近年来,多任务学习(MTL)已成为机器学习的一个有前途的话题,旨在通过利用有益信息来增强众多相关学习任务的性能。在训练阶段,大多数现有的多任务学习模型完全集中在目标任务数据上,而忽略了目标任务中包含的非目标任务数据。为了解决这个问题,与任何类别的分类问题相对应的Universum数据可以用作培训模型中的先验知识。这项研究着眼于使用Universum数据使用非目标任务数据的多任务学习的挑战,从而可以提高性能。它提出了带有Universum Data(UMTSVM)的多任务双支持向量机,并为其解决方案提供了两种方法。第一种方法考虑了UMTSVM的双重公式,并试图解决二次编程问题。第二种方法为UMTSVM制定了最小二乘版本,并将其称为LS-UMTSVM,以进一步提高概括性能。 LS-UMTSVM中两个原始问题的解决方案仅简化为求解两个线性方程系统,从而实现了一种非常简单,快速的方法。在几个流行的多任务数据集和医疗数据集上进行的数值实验证明了所提出的方法的效率。
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双支持向量机(TWSVM)和双支持向量回归(TSVR)是新兴有效的机器学习技术,可分别为分类和回归挑战提供了有希望的解决方案。 TWSVM基于该想法来识别两个非平行超平面,将数据指向其各自的类分类。它需要解决两个小型大小的二次编程问题(QPPS)代替求解单个大尺寸QPP在支持向量机(SVM),而TSVR配制在TWSVM的线上,并要求解决两个SVM类问题。虽然这些技术已经有很好的研究进展;关于TSVR的不同变体的比较有限的文献。因此,本综述对TWSVM和TSVR的最近研究同时提到了它们的局限性和优势,对最近的研究提供了严格的分析。首先,首先介绍支持向量机,TWSVM的基本理论,然后专注于TWSVM的各种改进和应用,然后介绍TSVR及其各种增强功能。最后,我们建议未来的研发前景。
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Recent advance on linear support vector machine with the 0-1 soft margin loss ($L_{0/1}$-SVM) shows that the 0-1 loss problem can be solved directly. However, its theoretical and algorithmic requirements restrict us extending the linear solving framework to its nonlinear kernel form directly, the absence of explicit expression of Lagrangian dual function of $L_{0/1}$-SVM is one big deficiency among of them. In this paper, by applying the nonparametric representation theorem, we propose a nonlinear model for support vector machine with 0-1 soft margin loss, called $L_{0/1}$-KSVM, which cunningly involves the kernel technique into it and more importantly, follows the success on systematically solving its linear task. Its optimal condition is explored theoretically and a working set selection alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) algorithm is introduced to acquire its numerical solution. Moreover, we firstly present a closed-form definition to the support vector (SV) of $L_{0/1}$-KSVM. Theoretically, we prove that all SVs of $L_{0/1}$-KSVM are only located on the parallel decision surfaces. The experiment part also shows that $L_{0/1}$-KSVM has much fewer SVs, simultaneously with a decent predicting accuracy, when comparing to its linear peer $L_{0/1}$-SVM and the other six nonlinear benchmark SVM classifiers.
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In recent years there has been growing attention to interpretable machine learning models which can give explanatory insights on their behavior. Thanks to their interpretability, decision trees have been intensively studied for classification tasks, and due to the remarkable advances in mixed-integer programming (MIP), various approaches have been proposed to formulate the problem of training an Optimal Classification Tree (OCT) as a MIP model. We present a novel mixed-integer quadratic formulation for the OCT problem, which exploits the generalization capabilities of Support Vector Machines for binary classification. Our model, denoted as Margin Optimal Classification Tree (MARGOT), encompasses the use of maximum margin multivariate hyperplanes nested in a binary tree structure. To enhance the interpretability of our approach, we analyse two alternative versions of MARGOT, which include feature selection constraints inducing local sparsity of the hyperplanes. First, MARGOT has been tested on non-linearly separable synthetic datasets in 2-dimensional feature space to provide a graphical representation of the maximum margin approach. Finally, the proposed models have been tested on benchmark datasets from the UCI repository. The MARGOT formulation turns out to be easier to solve than other OCT approaches, and the generated tree better generalizes on new observations. The two interpretable versions are effective in selecting the most relevant features and maintaining good prediction quality.
