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We consider image transformation problems, where an input image is transformed into an output image. Recent methods for such problems typically train feed-forward convolutional neural networks using a per-pixel loss between the output and ground-truth images. Parallel work has shown that high-quality images can be generated by defining and optimizing perceptual loss functions based on high-level features extracted from pretrained networks. We combine the benefits of both approaches, and propose the use of perceptual loss functions for training feed-forward networks for image transformation tasks. We show results on image style transfer, where a feed-forward network is trained to solve the optimization problem proposed by Gatys et al in real-time. Compared to the optimization-based method, our network gives similar qualitative results but is three orders of magnitude faster. We also experiment with single-image super-resolution, where replacing a per-pixel loss with a perceptual loss gives visually pleasing results.
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图像超分辨率(SR)是重要的图像处理方法之一,可改善计算机视野领域的图像分辨率。在过去的二十年中,在超级分辨率领域取得了重大进展,尤其是通过使用深度学习方法。这项调查是为了在深度学习的角度进行详细的调查,对单像超分辨率的最新进展进行详细的调查,同时还将告知图像超分辨率的初始经典方法。该调查将图像SR方法分类为四个类别,即经典方法,基于学习的方法,无监督学习的方法和特定领域的SR方法。我们还介绍了SR的问题,以提供有关图像质量指标,可用参考数据集和SR挑战的直觉。使用参考数据集评估基于深度学习的方法。一些审查的最先进的图像SR方法包括增强的深SR网络(EDSR),周期循环gan(Cincgan),多尺度残留网络(MSRN),Meta残留密度网络(META-RDN) ,反复反射网络(RBPN),二阶注意网络(SAN),SR反馈网络(SRFBN)和基于小波的残留注意网络(WRAN)。最后,这项调查以研究人员将解决SR的未来方向和趋势和开放问题的未来方向和趋势。
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With the development of convolutional neural networks, hundreds of deep learning based dehazing methods have been proposed. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey on supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised single image dehazing. We first discuss the physical model, datasets, network modules, loss functions, and evaluation metrics that are commonly used. Then, the main contributions of various dehazing algorithms are categorized and summarized. Further, quantitative and qualitative experiments of various baseline methods are carried out. Finally, the unsolved issues and challenges that can inspire the future research are pointed out. A collection of useful dehazing materials is available at \url{https://github.com/Xiaofeng-life/AwesomeDehazing}.
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Photo-realistic style transfer aims at migrating the artistic style from an exemplar style image to a content image, producing a result image without spatial distortions or unrealistic artifacts. Impressive results have been achieved by recent deep models. However, deep neural network based methods are too expensive to run in real-time. Meanwhile, bilateral grid based methods are much faster but still contain artifacts like overexposure. In this work, we propose the \textbf{Adaptive ColorMLP (AdaCM)}, an effective and efficient framework for universal photo-realistic style transfer. First, we find the complex non-linear color mapping between input and target domain can be efficiently modeled by a small multi-layer perceptron (ColorMLP) model. Then, in \textbf{AdaCM}, we adopt a CNN encoder to adaptively predict all parameters for the ColorMLP conditioned on each input content and style image pair. Experimental results demonstrate that AdaCM can generate vivid and high-quality stylization results. Meanwhile, our AdaCM is ultrafast and can process a 4K resolution image in 6ms on one V100 GPU.
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We present a highly accurate single-image superresolution (SR) method. Our method uses a very deep convolutional network inspired by VGG-net used for ImageNet classification [19]. We find increasing our network depth shows a significant improvement in accuracy. Our final model uses 20 weight layers. By cascading small filters many times in a deep network structure, contextual information over large image regions is exploited in an efficient way. With very deep networks, however, convergence speed becomes a critical issue during training. We propose a simple yet effective training procedure. We learn residuals only and use extremely high learning rates (10 4 times higher than SRCNN [6]) enabled by adjustable gradient clipping. Our proposed method performs better than existing methods in accuracy and visual improvements in our results are easily noticeable.
