We consider the minimization of a convex objective function defined on a Hilbert space, which is only available through unbiased estimates of its gradients. This problem includes standard machine learning algorithms such as kernel logistic regression and least-squares regression, and is commonly referred to as a stochastic approximation problem in the operations research community. We provide a non-asymptotic analysis of the convergence of two well-known algorithms, stochastic gradient descent (a.k.a. Robbins-Monro algorithm) as well as a simple modification where iterates are averaged (a.k.a. Polyak-Ruppert averaging). Our analysis suggests that a learning rate proportional to the inverse of the number of iterations, while leading to the optimal convergence rate in the strongly convex case, is not robust to the lack of strong convexity or the setting of the proportionality constant. This situation is remedied when using slower decays together with averaging, robustly leading to the optimal rate of convergence. We illustrate our theoretical results with simulations on synthetic and standard datasets. kernel least-squares regression and logistic regression (see Section 2), with strong convexity assumptions (Section 3) and without (Section 4). − We provide a non-asymptotic analysis of Polyak-Ruppert averaging [4,5], with and without strong convexity (Sections 3.3 and 4.2). In particular, we show that slower decays of the learning rate, together with averaging, are crucial to robustly obtain fast convergence rates. − We illustrate our theoretical results through experiments on synthetic and non-synthetic examples in Section 5.Notation. We consider a Hilbert space H with a scalar product •, • . We denote by • the associated norm and use the same notation for the operator norm on bounded linear operators from H to H, defined as A = sup x 1 Ax (if H is a Euclidean space, then A is the largest singular value of A). We also use the notation "w.p.1" to mean "with probability one". We denote by E the expectation or conditional expectation with respect to the underlying probability space.
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我们认为随机梯度下降及其在繁殖内核希尔伯特空间中二进制分类问题的平均变体。在使用损失函数的一致性属性的传统分析中,众所周知,即使在条件标签概率上假设低噪声状态时,预期的分类误差也比预期风险更慢。因此,最终的速率为sublinear。因此,重要的是要考虑是否可以实现预期分类误差的更快收敛。在最近的研究中,随机梯度下降的指数收敛速率在强烈的低噪声条件下显示,但前提是理论分析仅限于平方损耗函数,这对于二元分类任务来说是不足的。在本文中,我们在随机梯度下降的最后阶段中显示了预期分类误差的指数收敛性,用于在相似的假设下进行一类宽类可区分的凸损失函数。至于平均的随机梯度下降,我们表明相同的收敛速率来自训练的早期阶段。在实验中,我们验证了对$ L_2 $调查的逻辑回归的分析。
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The implicit stochastic gradient descent (ISGD), a proximal version of SGD, is gaining interest in the literature due to its stability over (explicit) SGD. In this paper, we conduct an in-depth analysis of the two modes of ISGD for smooth convex functions, namely proximal Robbins-Monro (proxRM) and proximal Poylak-Ruppert (proxPR) procedures, for their use in statistical inference on model parameters. Specifically, we derive nonasymptotic point estimation error bounds of both proxRM and proxPR iterates and their limiting distributions, and propose on-line estimators of their asymptotic covariance matrices that require only a single run of ISGD. The latter estimators are used to construct valid confidence intervals for the model parameters. Our analysis is free of the generalized linear model assumption that has limited the preceding analyses, and employs feasible procedures. Our on-line covariance matrix estimators appear to be the first of this kind in the ISGD literature.* Equal contribution 1 Kakao Entertainment Corp.
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In this book chapter, we briefly describe the main components that constitute the gradient descent method and its accelerated and stochastic variants. We aim at explaining these components from a mathematical point of view, including theoretical and practical aspects, but at an elementary level. We will focus on basic variants of the gradient descent method and then extend our view to recent variants, especially variance-reduced stochastic gradient schemes (SGD). Our approach relies on revealing the structures presented inside the problem and the assumptions imposed on the objective function. Our convergence analysis unifies several known results and relies on a general, but elementary recursive expression. We have illustrated this analysis on several common schemes.