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We propose a family of learning algorithms based on a new form of regularization that allows us to exploit the geometry of the marginal distribution. We focus on a semi-supervised framework that incorporates labeled and unlabeled data in a general-purpose learner. Some transductive graph learning algorithms and standard methods including support vector machines and regularized least squares can be obtained as special cases. We use properties of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces to prove new Representer theorems that provide theoretical basis for the algorithms. As a result (in contrast to purely graph-based approaches) we obtain a natural out-of-sample extension to novel examples and so are able to handle both transductive and truly semi-supervised settings. We present experimental evidence suggesting that our semi-supervised algorithms are able to use unlabeled data effectively. Finally we have a brief discussion of unsupervised and fully supervised learning within our general framework.
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Transfer learning aims at improving the performance of target learners on target domains by transferring the knowledge contained in different but related source domains. In this way, the dependence on a large number of target domain data can be reduced for constructing target learners. Due to the wide application prospects, transfer learning has become a popular and promising area in machine learning. Although there are already some valuable and impressive surveys on transfer learning, these surveys introduce approaches in a relatively isolated way and lack the recent advances in transfer learning. Due to the rapid expansion of the transfer learning area, it is both necessary and challenging to comprehensively review the relevant studies. This survey attempts to connect and systematize the existing transfer learning researches, as well as to summarize and interpret the mechanisms and the strategies of transfer learning in a comprehensive way, which may help readers have a better understanding of the current research status and ideas. Unlike previous surveys, this survey paper reviews more than forty representative transfer learning approaches, especially homogeneous transfer learning approaches, from the perspectives of data and model. The applications of transfer learning are also briefly introduced. In order to show the performance of different transfer learning models, over twenty representative transfer learning models are used for experiments. The models are performed on three different datasets, i.e., Amazon Reviews, Reuters-21578, and Office-31. And the experimental results demonstrate the importance of selecting appropriate transfer learning models for different applications in practice.
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机器学习算法必须能够有效地应对大量数据集。因此,他们必须在任何现代系统上进行良好的扩展,并能够利用独立于供应商的加速器的计算能力。在监督学习领域,支持向量机(SVM)被广泛使用。但是,即使是现代化和优化的实现,例如LIBSVM或ThunderSVM对于尖端硬件的大型非平凡的密集数据集也不能很好地扩展:大多数SVM实现基于顺序最小优化,这是一种优化的固有顺序算法。因此,它们不适合高度平行的GPU。此外,我们不知道支持不同供应商的CPU和GPU的性能便携式实现。我们已经开发了PLSSVM库来解决这两个问题。首先,我们将SVM的配方作为最小二乘问题。然后训练SVM沸腾以求解已知高度平行算法的线性方程系统。其次,我们提供了一个独立但高效的实现:PLSSVM使用不同的可互换后端 - openmp,cuda,opencl,sycl-支持来自多个GPU的NVIDIA,AMD或INTEL等各种供应商的现代硬件。 PLSSVM可以用作LIBSVM的倒入替换。与LIBSVM相比,与ThunderSVM相比,我们观察到高达10的CPU和GPU的加速度。我们的实施量表在多核CPU上缩放,并在多达256个CPU线程和多个GPU上平行加速为74.7,在四个GPU上的并行加速为3.71。代码,实用程序脚本和文档都可以在GitHub上获得:https://github.com/sc-sgs/plssvm。
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In the era of big data, it is desired to develop efficient machine learning algorithms to tackle massive data challenges such as storage bottleneck, algorithmic scalability, and interpretability. In this paper, we develop a novel efficient classification algorithm, called fast polynomial kernel classification (FPC), to conquer the scalability and storage challenges. Our main tools are a suitable selected feature mapping based on polynomial kernels and an alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) algorithm for a related non-smooth convex optimization problem. Fast learning rates as well as feasibility verifications including the efficiency of an ADMM solver with convergence guarantees and the selection of center points are established to justify theoretical behaviors of FPC. Our theoretical assertions are verified by a series of simulations and real data applications. Numerical results demonstrate that FPC significantly reduces the computational burden and storage memory of existing learning schemes such as support vector machines, Nystr\"{o}m and random feature methods, without sacrificing their generalization abilities much.
