Automatic analysis of teacher and student interactions could be very important to improve the quality of teaching and student engagement. However, despite some recent progress in utilizing multimodal data for teaching and learning analytics, a thorough analysis of a rich multimodal dataset coming for a complex real learning environment has yet to be done. To bridge this gap, we present a large-scale MUlti-modal Teaching and Learning Analytics (MUTLA) dataset. This dataset includes time-synchronized multimodal data records of students (learning logs, videos, EEG brainwaves) as they work in various subjects from Squirrel AI Learning System (SAIL) to solve problems of varying difficulty levels. The dataset resources include user records from the learner records store of SAIL, brainwave data collected by EEG headset devices, and video data captured by web cameras while students worked in the SAIL products. Our hope is that by analyzing real-world student learning activities, facial expressions, and brainwave patterns, researchers can better predict engagement, which can then be used to improve adaptive learning selection and student learning outcomes. An additional goal is to provide a dataset gathered from real-world educational activities versus those from controlled lab environments to benefit the educational learning community.
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在过去的十年中,在线教育在为全球学生提供负担得起的高质量教育方面的重要性越来越重要。随着越来越多的学生改用在线学习,这在全球大流行期间得到了进一步放大。大多数在线教育任务,例如课程建议,锻炼建议或自动化评估,都取决于跟踪学生的知识进步。这被称为文献中的\ emph {知识跟踪}问题。解决此问题需要收集学生评估数据,以反映他们的知识演变。在本文中,我们提出了一个新的知识跟踪数据集,名为“知识跟踪数据库”练习(DBE-KT22),该练习是在澳大利亚澳大利亚国立大学教授的课程中从在线学生锻炼系统中收集的。我们讨论了DBE-KT22数据集的特征,并将其与知识追踪文献中的现有数据集进行对比。我们的数据集可通过澳大利亚数据存档平台公开访问。
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Understanding our brain is one of the most daunting tasks, one we cannot expect to complete without the use of technology. MindBigData aims to provide a comprehensive and updated dataset of brain signals related to a diverse set of human activities so it can inspire the use of machine learning algorithms as a benchmark of 'decoding' performance from raw brain activities into its corresponding (labels) mental (or physical) tasks. Using commercial of the self, EEG devices or custom ones built by us to explore the limits of the technology. We describe the data collection procedures for each of the sub datasets and with every headset used to capture them. Also, we report possible applications in the field of Brain Computer Interfaces or BCI that could impact the life of billions, in almost every sector like healthcare game changing use cases, industry or entertainment to name a few, at the end why not directly using our brains to 'disintermediate' senses, as the final HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) device? simply what we call the journey from Type to Touch to Talk to Think.
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As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes a prominent part of modern life, AI literacy is becoming important for all citizens, not just those in technology careers. Previous research in AI education materials has largely focused on the introduction of terminology as well as AI use cases and ethics, but few allow students to learn by creating their own machine learning models. Therefore, there is a need for enriching AI educational tools with more adaptable and flexible platforms for interested educators with any level of technical experience to utilize within their teaching material. As such, we propose the development of an open-source tool (Build-a-Bot) for students and teachers to not only create their own transformer-based chatbots based on their own course material, but also learn the fundamentals of AI through the model creation process. The primary concern of this paper is the creation of an interface for students to learn the principles of artificial intelligence by using a natural language pipeline to train a customized model to answer questions based on their own school curriculums. The model uses contexts given by their instructor, such as chapters of a textbook, to answer questions and is deployed on an interactive chatbot/voice agent. The pipeline teaches students data collection, data augmentation, intent recognition, and question answering by having them work through each of these processes while creating their AI agent, diverging from previous chatbot work where students and teachers use the bots as black-boxes with no abilities for customization or the bots lack AI capabilities, with the majority of dialogue scripts being rule-based. In addition, our tool is designed to make each step of this pipeline intuitive for students at a middle-school level. Further work primarily lies in providing our tool to schools and seeking student and teacher evaluations.
