在过去的几年中,神经网络(NN)从实验室环境中发展为许多现实世界中的最新问题。结果表明,NN模型(即它们的重量和偏见)在训练过程中的重量空间中的独特轨迹上演变。随后,这种神经网络模型(称为模型动物园)的人群将在体重空间中形成结构。我们认为,这些结构的几何形状,曲率和平滑度包含有关训练状态的信息,并且可以揭示单个模型的潜在特性。使用这种模型动物园,可以研究(i)模型分析的新方法,(ii)发现未知的学习动力学,(iii)学习此类人群的丰富表示形式,或(iv)利用模型动物园来用于NN权重和NN权重的生成模型偏见。不幸的是,缺乏标准化模型动物园和可用的基准可以显着增加摩擦,以进一步研究NNS人群。通过这项工作,我们发布了一个新颖的模型动物园数据集,其中包含系统生成和多样化的NN模型种群,以进行进一步研究。总共提出的模型动物园数据集基于八个图像数据集,由27个模型动物园组成,该模型动物园训练有不同的超参数组合,包括50'360唯一的NN型号以及其稀疏双胞胎,导致超过3'844'360收集的型号。 。此外,对于模型动物园数据,我们提供了对动物园的深入分析,并为多个下游任务提供了基准。该数据集可在www.modelzoos.cc上找到。
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避免在监督学习中过度拟合的一种常见方法是尽早停止,在训练期间,将持有的设置用于迭代评估,以在训练步骤数量中找到最大概括的训练步骤。但是,这样的方法需要一个不相交的验证集,因此通常为此目的遗漏了训练集的标记数据的一部分,当训练数据稀缺时,这并不理想。此外,当训练标签嘈杂时,模型在验证集中的性能可能不是准确的概括代理。在本文中,我们提出了一种方法,可以在训练迭代中发现早期停止点而无需进行验证集。我们首先表明,在过度参数化的方向上,线性模型的随机初始化权重在训练过程中收敛到同一方向。使用此结果,我们建议训练用不同随机种子初始初始化的线性模型的两个平行实例,并使用它们的交点作为信号来检测过度拟合。为了检测相交,我们在训练迭代过程中使用平行模型的重量之间的余弦距离。注意到NN的最后一层是输出逻辑的前层层激活的线性图,我们使用反事实权重的新概念来建立线性模型的标准,并提出向多层网络的扩展。我们对两个领域进行实验,这些领域的早期停止对防止过度拟合NN具有明显的影响:(i)从嘈杂的标签中学习; (ii)学习在IR中排名。我们在四个广泛使用的数据集上进行的实验证实了我们的概括方法的有效性。对于广泛的学习率,我们的方法称为余弦距离标准(CDC),比我们几乎在所有测试的情况下与所有方法相比的所有方法平均得出更好的概括。
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Neural architecture search (NAS) is a promising research direction that has the potential to replace expert-designed networks with learned, task-specific architectures. In this work, in order to help ground the empirical results in this field, we propose new NAS baselines that build off the following observations: (i) NAS is a specialized hyperparameter optimization problem; and (ii) random search is a competitive baseline for hyperparameter optimization. Leveraging these observations, we evaluate both random search with early-stopping and a novel random search with weight-sharing algorithm on two standard NAS benchmarks-PTB and CIFAR-10. Our results show that random search with early-stopping is a competitive NAS baseline, e.g., it performs at least as well as ENAS [41], a leading NAS method, on both benchmarks. Additionally, random search with weight-sharing outperforms random search with early-stopping, achieving a state-of-the-art NAS result on PTB and a highly competitive result on CIFAR-10. Finally, we explore the existing reproducibility issues of published NAS results. We note the lack of source material needed to exactly reproduce these results, and further discuss the robustness of published results given the various sources of variability in NAS experimental setups. Relatedly, we provide all information (code, random seeds, documentation) needed to exactly reproduce our results, and report our random search with weight-sharing results for each benchmark on multiple runs.