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基于签名的技术使数学洞察力洞悉不断发展的数据的复杂流之间的相互作用。这些见解可以自然地转化为理解流数据的数值方法,也许是由于它们的数学精度,已被证明在数据不规则而不是固定的情况下分析流的数据以及数据和数据的尺寸很有用样本量均为中等。了解流的多模式数据是指数的:$ d $ d $的字母中的$ n $字母中的一个单词可以是$ d^n $消息之一。签名消除了通过采样不规则性引起的指数级噪声,但仍然存在指数量的信息。这项调查旨在留在可以直接管理指数缩放的域中。在许多问题中,可伸缩性问题是一个重要的挑战,但需要另一篇调查文章和进一步的想法。这项调查描述了一系列环境集足够小以消除大规模机器学习的可能性,并且可以有效地使用一小部分免费上下文和原则性功能。工具的数学性质可以使他们对非数学家的使用恐吓。本文中介绍的示例旨在弥合此通信差距,并提供从机器学习环境中绘制的可进行的工作示例。笔记本可以在线提供这些示例中的一些。这项调查是基于伊利亚·雪佛兰(Ilya Chevryev)和安德烈·科米利津(Andrey Kormilitzin)的早期论文,它们在这种机械开发的较早时刻大致相似。本文说明了签名提供的理论见解是如何在对应用程序数据的分析中简单地实现的,这种方式在很大程度上对数据类型不可知。
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情感计算在人与机器之间的关系中非常重要。在本文中,提出了一种基于语音信号的语音情感识别(SER)的系统,其利用不同处理阶段的新技术。该系统由三个阶段组成:功能提取,功能选择,最终要素分类。在第一阶段,使用新的和多样性特征(如韵律,光谱和频谱)特征,从语音信号和光泽 - 波形信号中提取复杂的长期统计特征。 SER系统的挑战之一是区分相关情绪。这些特征是言语情绪的好鉴别者,并提高Ser识别类似和不同情绪的能力。此特征向量具有大量维度自然具有冗余。在第二阶段,使用经典特征选择技术以及用于减少特征向量维度的新量子启发技术,减少了特征向量尺寸的数量。在第三阶段,优化的特征向量由加权深稀疏的极端学习机(ELM)分类器分类。分类器以三个步骤执行分类:稀疏随机特征学习,使用奇异值分解(SVD)技术的正交随机投影,以及使用广义Tikhonov正规技术的最后一步中的鉴别分类。此外,许多现有的情绪数据集遭受数据不平衡分布的问题,这反过来增加了分类误差并降低了系统性能。在本文中,还提出了一种新的加权方法来处理类别不平衡,比现有的加权方法更有效。所提出的方法是在三个标准情绪数据库上进行评估。
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Support Vector Machines have been successfully used for one-class classification (OCSVM, SVDD) when trained on clean data, but they work much worse on dirty data: outliers present in the training data tend to become support vectors, and are hence considered "normal". In this article, we improve the effectiveness to detect outliers in dirty training data with a leave-out strategy: by temporarily omitting one candidate at a time, this point can be judged using the remaining data only. We show that this is more effective at scoring the outlierness of points than using the slack term of existing SVM-based approaches. Identified outliers can then be removed from the data, such that outliers hidden by other outliers can be identified, to reduce the problem of masking. Naively, this approach would require training N individual SVMs (and training $O(N^2)$ SVMs when iteratively removing the worst outliers one at a time), which is prohibitively expensive. We will discuss that only support vectors need to be considered in each step and that by reusing SVM parameters and weights, this incremental retraining can be accelerated substantially. By removing candidates in batches, we can further improve the processing time, although it obviously remains more costly than training a single SVM.
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多类概率估计是估计属于类协变量信息的数据点的条件概率的问题。它在统计分析和数据科学中有广泛的应用。最近,已经开发了一类加权支持矢量机(WSVM),以通过$ k $ class问题的合奏学习来估计类概率(Wu,Zhang and Liu,2010; Wang,Zhang和Wu,2019年),其中$ K $是类的数量。估计器具有强大的概率估计,并实现了高精度,但是它们的学习是通过成对耦合实施的,这需要$ k $中的多项式时间。在本文中,我们提出了两种新的学习方案,即基线学习和一vs-all(OVA)学习,以进一步提高计算效率和估计准确性的WSVM。特别是,基线学习具有最佳的计算复杂性,因为它在$ k $中是线性的。尽管在计算方面不是最有效的,但OVA在比较的所有程序中提供了最佳的估计准确性。最终的估计器是无分布的,并且显示出一致的。我们进一步进行广泛的数值实验以证明有限的样本性能。
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