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Deep learning (DL) analysis of Chest X-ray (CXR) and Computed tomography (CT) images has garnered a lot of attention in recent times due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are well suited for the image analysis tasks when trained on humongous amounts of data. Applications developed for medical image analysis require high sensitivity and precision compared to any other fields. Most of the tools proposed for detection of COVID-19 claims to have high sensitivity and recalls but have failed to generalize and perform when tested on unseen datasets. This encouraged us to develop a CNN model, analyze and understand the performance of it by visualizing the predictions of the model using class activation maps generated using (Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping) Grad-CAM technique. This study provides a detailed discussion of the success and failure of the proposed model at an image level. Performance of the model is compared with state-of-the-art DL models and shown to be comparable. The data and code used are available at https://github.com/aleesuss/c19.
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In this paper, deep-learning-based approaches namely fine-tuning of pretrained convolutional neural networks (VGG16 and VGG19), and end-to-end training of a developed CNN model, have been used in order to classify X-Ray images into four different classes that include COVID-19, normal, opacity and pneumonia cases. A dataset containing more than 20,000 X-ray scans was retrieved from Kaggle and used in this experiment. A two-stage classification approach was implemented to be compared to the one-shot classification approach. Our hypothesis was that a two-stage model will be able to achieve better performance than a one-shot model. Our results show otherwise as VGG16 achieved 95% accuracy using one-shot approach over 5-fold of training. Future work will focus on a more robust implementation of the two-stage classification model Covid-TSC. The main improvement will be allowing data to flow from the output of stage-1 to the input of stage-2, where stage-1 and stage-2 models are VGG16 models fine-tuned on the Covid-19 dataset.
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The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first identified in Wuhan, China, in early December 2019 and now becoming a pandemic. When COVID-19 patients undergo radiography examination, radiologists can observe the present of radiographic abnormalities from their chest X-ray (CXR) images. In this study, a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) model was proposed to aid radiologists in diagnosing COVID-19 patients. First, this work conducted a comparative study on the performance of modified VGG-16, ResNet-50 and DenseNet-121 to classify CXR images into normal, COVID-19 and viral pneumonia. Then, the impact of image augmentation on the classification results was evaluated. The publicly available COVID-19 Radiography Database was used throughout this study. After comparison, ResNet-50 achieved the highest accuracy with 95.88%. Next, after training ResNet-50 with rotation, translation, horizontal flip, intensity shift and zoom augmented dataset, the accuracy dropped to 80.95%. Furthermore, an ablation study on the effect of image augmentation on the classification results found that the combinations of rotation and intensity shift augmentation methods obtained an accuracy higher than baseline, which is 96.14%. Finally, ResNet-50 with rotation and intensity shift augmentations performed the best and was proposed as the final classification model in this work. These findings demonstrated that the proposed classification model can provide a promising result for COVID-19 diagnosis.
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Computer tomography (CT) have been routinely used for the diagnosis of lung diseases and recently, during the pandemic, for detecting the infectivity and severity of COVID-19 disease. One of the major concerns in using ma-chine learning (ML) approaches for automatic processing of CT scan images in clinical setting is that these methods are trained on limited and biased sub-sets of publicly available COVID-19 data. This has raised concerns regarding the generalizability of these models on external datasets, not seen by the model during training. To address some of these issues, in this work CT scan images from confirmed COVID-19 data obtained from one of the largest public repositories, COVIDx CT 2A were used for training and internal vali-dation of machine learning models. For the external validation we generated Indian-COVID-19 CT dataset, an open-source repository containing 3D CT volumes and 12096 chest CT images from 288 COVID-19 patients from In-dia. Comparative performance evaluation of four state-of-the-art machine learning models, viz., a lightweight convolutional neural network (CNN), and three other CNN based deep learning (DL) models such as VGG-16, ResNet-50 and Inception-v3 in classifying CT images into three classes, viz., normal, non-covid pneumonia, and COVID-19 is carried out on these two datasets. Our analysis showed that the performance of all the models is comparable on the hold-out COVIDx CT 2A test set with 90% - 99% accuracies (96% for CNN), while on the external Indian-COVID-19 CT dataset a drop in the performance is observed for all the models (8% - 19%). The traditional ma-chine learning model, CNN performed the best on the external dataset (accu-racy 88%) in comparison to the deep learning models, indicating that a light-weight CNN is better generalizable on unseen data. The data and code are made available at https://github.com/aleesuss/c19.
