代表学习方法需要大量的歧视性培训数据,这在许多情况下都不可用,例如医疗保健,智能城市,教育等。在实践中,人们指的是众包以获得注释标签。但是,由于数据隐私,预算限制,域特定注释缺少的问题,众群标签的数量仍然非常有限。此外,由于注释者的多样化专业知识,众群标签往往不一致。因此,直接应用现有的监督表示学习(SRL)算法可能很容易得到过度的问题并产生次优解决方案。在本文中,我们提出了\ {neucrowd},从众包标签中获得SRL的统一框架。所提出的框架(1)通过利用安全感感知的采样和强大的锚生成,创建足够数量的高质量\ EMPH {n} -Tuplet训练样本; (2)自动学习一个神经采样网络,可自适应地学习为SRL网络选择有效的样本。所提出的框架是在一个合成和三个现实世界数据集上进行评估的。结果表明,我们的方法在预测准确性和AUC方面优于各种最先进的基线。为了鼓励可重复的结果,我们将公开可用的代码在\ url {https://github.com/tal-ai/necrowd_kais2021}。
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As an important data selection schema, active learning emerges as the essential component when iterating an Artificial Intelligence (AI) model. It becomes even more critical given the dominance of deep neural network based models, which are composed of a large number of parameters and data hungry, in application. Despite its indispensable role for developing AI models, research on active learning is not as intensive as other research directions. In this paper, we present a review of active learning through deep active learning approaches from the following perspectives: 1) technical advancements in active learning, 2) applications of active learning in computer vision, 3) industrial systems leveraging or with potential to leverage active learning for data iteration, 4) current limitations and future research directions. We expect this paper to clarify the significance of active learning in a modern AI model manufacturing process and to bring additional research attention to active learning. By addressing data automation challenges and coping with automated machine learning systems, active learning will facilitate democratization of AI technologies by boosting model production at scale.
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最近,自我监督的表示学习(SSRL)在计算机视觉,语音,自然语言处理(NLP)以及最近的其他类型的模式(包括传感器的时间序列)中引起了很多关注。自我监督学习的普及是由传统模型通常需要大量通知数据进行培训的事实所驱动的。获取带注释的数据可能是一个困难且昂贵的过程。已经引入了自我监督的方法,以通过使用从原始数据自由获得的监督信号对模型进行判别预训练来提高训练数据的效率。与现有的对SSRL的评论不同,该评论旨在以单一模式为重点介绍CV或NLP领域的方法,我们旨在为时间数据提供对多模式自我监督学习方法的首次全面审查。为此,我们1)提供现有SSRL方法的全面分类,2)通过定义SSRL框架的关键组件来引入通用管道,3)根据其目标功能,网络架构和潜在应用程序,潜在的应用程序,潜在的应用程序,比较现有模型, 4)查看每个类别和各种方式中的现有多模式技术。最后,我们提出了现有的弱点和未来的机会。我们认为,我们的工作对使用多模式和/或时间数据的域中SSRL的要求有了一个观点
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Recent methods for deep metric learning have been focusing on designing different contrastive loss functions between positive and negative pairs of samples so that the learned feature embedding is able to pull positive samples of the same class closer and push negative samples from different classes away from each other. In this work, we recognize that there is a significant semantic gap between features at the intermediate feature layer and class labels at the final output layer. To bridge this gap, we develop a contrastive Bayesian analysis to characterize and model the posterior probabilities of image labels conditioned by their features similarity in a contrastive learning setting. This contrastive Bayesian analysis leads to a new loss function for deep metric learning. To improve the generalization capability of the proposed method onto new classes, we further extend the contrastive Bayesian loss with a metric variance constraint. Our experimental results and ablation studies demonstrate that the proposed contrastive Bayesian metric learning method significantly improves the performance of deep metric learning in both supervised and pseudo-supervised scenarios, outperforming existing methods by a large margin.
