In this paper our objectives are, first, networks that can embed audio and visual inputs into a common space that is suitable for cross-modal retrieval; and second, a network that can localize the object that sounds in an image, given the audio signal. We achieve both these objectives by training from unlabelled video using only audio-visual correspondence (AVC) as the objective function. This is a form of crossmodal self-supervision from video. To this end, we design new network architectures that can be trained for cross-modal retrieval and localizing the sound source in an image, by using the AVC task. We make the following contributions: (i) show that audio and visual embeddings can be learnt that enable both within-mode (e.g. audio-to-audio) and between-mode retrieval; (ii) explore various architectures for the AVC task, including those for the visual stream that ingest a single image, or multiple images, or a single image and multi-frame optical flow; (iii) show that the semantic object that sounds within an image can be localized (using only the sound, no motion or flow information); and (iv) give a cautionary tale on how to avoid undesirable shortcuts in the data preparation.
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We consider the question: what can be learnt by looking at and listening to a large number of unlabelled videos? There is a valuable, but so far untapped, source of information contained in the video itself -the correspondence between the visual and the audio streams, and we introduce a novel "Audio-Visual Correspondence" learning task that makes use of this. Training visual and audio networks from scratch, without any additional supervision other than the raw unconstrained videos themselves, is shown to successfully solve this task, and, more interestingly, result in good visual and audio representations. These features set the new state-of-the-art on two sound classification benchmarks, and perform on par with the state-of-the-art selfsupervised approaches on ImageNet classification. We also demonstrate that the network is able to localize objects in both modalities, as well as perform fine-grained recognition tasks.
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There is a natural correlation between the visual and auditive elements of a video. In this work we leverage this connection to learn general and effective models for both audio and video analysis from self-supervised temporal synchronization. We demonstrate that a calibrated curriculum learning scheme, a careful choice of negative examples, and the use of a contrastive loss are critical ingredients to obtain powerful multi-sensory representations from models optimized to discern temporal synchronization of audio-video pairs. Without further finetuning, the resulting audio features achieve performance superior or comparable to the state-of-the-art on established audio classification benchmarks (DCASE2014 and ESC-50). At the same time, our visual subnet provides a very effective initialization to improve the accuracy of video-based action recognition models: compared to learning from scratch, our self-supervised pretraining yields a remarkable gain of +19.9% in action recognition accuracy on UCF101 and a boost of +17.7% on HMDB51.
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在本文中,我们考虑了视听同步的问题应用于视频`in-wild'(即,超越语音的一般类)。作为一项新任务,我们识别并策划具有高视听相关性的测试集,即VGG-SOCK SYNC。我们比较了一些专门设计的基于变压器的架构变体,用于模拟任意长度的音频和视觉信号,同时显着降低训练期间的内存要求。我们进一步对策划数据集进行了深入的分析,并定义了开放域视听同步的评估度量。我们在标准唇读语音基准测试中应用我们的方法,LRS2和LRS3,在各个方面的消融。最后,我们在新的VGG-SOCKC SYNC视频数据集中设置了与超过160个不同类别的通用视听同步的第一个基准。在所有情况下,我们所提出的模型通过显着的保证金优于以前的最先进。
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Videos are a rich source of multi-modal supervision. In this work, we learn representations using self-supervision by leveraging three modalities naturally present in videos: visual, audio and language streams. To this end, we introduce the notion of a multimodal versatile network -a network that can ingest multiple modalities and whose representations enable downstream tasks in multiple modalities. In particular, we explore how best to combine the modalities, such that fine-grained representations of the visual and audio modalities can be maintained, whilst also integrating text into a common embedding. Driven by versatility, we also introduce a novel process of deflation, so that the networks can be effortlessly applied to the visual data in the form of video or a static image. We demonstrate how such networks trained on large collections of unlabelled video data can be applied on video, video-text, image and audio tasks. Equipped with these representations, we obtain state-of-the-art performance on multiple challenging benchmarks including UCF101, HMDB51, Kinetics600, Audioset and ESC-50 when compared to previous self-supervised work. Our models are publicly available [1, 2, 3]. * Equal contribution. † Work done during an internship at DeepMind. 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020),
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Humans perceive the world by concurrently processing and fusing high-dimensional inputs from multiple modalities such as vision and audio. Machine perception models, in stark contrast, are typically modality-specific and optimised for unimodal benchmarks, and hence late-stage fusion of final representations or predictions from each modality (`late-fusion') is still a dominant paradigm for multimodal video classification. Instead, we introduce a novel transformer based architecture that uses `fusion bottlenecks' for modality fusion at multiple layers. Compared to traditional pairwise self-attention, our model forces information between different modalities to pass through a small number of bottleneck latents, requiring the model to collate and condense the most relevant information in each modality and only share what is necessary. We find that such a strategy improves fusion performance, at the same time reducing computational cost. We conduct thorough ablation studies, and achieve state-of-the-art results on multiple audio-visual classification benchmarks including Audioset, Epic-Kitchens and VGGSound. All code and models will be released.