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一种名为Covid-19的新发现的冠状病毒疾病主要影响人类呼吸系统。 Covid-19是一种由起源于中国武汉的病毒引起的传染病。早期诊断是医疗保健提供者的主要挑战。在较早的阶段,医疗机构令人眼花azz乱,因为没有适当的健康辅助工具或医学可以检测到COVID-19。引入了一种新的诊断工具RT-PCR(逆转录聚合酶链反应)。它从患者的鼻子或喉咙中收集拭子标本,在那里共有19个病毒。该方法有一些与准确性和测试时间有关的局限性。医学专家建议一种称为CT(计算机断层扫描)的替代方法,该方法可以快速诊断受感染的肺部区域并在早期阶段识别Covid-19。使用胸部CT图像,计算机研究人员开发了几种识别Covid-19疾病的深度学习模型。这项研究介绍了卷积神经网络(CNN)和基于VGG16的模型,用于自动化的COVID-19在胸部CT图像上识别。使用14320 CT图像的公共数据集的实验结果显示,CNN和VGG16的分类精度分别为96.34%和96.99%。
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由于能够提高几个诊断任务的性能,深度神经网络越来越多地被用作医疗保健应用中的辅助工具。然而,由于基于深度学习系统的可靠性,概括性和可解释性的实际限制,这些方法在临床环境中不被广泛采用。因此,已经开发了方法,这在网络培训期间强加了额外的限制,以获得更多的控制,并改善探讨他们在医疗界的接受。在这项工作中,我们调查使用正交球(OS)约束对胸部X射线图像进行Covid-19案例的分类的益处。 OS约束可以写成一个简单的正交性术语,其与分类网络训练期间的标准交叉熵损耗结合使用。以前的研究表明,在对深度学习模型上对这种限制应用于应用这些限制方面表现出显着的益处。我们的研究结果证实了这些观察结果,表明正常性损失函数有效地通过Gradcam可视化,增强的分类性能和减少的模型校准误差产生了改进的语义本地化。我们的方法分别实现了两性和三类分类的准确性提高1.6%和4.8%;找到了应用数据增强的模型的类似结果。除了这些发现之外,我们的工作还提出了OS规范器在医疗保健中的新应用,提高了CoVID-19分类深度学习模型的后HOC可解释性和性能,以便于在临床环境中采用这些方法。我们还确定了我们将来可以探索进一步研究的战略的局限性。
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背景和目的:与生物医学分析相结合的人工智能(AI)方法在Pandemics期间具有关键作用,因为它有助于释放来自医疗保健系统和医生的压力压力。由于持续的Covid-19危机在具有茂密的人口和巴西和印度等测试套件中的国家恶化,放射性成像可以作为准确分类Covid-19患者的重要诊断工具,并在适当时期规定必要的治疗。通过这种动机,我们基于使用胸部X射线检测Covid-19感染肺的深度学习架构的研究。数据集:我们共收集了三种不同类标签的2470张图片,即健康的肺,普通肺炎和Covid-19感染的肺炎,其中470个X射线图像属于Covid-19类。方法:我们首先使用直方图均衡技术预处理所有图像,并使用U-Net架构进行它们。然后,VGG-16网络用于从预处理图像中的特征提取,该特征提取通过SMTE过采样技术进一步采样以实现平衡数据集。最后,使用具有10倍交叉验证的支持向量机(SVM)分类器分类类平衡功能,评估精度。结果和结论:我们的新方法结合了众所周知的预处理技术,特征提取方法和数据集平衡方法,使我们在2470 X射线图像的数据集中获得了Covid-19图像的优秀识别率为98% 。因此,我们的模型适用于用于筛选目的的医疗保健设施。
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新的冠状病毒造成了超过一百万的死亡,并继续迅速传播。这种病毒靶向肺部,导致呼吸窘迫,这可以轻度或严重。肺的X射线或计算机断层扫描(CT)图像可以揭示患者是否感染Covid-19。许多研究人员正在尝试使用人工智能改善Covid-19检测。我们的动机是开发一种可以应对的自动方法,该方法可以应对标记数据的方案是耗时或昂贵的。在本文中,我们提出了使用依赖于Sobel边缘检测和生成对冲网络(GANS)的有限标记数据(SCLLD)的半监督分类来自动化Covid-19诊断。 GaN鉴别器输出是一种概率值,用于在这项工作中进行分类。建议的系统使用从Omid Hosparing收集的10,000 CT扫描培训,而公共数据集也用于验证我们的系统。将该方法与其他最先进的监督方法进行比较,例如高斯过程。据我们所知,这是第一次提出了对Covid-19检测的半监督方法。我们的系统能够从有限标记和未标记数据的混合学习,该数据由于缺乏足够量的标记数据而导致的监督学习者失败。因此,我们的半监督训练方法显着优于卷积神经网络(CNN)的监督培训,当标记的训练数据稀缺时。在精度,敏感性和特异性方面,我们的方法的95%置信区间分别为99.56±0.20%,99.88±0.24%和99.40±0.1.18%,而CNN的间隔(训练有素的监督)为68.34 + - 4.11%,91.2 + - 6.15%,46.40 + - 5.21%。
