通过网络视频的快速增长,视频语言建模引起了很多关注。大多数现有方法都假定视频帧和文本描述是语义上关联的,并专注于视频级别的视频模型。但是,该假设通常是有两个原因的:(1)凭借视频内容丰富的语义,很难用单个视频级别的描述覆盖所有帧; (2)原始视频通常具有嘈杂/毫无意义的信息(例如,镜头,过渡或预告片)。尽管最近的许多作品部署了注意力来减轻此问题,但无关/嘈杂的信息仍然使得很难解决。为了克服此类挑战,我们提出了一个高效有效的模型,称为语言引导网络(LGDN),用于视频语言建模。与使用所有提取的视频帧的大多数现有方法不同,LGDN在语言监督下动态过滤了未对准或冗余的帧,并且每个视频仅获得2---4个显着帧,以进行交叉模式令牌级别的对准。在五个公共数据集上进行的广泛实验表明,我们的LGDN优于最先进的利润率。我们还提供了详细的消融研究,以揭示解决噪声问题的关键重要性,以启发未来的视频语言工作。
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Text-Video Retrieval plays an important role in multi-modal understanding and has attracted increasing attention in recent years. Most existing methods focus on constructing contrastive pairs between whole videos and complete caption sentences, while overlooking fine-grained cross-modal relationships, e.g., clip-phrase or frame-word. In this paper, we propose a novel method, named Hierarchical Cross-Modal Interaction (HCMI), to explore multi-level cross-modal relationships among video-sentence, clip-phrase, and frame-word for text-video retrieval. Considering intrinsic semantic frame relations, HCMI performs self-attention to explore frame-level correlations and adaptively cluster correlated frames into clip-level and video-level representations. In this way, HCMI constructs multi-level video representations for frame-clip-video granularities to capture fine-grained video content, and multi-level text representations at word-phrase-sentence granularities for the text modality. With multi-level representations for video and text, hierarchical contrastive learning is designed to explore fine-grained cross-modal relationships, i.e., frame-word, clip-phrase, and video-sentence, which enables HCMI to achieve a comprehensive semantic comparison between video and text modalities. Further boosted by adaptive label denoising and marginal sample enhancement, HCMI achieves new state-of-the-art results on various benchmarks, e.g., Rank@1 of 55.0%, 58.2%, 29.7%, 52.1%, and 57.3% on MSR-VTT, MSVD, LSMDC, DiDemo, and ActivityNet, respectively.
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视频文本检索一直是多模式研究中的至关重要和基本任务。大型多模式对比预训练的发展,视频文本检索的开发已大大促进,这主要侧重于粗粒或细粒对比。然而,在先前的研究中很少探索过跨粒度的对比,这是粗粒表示和细粒度表示之间的对比。与细粒度或粗粒的对比相比,交叉粒度对比度计算了粗粒粒度特征与每个细粒特征之间的相关性,并且能够过滤出不必要的细颗粒特征,这些特征由粗粒度的特征引导相似性计算,从而提高了检索的准确性。为此,本文提出了一种新型的多透明对比模型,即X-CLIP,用于视频文本检索。但是,另一个挑战在于相似性聚集问题,该问题旨在将细粒度和跨粒度相似性矩阵与实例级别的相似性汇总。为了应对这一挑战,我们提出了对相似性矩阵(AOSM)模块的关注,以使模型重点放在基本帧和单词之间的对比度上,从而降低了不必要的帧和单词对检索结果的影响。 X-CLIP具有多透明的对比度和提议的AOSM模块,在五个广泛使用的视频文本检索数据集上取得了出色的性能,包括MSR-VTT(49.3 R@1),MSVD(50.4 R@1),LSMDC(26.11)(26.1 r@1),didemo(47.8 r@1)和ActivityNet(46.2 r@1)。它的表现优于先前的最先前, +6.3%, +6.6%, +11.1%, +6.7%, +3.8%的相对改善对这些基准测试,这表明了多透明的对比度和AOSM的优势。
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构建一个通用视频语言模型,用于解决各种视频理解任务(例如,文本视频检索,视频问答)是对机器学习领域的开放挑战。为了实现这一目标,最近的尝试训练模型,通常由单峰和跨模式的特征编码器组成,并具有受监督或成对的对比度的预文本任务。尽管提供了有吸引力的通用性,但最终的模型必须在效率和性能之间妥协。我们认为这些缺陷是由它们的预训练策略\ Textemdash引起的,它们不能很好地对齐和融合不同方式的特征。然后,我们将三叶草(一种相关的视频预培训方法)介绍给一个通用的视频语言模型,该模型用于解决既不效率也不妥协的多个视频理解任务。它通过新的三模式比对预训练任务来改善跨模式特征对齐和融合。此外,我们建议通过合并蒙面样品的学习和新颖的成对排名损失来增强三模式对齐。三叶草表现出了出色的一般性。它在多个下游任务上建立了新的最新技术,包括零射击和微调设置的三个检索任务,以及八个视频问答任务。代码和预培训模型将在https://github.com/leeyn-43/clover上发布。