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图像增强旨在通过修饰颜色和音调来提高照片的美学视觉质量,并且是专业数字摄影的必不可少的技术。近年来,基于学习的图像增强算法已达到有希望的表现,并吸引了日益普及。但是,典型的努力试图为所有像素的颜色转换构建一个均匀的增强子。它忽略了对照片重要的不同内容(例如,天空,海洋等)之间的像素差异,从而导致结果不令人满意。在本文中,我们提出了一个新颖的可学习背景知觉的4维查找表(4D LUT),该表通过适应性地学习照片上下文来实现每个图像中不同内容的增强。特别是,我们首先引入一个轻量级上下文编码器和一个参数编码器,以分别学习像素级类别的上下文图和一组图像自适应系数。然后,通过通过系数集成多个基础4D LUT来生成上下文感知的4D LUT。最后,可以通过将源图像和上下文图馈入融合的上下文感知的4D〜LUT来获得增强的图像。与传统的3D LUT(即RGB映射到RGB)相比,通常用于摄像机成像管道系统或工具,4D LUT,即RGBC(RGB+上下文)映射到RGB,可实现具有不同像素的颜色转换的最佳控制每个图像中的内容,即使它们具有相同的RGB值。实验结果表明,我们的方法在广泛使用的基准中优于其他最先进的方法。
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随着移动设备的快速开发,现代使用的手机通常允许用户捕获4K分辨率(即超高定义)图像。然而,对于图像进行示范,在低级视觉中,一项艰巨的任务,现有作品通常是在低分辨率或合成图像上进行的。因此,这些方法对4K分辨率图像的有效性仍然未知。在本文中,我们探索了Moire模式的删除,以进行超高定义图像。为此,我们提出了第一个超高定义的演示数据集(UHDM),其中包含5,000个现实世界4K分辨率图像对,并对当前最新方法进行基准研究。此外,我们提出了一个有效的基线模型ESDNET来解决4K Moire图像,其中我们构建了一个语义对准的比例感知模块来解决Moire模式的尺度变化。广泛的实验表明了我们的方法的有效性,这可以超过最轻巧的优于最先进的方法。代码和数据集可在https://xinyu-andy.github.io/uhdm-page上找到。
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Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs) have exhibited impressive performance on image super-resolution tasks. However, these deep learning-based super-resolution methods perform poorly in real-world super-resolution tasks, where the paired high-resolution and low-resolution images are unavailable and the low-resolution images are degraded by complicated and unknown kernels. To break these limitations, we propose the Unsupervised Bi-directional Cycle Domain Transfer Learning-based Generative Adversarial Network (UBCDTL-GAN), which consists of an Unsupervised Bi-directional Cycle Domain Transfer Network (UBCDTN) and the Semantic Encoder guided Super Resolution Network (SESRN). First, the UBCDTN is able to produce an approximated real-like LR image through transferring the LR image from an artificially degraded domain to the real-world LR image domain. Second, the SESRN has the ability to super-resolve the approximated real-like LR image to a photo-realistic HR image. Extensive experiments on unpaired real-world image benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed method achieves superior performance compared to state-of-the-art methods.
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Single image super-resolution is the task of inferring a high-resolution image from a single low-resolution input. Traditionally, the performance of algorithms for this task is measured using pixel-wise reconstruction measures such as peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) which have been shown to correlate poorly with the human perception of image quality. As a result, algorithms minimizing these metrics tend to produce over-smoothed images that lack highfrequency textures and do not look natural despite yielding high PSNR values.We propose a novel application of automated texture synthesis in combination with a perceptual loss focusing on creating realistic textures rather than optimizing for a pixelaccurate reproduction of ground truth images during training. By using feed-forward fully convolutional neural networks in an adversarial training setting, we achieve a significant boost in image quality at high magnification ratios. Extensive experiments on a number of datasets show the effectiveness of our approach, yielding state-of-the-art results in both quantitative and qualitative benchmarks.
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尽管深度学习使图像介绍方面取得了巨大的飞跃,但当前的方法通常无法综合现实的高频细节。在本文中,我们建议将超分辨率应用于粗糙的重建输出,以高分辨率进行精炼,然后将输出降低到原始分辨率。通过将高分辨率图像引入改进网络,我们的框架能够重建更多的细节,这些细节通常由于光谱偏置而被平滑 - 神经网络倾向于比高频更好地重建低频。为了协助培训大型高度孔洞的改进网络,我们提出了一种渐进的学习技术,其中缺失区域的大小随着培训的进行而增加。我们的缩放,完善和缩放策略,结合了高分辨率的监督和渐进学习,构成了一种框架 - 不合时宜的方法,用于增强高频细节,可应用于任何基于CNN的涂层方法。我们提供定性和定量评估以及消融分析,以显示我们方法的有效性。这种看似简单但功能强大的方法优于最先进的介绍方法。我们的代码可在https://github.com/google/zoom-to-inpaint中找到
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Despite the breakthroughs in accuracy and speed of single image super-resolution using faster and deeper convolutional neural networks, one central problem remains largely unsolved: how do we recover the finer texture details when we super-resolve at large upscaling factors? The behavior of optimization-based super-resolution methods is principally driven by the choice of the objective function. Recent work has largely focused on minimizing the mean squared reconstruction error. The resulting estimates have high peak signal-to-noise ratios, but they are often lacking high-frequency details and are perceptually unsatisfying in the sense that they fail to match the fidelity expected at the higher resolution. In this paper, we present SRGAN, a generative adversarial network (GAN) for image superresolution (SR). To our knowledge, it is the first framework capable of inferring photo-realistic natural images for 4× upscaling factors. To achieve this, we propose a perceptual loss function which consists of an adversarial loss and a content loss. The adversarial loss pushes our solution to the natural image manifold using a discriminator network that is trained to differentiate between the super-resolved images and original photo-realistic images. In addition, we use a content loss motivated by perceptual similarity instead of similarity in pixel space. Our deep residual network is able to recover photo-realistic textures from heavily downsampled images on public benchmarks. An extensive mean-opinion-score (MOS) test shows hugely significant gains in perceptual quality using SRGAN. The MOS scores obtained with SRGAN are closer to those of the original high-resolution images than to those obtained with any state-of-the-art method.