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主动学习(al)试图通过标记最少的样本来最大限度地提高模型的性能增益。深度学习(DL)是贪婪的数据,需要大量的数据电源来优化大量参数,因此模型了解如何提取高质量功能。近年来,由于互联网技术的快速发展,我们处于信息种类的时代,我们有大量的数据。通过这种方式,DL引起了研究人员的强烈兴趣,并已迅速发展。与DL相比,研究人员对Al的兴趣相对较低。这主要是因为在DL的崛起之前,传统的机器学习需要相对较少的标记样品。因此,早期的Al很难反映其应得的价值。虽然DL在各个领域取得了突破,但大多数这一成功都是由于大量现有注释数据集的宣传。然而,收购大量高质量的注释数据集消耗了很多人力,这在某些领域不允许在需要高专业知识,特别是在语音识别,信息提取,医学图像等领域中, al逐渐受到适当的关注。自然理念是AL是否可用于降低样本注释的成本,同时保留DL的强大学习能力。因此,已经出现了深度主动学习(DAL)。虽然相关的研究非常丰富,但它缺乏对DAL的综合调查。本文要填补这一差距,我们为现有工作提供了正式的分类方法,以及全面和系统的概述。此外,我们还通过申请的角度分析并总结了DAL的发展。最后,我们讨论了DAL中的混乱和问题,为DAL提供了一些可能的发展方向。
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Recent years witnessed the breakthrough of face recognition with deep convolutional neural networks. Dozens of papers in the field of FR are published every year. Some of them were applied in the industrial community and played an important role in human life such as device unlock, mobile payment, and so on. This paper provides an introduction to face recognition, including its history, pipeline, algorithms based on conventional manually designed features or deep learning, mainstream training, evaluation datasets, and related applications. We have analyzed and compared state-of-the-art works as many as possible, and also carefully designed a set of experiments to find the effect of backbone size and data distribution. This survey is a material of the tutorial named The Practical Face Recognition Technology in the Industrial World in the FG2023.
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Person re-identification (Re-ID) aims at retrieving a person of interest across multiple non-overlapping cameras. With the advancement of deep neural networks and increasing demand of intelligent video surveillance, it has gained significantly increased interest in the computer vision community. By dissecting the involved components in developing a person Re-ID system, we categorize it into the closed-world and open-world settings. The widely studied closed-world setting is usually applied under various research-oriented assumptions, and has achieved inspiring success using deep learning techniques on a number of datasets. We first conduct a comprehensive overview with in-depth analysis for closed-world person Re-ID from three different perspectives, including deep feature representation learning, deep metric learning and ranking optimization. With the performance saturation under closed-world setting, the research focus for person Re-ID has recently shifted to the open-world setting, facing more challenging issues. This setting is closer to practical applications under specific scenarios. We summarize the open-world Re-ID in terms of five different aspects. By analyzing the advantages of existing methods, we design a powerful AGW baseline, achieving state-of-the-art or at least comparable performance on twelve datasets for FOUR different Re-ID tasks. Meanwhile, we introduce a new evaluation metric (mINP) for person Re-ID, indicating the cost for finding all the correct matches, which provides an additional criteria to evaluate the Re-ID system for real applications. Finally, some important yet under-investigated open issues are discussed.
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Transfer learning aims at improving the performance of target learners on target domains by transferring the knowledge contained in different but related source domains. In this way, the dependence on a large number of target domain data can be reduced for constructing target learners. Due to the wide application prospects, transfer learning has become a popular and promising area in machine learning. Although there are already some valuable and impressive surveys on transfer learning, these surveys introduce approaches in a relatively isolated way and lack the recent advances in transfer learning. Due to the rapid expansion of the transfer learning area, it is both necessary and challenging to comprehensively review the relevant studies. This survey attempts to connect and systematize the existing transfer learning researches, as well as to summarize and interpret the mechanisms and the strategies of transfer learning in a comprehensive way, which may help readers have a better understanding of the current research status and ideas. Unlike previous surveys, this survey paper reviews more than forty representative transfer learning approaches, especially homogeneous transfer learning approaches, from the perspectives of data and model. The applications of transfer learning are also briefly introduced. In order to show the performance of different transfer learning models, over twenty representative transfer learning models are used for experiments. The models are performed on three different datasets, i.e., Amazon Reviews, Reuters-21578, and Office-31. And the experimental results demonstrate the importance of selecting appropriate transfer learning models for different applications in practice.