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大多数现有的神经体系结构搜索(NAS)基准和算法优先考虑了良好的任务,例如CIFAR或Imagenet上的图像分类。这使得在更多样化的领域的NAS方法的表现知之甚少。在本文中,我们提出了NAS-Bench-360,这是一套基准套件,用于评估超出建筑搜索传统研究的域的方法,并使用它来解决以下问题:最先进的NAS方法在多样化的任务?为了构建基准测试,我们策划了十个任务,这些任务涵盖了各种应用程序域,数据集大小,问题维度和学习目标。小心地选择每个任务与现代CNN的搜索方法互操作,同时可能与其原始开发领域相距遥远。为了加快NAS研究的成本,对于其中两个任务,我们发布了包括标准CNN搜索空间的15,625个体系结构的预定性能。在实验上,我们表明需要对NAS BENCH-360进行更强大的NAS评估,从而表明几种现代NAS程序在这十个任务中执行不一致,并且有许多灾难性差的结果。我们还展示了NAS Bench-360及其相关的预算结果将如何通过测试NAS文献中最近推广的一些假设来实现未来的科学发现。 NAS-Bench-360托管在https://nb360.ml.cmu.edu上。
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Multitask learning assumes that models capable of learning from multiple tasks can achieve better quality and efficiency via knowledge transfer, a key feature of human learning. Though, state of the art ML models rely on high customization for each task and leverage size and data scale rather than scaling the number of tasks. Also, continual learning, that adds the temporal aspect to multitask, is often focused to the study of common pitfalls such as catastrophic forgetting instead of being studied at a large scale as a critical component to build the next generation artificial intelligence.We propose an evolutionary method capable of generating large scale multitask models that support the dynamic addition of new tasks. The generated multitask models are sparsely activated and integrates a task-based routing that guarantees bounded compute cost and fewer added parameters per task as the model expands.The proposed method relies on a knowledge compartmentalization technique to achieve immunity against catastrophic forgetting and other common pitfalls such as gradient interference and negative transfer. We demonstrate empirically that the proposed method can jointly solve and achieve competitive results on 69public image classification tasks, for example improving the state of the art on a competitive benchmark such as cifar10 by achieving a 15% relative error reduction compared to the best model trained on public data.
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Neural networks require careful weight initialization to prevent signals from exploding or vanishing. Existing initialization schemes solve this problem in specific cases by assuming that the network has a certain activation function or topology. It is difficult to derive such weight initialization strategies, and modern architectures therefore often use these same initialization schemes even though their assumptions do not hold. This paper introduces AutoInit, a weight initialization algorithm that automatically adapts to different neural network architectures. By analytically tracking the mean and variance of signals as they propagate through the network, AutoInit appropriately scales the weights at each layer to avoid exploding or vanishing signals. Experiments demonstrate that AutoInit improves performance of convolutional, residual, and transformer networks across a range of activation function, dropout, weight decay, learning rate, and normalizer settings, and does so more reliably than data-dependent initialization methods. This flexibility allows AutoInit to initialize models for everything from small tabular tasks to large datasets such as ImageNet. Such generality turns out particularly useful in neural architecture search and in activation function discovery. In these settings, AutoInit initializes each candidate appropriately, making performance evaluations more accurate. AutoInit thus serves as an automatic configuration tool that makes design of new neural network architectures more robust. The AutoInit package provides a wrapper around TensorFlow models and is available at https://github.com/cognizant-ai-labs/autoinit.
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最近证明,接受SGD训练的神经网络优先依赖线性预测的特征,并且可以忽略复杂的,同样可预测的功能。这种简单性偏见可以解释他们缺乏分布(OOD)的鲁棒性。学习任务越复杂,统计工件(即选择偏见,虚假相关性)的可能性就越大比学习的机制更简单。我们证明可以减轻简单性偏差并改善了OOD的概括。我们使用对其输入梯度对齐的惩罚来训练一组类似的模型以不同的方式拟合数据。我们从理论和经验上展示了这会导致学习更复杂的预测模式的学习。 OOD的概括从根本上需要超出I.I.D.示例,例如多个培训环境,反事实示例或其他侧面信息。我们的方法表明,我们可以将此要求推迟到独立的模型选择阶段。我们获得了SOTA的结果,可以在视觉域偏置数据和概括方面进行视觉识别。该方法 - 第一个逃避简单性偏见的方法 - 突出了需要更好地理解和控制深度学习中的归纳偏见。
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视觉变压器(VIT)已被证明可以在广泛的视觉应用中获得高度竞争性的性能,例如图像分类,对象检测和语义图像分割。与卷积神经网络相比,通常发现视觉变压器的较弱的电感偏差会在较小的培训数据集上培训时,会增加对模型正则化或数据增强的依赖(简称为“ AUGREG”)。我们进行了一项系统的实证研究,以便更好地了解培训数据,AUGREG,模型大小和计算预算之间的相互作用。作为这项研究的一个结果,我们发现增加的计算和AUGREG的组合可以产生与在数量级上训练的模型相同的训练数据的模型:我们在公共Imagenet-21K数据集中培训各种尺寸的VIT模型在较大的JFT-300M数据集上匹配或超越其对手的培训。