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Video-language pre-training has advanced the performance of various downstream video-language tasks. However, most previous methods directly inherit or adapt typical image-language pre-training paradigms to video-language pre-training, thus not fully exploiting the unique characteristic of video, i.e., temporal. In this paper, we propose a Hierarchical Temporal-Aware video-language pre-training framework, HiTeA, with two novel pre-training tasks for modeling cross-modal alignment between moments and texts as well as the temporal relations of video-text pairs. Specifically, we propose a cross-modal moment exploration task to explore moments in videos, which results in detailed video moment representation. Besides, the inherent temporal relations are captured by aligning video-text pairs as a whole in different time resolutions with multi-modal temporal relation exploration task. Furthermore, we introduce the shuffling test to evaluate the temporal reliance of datasets and video-language pre-training models. We achieve state-of-the-art results on 15 well-established video-language understanding and generation tasks, especially on temporal-oriented datasets (e.g., SSv2-Template and SSv2-Label) with 8.6% and 11.1% improvement respectively. HiTeA also demonstrates strong generalization ability when directly transferred to downstream tasks in a zero-shot manner. Models and demo will be available on ModelScope.
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视频和语言预培训表明对各种下游任务有望改善。最先前的方法捕获与基于变换器的多模式编码器的跨模型交互,不完全解决单向视频和文本特征之间的错位。此外,学习细粒度的视觉语言对准通常需要离上的对象检测器来提供对象信息,这是由检测器有限的词汇和昂贵的计算成本的瓶颈。我们建议对齐和提示:一种高效有效的视频和语言预训练框架,具有更好的跨模型对齐。首先,我们介绍了一个视频文本对比(VTC)丢失,以对准实例级别的单峰视频文本功能,从而缓解跨模型交互的建模。然后,我们提出了一种新的视觉接地预训练任务,提示实体建模(PEM),旨在学习细粒度的区域实体对齐。为实现这一目标,我们首先介绍一个实体发射模块,该模块用VTC培训,以产生与实体名称实例化的视频裁剪和文本提示之间的相似性。 PEM任务然后询问模型以预测随机选择的视频作物的实体伪标签(I.E〜归一化相似度分数)。由此产生的预先训练的模型在文本 - 视频检索和VideoQ上实现了最先进的性能,通过大幅度的边距表现优于现有的工作。我们的代码和预先训练的型号将被释放。
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现代视频文本检索框架基本上由三个部分组成:视频编码器,文本编码器和相似性。随着Visual和Textual表示学习的成功,在视频文本检索领域也采用了基于变压器的编码器和融合方法。在本报告中,我们呈现Clip2TV,旨在探索关键元素在基于变压器的方法中。为实现这一目标,我们首先重新审视一些对多模态学习的工作,然后将一些技术介绍到视频文本检索中,最后通过不同配置的大量实验进行评估。值得注意的是,Clip2TV在MSR-VTT数据集上实现了52.9 @ R1,优先表现出先前的SOTA结果为4.1%。
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We present a simple yet effective end-to-end Video-language Pre-training (VidLP) framework, Masked Contrastive Video-language Pretraining (MAC), for video-text retrieval tasks. Our MAC aims to reduce video representation's spatial and temporal redundancy in the VidLP model by a mask sampling mechanism to improve pre-training efficiency. Comparing conventional temporal sparse sampling, we propose to randomly mask a high ratio of spatial regions and only feed visible regions into the encoder as sparse spatial sampling. Similarly, we adopt the mask sampling technique for text inputs for consistency. Instead of blindly applying the mask-then-prediction paradigm from MAE, we propose a masked-then-alignment paradigm for efficient video-text alignment. The motivation is that video-text retrieval tasks rely on high-level alignment rather than low-level reconstruction, and multimodal alignment with masked modeling encourages the model to learn a robust and general multimodal representation from incomplete and unstable inputs. Coupling these designs enables efficient end-to-end pre-training: reduce FLOPs (60% off), accelerate pre-training (by 3x), and improve performance. Our MAC achieves state-of-the-art results on various video-text retrieval datasets, including MSR-VTT, DiDeMo, and ActivityNet. Our approach is omnivorous to input modalities. With minimal modifications, we achieve competitive results on image-text retrieval tasks.
