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本文提出了一种新的方法,称为模块化语法进化(MGE),以验证以下假设,即限制了神经进化的解决方案空间到模块化和简单的神经网络,可以有效地生成较小,更结构化的神经网络,同时提供可接受的(在某些方面)案例优于大型数据集的精度。 MGE还在两个方向上增强了最新的语法演化(GE)方法。首先,MGE的表示是模块化的,因为每个个体都有一组基因,并且每个基因都通过语法规则映射到神经元。其次,所提出的表示形式减轻了GE的两个重要缺点,即表示较低的表示性和弱位置,以生成具有大量神经元的模块化和多层网络。我们使用MGE定义和评估具有和不具有模块化的五种不同形式的结构,并找到没有耦合更有效的单层模块。我们的实验表明,模块化有助于更快地找到更好的神经网络。我们使用了十个具有不同尺寸,功能计数和输出类计数的众所周知的分类基准验证了提出的方法。我们的实验结果表明,MGE相对于现有的神经进化方法提供了卓越的准确性,并且返回分类器比其他机器学习生成的分类器要简单得多。最后,我们从经验上证明,MGE在局部性和可伸缩性属性方面优于其他GE方法。
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GitHub Copilot,由大规模语言模型Codex提供支持的Visual Studio代码开发环境的扩展,为软件开发人员提供自动程序合成。该模型在深度学习领域中已经广泛研究,然而,与遗传编程的比较尚未以自动编程合成的性能所知。在本文中,我们在标准程序综合基准问题上评估GitHub CopIlot,并将与遗传编程文献中的结果进行比较。此外,我们讨论了两种方法的性能。我们发现,在基准问题上的两种方法的性能非常相似,但与GitHub Copilot相比,基于遗传编程的程序合成方法尚未成熟,以支持实际软件开发中的程序员。遗传编程通常需要大量昂贵的手工标记训练箱,并且需要太多时间来产生解决方案。此外,由遗传编程方法产生的源代码通常是膨胀和难以理解的。对于未来的遗传编程综合的工作,我们建议研究人员,专注于提高执行时间,可读性和可用性。
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许多现实世界优化问题,如工程最优设计,最终可以被建模为必须解决的相应多目标优化问题(MOPS),以获得近似帕累托最佳前端。基于分解(MOEA / D)的多目标进化算法被认为是解决MOP的明显有希望的方法。最近的研究表明,具有均匀重量载体的MoEA / D非常适合于普通帕累托最佳前端的拖把,但在多样性方面的性能通常会在解决带有不规则帕累托最佳方向时造成拖镜时劣化。以这种方式,通过该算法获得的解决方案集不能为决策者提供更合理的选择。为了有效地克服这一缺点,我们通过众所周知的Pascoletti-Serafini标定方法和多参考点的新策略提出了一种改进的MoA / D算法。具体地,该策略包括由等距分区和投影的技术产生的参考点的设置和调整组成。对于性能评估,将所提出的算法与现有的四个最先进的多目标进化算法进行比较,这些算法与各种类型的帕累托最优前锋和两个现实世界拖把的基准测试问题相比,包括舱口盖设计和火箭喷射器设计在工程优化中。根据实验结果,所提出的算法表现出比其他比较算法更好的分集性能。
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Network structure evolves with time in the real world, and the discovery of changing communities in dynamic networks is an important research topic that poses challenging tasks. Most existing methods assume that no significant change in the network occurs; namely, the difference between adjacent snapshots is slight. However, great change exists in the real world usually. The great change in the network will result in the community detection algorithms are difficulty obtaining valuable information from the previous snapshot, leading to negative transfer for the next time steps. This paper focuses on dynamic community detection with substantial changes by integrating higher-order knowledge from the previous snapshots to aid the subsequent snapshots. Moreover, to improve search efficiency, a higher-order knowledge transfer strategy is designed to determine first-order and higher-order knowledge by detecting the similarity of the adjacency matrix of snapshots. In this way, our proposal can better keep the advantages of previous community detection results and transfer them to the next task. We conduct the experiments on four real-world networks, including the networks with great or minor changes. Experimental results in the low-similarity datasets demonstrate that higher-order knowledge is more valuable than first-order knowledge when the network changes significantly and keeps the advantage even if handling the high-similarity datasets. Our proposal can also guide other dynamic optimization problems with great changes.
