Generative neural samplers are probabilistic models that implement sampling using feedforward neural networks: they take a random input vector and produce a sample from a probability distribution defined by the network weights. These models are expressive and allow efficient computation of samples and derivatives, but cannot be used for computing likelihoods or for marginalization. The generativeadversarial training method allows to train such models through the use of an auxiliary discriminative neural network. We show that the generative-adversarial approach is a special case of an existing more general variational divergence estimation approach. We show that any f -divergence can be used for training generative neural samplers. We discuss the benefits of various choices of divergence functions on training complexity and the quality of the obtained generative models.
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在没有明确或易于处理的可能性的情况下,贝叶斯人经常诉诸于贝叶斯计算(ABC)进行推理。我们的工作基于生成的对抗网络(GAN)和对抗性变分贝叶斯(GAN),为ABC桥接了ABC。 ABC和GAN都比较了观察到的数据和假数据的各个方面,分别从后代和似然模拟。我们开发了一个贝叶斯gan(B-GAN)采样器,该采样器通过解决对抗性优化问题直接靶向后部。 B-GAN是由有条件gan在ABC参考上学习的确定性映射驱动的。一旦训练了映射,就可以通过以可忽略的额外费用过滤噪声来获得IID后样品。我们建议使用(1)数据驱动的提案和(2)变化贝叶斯提出两项后处理的本地改进。我们通过常见的bayesian结果支持我们的发现,表明对于某些神经网络发生器和歧视器,真实和近似后骨之间的典型总变化距离收敛到零。我们对模拟数据的发现相对于一些最新的无可能后验模拟器显示出竞争激烈的性能。
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在概率密度范围内相对于Wassersein度量的空间的梯度流程通常具有很好的特性,并且已在几种机器学习应用中使用。计算Wasserstein梯度流量的标准方法是有限差异,使网格上的基础空间离散,并且不可扩展。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种可扩展的近端梯度型算法,用于Wassersein梯度流。我们的方法的关键是目标函数的变分形式,这使得可以通过引流 - 双重优化实现JKO近端地图。可以通过替代地更新内部和外环中的参数来有效地解决该原始问题。我们的框架涵盖了包括热方程和多孔介质方程的所有经典Wasserstein梯度流。我们展示了若干数值示例的算法的性能和可扩展性。
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生成对抗网络(GAN)在数据生成方面取得了巨大成功。但是,其统计特性尚未完全理解。在本文中,我们考虑了GAN的一般$ f $ divergence公式的统计行为,其中包括Kullback- Leibler Divergence与最大似然原理密切相关。我们表明,对于正确指定的参数生成模型,在适当的规律性条件下,所有具有相同歧视类别类别的$ f $ divergence gans均在渐近上等效。 Moreover, with an appropriately chosen local discriminator, they become equivalent to the maximum likelihood estimate asymptotically.对于被误解的生成模型,具有不同$ f $ -Divergences {收敛到不同估计器}的gan,因此无法直接比较。但是,结果表明,对于某些常用的$ f $ -Diverences,原始的$ f $ gan并不是最佳的,因为当更换原始$ f $ gan配方中的判别器培训时,可以实现较小的渐近方差通过逻辑回归。结果估计方法称为对抗梯度估计(年龄)。提供了实证研究来支持该理论,并证明了年龄的优势,而不是模型错误的原始$ f $ gans。
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For distributions $\mathbb{P}$ and $\mathbb{Q}$ with different supports or undefined densities, the divergence $\textrm{D}(\mathbb{P}||\mathbb{Q})$ may not exist. We define a Spread Divergence $\tilde{\textrm{D}}(\mathbb{P}||\mathbb{Q})$ on modified $\mathbb{P}$ and $\mathbb{Q}$ and describe sufficient conditions for the existence of such a divergence. We demonstrate how to maximize the discriminatory power of a given divergence by parameterizing and learning the spread. We also give examples of using a Spread Divergence to train implicit generative models, including linear models (Independent Components Analysis) and non-linear models (Deep Generative Networks).
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We propose a new framework for estimating generative models via an adversarial process, in which we simultaneously train two models: a generative model G that captures the data distribution, and a discriminative model D that estimates the probability that a sample came from the training data rather than G. The training procedure for G is to maximize the probability of D making a mistake. This framework corresponds to a minimax two-player game. In the space of arbitrary functions G and D, a unique solution exists, with G recovering the training data distribution and D equal to 1 2 everywhere. In the case where G and D are defined by multilayer perceptrons, the entire system can be trained with backpropagation. There is no need for any Markov chains or unrolled approximate inference networks during either training or generation of samples. Experiments demonstrate the potential of the framework through qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the generated samples.
