通过大型预训练模型传输学习已经改变了自然语言处理中当前应用程序的景观(NLP)。最近的最佳优化,结合了两个预先训练的模型,BERT和GPT-2的变形AutoEncoder(VAE),并且其与生成的逆境网络(GANs)的组合已被证明是生产小说,但非常人性化的文本。 Optimus和GAN组合避免了GAN到文本的离散领域的麻烦,并防止了标准最大似然方法的曝光偏差。我们将GAN的培训结合在潜在的空间中,并为单词生成的Optimus解码器的FineTuning。这种方法可以让我们模拟句子的高级功能,以及低级Word-By-Word生成。我们通过利用GPT-2的结构以及将基于熵的内在动机奖励添加到质量和多样性之间的平衡来使用加强学习(RL)。我们基准测试VAE-GaN模型的结果,并显示了我们RL FineTuning在三个广泛使用的文本生成数据集中带来的改进,结果结果大大超越了当前最先进的所生成文本的质量。
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This work presents a thorough review concerning recent studies and text generation advancements using Generative Adversarial Networks. The usage of adversarial learning for text generation is promising as it provides alternatives to generate the so-called "natural" language. Nevertheless, adversarial text generation is not a simple task as its foremost architecture, the Generative Adversarial Networks, were designed to cope with continuous information (image) instead of discrete data (text). Thus, most works are based on three possible options, i.e., Gumbel-Softmax differentiation, Reinforcement Learning, and modified training objectives. All alternatives are reviewed in this survey as they present the most recent approaches for generating text using adversarial-based techniques. The selected works were taken from renowned databases, such as Science Direct, IEEEXplore, Springer, Association for Computing Machinery, and arXiv, whereas each selected work has been critically analyzed and assessed to present its objective, methodology, and experimental results.
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Masked language modeling (MLM) pre-training methods such as BERT corrupt the input by replacing some tokens with [MASK] and then train a model to reconstruct the original tokens. While they produce good results when transferred to downstream NLP tasks, they generally require large amounts of compute to be effective. As an alternative, we propose a more sample-efficient pre-training task called replaced token detection. Instead of masking the input, our approach corrupts it by replacing some tokens with plausible alternatives sampled from a small generator network. Then, instead of training a model that predicts the original identities of the corrupted tokens, we train a discriminative model that predicts whether each token in the corrupted input was replaced by a generator sample or not. Thorough experiments demonstrate this new pre-training task is more efficient than MLM because the task is defined over all input tokens rather than just the small subset that was masked out. As a result, the contextual representations learned by our approach substantially outperform the ones learned by BERT given the same model size, data, and compute. The gains are particularly strong for small models; for example, we train a model on one GPU for 4 days that outperforms GPT (trained using 30x more compute) on the GLUE natural language understanding benchmark. Our approach also works well at scale, where it performs comparably to RoBERTa and XLNet while using less than 1/4 of their compute and outperforms them when using the same amount of compute.
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在本文中,我们通过生成的对抗网络(GAN)架构探索机器翻译改进。我们从Relgan,一个文本制造模型和鼻孔机械翻译模型中获取灵感,实现了一个学习将尴尬,非流利的英语句子转换为流利的模型,同时只培训在单梅换语料库上。我们利用参数$ \ lambda $来控制从输入句子的偏差量,即保持原始令牌和修改它更流利之间的权衡。在某些情况下,我们的结果改进了基于短语的机器翻译。特别是,带变压器发生器的GaN显示出一些有希望的结果。我们建议将来的一些方向建立在这种概念上建立。
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As a new way of training generative models, Generative Adversarial Net (GAN) that uses a discriminative model to guide the training of the generative model has enjoyed considerable success in generating real-valued data. However, it has limitations when the goal is for generating sequences of discrete tokens. A major reason lies in that the discrete outputs from the generative model make it difficult to pass the gradient update from the discriminative model to the generative model. Also, the discriminative model can only assess a complete sequence, while for a partially generated sequence, it is nontrivial to balance its current score and the future one once the entire sequence has been generated. In this paper, we propose a sequence generation framework, called SeqGAN, to solve the problems. Modeling the data generator as a stochastic policy in reinforcement learning (RL), SeqGAN bypasses the generator differentiation problem by directly performing gradient policy update. The RL reward signal comes from the GAN discriminator judged on a complete sequence, and is passed back to the intermediate state-action steps using Monte Carlo search. Extensive experiments on synthetic data and real-world tasks demonstrate significant improvements over strong baselines.