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Learning to localize the sound source in videos without explicit annotations is a novel area of audio-visual research. Existing work in this area focuses on creating attention maps to capture the correlation between the two modalities to localize the source of the sound. In a video, oftentimes, the objects exhibiting movement are the ones generating the sound. In this work, we capture this characteristic by modeling the optical flow in a video as a prior to better aid in localizing the sound source. We further demonstrate that the addition of flow-based attention substantially improves visual sound source localization. Finally, we benchmark our method on standard sound source localization datasets and achieve state-of-the-art performance on the Soundnet Flickr and VGG Sound Source datasets. Code:
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我们介绍了空间本地化叙述中的视频中的任务。我们的方法的关键是能够学会在与随附的叙述的视频中的大型视频中对自我监督进行空间地定位与自我监督的互动。为实现这一目标,我们提出了一种多层跨模型关注网络,可以在培训期间有效优化对比损失。我们介绍了一种分割的策略,可以通过视觉和自然语言方式计算和中间模态注意力之间的交替,这允许通过直接对比两种方式的表示来实现有效的培训。我们展示了我们对HOWTO100M教学数据集的自我训练的方法的有效性,并在YouCook2 DataSet中的本地化描述交互的新收集数据集上进行评估。我们展示了我们的方法优于替代基准,包括浅薄的共同关注和完全跨越的关注。我们还将我们的方法应用于在Flickr30k上的弱监管下的图像中的接地短语,并显示堆叠多个注意层是有效的,并且当与对区域丢失相结合时,在召回召回和指向时达到最先进的艺术状态手准确性。
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我们建议探索一个称为视听分割(AVS)的新问题,其中的目标是输出在图像帧时产生声音的对象的像素级映射。为了促进这项研究,我们构建了第一个视频分割基准(AVSBENCH),为声音视频中的声音对象提供像素的注释。使用此基准测试了两个设置:1)具有单个声源的半监督音频分割和2)完全监督的音频段段,并带有多个声源。为了解决AVS问题,我们提出了一种新颖的方法,该方法使用时间像素的视听相互作用模块注入音频语义作为视觉分割过程的指导。我们还设计正规化损失,以鼓励训练期间的视听映射。 AVSBench上的定量和定性实验将我们的方法与相关任务中的几种现有方法进行了比较,这表明所提出的方法有望在音频和像素视觉语义之间建立桥梁。代码可从获得。
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我们介绍了一种视听方法,用于远程文本到视频检索。与以前专为简短视频检索设计的方法(例如,持续时间为5-15秒)不同,我们的方法旨在检索捕获复杂人类动作的长时间视频。仅标准视频方法的一个挑战是与从这样的长视频中处理数百个密集提取的帧相关的大量计算成本。为了解决这个问题,我们建议用紧凑的音频提示替换视频的部分,这些线索简洁地汇总了动态音频事件,并且处理便宜。我们的方法称为Eclipse(带有声音编码的有效剪辑),通过添加一个统一的视听变压器块,将流行的剪辑模型调整为视听视频设置,该块从视频和音频流中捕获互补的提示。除了比仅长期视频的方法快2.92倍和2.34倍的内存效率外,我们的方法还可以在几个不同的远程视频数据集上,例如ActivityNet,QVHighighlights,Youcoook2,Youcoook2,Youcook2,Youcook2,Youcook2,Youcook2,Youcook2,Youcook2, Didemo和Charades。
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我们提出了一个简单而有效的自我监督框架,用于视听表示学习,以将声源定位在视频中。为了了解什么使能够学习有用的表示形式,我们系统地研究了数据增强的效果,并揭示(1)数据增强的组成起着关键作用,{\ em I.E.}〜明确鼓励音频表征是不变的各种转换〜({\ em转换不变性}); (2)强制执行几何一致性基本上提高了学会表示的质量,{\ em,即}〜所检测到的声源应遵循在输入视频帧〜({\ em em transive equivarianciance})上应用的相同转换。广泛的实验表明,我们的模型在两个声音定位基准上的先前方法(即Flickr-soundnet和vgg-sounds)都显着优于先前的方法。此外,我们还评估了音频检索和跨模式检索任务。在这两种情况下,我们的自我监管模型都表现出了出色的检索性能,甚至在音频检索中具有监督方法竞争。这揭示了所提出的框架学会了强大的多模式表示,这些表示有益于声音定位和对进一步应用的概括。 \ textIt {所有代码都将可用}。