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近似复杂的概率密度是现代统计中的核心问题。在本文中,我们介绍了变分推理(VI)的概念,这是一种机器学习中的流行方法,该方法使用优化技术来估计复杂的概率密度。此属性允许VI汇聚速度比经典方法更快,例如Markov Chain Monte Carlo采样。概念上,VI通过选择一个概率密度函数,然后找到最接近实际概率密度的家庭 - 通常使用Kullback-Leibler(KL)发散作为优化度量。我们介绍了缩窄的证据,以促进近似的概率密度,我们审查了平均场变分推理背后的想法。最后,我们讨论VI对变分式自动编码器(VAE)和VAE-生成的对抗网络(VAE-GAN)的应用。用本文,我们的目标是解释VI的概念,并通过这种方法协助协助。
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We investigate the training and performance of generative adversarial networks using the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) as critic, termed MMD GANs. As our main theoretical contribution, we clarify the situation with bias in GAN loss functions raised by recent work: we show that gradient estimators used in the optimization process for both MMD GANs and Wasserstein GANs are unbiased, but learning a discriminator based on samples leads to biased gradients for the generator parameters. We also discuss the issue of kernel choice for the MMD critic, and characterize the kernel corresponding to the energy distance used for the Cramér GAN critic. Being an integral probability metric, the MMD benefits from training strategies recently developed for Wasserstein GANs. In experiments, the MMD GAN is able to employ a smaller critic network than the Wasserstein GAN, resulting in a simpler and faster-training algorithm with matching performance. We also propose an improved measure of GAN convergence, the Kernel Inception Distance, and show how to use it to dynamically adapt learning rates during GAN training.
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Denoising diffusions are state-of-the-art generative models which exhibit remarkable empirical performance and come with theoretical guarantees. The core idea of these models is to progressively transform the empirical data distribution into a simple Gaussian distribution by adding noise using a diffusion. We obtain new samples whose distribution is close to the data distribution by simulating a "denoising" diffusion approximating the time reversal of this "noising" diffusion. This denoising diffusion relies on approximations of the logarithmic derivatives of the noised data densities, known as scores, obtained using score matching. Such models can be easily extended to perform approximate posterior simulation in high-dimensional scenarios where one can only sample from the prior and simulate synthetic observations from the likelihood. These methods have been primarily developed for data on $\mathbb{R}^d$ while extensions to more general spaces have been developed on a case-by-case basis. We propose here a general framework which not only unifies and generalizes this approach to a wide class of spaces but also leads to an original extension of score matching. We illustrate the resulting class of denoising Markov models on various applications.