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We present edBB-Demo, a demonstrator of an AI-powered research platform for student monitoring in remote education. The edBB platform aims to study the challenges associated to user recognition and behavior understanding in digital platforms. This platform has been developed for data collection, acquiring signals from a variety of sensors including keyboard, mouse, webcam, microphone, smartwatch, and an Electroencephalography band. The information captured from the sensors during the student sessions is modelled in a multimodal learning framework. The demonstrator includes: i) Biometric user authentication in an unsupervised environment; ii) Human action recognition based on remote video analysis; iii) Heart rate estimation from webcam video; and iv) Attention level estimation from facial expression analysis.
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Technology has transformed traditional educational systems around the globe; integrating digital learning tools into classrooms offers students better opportunities to learn efficiently and allows the teacher to transfer knowledge more easily. In recent years, there have been many improvements in smart classrooms. For instance, the integration of facial emotion recognition systems (FER) has transformed the classroom into an emotionally aware area using the power of machine intelligence and IoT. This paper provides a consolidated survey of the state-of-the-art in the concept of smart classrooms and presents how the application of FER systems significantly takes this concept to the next level
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我们正在使用使用Kinect V2传感器收集的美国手语(ASL)的数据集,该数据集包含包含Fluent和非浮力签名者的视频。该数据集是作为一个项目的一部分收集的,该项目旨在开发和评估计算机视觉算法,以支持新技术以自动检测ASL流利度属性。总共要求45名流利和非全体参与者执行与介绍性或中级ASL课程中使用的作业相似的签名作业作业。注释数据以确定签名的几个方面,包括语法特征和非手动标记。手语识别目前非常数据驱动,该数据集可以支持识别技术的设计,尤其是可以使ASL学习者受益的技术。对于想要对比流利和非流利签名的ASL教育研究人员来说,该数据集也可能很有趣。
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使用机器学习和深度学习来预测脑电图(EEG)信号的认知任务,一直是脑部计算机界面(BCI)的快速发展领域。然而,在Covid-19大流行期间,数据收集和分析可能更具挑战性。大流行期间的远程实验产生了一些挑战,我们讨论了可能的解决方案。本文探讨了可以在BCI分类任务上有效运行的机器学习算法。结果表明,随机森林和RBF SVM在脑电图分类任务方面表现良好。此外,我们研究了如何使用负担得起的消费级设备进行此类BCI实验以收集基于脑电图的BCI数据。此外,我们已经开发了数据收集协议EEG4学生,该协议授予对此类数据收集指南感兴趣的非专家。我们的代码和数据可以在上找到。