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在COVID-19大流行期间,在COVID-19诊断的紧急环境中进行的大量成像量导致临床CXR获取的差异很大。在所使用的CXR投影,添加图像注释以及临床图像的旋转程度和旋转程度中可以看到这种变化。图像分析社区试图通过开发自动化的CoVID-19诊断算法来减轻大流行期间过度拉伸放射学部门的负担,该诊断算法是CXR成像的输入。已利用大量公开的CXR数据集来改善CoVID-19诊断的深度学习算法。然而,公开可用数据集中临床可获得的CXR的可变质量可能会对算法性能产生深远的影响。 COVID-19可以通过图像标签等图像上的非动物特征的算法来推断诊断。这些成像快捷方式可能是数据集特定的,并限制了AI系统的概括性。因此,了解和纠正CXR图像中的关键潜在偏差是CXR图像分析之前的重要第一步。在这项研究中,我们提出了一种简单有效的逐步方法,以预处理Covid-19胸部X射线数据集以消除不希望的偏见。我们进行消融研究以显示每个单个步骤的影响。结果表明,使用我们提出的管道可以将基线共证检测算法的精度提高到13%。
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自从Covid-19大流行开始以来已有两年多之后,这场危机的压力继续在全球范围内摧毁。将胸部X射线(CXR)成像用作RT-PCR测试的互补筛查策略不仅盛行,而且由于其常规临床用于呼吸疾病,而且大大增加了。迄今为止,已经提出了许多基于CXR成像的COVID-19筛选的视觉感知模型。然而,这些模型的准确性和概括能力在很大程度上取决于培训的数据集的多样性和大小。在此激励的情况下,我们介绍了Covidx CXR-3,这是CXR图像的大规模基准数据集,用于支持Covid-19计算机视觉研究。 COVIDX CXR-3由来自至少51个国家 /地区的17,026名患者组成的30,386个CXR图像组成,这使得我们最好,最广泛,最多样化的COVID-19 CXR数据集以开放式访问形式。在这里,我们提供有关拟议数据集的各个方面的全面细节,包括患者人口统计学,影像视图和感染类型。希望Covidx CXR-3可以帮助科学家推进计算机视觉研究,以抵制Covid-19的大流行。
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Pneumonia, a respiratory infection brought on by bacteria or viruses, affects a large number of people, especially in developing and impoverished countries where high levels of pollution, unclean living conditions, and overcrowding are frequently observed, along with insufficient medical infrastructure. Pleural effusion, a condition in which fluids fill the lung and complicate breathing, is brought on by pneumonia. Early detection of pneumonia is essential for ensuring curative care and boosting survival rates. The approach most usually used to diagnose pneumonia is chest X-ray imaging. The purpose of this work is to develop a method for the automatic diagnosis of bacterial and viral pneumonia in digital x-ray pictures. This article first presents the authors' technique, and then gives a comprehensive report on recent developments in the field of reliable diagnosis of pneumonia. In this study, here tuned a state-of-the-art deep convolutional neural network to classify plant diseases based on images and tested its performance. Deep learning architecture