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Jitendra Malik once said, "Supervision is the opium of the AI researcher". Most deep learning techniques heavily rely on extreme amounts of human labels to work effectively. In today's world, the rate of data creation greatly surpasses the rate of data annotation. Full reliance on human annotations is just a temporary means to solve current closed problems in AI. In reality, only a tiny fraction of data is annotated. Annotation Efficient Learning (AEL) is a study of algorithms to train models effectively with fewer annotations. To thrive in AEL environments, we need deep learning techniques that rely less on manual annotations (e.g., image, bounding-box, and per-pixel labels), but learn useful information from unlabeled data. In this thesis, we explore five different techniques for handling AEL.
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我们提出了Parse,这是一种新颖的半监督结构,用于学习强大的脑电图表现以进行情感识别。为了减少大量未标记数据与标记数据有限的潜在分布不匹配,Parse使用成对表示对准。首先,我们的模型执行数据增强,然后标签猜测大量原始和增强的未标记数据。然后将其锐化的标签和标记数据的凸组合锐化。最后,进行表示对准和情感分类。为了严格测试我们的模型,我们将解析与我们实施并适应脑电图学习的几种最先进的半监督方法进行了比较。我们对四个基于公共EEG的情绪识别数据集,种子,种子IV,种子V和Amigos(价和唤醒)进行这些实验。该实验表明,我们提出的框架在种子,种子-IV和Amigos(Valence)中的标记样品有限的情况下,取得了总体最佳效果,同时接近种子V和Amigos中的总体最佳结果(达到第二好) (唤醒)。分析表明,我们的成对表示对齐方式通过减少未标记数据和标记数据之间的分布比对来大大提高性能,尤其是当每类仅1个样本被标记时。
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State-of-the-art computer vision systems are trained to predict a fixed set of predetermined object categories. This restricted form of supervision limits their generality and usability since additional labeled data is needed to specify any other visual concept. Learning directly from raw text about images is a promising alternative which leverages a much broader source of supervision. We demonstrate that the simple pre-training task of predicting which caption goes with which image is an efficient and scalable way to learn SOTA image representations from scratch on a dataset of 400 million (image, text) pairs collected from the internet. After pre-training, natural language is used to reference learned visual concepts (or describe new ones) enabling zero-shot transfer of the model to downstream tasks. We study the performance of this approach by benchmarking on over 30 different existing computer vision datasets, spanning tasks such as OCR, action recognition in videos, geo-localization, and many types of fine-grained object classification. The model transfers non-trivially to most tasks and is often competitive with a fully supervised baseline without the need for any dataset specific training. For instance, we match the accuracy of the original ResNet-50 on ImageNet zero-shot without needing to use any of the 1.28 million training examples it was trained on. We release our code and pre-trained model weights at https://github.com/OpenAI/CLIP.
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深度学习属于人工智能领域,机器执行通常需要某种人类智能的任务。类似于大脑的基本结构,深度学习算法包括一种人工神经网络,其类似于生物脑结构。利用他们的感官模仿人类的学习过程,深入学习网络被送入(感官)数据,如文本,图像,视频或声音。这些网络在不同的任务中优于最先进的方法,因此,整个领域在过去几年中看到了指数增长。这种增长在过去几年中每年超过10,000多种出版物。例如,只有在医疗领域中的所有出版物中覆盖的搜索引擎只能在Q3 2020中覆盖所有出版物的子集,用于搜索术语“深度学习”,其中大约90%来自过去三年。因此,对深度学习领域的完全概述已经不可能在不久的将来获得,并且在不久的将来可能会难以获得难以获得子场的概要。但是,有几个关于深度学习的综述文章,这些文章专注于特定的科学领域或应用程序,例如计算机愿景的深度学习进步或在物体检测等特定任务中进行。随着这些调查作为基础,这一贡献的目的是提供对不同科学学科的深度学习的第一个高级,分类的元调查。根据底层数据来源(图像,语言,医疗,混合)选择了类别(计算机愿景,语言处理,医疗信息和其他工程)。此外,我们还审查了每个子类别的常见架构,方法,专业,利弊,评估,挑战和未来方向。
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