本文研究了多任务高维线性回归模型,其中不同任务之间的噪声是相关的,在中等高的维度状态下,样本量$ n $和dimension $ p $是相同的订单。我们的目标是估计噪声随机向量的协方差矩阵,或等效地在任何两个任务上的噪声变量的相关性。将回归系数视为滋扰参数,我们利用多任务弹性网络和多任务套索估计器来估计滋扰。通过准确理解平方残留矩阵的偏置并纠正这种偏见,我们开发了一个新颖的噪声协方差估计器,该噪声协方差以frobenius norm的收敛,以$ n^{ - 1/2} $为$ n^{ - 1/2} $。这个新颖的估计器是有效的计算。在适当的条件下,提出的噪声协方差估计器的收敛速率与事先知道多任务模型回归系数的“甲骨文”估计器相同。本文获得的FROBENIUS误差界限还说明了该新估计量的优势,而不是试图估计滋扰的方法估计器。作为我们技术的副产品,我们获得了多任务弹性NET和多任务套索估计器的概括误差的估计。进行了广泛的仿真研究,以说明该方法的数值性能。
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我们考虑从具有未知链路功能的单个索引模型,高斯协变量和正则化的M估计器$ \ hat \ beta $从凸损失功能和正常制度构建的正规M-估计器$ \ hat \ beta $。在样本量$ n $和dimension $ p $的制度中,$ p/n $具有有限限制,$ \ hat \ beta $的经验分布的行为和预测的值$ x \ hat \ beta $以前已经在许多模型中表征:已知经验分布会在相关的高斯序列模型中收敛到损失和罚款的近端操作员,该模型捕获了比率$ p/n $之间的相互作用,损失,正则化,以及数据生成过程。 $(\ hat \ beta,x \ hat \ beta)$与相应的近端运算符之间的这种连接需要求解固定点方程,这些方程通常涉及无法观察到的数量,例如索引或链接函数上的先验分布。本文开发了一个不同的理论来描述$ \ hat \ beta $和$ x \ hat \ beta $:$(\ hat \ beta,x \ hat \ beta)$的经验分布。这仅涉及可观察到的调整。这些提出的可观察到的调整是数据驱动的,例如,不需要对索引或链接函数的先验知识。这些新的调整产生了索引各个组件的置信区间,以及$ \ hat \ beta $与索引的相关性的估计器。因此,以数据驱动的方式捕获损失,正则化和模型之间的相互作用,而无需求解以前工作中研究的固定点方程。结果既适用于强烈凸正则化器和未注册的M估计。为单个索引模型的正方形和逻辑损失提供了模拟,包括逻辑回归和1位压缩感测,具有20 \%损坏的位。
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套索是一种高维回归的方法,当时,当协变量$ p $的订单数量或大于观测值$ n $时,通常使用它。由于两个基本原因,经典的渐近态性理论不适用于该模型:$(1)$正规风险是非平滑的; $(2)$估算器$ \ wideHat {\ boldsymbol {\ theta}} $与true参数vector $ \ boldsymbol {\ theta}^*$无法忽略。结果,标准的扰动论点是渐近正态性的传统基础。另一方面,套索估计器可以精确地以$ n $和$ p $大,$ n/p $的订单为一。这种表征首先是在使用I.I.D的高斯设计的情况下获得的。协变量:在这里,我们将其推广到具有非偏差协方差结构的高斯相关设计。这是根据更简单的``固定设计''模型表示的。我们在两个模型中各种数量的分布之间的距离上建立了非反应界限,它们在合适的稀疏类别中均匀地固定在信号上$ \ boldsymbol {\ theta}^*$。作为应用程序,我们研究了借助拉索的分布,并表明需要校正程度对于计算有效的置信区间是必要的。
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现代神经网络通常以强烈的过度构造状态运行:它们包含许多参数,即使实际标签被纯粹随机的标签代替,它们也可以插入训练集。尽管如此,他们在看不见的数据上达到了良好的预测错误:插值训练集并不会导致巨大的概括错误。此外,过度散色化似乎是有益的,因为它简化了优化景观。在这里,我们在神经切线(NT)制度中的两层神经网络的背景下研究这些现象。我们考虑了一个简单的数据模型,以及各向同性协变量的矢量,$ d $尺寸和$ n $隐藏的神经元。我们假设样本量$ n $和尺寸$ d $都很大,并且它们在多项式上相关。我们的第一个主要结果是对过份术的经验NT内核的特征结构的特征。这种表征意味着必然的表明,经验NT内核的最低特征值在$ ND \ gg n $后立即从零界限,因此网络可以在同一制度中精确插值任意标签。我们的第二个主要结果是对NT Ridge回归的概括误差的表征,包括特殊情况,最小值-ULL_2 $ NORD插值。我们证明,一旦$ nd \ gg n $,测试误差就会被内核岭回归之一相对于无限宽度内核而近似。多项式脊回归的误差依次近似后者,从而通过与激活函数的高度组件相关的“自我诱导的”项增加了正则化参数。多项式程度取决于样本量和尺寸(尤其是$ \ log n/\ log d $)。
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Testing the significance of a variable or group of variables $X$ for predicting a response $Y$, given additional covariates $Z$, is a ubiquitous task in statistics. A simple but common approach is to specify a linear model, and then test whether the regression coefficient for $X$ is non-zero. However, when the model is misspecified, the test may have poor power, for example when $X$ is involved in complex interactions, or lead to many false rejections. In this work we study the problem of testing the model-free null of conditional mean independence, i.e. that the conditional mean of $Y$ given $X$ and $Z$ does not depend on $X$. We propose a simple and general framework that can leverage flexible nonparametric or machine learning methods, such as additive models or random forests, to yield both robust error control and high power. The procedure involves using these methods to perform regressions, first to estimate a form of projection of $Y$ on $X$ and $Z$ using one half of the data, and then to estimate the expected conditional covariance between this projection and $Y$ on the remaining half of the data. While the approach is general, we show that a version of our procedure using spline regression achieves what we show is the minimax optimal rate in this nonparametric testing problem. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach both in terms of maintaining Type I error control, and power, compared to several existing approaches.
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In this paper, we study the trace regression when a matrix of parameters B* is estimated via the convex relaxation of a rank-regularized regression or via regularized non-convex optimization. It is known that these estimators satisfy near-optimal error bounds under assumptions on the rank, coherence, and spikiness of B*. We start by introducing a general notion of spikiness for B* that provides a generic recipe to prove the restricted strong convexity of the sampling operator of the trace regression and obtain near-optimal and non-asymptotic error bounds for the estimation error. Similar to the existing literature, these results require the regularization parameter to be above a certain theory-inspired threshold that depends on observation noise that may be unknown in practice. Next, we extend the error bounds to cases where the regularization parameter is chosen via cross-validation. This result is significant in that existing theoretical results on cross-validated estimators (Kale et al., 2011; Kumar et al., 2013; Abou-Moustafa and Szepesvari, 2017) do not apply to our setting since the estimators we study are not known to satisfy their required notion of stability. Finally, using simulations on synthetic and real data, we show that the cross-validated estimator selects a near-optimal penalty parameter and outperforms the theory-inspired approach of selecting the parameter.
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我们调查与高斯的混合的数据分享共同但未知,潜在虐待协方差矩阵的数据。我们首先考虑具有两个等级大小的组件的高斯混合,并根据最大似然估计导出最大切割整数程序。当样品的数量在维度下线性增长时,我们证明其解决方案实现了最佳的错误分类率,直到对数因子。但是,解决最大切割问题似乎是在计算上棘手的。为了克服这一点,我们开发了一种高效的频谱算法,该算法达到最佳速率,但需要一种二次样本量。虽然这种样本复杂性比最大切割问题更差,但我们猜测没有多项式方法可以更好地执行。此外,我们收集了支持统计计算差距存在的数值和理论证据。最后,我们将MAX-CUT程序概括为$ k $ -means程序,该程序处理多组分混合物的可能性不平等。它享有相似的最优性保证,用于满足运输成本不平等的分布式的混合物,包括高斯和强烈的对数的分布。
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We provide results that exactly quantify how data augmentation affects the convergence rate and variance of estimates. They lead to some unexpected findings: Contrary to common intuition, data augmentation may increase rather than decrease the uncertainty of estimates, such as the empirical prediction risk. Our main theoretical tool is a limit theorem for functions of randomly transformed, high-dimensional random vectors. The proof draws on work in probability on noise stability of functions of many variables. The pathological behavior we identify is not a consequence of complex models, but can occur even in the simplest settings -- one of our examples is a ridge regressor with two parameters. On the other hand, our results also show that data augmentation can have real, quantifiable benefits.
