专家(MOE)的稀疏混合物由于具有负担得起的计算开销而有希望的缩放能力,因此引起了极大的兴趣。 Moe将密集的层转换为稀疏的专家,并利用封闭式路由网络使专家有条件地激活。但是,随着专家的数量的增长,带有残酷参数的MOE会受到过度拟合和稀疏数据分配的影响。此类问题在数据有限的任务上尤为严重,因此阻碍了MOE模型通过扩展来提高性能的进度。在这项工作中,我们提出了专家群集的混合 - 一种通用方法,可以使专家层通过在路由阶段施加基于方差的约束来学习更多多样化和适当的知识。我们进一步提出了专门为专家集群结构设计的集群级专家辍学策略。我们的实验表明,MEEC可以提高机器翻译和自然语言理解任务的性能,并提高在有限数据下扩展专家的性能上限。我们还验证了MEEC在缓解过度拟合和稀疏数据分配中起积极的作用。
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在深度学习中,模型通常重用所有输入的相同参数。专家的混合(MOE)违反了这一点,而是为每个传入示例选择不同的参数。结果是一个稀疏激活的模型 - 具有残酷数量的参数 - 但恒定的计算成本。然而,尽管MOE取得了一些显着的成功,但复杂性,沟通成本和培训不稳定的阻碍了广泛的采用 - 我们使用Switch Transformer解决了这些领域。我们简化了MOE路由算法和设计直观的改进模型,以降低的通信和计算成本。我们提出的培训技术有助于纠缠不稳定,我们表明稀疏模型可能首次以较低的精度(BFLOAT16)格式进行培训。我们设计了基于T5基数和T5总数的模型,以使用相同的计算资源获得高达7倍的训练速度。这些改进扩展到多语言设置,我们在所有101种语言中衡量对MT5基本版本的收益。最后,我们通过在“巨大的清洁爬行语料库”上预先培训高达数万亿个参数模型,并在T5-XXL模型上实现4倍的速度,从而提高了语言模型的当前规模。
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稀疏激活的变压器(例如专家的混合物(MOE))由于其极端的缩放能力而引起了极大的兴趣,这可以使模型大小的急剧增加而没有大幅增加计算成本。为了实现这一目标,MOE模型用变压器中的Experts子层取代了前馈子层,并使用门控网络将每个令牌路由到其指定的专家。由于对此类模型进行有效培训的共同实践需要在不同的机器上分发专家和代币,因此这种路由策略通常会产生巨大的跨机器通信成本,因为代币及其分配的专家可能居住在不同的机器中。在本文中,我们提出了\ emph {门控辍学},它允许代币忽略门控网络并留在其本地机器,从而减少了交叉机器的通信。与传统辍学类似,我们还表明,门控辍学在训练过程中具有正规化效果,从而改善了概括性能。我们验证了对多语言机器翻译任务中门控辍学的有效性。我们的结果表明,门控辍学可改善具有更快的壁式时间收敛速率的最先进的MOE模型,并为各种模型尺寸和数据集提供更好的BLEU分数。
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专家混合物(MOE)由于其成功提高了模型质量,特别是在变压器方面的成功而变得流行。通过向几个专家提供稀疏门的令牌,每个专家只包含完整模型的一部分,Moe将模型尺寸保持不变,并且显着降低了每次标记计算,从而有效地缩放神经网络。但是,我们发现,目前的联合训练专家和稀疏门的方法引入了对模型精度的负面影响,缩短了昂贵的大规模模型训练的效率。在这项工作中,我们提出了用于MOE训练的密集至稀疏的门(DTS-Gate)。具体而言,代替使用永久稀疏门,DTS-Gate开始作为向所有专家路由令牌的密集栅极开始,然后逐渐和自适应地成为稀疏,而路线较少到更少的专家。与DTS-Gate的Moe自然地通过培训所有专家训练专家和稀疏门的训练,然后学习稀疏门。实验表明,与GPT-MOE(1.5B)模型中的最先进的开关门相比,使用OpenWeBtext数据集(40GB),DTS-Gate可以获得2.0倍的加速以达到相同的验证困惑,如以及更高的拖鞋 - 效率为1.42倍的加速。
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Sparsely gated Mixture of Experts (MoE) models have been shown to be a compute-efficient method to scale model capacity for multilingual machine translation. However, for low-resource tasks, MoE models severely over-fit. We show effective regularization strategies, namely dropout techniques for MoE layers in EOM and FOM, Conditional MoE Routing and Curriculum Learning methods that prevent over-fitting and improve the performance of MoE models on low-resource tasks without adversely affecting high-resource tasks. On a massively multilingual machine translation benchmark, our strategies result in about +1 chrF++ improvement in very low resource language pairs. We perform an extensive analysis of the learned MoE routing to better understand the impact of our regularization methods and how we can improve them.