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掌舵学习(帮助每个人学习更多)是第一个在线对等学习平台,它允许学生(通常是中高中生)教授课程和学生(通常是基本学的学生),可以向免费上课。这种班级结构方法(对等学习)已被证明可对学习有效,因为它可以促进团队合作和协作,并可以积极学习。 Helm是一个独特的平台,因为它为学生提供了一个简单的过程,可以在结构化的,点对点的环境中创建,教学和学习主题。自2020年4月创建赫尔姆以来,它在世界四大洲的4000多名老师和80名老师中获得了超过4000多名。 Helm从一个简单的网站和Google形式平台发展到与Python,SQL,JavaScript和HTML一起编码的后端系统,该系统托管在AWS服务中。这不仅使学生更容易注册(因为学生的信息保存在SQL数据库中,这意味着他们可以注册课程而无需再次提供信息,并获得有关课程的自动电子邮件) ,但也使教师更容易教书(作为补充过程,例如创建缩放链接,类记录文件夹,向学生发送电子邮件等)。此外,Helm还有一个建议机器学习算法,该算法建议学生根据学生参加的以前的课程而喜欢参加课程和学科。这为学生提供了更轻松的体验,可以注册他们感兴趣的课程。
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非洲的学生与教师比例很高,这限制了学生与老师的访问。因此,学生努力获取问题的答案。在这项工作中,我们扩展了我们以前的AI助教助理的Kwame,将其改编成科学教育,并将其部署为Web应用程序。科学的夸梅(Kwame)根据西非高级中学证书考试(WASSCE)的综合科学主题回答学生的问题。 Kwame for Science是一个基于句子的问题,提问的Web应用程序,显示3段作为答案以及回答科学问题的信心分数。此外,除3段外,它还显示了前5个相关的考试问题及其答案。我们对2.5周的现实部署对Kwame科学的初步评估显示,在11个国家 /地区的190个用户中,前3个准确性为87.5%(n = 56)。夸梅的科学将使在非洲的数百万人中提供可扩展,成本效益和优质的远程教育。
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背景:人类的思想是多式联的。然而,大多数行为研究依赖于百年历史措施,例如任务准确性和延迟。为了更好地了解人类行为和大脑功能,我们应该引入其他措施并分析各个方面的行为。然而,它在技术上复杂且昂贵地设计和实施记录多种措施的实验。要解决此问题,需要一个允许从人类行为同步多种措施的平台。方法:本文介绍了名为OpenSync的OpenSource平台,可用于在神经科学实验中同步多种措施。该平台有助于自动集成,同步和记录生理测量(例如,脑电图(EEG),电流性皮肤响应(GSR),眼睛跟踪,身体运动等),用户输入响应(例如,来自鼠标,键盘,操纵杆等)和任务相关信息(刺激标记)。在本文中,我们解释了Opensync的结构和细节,提供了两种在精神病和团结的案例研究。与现有工具的比较:与专有系统(例如,审核)不同,OpenSync是免费的,它可以在任何替换实验设计软件(例如,Fleare,Openseame,Unity等,中使用OpenSync /和。结果:我们的实验结果表明,OpenSync平台能够使用微秒分辨率同步多种措施。
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我们提出了MDEAW,这是一个多模式数据库,该数据库由电动活动(EDA)和光摄影学(PPG)信号组成,在考试期间记录了巴塞罗那萨巴德尔(Eurecat Academemy)的老师教师教授的课程,以引起对学生对学生对情感反应的情感反应。课堂场景。以6种基本的情感状态来记录了10名学生的信号以及学生对每个刺激后对情感状态的自我评估。所有信号均使用便携式,可穿戴,无线,低成本和现成的设备捕获,该设备有可能在日常应用中使用情感计算方法。使用基于EDA和PPG的功能及其融合的学生识别的基线是通过remecs,fed-emecs和fed-emecs-u建立的。这些结果表明,使用低成本设备进行情感状态识别应用的前景。提出的数据库将公开可用,以使研究人员能够对这些捕获设备对情绪状态识别应用的适用性进行更透彻的评估。
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我们介绍了Daisee,这是第一个多标签视频分类数据集,该数据集由112个用户捕获的9068个视频片段,用于识别野外无聊,混乱,参与度和挫败感的用户情感状态。该数据集具有四个级别的标签 - 每个情感状态都非常低,低,高和很高,它们是人群注释并与使用专家心理学家团队创建的黄金标准注释相关的。我们还使用当今可用的最先进的视频分类方法在此数据集上建立了基准结果。我们认为,黛西(Daisee)将为研究社区提供特征提取,基于上下文的推理以及为相关任务开发合适的机器学习方法的挑战,从而为进一步的研究提供了跳板。该数据集可在下载。
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瀑布是全世界老年人死亡的主要原因之一。有效检测跌倒可以减少并发症和伤害的风险。可以使用可穿戴设备或环境传感器进行秋季检测;这些方法可能会在用户合规性问题或错误警报方面困难。摄像机提供了一种被动的选择;但是,定期的RGB摄像机受到改变的照明条件和隐私问题的影响。从机器学习的角度来看,由于跌倒的稀有性和可变性,开发有效的跌落检测系统是具有挑战性的。许多现有的秋季检测数据集缺乏重要的现实考虑因素,例如不同的照明,日常生活的连续活动(ADL)和相机放置。缺乏这些考虑使得很难开发可以在现实世界中有效运行的预测模型。为了解决这些局限性,我们引入了一个新型的多模式数据集(MUVIM),其中包含四种视觉方式:红外,深度,RGB和热摄像机。这些模式提供了诸如混淆的面部特征和在弱光条件下的性能改善的好处。我们将秋季检测作为异常检测问题提出,其中仅在ADL上对定制的时空卷积自动编码器进行了训练,因此跌落会增加重建误差。我们的结果表明,红外摄像机提供了最高水平的性能(AUC ROC = 0.94),其次是热摄像机(AUC ROC = 0.87),深度(AUC ROC = 0.86)和RGB(AUC ROC = 0.83)。这项研究提供了一个独特的机会,可以分析摄像头模式在检测家庭环境中跌落的效用,同时平衡性能,被动性和隐私。
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