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The health mention classification (HMC) task is the process of identifying and classifying mentions of health-related concepts in text. This can be useful for identifying and tracking the spread of diseases through social media posts. However, this is a non-trivial task. Here we build on recent studies suggesting that using emotional information may improve upon this task. Our study results in a framework for health mention classification that incorporates affective features. We present two methods, an intermediate task fine-tuning approach (implicit) and a multi-feature fusion approach (explicit) to incorporate emotions into our target task of HMC. We evaluated our approach on 5 HMC-related datasets from different social media platforms including three from Twitter, one from Reddit and another from a combination of social media sources. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach results in statistically significant performance gains on HMC tasks. By using the multi-feature fusion approach, we achieve at least a 3% improvement in F1 score over BERT baselines across all datasets. We also show that considering only negative emotions does not significantly affect performance on the HMC task. Additionally, our results indicate that HMC models infused with emotional knowledge are an effective alternative, especially when other HMC datasets are unavailable for domain-specific fine-tuning. The source code for our models is freely available at
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社交媒体网络已成为人们生活的重要方面,它是其思想,观点和情感的平台。因此,自动化情绪分析(SA)对于以其他信息来源无法识别人们的感受至关重要。对这些感觉的分析揭示了各种应用,包括品牌评估,YouTube电影评论和医疗保健应用。随着社交媒体的不断发展,人们以不同形式发布大量信息,包括文本,照片,音频和视频。因此,传统的SA算法已变得有限,因为它们不考虑其他方式的表现力。通过包括来自各种物质来源的此类特征,这些多模式数据流提供了新的机会,以优化基于文本的SA之外的预期结果。我们的研究重点是多模式SA的最前沿领域,该领域研究了社交媒体网络上发布的视觉和文本数据。许多人更有可能利用这些信息在这些平台上表达自己。为了作为这个快速增长的领域的学者资源,我们介绍了文本和视觉SA的全面概述,包括数据预处理,功能提取技术,情感基准数据集以及适合每个字段的多重分类方法的疗效。我们还简要介绍了最常用的数据融合策略,并提供了有关Visual Textual SA的现有研究的摘要。最后,我们重点介绍了最重大的挑战,并调查了一些重要的情感应用程序。
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信息通过社交媒体平台的传播可以创造可能对弱势社区的环境和社会中某些群体的沉默。为了减轻此类情况,已经开发了几种模型来检测仇恨和冒犯性言论。由于在社交媒体平台中检测仇恨和冒犯性演讲可能会错误地将个人排除在社交媒体平台之外,从而减少信任,因此有必要创建可解释和可解释的模型。因此,我们基于在Twitter数据上培训的XGBOOST算法建立了一个可解释且可解释的高性能模型。对于不平衡的Twitter数据,XGBoost在仇恨言语检测上的表现优于LSTM,Autogluon和ULMFIT模型,F1得分为0.75,而0.38和0.37分别为0.37和0.38。当我们将数据放到三个单独的类别的大约5000个推文中时,XGBoost的性能优于LSTM,Autogluon和Ulmfit;仇恨言语检测的F1分别为0.79和0.69、0.77和0.66。 XGBOOST在下采样版本中的进攻性语音检测中的F1得分分别为0.83和0.88、0.82和0.79,XGBOOST的表现也比LSTM,Autogluon和Ulmfit更好。我们在XGBoost模型的输出上使用Shapley添加说明(SHAP),以使其与Black-Box模型相比,与LSTM,Autogluon和Ulmfit相比,它可以解释和解释。
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我们提出了视觉和启发性语言变压器(Vault)。 Vault是流行的视觉和语言变压器(VILT)的扩展,并提高了视觉和语言任务的性能,这些任务涉及比图像字幕更复杂的文本输入,同时对训练和推理效率的影响最小。重要的是,Vilt通过使用浅图像编码器实现了有效的培训和视觉和语言任务的推断。但是,它是在字幕和类似的数据集上鉴定的,在该数据集中,语言输入简单,文字和描述性,因此缺乏语言多样性。因此,当使用野外多媒体数据(例如多模式社交媒体数据(在我们的工作,Twitter)中)时,从字幕语言数据以及任务多样性都有显着转变,我们确实找到了证据表明该语言vilt的能力是缺乏的。保险库的关键见解是将大型语言模型(例如Bert)的输出表示传播到Vilt的语言输入。我们表明,这种策略在涉及更丰富的语言输入和情感构造的视觉和语言任务上大大改善了毒品,例如Twitter-2015,Twitter-2015,Twitter-2017,MVSA-Single和MVSA-Multiple,但落后于纯粹的推理任务之后作为彭博Twitter文本图像关系数据集。我们已经在上发布了所有实验的代码。
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Detecting personal health mentions on social media is essential to complement existing health surveillance systems. However, annotating data for detecting health mentions at a large scale is a challenging task. This research employs a multitask learning framework to leverage available annotated data from a related task to improve the performance on the main task to detect personal health experiences mentioned in social media texts. Specifically, we focus on incorporating emotional information into our target task by using emotion detection as an auxiliary task. Our approach significantly improves a wide range of personal health mention detection tasks compared to a strong state-of-the-art baseline.