is compared empirically. VGG19, ResNet with 152v2, Resnext101, Seresnet152, Mobilenettv2, and DenseNet with 201 layers are among the architectures tested. Experiment data consists of two groups, sick and healthy X-ray pictures. To take appropriate action against plant diseases as soon as possible, rapid disease identification models are preferred. DenseNet201 has shown no overfitting or performance degradation in our experiments, and its accuracy tends to increase as the number of epochs increases. Further, DenseNet201 achieves state-of-the-art performance with a significantly a smaller number of parameters and within a reasonable computing time. This architecture outperforms the competition in terms of testing accuracy, scoring 95%. Each architecture was trained using Keras, using Theano as the backend.
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胸部计算机断层扫描(CT)成像为肺部传染病(如结核病(TB))的诊断和管理增添了宝贵的见解。但是,由于成本和资源的限制,只有X射线图像可用于初步诊断或在治疗过程中进行后续比较成像。由于其投影性,X射线图像可能更难解释临床医生。缺乏公开配对的X射线和CT图像数据集使训练3D重建模型的挑战。此外,胸部X射线放射学可能依赖具有不同图像质量的不同设备方式,并且潜在的种群疾病谱可能会在输入中产生多样性。我们提出了形状诱导,也就是说,在没有CT监督的情况下从X射线中学习3D CT的形状,作为一种新型技术,可以在训练重建模型的训练过程中结合现实的X射线分布。我们的实验表明,这一过程既提高了产生的CT的感知质量,也可以提高肺传染病的下游分类的准确性。
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最近的研究表明,X射线射线照相表现出比聚合酶链反应(PCR)检测更高的准确性。因此,将深度学习模型应用于X射线和放射线照相图像增加了确定COVID-19病例的速度和准确性。但是,由于健康保险的可移植性和问责制(HIPAA),医院由于隐私问题而不愿意共享患者数据。为了维持隐私,我们提出了不同的私人深度学习模型,以保护患者的私人信息。来自Kaggle网站的数据集用于评估用于COVID-19检测的设计模型。根据其最高测试精度选择了EditivedNet模型版本。将差异隐私约束注入到最佳模型中以评估性能。通过改变可训练的层,隐私损失以及每个样本中的限制信息来指出准确性。在微调过程中,我们获得了84 \%准确性,而隐私损失为10。
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我们为Covid-19的快速准确CT(DL-FACT)测试提供了一系列深度学习的计算框架。我们开发了基于CT的DL框架,通过基于DL的CT图像增强和分类来提高Covid-19(加上其变体)的测试速度和准确性。图像增强网络适用于DDNet,短暂的Dennet和基于Deconvolulate的网络。为了展示其速度和准确性,我们在Covid-19 CT图像的几个来源中评估了DL-FARE。我们的结果表明,DL-FACT可以显着缩短几天到几天的周转时间,并提高Covid-19测试精度高达91%。DL-FACT可以用作诊断和监测Covid-19的医学专业人员的软件工具。
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胸部射线照相是一种相对便宜,广泛的医疗程序,可传达用于进行诊断决策的关键信息。胸部X射线几乎总是用于诊断呼吸系统疾病,如肺炎或最近的Covid-19。在本文中,我们提出了一个自我监督的深神经网络,其在未标记的胸部X射线数据集上掠夺。学习的陈述转移到下游任务 - 呼吸系统疾病的分类。在四个公共数据集获得的结果表明,我们的方法在不需要大量标记的培训数据的情况下产生竞争力。
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