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In many modern applications of deep learning the neural network has many more parameters than the data points used for its training. Motivated by those practices, a large body of recent theoretical research has been devoted to studying overparameterized models. One of the central phenomena in this regime is the ability of the model to interpolate noisy data, but still have test error lower than the amount of noise in that data. arXiv:1906.11300 characterized for which covariance structure of the data such a phenomenon can happen in linear regression if one considers the interpolating solution with minimum $\ell_2$-norm and the data has independent components: they gave a sharp bound on the variance term and showed that it can be small if and only if the data covariance has high effective rank in a subspace of small co-dimension. We strengthen and complete their results by eliminating the independence assumption and providing sharp bounds for the bias term. Thus, our results apply in a much more general setting than those of arXiv:1906.11300, e.g., kernel regression, and not only characterize how the noise is damped but also which part of the true signal is learned. Moreover, we extend the result to the setting of ridge regression, which allows us to explain another interesting phenomenon: we give general sufficient conditions under which the optimal regularization is negative.
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Sparse reduced rank regression is an essential statistical learning method. In the contemporary literature, estimation is typically formulated as a nonconvex optimization that often yields to a local optimum in numerical computation. Yet, their theoretical analysis is always centered on the global optimum, resulting in a discrepancy between the statistical guarantee and the numerical computation. In this research, we offer a new algorithm to address the problem and establish an almost optimal rate for the algorithmic solution. We also demonstrate that the algorithm achieves the estimation with a polynomial number of iterations. In addition, we present a generalized information criterion to simultaneously ensure the consistency of support set recovery and rank estimation. Under the proposed criterion, we show that our algorithm can achieve the oracle reduced rank estimation with a significant probability. The numerical studies and an application in the ovarian cancer genetic data demonstrate the effectiveness and scalability of our approach.
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This paper provides estimation and inference methods for a conditional average treatment effects (CATE) characterized by a high-dimensional parameter in both homogeneous cross-sectional and unit-heterogeneous dynamic panel data settings. In our leading example, we model CATE by interacting the base treatment variable with explanatory variables. The first step of our procedure is orthogonalization, where we partial out the controls and unit effects from the outcome and the base treatment and take the cross-fitted residuals. This step uses a novel generic cross-fitting method we design for weakly dependent time series and panel data. This method "leaves out the neighbors" when fitting nuisance components, and we theoretically power it by using Strassen's coupling. As a result, we can rely on any modern machine learning method in the first step, provided it learns the residuals well enough. Second, we construct an orthogonal (or residual) learner of CATE -- the Lasso CATE -- that regresses the outcome residual on the vector of interactions of the residualized treatment with explanatory variables. If the complexity of CATE function is simpler than that of the first-stage regression, the orthogonal learner converges faster than the single-stage regression-based learner. Third, we perform simultaneous inference on parameters of the CATE function using debiasing. We also can use ordinary least squares in the last two steps when CATE is low-dimensional. In heterogeneous panel data settings, we model the unobserved unit heterogeneity as a weakly sparse deviation from Mundlak (1978)'s model of correlated unit effects as a linear function of time-invariant covariates and make use of L1-penalization to estimate these models. We demonstrate our methods by estimating price elasticities of groceries based on scanner data. We note that our results are new even for the cross-sectional (i.i.d) case.