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近期在应用于培训深度神经网络和数据分析中的其他优化问题中的非凸优化的优化算法的兴趣增加,我们概述了最近对非凸优化优化算法的全球性能保证的理论结果。我们从古典参数开始,显示一般非凸面问题无法在合理的时间内有效地解决。然后,我们提供了一个问题列表,可以通过利用问题的结构来有效地找到全球最小化器,因为可能的问题。处理非凸性的另一种方法是放宽目标,从找到全局最小,以找到静止点或局部最小值。对于该设置,我们首先为确定性一阶方法的收敛速率提出了已知结果,然后是最佳随机和随机梯度方案的一般理论分析,以及随机第一阶方法的概述。之后,我们讨论了非常一般的非凸面问题,例如最小化$ \ alpha $ -weakly-are-convex功能和满足Polyak-lojasiewicz条件的功能,这仍然允许获得一阶的理论融合保证方法。然后,我们考虑更高阶和零序/衍生物的方法及其收敛速率,以获得非凸优化问题。
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随机多变最小化 - 最小化(SMM)是大多数变化最小化的经典原则的在线延伸,这包括采样I.I.D。来自固定数据分布的数据点,并最小化递归定义的主函数的主要替代。在本文中,我们引入了随机块大大化 - 最小化,其中替代品现在只能块多凸,在半径递减内的时间优化单个块。在SMM中的代理人放松标准的强大凸起要求,我们的框架在内提供了更广泛的适用性,包括在线CANDECOMP / PARAFAC(CP)字典学习,并且尤其是当问题尺寸大时产生更大的计算效率。我们对所提出的算法提供广泛的收敛性分析,我们在可能的数据流下派生,放松标准i.i.d。对数据样本的假设。我们表明,所提出的算法几乎肯定会收敛于速率$ O((\ log n)^ {1+ \ eps} / n ^ {1/2})$的约束下的非凸起物镜的静止点集合。实证丢失函数和$ O((\ log n)^ {1+ \ eps} / n ^ {1/4})$的预期丢失函数,其中$ n $表示处理的数据样本数。在一些额外的假设下,后一趋同率可以提高到$ o((\ log n)^ {1+ \ eps} / n ^ {1/2})$。我们的结果为一般马尔维亚数据设置提供了各种在线矩阵和张量分解算法的第一融合率界限。
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我们在对数损失下引入条件密度估计的过程,我们调用SMP(样本Minmax预测器)。该估算器最大限度地减少了统计学习的新一般过度风险。在标准示例中,此绑定量表为$ d / n $,$ d $ d $模型维度和$ n $ sample大小,并在模型拼写条目下批判性仍然有效。作为一个不当(超出型号)的程序,SMP在模型内估算器(如最大似然估计)的内部估算器上,其风险过高的风险降低。相比,与顺序问题的方法相比,我们的界限删除了SubOltimal $ \ log n $因子,可以处理无限的类。对于高斯线性模型,SMP的预测和风险受到协变量的杠杆分数,几乎匹配了在没有条件的线性模型的噪声方差或近似误差的条件下匹配的最佳风险。对于Logistic回归,SMP提供了一种非贝叶斯方法来校准依赖于虚拟样本的概率预测,并且可以通过解决两个逻辑回归来计算。它达到了$ O的非渐近风险((d + b ^ 2r ^ 2)/ n)$,其中$ r $绑定了特征的规范和比较参数的$ B $。相比之下,在模型内估计器内没有比$ \ min达到更好的速率({b r} / {\ sqrt {n}},{d e ^ {br} / {n})$。这为贝叶斯方法提供了更实用的替代方法,这需要近似的后部采样,从而部分地解决了Foster等人提出的问题。 (2018)。
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最近,随机梯度下降(SGD)及其变体已成为机器学习(ML)问题大规模优化的主要方法。已经提出了各种策略来调整步骤尺寸,从自适应步骤大小到启发式方法,以更改每次迭代中的步骤大小。此外,动力已被广泛用于ML任务以加速训练过程。然而,我们对它们的理论理解存在差距。在这项工作中,我们开始通过为一些启发式优化方法提供正式保证并提出改进的算法来缩小这一差距。首先,我们分析了凸面和非凸口设置的Adagrad(延迟Adagrad)步骤大小的广义版本,这表明这些步骤尺寸允许算法自动适应随机梯度的噪声水平。我们首次显示延迟Adagrad的足够条件,以确保梯度几乎融合到零。此外,我们对延迟的Adagrad及其在非凸面设置中的动量变体进行了高概率分析。其次,我们用指数级和余弦的步骤分析了SGD,在经验上取得了成功,但缺乏理论支持。我们在平滑和非凸的设置中为它们提供了最初的收敛保证,有或没有polyak-{\ l} ojasiewicz(pl)条件。我们还显示了它们在PL条件下适应噪声的良好特性。第三,我们研究动量方法的最后迭代。我们证明了SGD的最后一个迭代的凸设置中的第一个下限,并以恒定的动量。此外,我们研究了一类跟随基于领先的领导者的动量算法,并随着动量和收缩的更新而增加。我们表明,他们的最后一个迭代具有最佳的收敛性,用于无约束的凸随机优化问题。
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我们介绍和分析结构化的随机零订单下降(S-SZD),这是一种有限的差异方法,该方法在一组$ l \ leq d $正交方向上近似于随机梯度,其中$ d $是环境空间的维度。这些方向是随机选择的,并且可能在每个步骤中发生变化。对于平滑的凸功能,我们几乎可以确保迭代的收敛性和对$ o(d/l k^{ - c})$的功能值的收敛速率,每$ c <1/2 $,这是任意关闭的就迭代次数而言,是随机梯度下降(SGD)。我们的界限还显示了使用$ l $多个方向而不是一个方向的好处。对于满足polyak-{\ l} ojasiewicz条件的非convex函数,我们在这种假设下建立了随机Zeroth Order Order Order算法的第一个收敛速率。我们在数值模拟中证实了我们的理论发现,在数值模拟中,满足假设以及对超参数优化的现实世界问题,观察到S-SZD具有很好的实践性能。
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We consider minimizing a smooth and strongly convex objective function using a stochastic Newton method. At each iteration, the algorithm is given an oracle access to a stochastic estimate of the Hessian matrix. The oracle model includes popular algorithms such as Subsampled Newton and Newton Sketch. Despite using second-order information, these existing methods do not exhibit superlinear convergence, unless the stochastic noise is gradually reduced to zero during the iteration, which would lead to a computational blow-up in the per-iteration cost. We propose to address this limitation with Hessian averaging: instead of using the most recent Hessian estimate, our algorithm maintains an average of all the past estimates. This reduces the stochastic noise while avoiding the computational blow-up. We show that this scheme exhibits local $Q$-superlinear convergence with a non-asymptotic rate of $(\Upsilon\sqrt{\log (t)/t}\,)^{t}$, where $\Upsilon$ is proportional to the level of stochastic noise in