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Deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples, which poses security concerns on these algorithms due to the potentially severe consequences. Adversarial attacks serve as an important surrogate to evaluate the robustness of deep learning models before they are deployed. However, most of existing adversarial attacks can only fool a black-box model with a low success rate. To address this issue, we propose a broad class of momentum-based iterative algorithms to boost adversarial attacks. By integrating the momentum term into the iterative process for attacks, our methods can stabilize update directions and escape from poor local maxima during the iterations, resulting in more transferable adversarial examples. To further improve the success rates for black-box attacks, we apply momentum iterative algorithms to an ensemble of models, and show that the adversarially trained models with a strong defense ability are also vulnerable to our black-box attacks. We hope that the proposed methods will serve as a benchmark for evaluating the robustness of various deep models and defense methods. With this method, we won the first places in NIPS 2017 Non-targeted Adversarial Attack and Targeted Adversarial Attack competitions.
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In the scenario of black-box adversarial attack, the target model's parameters are unknown, and the attacker aims to find a successful adversarial perturbation based on query feedback under a query budget. Due to the limited feedback information, existing query-based black-box attack methods often require many queries for attacking each benign example. To reduce query cost, we propose to utilize the feedback information across historical attacks, dubbed example-level adversarial transferability. Specifically, by treating the attack on each benign example as one task, we develop a meta-learning framework by training a meta-generator to produce perturbations conditioned on benign examples. When attacking a new benign example, the meta generator can be quickly fine-tuned based on the feedback information of the new task as well as a few historical attacks to produce effective perturbations. Moreover, since the meta-train procedure consumes many queries to learn a generalizable generator, we utilize model-level adversarial transferability to train the meta-generator on a white-box surrogate model, then transfer it to help the attack against the target model. The proposed framework with the two types of adversarial transferability can be naturally combined with any off-the-shelf query-based attack methods to boost their performance, which is verified by extensive experiments.
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转移对抗性攻击是一种非普通的黑匣子逆势攻击,旨在对替代模型进行对抗的对抗扰动,然后对受害者模型应用这种扰动。然而,来自现有方法的扰动的可转移性仍然有限,因为对逆势扰动易于用单个替代模型和特定数据模式容易接收。在本文中,我们建议学习学习可转让的攻击(LLTA)方法,这使得对逆势扰动更广泛地通过学习数据和模型增强。对于数据增强,我们采用简单的随机调整大小和填充。对于模型增强,我们随机更改后部传播而不是前向传播,以消除对模型预测的影响。通过将特定数据和修改模型作为任务的攻击处理,我们预计对抗扰动采用足够的任务来普遍。为此,在扰动生成的迭代期间进一步引入了元学习算法。基础使用的数据集上的经验结果证明了我们的攻击方法的有效性,与最先进的方法相比,转移攻击的成功率较高的12.85%。我们还评估我们在真实世界在线系统上的方法,即Google Cloud Vision API,进一步展示了我们方法的实际潜力。
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基于深度神经网络(DNN)的智能信息(IOT)系统已被广泛部署在现实世界中。然而,发现DNNS易受对抗性示例的影响,这提高了人们对智能物联网系统的可靠性和安全性的担忧。测试和评估IOT系统的稳健性成为必要和必要。最近已经提出了各种攻击和策略,但效率问题仍未纠正。现有方法是计算地广泛或耗时,这在实践中不适用。在本文中,我们提出了一种称为攻击启发GaN(AI-GaN)的新框架,在有条件地产生对抗性实例。曾经接受过培训,可以有效地给予对抗扰动的输入图像和目标类。我们在白盒设置的不同数据集中应用AI-GaN,黑匣子设置和由最先进的防御保护的目标模型。通过广泛的实验,AI-GaN实现了高攻击成功率,优于现有方法,并显着降低了生成时间。此外,首次,AI-GaN成功地缩放到复杂的数据集。 Cifar-100和Imagenet,所有课程中的成功率约为90美元。
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尽管利用对抗性示例的可传递性可以达到非目标攻击的攻击成功率,但它在有针对性的攻击中不能很好地工作,因为从源图像到目标类别的梯度方向通常在不同的DNN中有所不同。为了提高目标攻击的可转移性,最近的研究使生成的对抗示例的特征与从辅助网络或生成对抗网络中学到的目标类别的特征分布保持一致。但是,这些作品假定培训数据集可用,并且需要大量时间来培训网络,这使得很难应用于现实世界。在本文中,我们从普遍性的角度重新审视具有针对性转移性的对抗性示例,并发现高度普遍的对抗扰动往往更容易转移。基于此观察结果,我们提出了图像(LI)攻击的局部性,以提高目标传递性。具体而言,Li不仅仅是使用分类损失,而是引入了对抗性扰动的原始图像和随机裁剪的图像之间的特征相似性损失,这使得对抗性扰动的特征比良性图像更为主导,因此提高了目标传递性的性能。通过将图像的局部性纳入优化扰动中,LI攻击强调,有针对性的扰动应与多样化的输入模式,甚至本地图像贴片有关。广泛的实验表明,LI可以实现基于转移的目标攻击的高成功率。在攻击Imagenet兼容数据集时,LI与现有最新方法相比,LI的提高为12 \%。
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深度图像对小的Adver-Sarial投入扰动的脆性已被广泛研究了持续数年。然而,前面扰动的主要目标主要是限于通过不正确的一个更改了Cor-Rective预测的上1个,这不打算改变顶级k预测。在许多Digi-Tal真实世界的情景中,顶级Kpriction更加相关。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种快速准确的方法,使Top-Kadversarial示例的快速准确的方法是简单的多目标优化。我们通过将其与其他对抗性示例分泌技术进行比较来展示其功效安培。此外,基于这种方法,Wepropose Top-kuniversal对抗扰动,图像无关的微小扰动,导致真正的类别在大多数NAT-Ulal图像中的顶级Kpriction。我们通过实验表明我们的接近基线方法,甚至改善了寻找普遍对抗扰动的现有技术。
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The authors thank Nicholas Carlini (UC Berkeley) and Dimitris Tsipras (MIT) for feedback to improve the survey quality. We also acknowledge X. Huang (Uni. Liverpool), K. R. Reddy (IISC), E. Valle (UNICAMP), Y. Yoo (CLAIR) and others for providing pointers to make the survey more comprehensive.