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In this paper, we present a study of regret and its expression on social media platforms. Specifically, we present a novel dataset of Reddit texts that have been classified into three classes: Regret by Action, Regret by Inaction, and No Regret. We then use this dataset to investigate the language used to express regret on Reddit and to identify the domains of text that are most commonly associated with regret. Our findings show that Reddit users are most likely to express regret for past actions, particularly in the domain of relationships. We also found that deep learning models using GloVe embedding outperformed other models in all experiments, indicating the effectiveness of GloVe for representing the meaning and context of words in the domain of regret. Overall, our study provides valuable insights into the nature and prevalence of regret on social media, as well as the potential of deep learning and word embeddings for analyzing and understanding emotional language in online text. These findings have implications for the development of natural language processing algorithms and the design of social media platforms that support emotional expression and communication.
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In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in research on automatic mental health detection (MHD) from social media data leveraging advances in natural language processing and machine learning techniques. While significant progress has been achieved in this interdisciplinary research area, the vast majority of work has treated MHD as a binary classification task. The multiclass classification setup is, however, essential if we are to uncover the subtle differences among the statistical patterns of language use associated with particular mental health conditions. Here, we report on experiments aimed at predicting six conditions (anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and psychological stress) from Reddit social media posts. We explore and compare the performance of hybrid and ensemble models leveraging transformer-based architectures (BERT and RoBERTa) and BiLSTM neural networks trained on within-text distributions of a diverse set of linguistic features. This set encompasses measures of syntactic complexity, lexical sophistication and diversity, readability, and register-specific ngram frequencies, as well as sentiment and emotion lexicons. In addition, we conduct feature ablation experiments to investigate which types of features are most indicative of particular mental health conditions.
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Climate change has become one of the biggest challenges of our time. Social media platforms such as Twitter play an important role in raising public awareness and spreading knowledge about the dangers of the current climate crisis. With the increasing number of campaigns and communication about climate change through social media, the information could create more awareness and reach the general public and policy makers. However, these Twitter communications lead to polarization of beliefs, opinion-dominated ideologies, and often a split into two communities of climate change deniers and believers. In this paper, we propose a framework that helps identify denier statements on Twitter and thus classifies the stance of the tweet into one of the two attitudes towards climate change (denier/believer). The sentimental aspects of Twitter data on climate change are deeply rooted in general public attitudes toward climate change. Therefore, our work focuses on learning two closely related tasks: Stance Detection and Sentiment Analysis of climate change tweets. We propose a multi-task framework that performs stance detection (primary task) and sentiment analysis (auxiliary task) simultaneously. The proposed model incorporates the feature-specific and shared-specific attention frameworks to fuse multiple features and learn the generalized features for both tasks. The experimental results show that the proposed framework increases the performance of the primary task, i.e., stance detection by benefiting from the auxiliary task, i.e., sentiment analysis compared to its uni-modal and single-task variants.