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联合超分辨率和反音调映射(联合SR-ITM)旨在增加低分辨率和标准动态范围图像的分辨率和动态范围。重点方法主要是诉诸图像分解技术,使用多支化的网络体系结构。 ,这些方法采用的刚性分解在很大程度上将其力量限制在各种图像上。为了利用其潜在能力,在本文中,我们将分解机制从图像域概括为更广泛的特征域。为此,我们提出了一个轻巧的特征分解聚合网络(FDAN)。特别是,我们设计了一个功能分解块(FDB),可以实现功能细节和对比度的可学习分离。通过级联FDB,我们可以建立一个用于强大的多级特征分解的分层功能分解组。联合SR-ITM,\ ie,SRITM-4K的新基准数据集,该数据集是大规模的,为足够的模型培训和评估提供了多功能方案。两个基准数据集的实验结果表明,我们的FDAN表明我们的FDAN有效,并且胜过了以前的方法sr-itm.ar代码和数据集将公开发布。
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面部超分辨率(FSR),也称为面部幻觉,其旨在增强低分辨率(LR)面部图像以产生高分辨率(HR)面部图像的分辨率,是特定于域的图像超分辨率问题。最近,FSR获得了相当大的关注,并目睹了深度学习技术的发展炫目。迄今为止,有很少有基于深入学习的FSR的研究摘要。在本次调查中,我们以系统的方式对基于深度学习的FSR方法进行了全面审查。首先,我们总结了FSR的问题制定,并引入了流行的评估度量和损失功能。其次,我们详细说明了FSR中使用的面部特征和流行数据集。第三,我们根据面部特征的利用大致分类了现有方法。在每个类别中,我们从设计原则的一般描述开始,然后概述代表方法,然后讨论其中的利弊。第四,我们评估了一些最先进的方法的表现。第五,联合FSR和其他任务以及与FSR相关的申请大致介绍。最后,我们设想了这一领域进一步的技术进步的前景。在\ URL {https://github.com/junjun-jiang/face-hallucination-benchmark}上有一个策划的文件和资源的策划文件和资源清单
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图像修复是计算机视觉中的一项重要且具有挑战性的任务。将过滤的图像恢复到其原始图像有助于各种计算机视觉任务。我们采用非线性激活函数网络(NAFNET)进行快速且轻巧的模型,并添加色彩注意模块,以提取有用的颜色信息以提高精确度。我们提出了一个准确,快速,轻巧的网络,具有多尺度和色彩的关注,以进行Instagram滤波器删除(CAIR)。实验结果表明,所提出的CAIR以快速和轻巧的方式优于现有的Instagram滤波器删除网络,约11 $ \ times $快速$ \ times $和2.4 $ \ times $ ipher,而在IFFI数据集上超过3.69 db psnr。CAIR可以通过高质量成功地删除Instagram过滤器,并以定性结果恢复颜色信息。源代码和预处理的权重可在\ url {https://github.com/hnv-lab/cair}上获得。
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In image-to-image translation, each patch in the output should reflect the content of the corresponding patch in the input, independent of domain. We propose a straightforward method for doing so -maximizing mutual information between the two, using a framework based on contrastive learning. The method encourages two elements (corresponding patches) to map to a similar point in a learned feature space, relative to other elements (other patches) in the dataset, referred to as negatives. We explore several critical design choices for making contrastive learning effective in the image synthesis setting. Notably, we use a multilayer, patch-based approach, rather than operate on entire images. Furthermore, we draw negatives from within the input image itself, rather than from the rest of the dataset. We demonstrate that our framework enables one-sided translation in the unpaired image-to-image translation setting, while improving quality and reducing training time. In addition, our method can even be extended to the training setting where each "domain" is only a single image.
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