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Training large, deep neural networks to convergence can be prohibitively expensive. As a result, often only a small selection of popular, dense models are reused across different contexts and tasks. Increasingly, sparsely activated models, which seek to decouple model size from computation costs, are becoming an attractive alternative to dense models. Although more efficient in terms of quality and computation cost, sparse models remain data-hungry and costly to train from scratch in the large scale regime. In this work, we propose sparse upcycling -- a simple way to reuse sunk training costs by initializing a sparsely activated Mixture-of-Experts model from a dense checkpoint. We show that sparsely upcycled T5 Base, Large, and XL language models and Vision Transformer Base and Large models, respectively, significantly outperform their dense counterparts on SuperGLUE and ImageNet, using only ~50% of the initial dense pretraining sunk cost. The upcycled models also outperform sparse models trained from scratch on 100% of the initial dense pretraining computation budget.
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The mixture of Expert (MoE) parallelism is a recent advancement that scales up the model size with constant computational cost. MoE selects different sets of parameters (i.e., experts) for each incoming token, resulting in a sparsely-activated model. Despite several successful applications of MoE, its training efficiency degrades significantly as the number of experts increases. The routing stage in MoE relies on the efficiency of the All2All communication collective, which suffers from network congestion and has poor scalability. To mitigate these issues, we introduce SMILE, which exploits heterogeneous network bandwidth and splits a single-step routing into bi-level routing. Our experimental results show that the proposed method obtains a 2.5x speedup over Switch Transformer in terms of pretraining throughput on the Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus without losing any convergence speed.
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专家(MOE)的稀疏门控混合物可以用少量计算复杂性来放大网络容量。在这项工作中,我们调查多语言自动语音识别(ASR)网络如何用简单的路由算法进行缩放,以便实现更好的准确性。更具体地,我们将稀疏门的MOE技术应用于两种网络:序列到序列变压器(S2S-T)和变压器换能器(T-T)。我们通过一组关于多语言数据的一组ASR实验证明了MOE网络可以分别使用S2S-T和T-T将相对字误差率降低16.5 \%和4.7 \%。此外,我们在各种条件下彻底调查了MOE对T-T架构上的T-T架构的影响:流模式,非流模式,使用语言ID和带有MOE的标签解码器。
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Code completion is a valuable topic in both academia and industry. Recently, large-scale mono-programming-lingual (MonoPL) pre-training models have been proposed to boost the performance of code completion. However, the code completion on low-resource programming languages (PL) is difficult for the data-driven paradigm, while there are plenty of developers using low-resource PLs. On the other hand, there are few studies exploring the effects of multi-programming-lingual (MultiPL) pre-training for the code completion, especially the impact on low-resource programming languages. To this end, we propose the MultiCoder to enhance the low-resource code completion via MultiPL pre-training and MultiPL Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) layers. We further propose a novel PL-level MoE routing strategy (PL-MoE) for improving the code completion on all PLs. Experimental results on CodeXGLUE and MultiCC demonstrate that 1) the proposed MultiCoder significantly outperforms the MonoPL baselines on low-resource programming languages, and 2) the PL-MoE module further boosts the performance on six programming languages. In addition, we analyze the effects of the proposed method in details and explore the effectiveness of our method in a variety of scenarios.
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为了构建人工神经网络,例如生物智能系统,最近的作品将许多任务统一为通才模型,该模型可以使用共享参数处理各种任务,并且没有任何特定于任务的模块。尽管通才模型在各种基准上取得了令人鼓舞的结果,但与任务特殊模型相比,它们在某些任务上具有绩效降解。在这项工作中,我们发现不同任务和方式之间的干扰是这种现象的主要因素。为了减轻这种干扰,我们将条件混合物(条件MOE)引入通才模型。建议在不同级别的条件下采用路由策略来考虑培训/推理成本和概括能力。通过合并提出的条件MOE,最近提出的通才模型Uni-Pectiver可以有效地减轻任务和方式的干扰,并通过迅速调整1%的下游数据,从而在一系列下游任务上实现最新的结果。 。此外,有条件的MOE的引入仍然具有通才模型对新任务(例如视频文本检索和视频标题)进行零摄像推断的概括能力。应发布代码和预培训的通才模型。
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Compared to conventional bilingual translation systems, massively multilingual machine translation is appealing because a single model can translate into multiple languages and benefit from knowledge transfer for low resource languages. On the other hand, massively multilingual models suffer from the curse of multilinguality, unless scaling their size massively, which increases their training and inference costs. Sparse Mixture-of-Experts models are a way to drastically increase model capacity without the need for a proportional amount of computing. The recently released NLLB-200 is an example of such a model. It covers 202 languages but requires at least four 32GB GPUs just for inference. In this work, we propose a pruning method that allows the removal of up to 80\% of experts with a negligible loss in translation quality, which makes it feasible to run the model on a single 32GB GPU. Further analysis suggests that our pruning metrics allow to identify language-specific experts and prune non-relevant experts for a given language pair.
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We present MegaBlocks, a system for efficient Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) training on GPUs. Our system is motivated by the limitations of current frameworks, which restrict the dynamic routing in MoE layers to satisfy the constraints of existing software and hardware. These formulations force a tradeoff between model quality and hardware efficiency, as users must choose between dropping tokens from the computation or wasting computation and memory on padding. To address these limitations, we reformulate MoE computation in terms of block-sparse operations and develop new block-sparse GPU kernels that efficiently handle the dynamism present in MoEs. Our approach never drops tokens and maps efficiently to modern hardware, enabling end-to-end training speedups of up to 40% over MoEs trained with the state-of-the-art Tutel library and 2.4x over DNNs trained with the highly-optimized Megatron-LM framework.