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In this work, we study the black-box targeted attack problem from the model discrepancy perspective. On the theoretical side, we present a generalization error bound for black-box targeted attacks, which gives a rigorous theoretical analysis for guaranteeing the success of the attack. We reveal that the attack error on a target model mainly depends on empirical attack error on the substitute model and the maximum model discrepancy among substitute models. On the algorithmic side, we derive a new algorithm for black-box targeted attacks based on our theoretical analysis, in which we additionally minimize the maximum model discrepancy(M3D) of the substitute models when training the generator to generate adversarial examples. In this way, our model is capable of crafting highly transferable adversarial examples that are robust to the model variation, thus improving the success rate for attacking the black-box model. We conduct extensive experiments on the ImageNet dataset with different classification models, and our proposed approach outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods by a significant margin. Our codes will be released.
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Adversarial examples are perturbed inputs designed to fool machine learning models. Adversarial training injects such examples into training data to increase robustness. To scale this technique to large datasets, perturbations are crafted using fast single-step methods that maximize a linear approximation of the model's loss. We show that this form of adversarial training converges to a degenerate global minimum, wherein small curvature artifacts near the data points obfuscate a linear approximation of the loss. The model thus learns to generate weak perturbations, rather than defend against strong ones. As a result, we find that adversarial training remains vulnerable to black-box attacks, where we transfer perturbations computed on undefended models, as well as to a powerful novel single-step attack that escapes the non-smooth vicinity of the input data via a small random step. We further introduce Ensemble Adversarial Training, a technique that augments training data with perturbations transferred from other models. On ImageNet, Ensemble Adversarial Training yields models with stronger robustness to blackbox attacks. In particular, our most robust model won the first round of the NIPS 2017 competition on Defenses against Adversarial Attacks (Kurakin et al., 2017c). However, subsequent work found that more elaborate black-box attacks could significantly enhance transferability and reduce the accuracy of our models.
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Adversarial training, in which a network is trained on adversarial examples, is one of the few defenses against adversarial attacks that withstands strong attacks. Unfortunately, the high cost of generating strong adversarial examples makes standard adversarial training impractical on large-scale problems like ImageNet. We present an algorithm that eliminates the overhead cost of generating adversarial examples by recycling the gradient information computed when updating model parameters.Our "free" adversarial training algorithm achieves comparable robustness to PGD adversarial training on the CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets at negligible additional cost compared to natural training, and can be 7 to 30 times faster than other strong adversarial training methods. Using a single workstation with 4 P100 GPUs and 2 days of runtime, we can train a robust model for the large-scale ImageNet classification task that maintains 40% accuracy against PGD attacks. The code is available at https://github.com/ashafahi/free_adv_train.
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最近的研究表明,深度神经网络(DNNS)极易受到精心设计的对抗例子的影响。对那些对抗性例子的对抗性学习已被证明是防御这种攻击的最有效方法之一。目前,大多数现有的对抗示例生成方法基于一阶梯度,这几乎无法进一步改善模型的鲁棒性,尤其是在面对二阶对抗攻击时。与一阶梯度相比,二阶梯度提供了相对于自然示例的损失格局的更准确近似。受此启发的启发,我们的工作制作了二阶的对抗示例,并使用它们来训练DNNS。然而,二阶优化涉及Hessian Inverse的耗时计算。我们通过将问题转换为Krylov子空间中的优化,提出了一种近似方法,该方法显着降低了计算复杂性以加快训练过程。在矿工和CIFAR-10数据集上进行的广泛实验表明,我们使用二阶对抗示例的对抗性学习优于其他FISRT-阶方法,这可以改善针对广泛攻击的模型稳健性。
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