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Numerous machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL)-based approaches have been proposed to utilize textual data from social media for anti-social behavior analysis like cyberbullying, fake news detection, and identification of hate speech mainly for highly-resourced languages such as English. However, despite having a lot of diversity and millions of native speakers, some languages like Bengali are under-resourced, which is due to a lack of computational resources for natural language processing (NLP). Similar to other languages, Bengali social media contents also include images along with texts (e.g., multimodal memes are posted by embedding short texts into images on Facebook). Therefore, only the textual data is not enough to judge them since images might give extra context to make a proper judgement. This paper is about hate speech detection from multimodal Bengali memes and texts. We prepared the only multimodal hate speech dataset for-a-kind of problem for Bengali, which we use to train state-of-the-art neural architectures (e.g., Bi-LSTM/Conv-LSTM with word embeddings, ConvNets + pre-trained language models, e.g., monolingual Bangla BERT, multilingual BERT-cased/uncased, and XLM-RoBERTa) to jointly analyze textual and visual information for hate speech detection. Conv-LSTM and XLM-RoBERTa models performed best for texts, yielding F1 scores of 0.78 and 0.82, respectively. As of memes, ResNet-152 and DenseNet-161 models yield F1 scores of 0.78 and 0.79, respectively. As for multimodal fusion, XLM-RoBERTa + DenseNet-161 performed the best, yielding an F1 score of 0.83. Our study suggests that text modality is most useful for hate speech detection, while memes are moderately useful.
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近年来,已经出现了许多巨魔帐户来操纵社交媒体的意见。对于社交网络平台而言,检测和消除巨魔是一个关键问题,因为企业,滥用者和民族国家赞助的巨魔农场使用虚假和自动化的帐户。 NLP技术用于从社交网络文本中提取数据,例如Twitter推文。在许多文本处理应用程序中,诸如BERT之类的单词嵌入表示方法的执行效果要好于先前的NLP技术,从而为各种任务提供了新颖的突破,以精确理解和分类社交网络工作信息。本文实施并比较了九个基于深度学习的巨魔推文检测体系结构,每个bert,elmo和手套词嵌入模型的三个模型。精度,召回,F1分数,AUC和分类精度用于评估每个体系结构。从实验结果中,大多数使用BERT模型的架构改进了巨魔推文检测。具有GRU分类器的基于自定义的基于ELMO的体系结构具有检测巨魔消息的最高AUC。所提出的体系结构可以由各种基于社会的系统用于未来检测巨魔消息。
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假新闻是制作作为真实的信息,有意欺骗读者。最近,依靠社交媒体的人民币为新闻消费的人数显着增加。由于这种快速增加,错误信息的不利影响会影响更广泛的受众。由于人们对这种欺骗性的假新闻的脆弱性增加,在早期阶段检测错误信息的可靠技术是必要的。因此,作者提出了一种基于图形的基于图形的框架社会图,其具有多头关注和发布者信息和新闻统计网络(SOMPS-Net),包括两个组件 - 社交交互图(SIG)和发布者和新闻统计信息(PNS)。假设模型在HealthStory DataSet上进行了实验,并在包括癌症,阿尔茨海默,妇产科和营养等各种医疗主题上推广。 Somps-Net明显优于其他基于现实的图表的模型,在HealthStory上实验17.1%。此外,早期检测的实验表明,Somps-Net预测的假新闻文章在其广播仅需8小时内为79%确定。因此,这项工作的贡献奠定了在早期阶段捕获多种医疗主题的假健康新闻的基础。
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BERT,ROBERTA或GPT-3等复杂的基于注意力的语言模型的外观已允许在许多场景中解决高度复杂的任务。但是,当应用于特定域时,这些模型会遇到相当大的困难。诸如Twitter之类的社交网络就是这种情况,Twitter是一种不断变化的信息流,以非正式和复杂的语言编写的信息流,鉴于人类的重要作用,每个信息都需要仔细评估,即使人类也需要理解。通过自然语言处理解决该领域的任务涉及严重的挑战。当将强大的最先进的多语言模型应用于这种情况下,特定语言的细微差别用来迷失翻译。为了面对这些挑战,我们提出了\ textbf {bertuit},这是迄今为止针对西班牙语提出的较大变压器,使用Roberta Optimization进行了230m西班牙推文的大规模数据集进行了预培训。我们的动机是提供一个强大的资源,以更好地了解西班牙Twitter,并用于专注于该社交网络的应用程序,特别强调致力于解决该平台中错误信息传播的解决方案。对Bertuit进行了多个任务评估,并与M-Bert,XLM-Roberta和XLM-T进行了比较,该任务非常具有竞争性的多语言变压器。在这种情况下,使用应用程序显示了我们方法的实用性:一种可视化骗局和分析作者群体传播虚假信息的零击方法。错误的信息在英语以外的其他语言等平台上疯狂地传播,这意味着在英语说话之外转移时,变形金刚的性能可能会受到影响。
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