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训练有素的神经网络的性能至关重要。加上深度学习模型的不断增长的规模,这种观察激发了对学习稀疏模型的广泛研究。在这项工作中,我们专注于控制稀疏学习时的稀疏水平的任务。基于稀疏性惩罚的现有方法涉及对罚款因素的昂贵反复试验调整,因此缺乏直接控制所得模型的稀疏性。作为响应,我们采用了一个约束的公式:使用Louizos等人提出的栅极机制。 (2018年),我们制定了一个受约束的优化问题,其中稀疏以训练目标和所需的稀疏目标以端到端的方式指导。使用WIDERESNET和RESNET {18,50}模型进行了CIFAR-10/100,Tinyimagenet和ImageNet的实验验证了我们的提案的有效性,并证明我们可以可靠地实现预定的稀疏目标,而不会损害预测性能。
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Artificial neural networks thrive in solving the classification problem for a particular rigid task, acquiring knowledge through generalized learning behaviour from a distinct training phase. The resulting network resembles a static entity of knowledge, with endeavours to extend this knowledge without targeting the original task resulting in a catastrophic forgetting. Continual learning shifts this paradigm towards networks that can continually accumulate knowledge over different tasks without the need to retrain from scratch. We focus on task incremental classification, where tasks arrive sequentially and are delineated by clear boundaries. Our main contributions concern (1) a taxonomy and extensive overview of the state-of-the-art; (2) a novel framework to continually determine the stability-plasticity trade-off of the continual learner; (3) a comprehensive experimental comparison of 11 state-of-the-art continual learning methods and 4 baselines. We empirically scrutinize method strengths and weaknesses on three benchmarks, considering Tiny Imagenet and large-scale unbalanced iNaturalist and a sequence of recognition datasets. We study the influence of model capacity, weight decay and dropout regularization, and the order in which the tasks are presented, and qualitatively compare methods in terms of required memory, computation time and storage.
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近年来,计算机视觉社区中最受欢迎的技术之一就是深度学习技术。作为一种数据驱动的技术,深层模型需要大量准确标记的培训数据,这在许多现实世界中通常是无法访问的。数据空间解决方案是数据增强(DA),可以人为地从原始样本中生成新图像。图像增强策略可能因数据集而有所不同,因为不同的数据类型可能需要不同的增强以促进模型培训。但是,DA策略的设计主要由具有领域知识的人类专家决定,这被认为是高度主观和错误的。为了减轻此类问题,一个新颖的方向是使用自动数据增强(AUTODA)技术自动从给定数据集中学习图像增强策略。 Autoda模型的目的是找到可以最大化模型性能提高的最佳DA策略。这项调查从图像分类的角度讨论了Autoda技术出现的根本原因。我们确定标准自动赛车模型的三个关键组件:搜索空间,搜索算法和评估功能。根据他们的架构,我们提供了现有图像AUTODA方法的系统分类法。本文介绍了Autoda领域的主要作品,讨论了他们的利弊,并提出了一些潜在的方向以进行未来的改进。
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We demonstrate that self-learning techniques like entropy minimization and pseudo-labeling are simple and effective at improving performance of a deployed computer vision model under systematic domain shifts. We conduct a wide range of large-scale experiments and show consistent improvements irrespective of the model architecture, the pre-training technique or the type of distribution shift. At the same time, self-learning is simple to use in practice because it does not require knowledge or access to the original training data or scheme, is robust to hyperparameter choices, is straight-forward to implement and requires only a few adaptation epochs. This makes self-learning techniques highly attractive for any practitioner who applies machine learning algorithms in the real world. We present state-of-the-art adaptation results on CIFAR10-C (8.5% error), ImageNet-C (22.0% mCE), ImageNet-R (17.4% error) and ImageNet-A (14.8% error), theoretically study the dynamics of self-supervised adaptation methods and propose a new classification dataset (ImageNet-D) which is challenging even with adaptation.
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We introduce Bootstrap Your Own Latent (BYOL), a new approach to self-supervised image representation learning. BYOL relies on two neural networks, referred to as online and target networks, that interact and learn from each other. From an augmented view of an image, we train the online network to predict the target network representation of the same image under a different augmented view. At the same time, we update the target network with a slow-moving average of the online network. While state-of-the art methods rely on negative pairs, BYOL achieves a new state of the art without them. BYOL reaches 74.3% top-1 classification accuracy on ImageNet using a linear evaluation with a ResNet-50 architecture and 79.6% with a larger ResNet. We show that BYOL performs on par or better than the current state of the art on both transfer and semi-supervised benchmarks. Our implementation and pretrained models are given on GitHub. 3 * Equal contribution; the order of first authors was randomly selected.
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