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通过维护大人物和更新每一代的少量解决方案,资源分配方法(RA)提高了MoA / D的性能。然而,关于RA的大多数研究通常集中在不同资源分配指标的性质上。因此,它仍然不确定主要因素,导致MOEA / D的性能增量。本研究调查了MOEA / D在广泛的MOP中的部分更新策略的影响,以产生MOEA / D与部分更新和MOEA / D具有小于人口尺寸和大群大小的洞察的见解。考虑到他们最终近似帕累托集,随时超大绩效,达到地区和独特非主导解决方案的地区的深入分析,对人口动态行为进行了深入的分析。我们的结果表明,具有部分更新的MOEA / D与MOEA / D具有小于人口大小的MOEA / D的搜索进行了进展,并探讨了人口大小的MOEA / D.具有部分更新的MoA / D可以减轻与人口大小选择相关的常见问题,并在大多数爆模中具有更好的收敛速度,如HyperVotume和唯一非主导解决方案的数量结果所示,随时性能和经验验证功能表示。
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为了协助游戏开发人员制作游戏NPC,我们展示了EvolvingBehavior,这是一种新颖的工具,用于基因编程,以在不真实的引擎4中发展行为树4.在初步评估中,我们将演变的行为与我们的研究人员设计的手工制作的树木和随机的树木进行了比较 - 在3D生存游戏中种植的树木。我们发现,在这种情况下,EvolvingBehavior能够产生行为,以实现设计师的目标。最后,我们讨论了共同创造游戏AI设计工具的探索的含义和未来途径,以及行为树进化的挑战和困难。
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4月20日至22日,在马德里(西班牙)举行的EVO* 2022会议上提交了末期摘要。这些论文介绍了正在进行的研究和初步结果,这些结果研究了对不同问题的不同方法(主要是进化计算)的应用,其中大多数是现实世界中的方法。
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Mutation-based fuzzing has become one of the most common vulnerability discovery solutions over the last decade. Fuzzing can be optimized when targeting specific programs, and given that, some studies have employed online optimization methods to do it automatically, i.e., tuning fuzzers for any given program in a program-agnostic manner. However, previous studies have neither fully explored mutation schemes suitable for online optimization methods, nor online optimization methods suitable for mutation schemes. In this study, we propose an optimization framework called SLOPT that encompasses both a bandit-friendly mutation scheme and mutation-scheme-friendly bandit algorithms. The advantage of SLOPT is that it can generally be incorporated into existing fuzzers, such as AFL and Honggfuzz. As a proof of concept, we implemented SLOPT-AFL++ by integrating SLOPT into AFL++ and showed that the program-agnostic optimization delivered by SLOPT enabled SLOPT-AFL++ to achieve higher code coverage than AFL++ in all of ten real-world FuzzBench programs. Moreover, we ran SLOPT-AFL++ against several real-world programs from OSS-Fuzz and successfully identified three previously unknown vulnerabilities, even though these programs have been fuzzed by AFL++ for a considerable number of CPU days on OSS-Fuzz.
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In this paper we propose new probabilistic and dynamic (adaptive) strategies to create multi-method ensembles based on the Coral Reefs Optimization with Substrate Layers (CRO-SL) algorithm. The CRO-SL is an evolutionary-based ensemble approach, able to combine different search procedures within a single population. In this work we discuss two different probabilistic strategies to improve the algorithm. First, we defined the Probabilistic CRO-SL (PCRO-SL), which substitutes the substrates in the CRO-SL population by {\em tags} associated with each individual. Each tag represents a different operator which will modify the individual in the reproduction phase. In each generation of the algorithm, the tags are randomly assigned to the individuals with a similar probability, obtaining this way an ensemble with a more intense change in the application of different operators to a given individual than the original CRO-SL. The second strategy discussed in this paper is the Dynamical Probabilistic CRO-SL (DPCRO-SL), in which the probability of tag assignment is modified during the evolution of the algorithm, depending on the quality of the solutions generated in each substrate. Thus, the best substrates in the search process will be assigned with a higher probability that those which showed a worse performance during the search. We test the performance of the proposed probabilistic and dynamic ensembles in different optimization problems, including benchmark functions and a real application of wind turbines layout optimization, comparing the results obtained with that of existing algorithms in the literature.