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控制模型生成不同类别的文本是一个挑战的任务,越来越多的关注。最近,生成的对抗性网(GAN)在类别文本生成中显示了有希望的结果。然而,由GAN产生的文本通常遭受模式崩溃和培训不稳定的问题。为了避免上述问题,我们提出了一种名为Categary Impare变分频神经网络(Catvrnn)的小说模型,这是由多任务学习的启发。在我们的模型中,生成和分类是同时培训的,旨在产生不同类别的文本。此外,当分类任务适当时,使用多任务学习可以提高生成文本的质量。并且我们提出了一种初始化Catvrnn的隐藏状态的函数,以强制模型生成特定类别的文本。三个数据集上的实验结果表明,我们的模型可以在基于几种最先进的文本生成方法中,以类别的基于GAN的生成文本的质量。
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Controllable Text Generation (CTG) is emerging area in the field of natural language generation (NLG). It is regarded as crucial for the development of advanced text generation technologies that are more natural and better meet the specific constraints in practical applications. In recent years, methods using large-scale pre-trained language models (PLMs), in particular the widely used transformer-based PLMs, have become a new paradigm of NLG, allowing generation of more diverse and fluent text. However, due to the lower level of interpretability of deep neural networks, the controllability of these methods need to be guaranteed. To this end, controllable text generation using transformer-based PLMs has become a rapidly growing yet challenging new research hotspot. A diverse range of approaches have emerged in the recent 3-4 years, targeting different CTG tasks which may require different types of controlled constraints. In this paper, we present a systematic critical review on the common tasks, main approaches and evaluation methods in this area. Finally, we discuss the challenges that the field is facing, and put forward various promising future directions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first survey paper to summarize CTG techniques from the perspective of PLMs. We hope it can help researchers in related fields to quickly track the academic frontier, providing them with a landscape of the area and a roadmap for future research.
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Automated audio captioning is a cross-modal translation task for describing the content of audio clips with natural language sentences. This task has attracted increasing attention and substantial progress has been made in recent years. Captions generated by existing models are generally faithful to the content of audio clips, however, these machine-generated captions are often deterministic (e.g., generating a fixed caption for a given audio clip), simple (e.g., using common words and simple grammar), and generic (e.g., generating the same caption for similar audio clips). When people are asked to describe the content of an audio clip, different people tend to focus on different sound events and describe an audio clip diversely from various aspects using distinct words and grammar. We believe that an audio captioning system should have the ability to generate diverse captions, either for a fixed audio clip, or across similar audio clips. To this end, we propose an adversarial training framework based on a conditional generative adversarial network (C-GAN) to improve diversity of audio captioning systems. A caption generator and two hybrid discriminators compete and are learned jointly, where the caption generator can be any standard encoder-decoder captioning model used to generate captions, and the hybrid discriminators assess the generated captions from different criteria, such as their naturalness and semantics. We conduct experiments on the Clotho dataset. The results show that our proposed model can generate captions with better diversity as compared to state-of-the-art methods.
