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在生物启发群体的成群制中拥挤的环境中,最近出现了SALP群优化(SSO)算法并立即获得了很多动量。灵感来自Salp殖民地的特殊空间排列,在领导者之后的长链中移位,该算法似乎提供了有趣的优化性能。然而,原创作品的特点是一些概念和数学缺陷,影响了对象的所有作品。在本手稿中,我们对SSO进行了一次关键审查,突出了文献中存在的所有问题及其对通过该算法进行的优化过程的负面影响。我们还提出了一个数学上正确的SSO版本,名为“修正的SALP Swarm Optimizer(ASSO)”,该SALP Swarm Optimizer(ASSO)修复了所有讨论的问题。我们在一系列定制的实验上基准测试ASOO的表现,表明它能够实现比原始SSO更好的结果。最后,我们进行了广泛的研究,旨在了解SSO及其变体是否提供与其他美术学相比的优势。实验结果,其中SSO不能优于简单的众所周知的核心学,表明科学界可以安全地放弃SSO。
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形成控制问题是群体智能领域中最关心的主题之一,通常通过常规数学方法来解决。然而,在本文中,我们提出了一种元疗法方法,该方法利用了一种自然的共同进化策略来解决一群导弹的形成控制问题。导弹群是由具有异质参考目标的二阶系统建模的,并将指数误差函数作为目标函数,以使群体融合到满足某些形成要求的最佳平衡状态。为了关注本地最佳和不稳定进化的问题,我们纳入了一种新颖的基于模型的政策约束和人口适应策略,从而大大减轻了绩效退化。通过在网络通信领域中应用Molloy reed标准,我们开发了一种自适应拓扑方法,该方法可以通过理论和实验验证节点失败及其有效性下的连通性及其有效性。实验结果有助于提议的形成控制方法的有效性。更重要的是,我们表明将通用形成控制问题视为马尔可夫决策过程(MDP)并通过迭代学习解决它是可行的。
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在多目标优化中,一组具有各种功能的可扩展测试问题使研究人员可以调查和评估不同优化算法的能力,因此可以帮助他们设计和开发更有效,更有效的方法。现有的测试问题套件主要集中在所有目标彼此完全冲突的情况下。在这种情况下,目标空间中的M-Obigntive优化问题具有(M-1)维帕累托前沿。但是,在某些优化问题中,目标之间可能存在意外的特征,例如冗余。某些目标的冗余可能会导致具有堕落的帕累托正面的多物镜问题,即,$ m $ - 目标问题的帕累托正面的尺寸小于(M-1)。在本文中,我们系统地研究了退化的多目标问题。我们抽象了退化问题的三个一般特征,这些特征未在文献中进行制定和系统地研究。基于这些特征,我们提出了一组测试问题,以支持在具有冗余目标的情况下对多目标优化算法进行研究。据我们所知,这项工作是第一项明确提出退化问题的三个特征,从而使所得的测试问题的一般性具有一般性的特征,与为特定目的设计的现有测试问题相比(例如,可视化),则允许所得的测试问题。 )。
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信息科学的快速发展引起的“维度诅咒”在处理大数据集时可能会产生负面影响。在本文中,我们提出了Sparrow搜索算法(SSA)的一种变体,称为帐篷L \'evy飞行麻雀搜索算法(TFSSA),并使用它来选择包装模式中最佳的特征子集以进行分类。 SSA是最近提出的算法,尚未系统地应用于特征选择问题。通过CEC2020基准函数进行验证后,TFSSA用于选择最佳功能组合,以最大化分类精度并最大程度地减少所选功能的数量。将拟议的TFSSA与文献中的九种算法进行了比较。 9个评估指标用于正确评估和比较UCI存储库中21个数据集上这些算法的性能。此外,该方法应用于冠状病毒病(COVID-19)数据集,分别获得最佳的平均分类精度和特征选择的平均数量,为93.47%和2.1。实验结果证实了所提出的算法在提高分类准确性和减少与其他基于包装器的算法相比的选定特征数量方面的优势。
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Many real-world problems are usually computationally costly and the objective functions evolve over time. Data-driven, a.k.a. surrogate-assisted, evolutionary optimization has been recognized as an effective approach for tackling expensive black-box optimization problems in a static environment whereas it has rarely been studied under dynamic environments. This paper proposes a simple but effective transfer learning framework to empower data-driven evolutionary optimization to solve dynamic optimization problems. Specifically, it applies a hierarchical multi-output Gaussian process to capture the correlation between data collected from different time steps with a linearly increased number of hyperparameters. Furthermore, an adaptive source task selection along with a bespoke warm staring initialization mechanisms are proposed to better leverage the knowledge extracted from previous optimization exercises. By doing so, the data-driven evolutionary optimization can jump start the optimization in the new environment with a strictly limited computational budget. Experiments on synthetic benchmark test problems and a real-world case study demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm against nine state-of-the-art peer algorithms.
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The local optima network model has proved useful in the past in connection with combinatorial optimization problems. Here we examine its extension to the real continuous function domain. Through a sampling process, the model builds a weighted directed graph which captures the function's minima basin structure and its interconnection and which can be easily manipulated with the help of complex networks metrics. We show that the model provides a complementary view of function spaces that is easier to analyze and visualize, especially at higher dimension. In particular, we show that function hardness as represented by algorithm performance, is strongly related to several graph properties of the corresponding local optima network, opening the way for a classification of problem difficulty according to the corresponding graph structure and with possible extensions in the design of better metaheuristic approaches.