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Metaheuristics are popularly used in various fields, and they have attracted much attention in the scientific and industrial communities. In recent years, the number of new metaheuristic names has been continuously growing. Generally, the inventors attribute the novelties of these new algorithms to inspirations from either biology, human behaviors, physics, or other phenomena. In addition, these new algorithms, compared against basic versions of other metaheuristics using classical benchmark problems without shift/rotation, show competitive performances. In this study, we exhaustively tabulate more than 500 metaheuristics. To comparatively evaluate the performance of the recent competitive variants and newly proposed metaheuristics, 11 newly proposed metaheuristics and 4 variants of established metaheuristics are comprehensively compared on the CEC2017 benchmark suite. In addition, whether these algorithms have a search bias to the center of the search space is investigated. The results show that the performance of the newly proposed EBCM (effective butterfly optimizer with covariance matrix adaptation) algorithm performs comparably to the 4 well performing variants of the established metaheuristics and possesses similar properties and behaviors, such as convergence, diversity, exploration and exploitation trade-offs, in many aspects. The performance of all 15 of the algorithms is likely to deteriorate due to certain transformations, while the 4 state-of-the-art metaheuristics are less affected by transformations such as the shifting of the global optimal point away from the center of the search space. It should be noted that, except EBCM, the other 10 new algorithms proposed mostly during 2019-2020 are inferior to the well performing 2017 variants of differential evolution and evolution strategy in terms of convergence speed and global search ability on CEC 2017 functions.
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抽象和推理语料库(ARC)是一组用于测试代理人灵活解决新颖问题的能力的程序任务。虽然大多数弧任务对于人类来说很容易,但它们对最先进的AI有挑战性。是什么让建筑物智能系统概括到新颖的情况,例如arc困难?我们可以通过研究\ emph {语言}的差异来找到答案:虽然人类在容易地生成和解释了一般语言中,计算机系统被束缚到他们可以精确执行的狭窄域的语言。我们呈现LARC,The \ Texit {语言完整的ARC}:一组人类参与者的一系列自然语言描述,这些人参与者在如何使用单独的语言解决acc任务,其中包含88 \%的成功说明弧任务。我们将收集的指示分析为“自然程序”,发现当他们类似于计算机程序时,它们以两种方式截然不同:首先,它们含有各种基元;其次,他们经常利用直接可执行代码超出交际策略。我们证明这两个区别防止了当前的程序合成技术利用LACC到其全部潜力,并提供有关如何构建下一代程序合成器的具体建议。
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Recently, evolutionary multitasking (EMT) has been successfully used in the field of high-dimensional classification. However, the generation of multiple tasks in the existing EMT-based feature selection (FS) methods is relatively simple, using only the Relief-F method to collect related features with similar importance into one task, which cannot provide more diversified tasks for knowledge transfer. Thus, this paper devises a new EMT algorithm for FS in high-dimensional classification, which first adopts different filtering methods to produce multiple tasks and then modifies a competitive swarm optimizer to efficiently solve these related tasks via knowledge transfer. First, a diversified multiple task generation method is designed based on multiple filtering methods, which generates several relevant low-dimensional FS tasks by eliminating irrelevant features. In this way, useful knowledge for solving simple and relevant tasks can be transferred to simplify and speed up the solution of the original high-dimensional FS task. Then, a competitive swarm optimizer is modified to simultaneously solve these relevant FS tasks by transferring useful knowledge among them. Numerous empirical results demonstrate that the proposed EMT-based FS method can obtain a better feature subset than several state-of-the-art FS methods on eighteen high-dimensional datasets.
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蒙特卡洛树搜索(MCTS)是一种搜索最佳决策的最佳先入点方法。 MCT的成功在很大程度上取决于树木的建造方式,并且选择过程在其中起着基本作用。被证明是可靠的一种特殊选择机制是基于树木(UCT)的上限置信度范围。 UCT试图通过考虑存储在MCT的统计树中的值来平衡探索和剥削。但是,对MCTS UCT的一些调整对于这是必要的。在这项工作中,我们使用进化算法(EAS)以替代UCT公式并在MCT中使用进化的表达式来进化数学表达式。更具体地说,我们通过在MCTS方法(SIEA-MCT)中提出的语义启发的进化算法来发展表达式。这是受遗传编程(GP)语义的启发,其中使用健身案例被视为在GP中采用的要求。健身病例通常用于确定个体的适应性,可用于计算个体的语义相似性(或差异)。但是,MCT中没有健身案例。我们通过使用MCT的多个奖励值来扩展此概念,从而使我们能够确定个人及其语义的适应性。通过这样做,我们展示了SIEA-MCT如何能够成功地发展数学表达式,而数学表达式与UCT相比,无需调整这些演变的表达式而产生更好或竞争的结果。我们比较了提出的SIEA-MCT与MCTS算法,MCTS快速动作值估计算法的性能, *-minimax家族的三种变体,一个随机控制器和另外两种EA方法。我们始终展示SIEA-MCT在挑战性的Carcassonne游戏中如何优于大多数这些智能控制者。
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