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Video-Text检索(VTR)是多模式理解的一项有吸引力但具有挑战性的任务,该任务旨在在给定查询(视频)的情况下搜索相关的视频(文本)。现有方法通常采用完全异构的视觉文本信息来对齐视频和文本,同时缺乏对这两种模式中均匀的高级语义信息的认识。为了填补这一差距,在这项工作中,我们提出了一个新颖的视觉语言对准模型,名为VTR Hise,该模型通过合并显式高级语义来改善跨模式的表示。首先,我们探讨了显式高级语义的层次结构属性,并将其进一步分为两个级别,即离散的语义和整体语义。具体来说,对于视觉分支,我们利用了现成的语义实体预测器来生成离散的高级语义。同时,采用训练有素的视频字幕模型来输出整体高级语义。至于文本方式,我们将文本分为三个部分,包括发生,动作和实体。特别是,这种情况对应于整体高级语义,同时动作和实体代表离散的语义。然后,利用不同的图推理技术来促进整体和离散的高级语义之间的相互作用。广泛的实验表明,借助明确的高级语义,我们的方法在包括MSR-VTT,MSVD和DIDEMO在内的三个基准数据集上实现了优于最先进方法的卓越性能。
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Video-language pre-training is crucial for learning powerful multi-modal representation. However, it typically requires a massive amount of computation. In this paper, we develop SMAUG, an efficient pre-training framework for video-language models. The foundation component in SMAUG is masked autoencoders. Different from prior works which only mask textual inputs, our masking strategy considers both visual and textual modalities, providing a better cross-modal alignment and saving more pre-training costs. On top of that, we introduce a space-time token sparsification module, which leverages context information to further select only "important" spatial regions and temporal frames for pre-training. Coupling all these designs allows our method to enjoy both competitive performances on text-to-video retrieval and video question answering tasks, and much less pre-training costs by 1.9X or more. For example, our SMAUG only needs about 50 NVIDIA A6000 GPU hours for pre-training to attain competitive performances on these two video-language tasks across six popular benchmarks.
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The canonical approach to video-and-language learning (e.g., video question answering) dictates a neural model to learn from offline-extracted dense video features from vision models and text features from language models. These feature extractors are trained independently and usually on tasks different from the target domains, rendering these fixed features sub-optimal for downstream tasks. Moreover, due to the high computational overload of dense video features, it is often difficult (or infeasible) to plug feature extractors directly into existing approaches for easy finetuning. To provide a remedy to this dilemma, we propose a generic framework CLIPBERT that enables affordable endto-end learning for video-and-language tasks, by employing sparse sampling, where only a single or a few sparsely sampled short clips from a video are used at each training step. Experiments on text-to-video retrieval and video question answering on six datasets demonstrate that CLIP-BERT outperforms (or is on par with) existing methods that exploit full-length videos, suggesting that end-to-end learning with just a few sparsely sampled clips is often more accurate than using densely extracted offline features from full-length videos, proving the proverbial less-is-more principle. Videos in the datasets are from considerably different domains and lengths, ranging from 3-second genericdomain GIF videos to 180-second YouTube human activity videos, showing the generalization ability of our approach. Comprehensive ablation studies and thorough analyses are provided to dissect what factors lead to this success. Our code is publicly available. 1 * Equal contribution.
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Most existing text-video retrieval methods focus on cross-modal matching between the visual content of offline videos and textual query sentences. However, in real scenarios, online videos are frequently accompanied by relevant text information such as titles, tags, and even subtitles, which can be utilized to match textual queries. This inspires us to generate associated captions from offline videos to help with existing text-video retrieval methods. To do so, we propose to use the zero-shot video captioner with knowledge of pre-trained web-scale models (e.g., CLIP and GPT-2) to generate captions for offline videos without any training. Given the captions, one question naturally arises: what can auxiliary captions do for text-video retrieval? In this paper, we present a novel framework Cap4Video, which makes use of captions from three aspects: i) Input data: The video and captions can form new video-caption pairs as data augmentation for training. ii) Feature interaction: We perform feature interaction between video and caption to yield enhanced video representations. iii) Output score: The Query-Caption matching branch can be complementary to the original Query-Video matching branch for text-video retrieval. We conduct thorough ablation studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Without any post-processing, our Cap4Video achieves state-of-the-art performance on MSR-VTT (51.4%), VATEX (66.6%), MSVD (51.8%), and DiDeMo (52.0%).