the Hessian oracle. A potential drawback of this (uniform averaging) approach is that the averaged estimates contain Hessian information from the global phase of the method, i.e., before the iterates converge to a local neighborhood. This leads to a distortion that may substantially delay the superlinear convergence until long after the local neighborhood is reached. To address this drawback, we study a number of weighted averaging schemes that assign larger weights to recent Hessians, so that the superlinear convergence arises sooner, albeit with a slightly slower rate. Remarkably, we show that there exists a universal weighted averaging scheme that transitions to local convergence at an optimal stage, and still exhibits a superlinear convergence rate nearly (up to a logarithmic factor) matching that of uniform Hessian averaging.
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我们的目标是使随机梯度$ \ sigma^2 $在随机梯度和(ii)问题依赖性常数中自适应(i)自适应。当最大程度地减少条件编号$ \ kappa $的平滑,强大的功能时,我们证明,$ t $ t $ toerations sgd的$ t $ toerations sgd具有指数降低的阶跃尺寸和对平滑度的知识可以实现$ \ tilde {o} \ left(\ exp) \ left(\ frac {-t} {\ kappa} \ right) + \ frac {\ sigma^2} {t} \ right)$ rate,而又不知道$ \ sigma^2 $。为了适应平滑度,我们使用随机线路搜索(SLS)并显示(通过上下距离),其SGD的SGD与SLS以所需的速率收敛,但仅针对溶液的邻域。另一方面,我们证明具有平滑度的离线估计值的SGD会收敛到最小化器。但是,其速率与估计误差成正比的速度减慢。接下来,我们证明具有Nesterov加速度和指数步骤尺寸(称为ASGD)的SGD可以实现接近最佳的$ \ tilde {o} \ left(\ exp \ left(\ frac {-t} {-t} {\ sqrt {\ sqrt {\ sqrt { \ kappa}}} \ right) + \ frac {\ sigma^2} {t} \ right)$ rate,而无需$ \ sigma^2 $。当与平滑度和强频率的离线估计值一起使用时,ASGD仍会收敛到溶液,尽管速度较慢。我们从经验上证明了指数级尺寸的有效性以及新型SLS的变体。
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We consider the constrained sampling problem where the goal is to sample from a distribution $\pi(x)\propto e^{-f(x)}$ and $x$ is constrained on a convex body $\mathcal{C}\subset \mathbb{R}^d$. Motivated by penalty methods from optimization, we propose penalized Langevin Dynamics (PLD) and penalized Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (PHMC) that convert the constrained sampling problem into an unconstrained one by introducing a penalty function for constraint violations. When $f$ is smooth and the gradient is available, we show $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d/\varepsilon^{10})$ iteration complexity for PLD to sample the target up to an $\varepsilon$-error where the error is measured in terms of the total variation distance and $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\cdot)$ hides some logarithmic factors. For PHMC, we improve this result to $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{d}/\varepsilon^{7})$ when the Hessian of $f$ is Lipschitz and the boundary of $\mathcal{C}$ is sufficiently smooth. To our knowledge, these are the first convergence rate results for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods in the constrained sampling setting that can handle non-convex $f$ and can provide guarantees with the best dimension dependency among existing methods with deterministic gradients. We then consider the setting where unbiased stochastic gradients are available. We propose PSGLD and PSGHMC that can handle stochastic gradients without Metropolis-Hasting correction steps. When $f$ is strongly convex and smooth, we obtain an iteration complexity of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d/\varepsilon^{18})$ and $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d\sqrt{d}/\varepsilon^{39})$ respectively in the 2-Wasserstein distance. For the more general case, when $f$ is smooth and non-convex, we also provide finite-time performance bounds and iteration complexity results. Finally, we test our algorithms on Bayesian LASSO regression and Bayesian constrained deep learning problems.
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