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The thud of a bouncing ball, the onset of speech as lips open -when visual and audio events occur together, it suggests that there might be a common, underlying event that produced both signals. In this paper, we argue that the visual and audio components of a video signal should be modeled jointly using a fused multisensory representation. We propose to learn such a representation in a self-supervised way, by training a neural network to predict whether video frames and audio are temporally aligned. We use this learned representation for three applications: (a) sound source localization, i.e. visualizing the source of sound in a video; (b) audio-visual action recognition; and (c) on/offscreen audio source separation, e.g. removing the off-screen translator's voice from a foreign official's speech. Code, models, and video results are available on our webpage:
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We present a method for simultaneously localizing multiple sound sources within a visual scene. This task requires a model to both group a sound mixture into individual sources, and to associate them with a visual signal. Our method jointly solves both tasks at once, using a formulation inspired by the contrastive random walk of Jabri et al. We create a graph in which images and separated sounds correspond to nodes, and train a random walker to transition between nodes from different modalities with high return probability. The transition probabilities for this walk are determined by an audio-visual similarity metric that is learned by our model. We show through experiments with musical instruments and human speech that our model can successfully localize multiple sounds, outperforming other self-supervised methods. Project site:
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The remarkable success of deep learning in various domains relies on the availability of large-scale annotated datasets. However, obtaining annotations is expensive and requires great effort, which is especially challenging for videos. Moreover, the use of human-generated annotations leads to models with biased learning and poor domain generalization and robustness. As an alternative, self-supervised learning provides a way for representation learning which does not require annotations and has shown promise in both image and video domains. Different from the image domain, learning video representations are more challenging due to the temporal dimension, bringing in motion and other environmental dynamics. This also provides opportunities for video-exclusive ideas that advance self-supervised learning in the video and multimodal domain. In this survey, we provide a review of existing approaches on self-supervised learning focusing on the video domain. We summarize these methods into four different categories based on their learning objectives: 1) pretext tasks, 2) generative learning, 3) contrastive learning, and 4) cross-modal agreement. We further introduce the commonly used datasets, downstream evaluation tasks, insights into the limitations of existing works, and the potential future directions in this area.
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