4% MIoU (Mean Intersection over Union) in rural regions and 12.9% MIoU in urban regions. We observed that transfer learning is more effective when two datasets share a comparable zoom level and are labeled with identical rules; otherwise, semi-supervised learning is more effective by using the data as unlabeled. In addition, experiments showed that HRNet outperformed building segmentation approaches in multi-class segmentation.
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2D和3D建筑图提供了宝贵的信息,以了解人类活动及其对地球及其环境的影响。尽管为提高建筑地图的质量而做出了巨大努力,但自动化方法产生的当前大规模建筑地图仍存在许多错误和不确定性,并且通常仅限于提供2D建筑信息。这项研究提出了一种开源无监督的2D和3D建筑物提取算法,并带有适用于大型建筑物映射的机载LIDAR数据。我们的算法以完全无监督的方式运行,不需要任何培训标签或培训程序。我们的算法由形态过滤和基于平面的过滤组成。因此,计算是有效的,结果易于预测,这可以大大减少所得建筑图中的不确定性。丹佛和纽约市的大规模数据集(> 550 $ km^2 $)的定量和定性评估表明,我们的算法比通过基于深度学习的方法生成的Microsoft Building Footprints可以产生更准确的建筑图。在不同条件下进行的广泛评估证实,我们的算法是可扩展的,可以通过适当的参数选择进一步改进。我们还详细介绍了参数和潜在错误来源的影响,以帮助我们算法的潜在用户。我们的基于激光雷达的算法具有优势,即生成2D和3D构建图在计算上有效,而它产生了准确且可解释的结果。我们提出的算法为带有机载激光雷达数据的全球尺度2D和3D建筑物映射提供了巨大的潜力。
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Due to the environmental impacts caused by the construction industry, repurposing existing buildings and making them more energy-efficient has become a high-priority issue. However, a legitimate concern of land developers is associated with the buildings' state of conservation. For that reason, infrared thermography has been used as a powerful tool to characterize these buildings' state of conservation by detecting pathologies, such as cracks and humidity. Thermal cameras detect the radiation emitted by any material and translate it into temperature-color-coded images. Abnormal temperature changes may indicate the presence of pathologies, however, reading thermal images might not be quite simple. This research project aims to combine infrared thermography and machine learning (ML) to help stakeholders determine the viability of reusing existing buildings by identifying their pathologies and defects more efficiently and accurately. In this particular phase of this research project, we've used an image classification machine learning model of Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNN) to differentiate three levels of cracks in one particular building. The model's accuracy was compared between the MSX and thermal images acquired from two distinct thermal cameras and fused images (formed through multisource information) to test the influence of the input data and network on the detection results.
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Extracting building heights from satellite images is an active research area used in many fields such as telecommunications, city planning, etc. Many studies utilize DSM (Digital Surface Models) generated with lidars or stereo images for this purpose. Predicting the height of the buildings using only RGB images is challenging due to the insufficient amount of data, low data quality, variations of building types, different angles of light and shadow, etc. In this study, we present an instance segmentation-based building height extraction method to predict building masks with their respective heights from a single RGB satellite image. We used satellite images with building height annotations of certain cities along with an open-source satellite dataset with the transfer learning approach. We reached, the bounding box mAP 59, the mask mAP 52.6, and the average accuracy value of 70% for buildings belonging to each height class in our test set.
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拓扑数据分析(TDA)是来自数据科学和数学的工具,它开始在环境科学领域引起波浪。在这项工作中,我们寻求对TDA工具的直观且可理解的介绍,该工具对于分析图像(即持续存在同源性)特别有用。我们简要讨论理论背景,但主要关注理解该工具的输出并讨论它可以收集的信息。为此,我们围绕着一个指导示例进行讨论,该指导示例是对RASP等人研究的糖,鱼类,花朵和砾石数据集进行分类。 al。 2020年(Arxiv:1906:01906)。我们证明了如何使用简单的机器学习算法来获得良好的结果,并详细探讨了如何用图像级特征来解释这种行为。持续同源性的核心优势之一是它的解释性是可解释的,因此在本文中,我们不仅讨论了我们发现的模式,而且要考虑到为什么我们对持续性同源性理论的了解,因此可以期待这些结果。我们的目标是,本文的读者将更好地了解TDA和持续的同源性,能够确定自己的问题和数据集,为此,持续的同源性可能会有所帮助,并从应用程序中获得对结果的理解包括GitHub示例代码。
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本文介绍了Omnicity,这是一种从多层次和多视图图像中了解无所不能的城市理解的新数据集。更确切地说,Omnicity包含多视图的卫星图像以及街道级全景图和单视图图像,构成了超过100k像素的注释图像,这些图像是从纽约市的25k Geo-Locations中良好的一致性和收集的。为了减轻大量像素的注释努力,我们提出了一个有效的街景图像注释管道,该管道利用了卫星视图的现有标签地图以及不同观点之间的转换关系(卫星,Panorama和Mono-View)。有了新的Omnicity数据集,我们为各种任务提供基准,包括构建足迹提取,高度估计以及构建平面/实例/细粒细分。我们还分析了视图对每个任务的影响,不同模型的性能,现有方法的局限性等。与现有的多层次和多视图基准相比,我们的Omnicity包含更多具有更丰富注释类型和更丰富的图像更多的视图,提供了从最先进的模型获得的更多基线结果,并为街道级全景图像中的细粒度建筑实例细分介绍了一项新颖的任务。此外,Omnicity为现有任务提供了新的问题设置,例如跨视图匹配,合成,分割,检测等,并促进开发新方法,以了解大规模的城市理解,重建和仿真。 Omnicity数据集以及基准将在上找到。
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用于卫星图像分析的计算机视觉算法的创新可以使我们能够在行星层面探索全球挑战,例如城市化和土地利用变化。但是,当试图复制将这些分析推向新领域的模型时,尤其是在发展中国家的模型时,域转移问题是一个普遍的情况。如果模型是通过一个位置的图像和标签训练的,则通常不会很好地概括到图像和数据分布不同的新位置。在这项工作中,我们考虑了我们有一个大型卫星图像场景的设置,我们希望在该场景上解决一个应用问题 - 构建足迹细分。在这里,我们不一定需要担心创建一个概括过我们场景边界的模型,而是可以训练本地模型。我们表明,使用非常高分辨率(0.5m/px)卫星图像解决建筑细分问题需要的标签很少。我们只有527个稀疏多边形注释(相当于1500 x 1500名被标记的像素)训练的最佳型号,召回了0.87的持有足迹,R2的r2为0.93视窗。我们将模型应用于约旦安曼(Amman)的高分辨率图像中,在一项有关城市变化检测的案例研究中。
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In this paper, we address the challenge of land use and land cover classification using Sentinel-2 satellite images. The Sentinel-2 satellite images are openly and freely accessible provided in the Earth observation program Copernicus. We present a novel dataset based on Sentinel-2 satellite images covering 13 spectral bands and consisting out of 10 classes with in total 27,000 labeled and geo-referenced images. We provide benchmarks for this novel dataset with its spectral bands using state-of-the-art deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNNs). With the proposed novel dataset, we achieved an overall classification accuracy of 98.57%. The resulting classification system opens a gate towards a number of Earth observation applications. We demonstrate how this classification system can be used for detecting land use and land cover changes and how it can assist in improving geographical maps. The geo-referenced dataset EuroSAT is made publicly available at
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