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专家(MOE)的混合物能够有效地扩展视觉变压器。但是,它需要禁止计算资源来训练大型MOE变压器。在本文中,我们提出了专家的残留混合物(RMOE),这是在下游任务(例如分割和检测)上针对MOE视觉变压器的有效训练管道。 RMOE通过上限的MOE培训获得了可比的结果,而仅引入较小的额外培训成本,而不是较低的非MOE训练管道。效率得到了我们的关键观察的支持:MOE变压器的权重可以纳入无独立的核心和输入依赖性残差。与重量核心相比,可以通过更少的计算资源(例如,在下游数据上进行填充)进行有效训练重量。我们表明,与当前的MOE培训管道相比,我们获得了可比的结果,同时节省了30%以上的培训成本。与最先进的非MOE变压器(例如SWIN-T / CVT-13 / SWIN-L)相比,我们在ADE20K分割方面获得+1.1 / 0.9 / 1.0 MIOU的增益,+1.4 / 1.6 / 0.6 / 0.6 AP获得MS-Coco对象检测任务,额外培训成本不到3%。
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专家层(MOES)的混合物通过条件计算实现语言模型的高效缩放。本文提出了一个详细的实证研究,自回归鞋语言模型与广泛的设置中的密集模型相比:在域外语言建模,零和少量射击和全部微调。除了微调外,我们发现Moes基本上更加计算效率。在更适度的培训预算下,MOES可以使用$ \ SIM值4倍的计算,符合密集模型的性能。该差距在比例下变窄,但我们最大的MOE模型(1.1T参数)始终如一地优于计算等效的密集模型(6.7b参数)。总体而言,这种表现差距在任务和域中有很大差异,表明MOE和密集模型以不值得研究的方式概括不同的方式。我们使我们的代码和模型公开可用于研究使用。
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随着巨型密集模型的训练在当今硬件资源的可用性和能力方面达到了界限,由于其质量降低了大量培训成本,因此Experts(MOE)模型成为最有前途的模型体系结构之一等效密集模型。它的培训成本节省从编码器模型(先前的工作)展示到自动攻击性语言模型的5倍(这项工作以及并行探索)。但是,由于模型的规模和独特的架构,如何提供快速MOE模型推理仍然具有挑战性和未解决,从而限制了其实际用途。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了DeepSpeed-Moe,这是DeepSpeed库的一部分,包括新型MOE架构设计和模型压缩技术,将MOE模型大小降低到3.7倍,以及一个,以及一个与现有的MOE推理解决方案相比,高度优化的推理系统可提供7.3倍的延迟和成本。 DeepSpeed-Moe提供了前所未有的量表和效率,可与质量等效的密集模型相比,提供高达4.5倍和9倍的推理的大型MOE模型。我们希望我们的创新和系统有助于在大型模型景观中打开通往新方向的有前途的途径,从密集到稀疏的MOE模型转变,在这种模型中,培训和部署具有更少资源的更高质量模型变得更加广泛。
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最近,Experts(简称为MOE)体系结构在提高大规模语言模型的模型能力方面取得了巨大的成功。但是,MOE需要比要扩展的基本模型要合并更多的参数。在本文中,我们建议通过跨专家共享信息来构建一个有效的MOE架构。我们采用矩阵产品运营商(MPO,量子多体物理学的张量分解)来重建专家层中的参数矩阵,并通过共享中央张量的参数(包含核心信息)来增加预训练语言模型的模型容量( )在不同专家的同时,通过不同专家的辅助张量(补充中央张量)实现特异性。为了解决不平衡的优化问题,我们进一步设计了基于MPO的MOE体系结构的梯度面膜策略。基于T5和GPT-2的广泛实验表明,预训练的语言模型的性能和效率提高(与开关变压器相比,高级模型性能的总参数降低了27.2倍)。我们的代码可在\ url {https://github.com/rucaibox/mpo/mpoe}上公开获得。
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Language models with the Transformers structure have shown great performance in natural language processing. However, there still poses problems when fine-tuning pre-trained language models on downstream tasks, such as over-fitting or representation collapse. In this work, we propose HyPe, a simple yet effective fine-tuning technique to alleviate such problems by perturbing hidden representations of Transformers layers. Unlike previous works that only add noise to inputs or parameters, we argue that the hidden representations of Transformers layers convey more diverse and meaningful language information. Therefore, making the Transformers layers more robust to hidden representation perturbations can further benefit the fine-tuning of PLMs en bloc. We conduct extensive experiments and analyses on GLUE and other natural language inference datasets. Results demonstrate that HyPe outperforms vanilla fine-tuning and enhances generalization of hidden representations from different layers. In addition, HyPe acquires negligible computational overheads, and is better than and compatible with previous state-of-the-art fine-tuning techniques.
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