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我们通过反馈信息研究了离线和在线上下文优化的问题,而不是观察损失,我们会在事后观察到最佳的动作,而是对目标功能充分了解的甲骨文。我们的目标是最大程度地减少遗憾,这被定义为我们的损失与全知的甲骨所产生的损失之间的区别。在离线设置中,决策者可以从过去段中获得信息,并且需要做出一个决策,而在在线环境中,决策者在每个时期内都会动态地基于一组新的可行动作和上下文功能,以动态进行决策。 。对于离线设置,我们表征了最佳的最小策略,确定可以实现的性能,这是数据引起的信息的基础几何形状的函数。在在线环境中,我们利用这种几何表征来优化累积遗憾。我们开发了一种算法,该算法在时间范围内产生了对数的第一个遗憾。
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许多优化问题都遭受噪声的困扰,基于非线性检查的分解方法(例如,差异分组)将完全无法检测到乘法噪声环境中变量之间的相互作用,因此,很难分解大型优化问题(LSOPS)嘈杂的环境。在本文中,我们提出了一个自动随机分组(ARG),该分组不需要用户指定的任何明确的超参数。仿真实验和数学分析表明,ARG可以检测没有适应性景观知识的变量之间的相互作用,而由ARG分解的子问题具有较小的尺度,这使EAS更容易优化。基于合作协调(CC)框架,我们引入了一个名为“修改差异进化”的高级优化器,其基于距离的选择(MDE-DS),以增强噪声环境中的搜索能力。与规范的DE相比,参数自我适应,多样化和强化之间的平衡以及基于距离的概率选择endow endow endow mde-ds具有更强的勘探和剥削能力。为了评估我们的提案的绩效,我们根据CEC2013 LSGO Suite设计了$ 500 $ -D和$ 1000 $ -D的问题。数值实验表明,我们的建议在嘈杂的环境中解决LSOP的前景广泛,并且很容易扩展到更高维度的问题。
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In this study, we consider simulation-based worst-case optimization problems with continuous design variables and a finite scenario set. To reduce the number of simulations required and increase the number of restarts for better local optimum solutions, we propose a new approach referred to as adaptive scenario subset selection (AS3). The proposed approach subsamples a scenario subset as a support to construct the worst-case function in a given neighborhood, and we introduce such a scenario subset. Moreover, we develop a new optimization algorithm by combining AS3 and the covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy (CMA-ES), denoted AS3-CMA-ES. At each algorithmic iteration, a subset of support scenarios is selected, and CMA-ES attempts to optimize the worst-case objective computed only through a subset of the scenarios. The proposed algorithm reduces the number of simulations required by executing simulations on only a scenario subset, rather than on all scenarios. In numerical experiments, we verified that AS3-CMA-ES is more efficient in terms of the number of simulations than the brute-force approach and a surrogate-assisted approach lq-CMA-ES when the ratio of the number of support scenarios to the total number of scenarios is relatively small. In addition, the usefulness of AS3-CMA-ES was evaluated for well placement optimization for carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS). In comparison with the brute-force approach and lq-CMA-ES, AS3-CMA-ES was able to find better solutions because of more frequent restarts.
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With the development of experimental quantum technology, quantum control has attracted increasing attention due to the realization of controllable artificial quantum systems. However, because quantum-mechanical systems are often too difficult to analytically deal with, heuristic strategies and numerical algorithms which search for proper control protocols are adopted, and, deep learning, especially deep reinforcement learning (RL), is a promising generic candidate solution for the control problems. Although there have been a few successful applications of deep RL to quantum control problems, most of the existing RL algorithms suffer from instabilities and unsatisfactory reproducibility, and require a large amount of fine-tuning and a large computational budget, both of which limit their applicability. To resolve the issue of instabilities, in this dissertation, we investigate the non-convergence issue of Q-learning. Then, we investigate the weakness of existing convergent approaches that have been proposed, and we develop a new convergent Q-learning algorithm, which we call the convergent deep Q network (C-DQN) algorithm, as an alternative to the conventional deep Q network (DQN) algorithm. We prove the convergence of C-DQN and apply it to the Atari 2600 benchmark. We show that when DQN fail, C-DQN still learns successfully. Then, we apply the algorithm to the measurement-feedback cooling problems of a quantum quartic oscillator and a trapped quantum rigid body. We establish the physical models and analyse their properties, and we show that although both C-DQN and DQN can learn to cool the systems, C-DQN tends to behave more stably, and when DQN suffers from instabilities, C-DQN can achieve a better performance. As the performance of DQN can have a large variance and lack consistency, C-DQN can be a better choice for researches on complicated control problems.
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Benchmarking is a key aspect of research into optimization algorithms, and as such the way in which the most popular benchmark suites are designed implicitly guides some parts of algorithm design. One of these suites is the black-box optimization benchmarking (BBOB) suite of 24 single-objective noiseless functions, which has been a standard for over a decade. Within this problem suite, different instances of a single problem can be created, which is beneficial for testing the stability and invariance of algorithms under transformations. In this paper, we investigate the BBOB instance creation protocol by considering a set of 500 instances for each BBOB problem. Using exploratory landscape analysis, we show that the distribution of landscape features across BBOB instances is highly diverse for a large set of problems. In addition, we run a set of eight algorithms across these 500 instances, and investigate for which cases statistically significant differences in performance occur. We argue that, while the transformations applied in BBOB instances do indeed seem to preserve the high-level properties of the functions, their difference in practice should not be overlooked, particularly when treating the problems as box-constrained instead of unconstrained.
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