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学习如何有效地控制未知的动态系统对于智能自治系统至关重要。当潜在的动态随着时间的推移时,这项任务成为一个重大挑战。本文认为这一挑战,本文考虑了控制未知马尔可夫跳跃线性系统(MJS)的问题,以优化二次目标。通过采用基于模型的透视图,我们考虑对MJSS的识别自适应控制。我们首先为MJS提供系统识别算法,用于从系统状态,输入和模式的单个轨迹,从模式开关的演进中的底层中学习MJS的系统识别算法。通过混合时间参数,该算法的样本复杂性显示为$ \ mathcal {o}(1 / \ sqrt {t})$。然后,我们提出了一种自适应控制方案,其与确定性等效控制一起执行系统识别,以使控制器以焦化方式调整。 Combining our sample complexity results with recent perturbation results for certainty equivalent control, we prove that when the episode lengths are appropriately chosen, the proposed adaptive control scheme achieves $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T})$ regret, which can be改进了$ \ mathcal {o}(polylog(t))$与系统的部分了解。我们的证据策略介绍了在MJSS中处理马尔可维亚跳跃的创新和较弱的稳定概念。我们的分析提供了影响学习准确性和控制性能的系统理论量的见解。提出了数值模拟,以进一步加强这些见解。
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神经网络模型的最新成功揭示了一种令人惊讶的统计现象:完全拟合噪声数据的统计模型可以很好地推广到看不见的测试数据。了解$ \ textit {良性过拟合} $的这种现象吸引了强烈的理论和经验研究。在本文中,我们考虑插值两层线性神经网络在平方损失上梯度流训练,当协变量满足亚高斯和抗浓度的特性时,在平方损耗上训练,并在多余的风险上获得界限,并且噪声是独立和次级高斯的。。通过利用最新的结果来表征该估计器的隐性偏见,我们的边界强调了初始化质量的作用以及数据协方差矩阵在实现低过量风险中的特性。
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随机奇异值分解(RSVD)是用于计算大型数据矩阵截断的SVD的一类计算算法。给定A $ n \ times n $对称矩阵$ \ mathbf {m} $,原型RSVD算法输出通过计算$ \ mathbf {m mathbf {m} $的$ k $引导singular vectors的近似m}^{g} \ mathbf {g} $;这里$ g \ geq 1 $是一个整数,$ \ mathbf {g} \ in \ mathbb {r}^{n \ times k} $是一个随机的高斯素描矩阵。在本文中,我们研究了一般的“信号加上噪声”框架下的RSVD的统计特性,即,观察到的矩阵$ \ hat {\ mathbf {m}} $被认为是某种真实但未知的加法扰动信号矩阵$ \ mathbf {m} $。我们首先得出$ \ ell_2 $(频谱规范)和$ \ ell_ {2 \ to \ infty} $(最大行行列$ \ ell_2 $ norm)$ \ hat {\ hat {\ Mathbf {M}} $和信号矩阵$ \ Mathbf {M} $的真实单数向量。这些上限取决于信噪比(SNR)和功率迭代$ g $的数量。观察到一个相变现象,其中较小的SNR需要较大的$ g $值以保证$ \ ell_2 $和$ \ ell_ {2 \ to \ fo \ infty} $ distances的收敛。我们还表明,每当噪声矩阵满足一定的痕量生长条件时,这些相变发生的$ g $的阈值都会很清晰。最后,我们得出了近似奇异向量的行波和近似矩阵的进入波动的正常近似。我们通过将RSVD的几乎最佳性能保证在应用于三个统计推断问题的情况下,即社区检测,矩阵完成和主要的组件分析,并使用缺失的数据来说明我们的理论结果。
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考虑Huber污染高斯模型下的位置与差异矩阵的同时估计问题。首先,我们在人口层面上学习最低$ F $估计,对应于具有非参数鉴别者的生成对抗方法,并在$ F $建立条件,这导致强大的估计,类似于最小距离估计的鲁棒性。更重要的是,我们开发具有简单的样条鉴别器的贸易对抗算法,其可以通过嵌套优化实现,使得可以通过给出当前发生器来最大化凹形物理函数来完全更新鉴别器参数。提出的方法显示,根据$ F $ -diverence和所使用的罚款,可以实现最低限度的最佳速率或接近最佳速率。我们提出了模拟研究,以证明具有经典鲁棒估算器,成对方法和神经网络鉴别器的成对方法和生成对抗方法的提出方法的优势。
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我们研究了随机近似程序,以便基于观察来自ergodic Markov链的长度$ n $的轨迹来求近求解$ d -dimension的线性固定点方程。我们首先表现出$ t _ {\ mathrm {mix}} \ tfrac {n}} \ tfrac {n}} \ tfrac {d}} \ tfrac {d} {n} $的非渐近性界限。$ t _ {\ mathrm {mix $是混合时间。然后,我们证明了一种在适当平均迭代序列上的非渐近实例依赖性,具有匹配局部渐近最小的限制的领先术语,包括对参数$的敏锐依赖(d,t _ {\ mathrm {mix}}) $以高阶术语。我们将这些上限与非渐近Minimax的下限补充,该下限是建立平均SA估计器的实例 - 最优性。我们通过Markov噪声的政策评估导出了这些结果的推导 - 覆盖了所有$ \ lambda \中的TD($ \ lambda $)算法,以便[0,1)$ - 和线性自回归模型。我们的实例依赖性表征为HyperParameter调整的细粒度模型选择程序的设计开放了门(例如,在运行TD($ \ Lambda $)算法时选择$ \ lambda $的值)。
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