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本文介绍了Omnivl,这是一种新的基础模型,旨在使用一种通用体系结构来支持图像语言和视频语言任务。它为图像和视频输入采用了统一的基于变压器的视觉编码器,因此可以执行联合图像语言和视频语言预处理。我们首次证明了这样的范式受益于图像和视频任务,而不是传统的单向传输(例如,使用图像语言来帮助视频语言)。为此,我们提出了对图像语言和视频语言的脱钩关节预处理,以有效地将视觉模型分解为空间和时间维度,并在图像和视频任务上获得性能提升。此外,我们引入了一种新颖的统一视觉对比度(UNIVLC)损失,以利用图像文本,视频文本,图像标签(例如,图像分类),视频标签(例如,视频动作识别)在一起受到监督和吵闹的监督预处理数据都尽可能多地利用。无需额外的任务适配器,Omnivl可以同时支持仅视觉任务(例如,图像分类,视频操作识别),跨模式对齐任务(例如,图像/视频 - 文本检索)和多模式理解和生成任务(例如,图像/视频问答,字幕)。我们在各种下游任务上评估Omnivl,并以相似的模型大小和数据量表获得最新的或竞争结果。
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视频和文本之间的跨模式检索因网络上的视频迅速出现而越来越多。通常,视频包含丰富的实例和事件信息,查询文本仅描述了信息的一部分。因此,视频可以对应于多个不同的文本说明和查询。我们将此现象称为``视频文本对应歧义''问题。当前技术主要集中于挖掘视频和文本内容之间的本地或多级对齐(\ textit {e.g。},对实体和动词的动作对象)。这些方法很难通过仅使用一个单个功能来描述视频来减轻视频文本的歧义,这需要同时与多个不同的文本功能匹配。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个文本自适应多个视觉原型匹配模型,该模型会自动捕获多个原型,以通过自适应聚合视频令牌功能来描述视频。给定查询文本,相似性由最相似的原型确定,以在视频中找到对应关系,该视频称为文本自适应匹配。为了学习代表视频中丰富信息的多种原型,我们提出了差异损失,以鼓励不同的原型参与视频的不同内容。我们的方法在四个公共视频检索数据集上优于最先进的方法。
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最近,通过引入大规模的数据集和强大的变压器网络,视频预培训表明尤其是检索的巨大成功。然而,现有的视频语言变压器模型没有明确细粒度的语义对齐。在这项工作中,我们呈现了对象感知的变换器,以对象为中心的方法,该对象方法扩展了视频语言变压器来合并对象表示。关键的想法是利用边界框和对象标签来指导培训过程。我们在四个广泛使用的基准测试中评估了我们的三个标准子任务的模型。我们还提供了深入的分析和详细消融关于所提出的方法。我们在考虑的所有任务和数据集中表现出清晰的性能,展示将对象表示的模型中的型号集成到视频架构中。代码将以\ URL {https://github.com/fingerrec/oa -transformer}释放。
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The booming development and huge market of micro-videos bring new e-commerce channels for merchants. Currently, more micro-video publishers prefer to embed relevant ads into their micro-videos, which not only provides them with business income but helps the audiences to discover their interesting products. However, due to the micro-video recording by unprofessional equipment, involving various topics and including multiple modalities, it is challenging to locate the products related to micro-videos efficiently, appropriately, and accurately. We formulate the microvideo-product retrieval task, which is the first attempt to explore the retrieval between the multi-modal and multi-modal instances. A novel approach named Multi-Queue Momentum Contrast (MQMC) network is proposed for bidirectional retrieval, consisting of the uni-modal feature and multi-modal instance representation learning. Moreover, a discriminative selection strategy with a multi-queue is used to distinguish the importance of different negatives based on their categories. We collect two large-scale microvideo-product datasets (MVS and MVS-large) for evaluation and manually construct the hierarchical category ontology, which covers sundry products in daily life. Extensive experiments show that MQMC outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines. Our replication package (including code, dataset, etc.) is publicly available at https://github.com/duyali2000/MQMC.
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