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图形结构数据的深层生成模型为化学合成问题提供了一个新的角度:通过优化直接生成分子图的可区分模型,可以在化学结构的离散和广阔空间中侧键入昂贵的搜索程序。我们介绍了Molgan,这是一种用于小分子图的隐式,无似然生成模型,它规避了对以前基于可能性的方法的昂贵图形匹配程序或节点订购启发式方法的需求。我们的方法适应生成对抗网络(GAN)直接在图形结构数据上操作。我们将方法与增强学习目标结合起来,以鼓励具有特定所需化学特性的分子产生。在QM9化学数据库的实验中,我们证明了我们的模型能够生成接近100%有效化合物。莫尔根(Molgan)与最近使用基于字符串的分子表示(微笑)表示的提案和基于似然的方法直接生成图的方法进行了比较。 https://github.com/nicola-decao/molgan上的代码
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生成建模研究的持续趋势是将样本分辨率推高更高,同时减少培训和采样的计算要求。我们的目标是通过技术的组合进一步推动这一趋势 - 每个组件代表当前效率在各自领域的顶峰。其中包括载体定量的GAN(VQ-GAN),该模型具有高水平的损耗 - 但感知上微不足道的压缩模型;沙漏变形金刚,一个高度可扩展的自我注意力模型;和逐步未胶片的denoising自动编码器(Sundae),一种非自动化(NAR)文本生成模型。出乎意料的是,当应用于多维数据时,我们的方法突出了沙漏变压器的原始公式中的弱点。鉴于此,我们建议对重采样机制进行修改,该机制适用于将分层变压器应用于多维数据的任何任务。此外,我们证明了圣代表到长序列长度的可伸缩性 - 比先前的工作长四倍。我们提出的框架秤达到高分辨率($ 1024 \ times 1024 $),并迅速火车(2-4天)。至关重要的是,训练有素的模型在消费级GPU(GTX 1080TI)上大约2秒内生产多样化和现实的百像样品。通常,该框架是灵活的:支持任意数量的采样步骤,示例自动插入,自我纠正功能,有条件的生成和NAR公式,以允许任意介绍掩护。我们在FFHQ256上获得10.56的FID得分 - 仅在100个采样步骤中以不到一半的采样步骤接近原始VQ -GAN,而FFHQ1024的FFHQ1024和21.85。
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近年来,文本的风格特性吸引了计算语言学研究人员。具体来说,研究人员研究了文本样式转移(TST)任务,该任务旨在在保留其样式独立内容的同时改变文本的风格属性。在过去的几年中,已经开发了许多新颖的TST算法,而该行业利用这些算法来实现令人兴奋的TST应用程序。由于这种共生,TST研究领域迅速发展。本文旨在对有关文本样式转移的最新研究工作进行全面审查。更具体地说,我们创建了一种分类法来组织TST模型,并提供有关最新技术状况的全面摘要。我们回顾了针对TST任务的现有评估方法,并进行了大规模的可重复性研究,我们在两个公开可用的数据集上实验基准了19个最先进的TST TST算法。最后,我们扩展了当前趋势,并就TST领域的新开发发展提供了新的观点。
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从文本描述中综合现实图像是计算机视觉中的主要挑战。当前对图像合成方法的文本缺乏产生代表文本描述符的高分辨率图像。大多数现有的研究都依赖于生成的对抗网络(GAN)或变异自动编码器(VAE)。甘斯具有产生更清晰的图像的能力,但缺乏输出的多样性,而VAE擅长生产各种输出,但是产生的图像通常是模糊的。考虑到gan和vaes的相对优势,我们提出了一个新的有条件VAE(CVAE)和条件gan(CGAN)网络架构,用于合成以文本描述为条件的图像。这项研究使用条件VAE作为初始发电机来生成文本描述符的高级草图。这款来自第一阶段的高级草图输出和文本描述符被用作条件GAN网络的输入。第二阶段GAN产生256x256高分辨率图像。所提出的体系结构受益于条件加强和有条件的GAN网络的残留块,以实现结果。使用CUB和Oxford-102数据集进行了多个实验,并将所提出方法的结果与Stackgan等最新技术进行了比较。实验表明,所提出的方法生成了以文本描述为条件的高分辨率图像,并使用两个数据集基于Inception和Frechet Inception评分产生竞争结果
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