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这是关于生成对抗性网络(GaN),对抗性自身额外的教程和调查纸张及其变体。我们开始解释对抗性学习和香草甘。然后,我们解释了条件GaN和DCGAN。介绍了模式崩溃问题,介绍了各种方法,包括小纤维GaN,展开GaN,Bourgan,混合GaN,D2Gan和Wasserstein GaN,用于解决这个问题。然后,GaN中的最大似然估计与F-GaN,对抗性变分贝叶斯和贝叶斯甘甘相同。然后,我们涵盖了GaN,Infogan,Gran,Lsgan,Enfogan,Gran,Lsgan,Catgan,MMD Gan,Lapgan,Progressive Gan,Triple Gan,Lag,Gman,Adagan,Cogan,逆甘,Bigan,Ali,Sagan,Sagan,Sagan,Sagan,甘肃,甘肃,甘河的插值和评估。然后,我们介绍了GaN的一些应用,例如图像到图像转换(包括Pacchgan,Cyclegan,Deepfacedrawing,模拟GaN,Interactive GaN),文本到图像转换(包括Stackgan)和混合图像特征(包括罚球和mixnmatch)。最后,我们解释了基于对冲学习的AutoEncoders,包括对手AutoEncoder,Pixelgan和隐式AutoEncoder。
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速率 - 失真(R-D)函数,信息理论中的关键数量,其特征在于,通过任何压缩算法,通过任何压缩算法将数据源可以压缩到保真标准的基本限制。随着研究人员推动了不断提高的压缩性能,建立给定数据源的R-D功能不仅具有科学的兴趣,而且还在可能的空间上揭示了改善压缩算法的可能性。以前的解决此问题依赖于数据源上的分布假设(Gibson,2017)或仅应用于离散数据。相比之下,本文使得第一次尝试播放常规(不一定是离散的)源仅需要i.i.d的算法的算法。数据样本。我们估计高斯和高尺寸香蕉形源的R-D三明治界,以及GaN生成的图像。我们在自然图像上的R-D上限表示在各种比特率的PSNR中提高最先进的图像压缩方法的性能的空间。
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近似贝叶斯计算(ABC)使复杂模型中的统计推断能够计算,其可能性难以计算,但易于模拟。 ABC通过接受/拒绝机制构建到后部分布的内核类型近似,该机制比较真实和模拟数据的摘要统计信息。为了避免对汇总统计数据的需求,我们直接将经验分布与通过分类获得的Kullback-Leibler(KL)发散估计值进行比较。特别是,我们将灵活的机器学习分类器混合在ABC中以自动化虚假/真实数据比较。我们考虑传统的接受/拒绝内核以及不需要ABC接受阈值的指数加权方案。我们的理论结果表明,我们的ABC后部分布集中在真实参数周围的速率取决于分类器的估计误差。我们得出了限制后形状的结果,并找到了一个正确缩放的指数内核,渐近常态持有。我们展示了我们对模拟示例以及在股票波动率估计的背景下的真实数据的有用性。
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变性推理(VI)为基于传统的采样方法提供了一种吸引人的替代方法,用于实施贝叶斯推断,因为其概念性的简单性,统计准确性和计算可扩展性。然而,常见的变分近似方案(例如平均场(MF)近似)需要某些共轭结构以促进有效的计算,这可能会增加不必要的限制对可行的先验分布家族,并对变异近似族对差异进行进一步的限制。在这项工作中,我们开发了一个通用计算框架,用于实施MF-VI VIA WASSERSTEIN梯度流(WGF),这是概率度量空间上的梯度流。当专门针对贝叶斯潜在变量模型时,我们将分析基于时间消化的WGF交替最小化方案的算法收敛,用于实现MF近似。特别是,所提出的算法类似于EM算法的分布版本,包括更新潜在变量变异分布的E step以及在参数的变异分布上进行最陡峭下降的m step。我们的理论分析依赖于概率度量空间中的最佳运输理论和细分微积分。我们证明了时间限制的WGF的指数收敛性,以最大程度地减少普通大地测量学严格的凸度的通用物镜功能。我们还提供了通过使用时间限制的WGF的固定点方程从MF近似获得的变异分布的指数收缩的新证明。我们将方法和理论应用于两个经典的贝叶斯潜在变量模型,即高斯混合模型和回归模型的混合物。还进行了数值实验,以补充这两个模型下的理论发现。
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考虑Huber污染高斯模型下的位置与差异矩阵的同时估计问题。首先,我们在人口层面上学习最低$ F $估计,对应于具有非参数鉴别者的生成对抗方法,并在$ F $建立条件,这导致强大的估计,类似于最小距离估计的鲁棒性。更重要的是,我们开发具有简单的样条鉴别器的贸易对抗算法,其可以通过嵌套优化实现,使得可以通过给出当前发生器来最大化凹形物理函数来完全更新鉴别器参数。提出的方法显示,根据$ F $ -diverence和所使用的罚款,可以实现最低限度的最佳速率或接近最佳速率。我们提出了模拟研究,以证明具有经典鲁棒估算器,成对方法和神经网络鉴别器的成对方法和生成对抗方法的提出方法的优势。
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我们开发了一个探索漏洞利用马尔可夫链Monte Carlo算法($ \ OperatorName {ex ^ 2mcmc} $),它结合了多个全局提议和本地移动。所提出的方法是巨大的平行化和极其计算的高效。我们证明$ \ operatorname {ex ^ 2mcmc} $下的$ v $ v $ -unique几何ergodicity在现实条件下,并计算混合速率的显式界限,显示多个全局移动带来的改进。我们展示$ \ operatorname {ex ^ 2mcmc} $允许通过提出依赖全局移动的新方法进行微调剥削(本地移动)和探索(全球移动)。最后,我们开发了一个自适应方案,$ \ OperatorName {Flex ^ 2mcmc} $,它学习使用归一化流的全局动作的分布。我们说明了许多经典采样基准测试的$ \ OperatorName {ex ^ 2mccmc} $及其自适应版本的效率。我们还表明,这些算法提高了对基于能量的模型的抽样GAN的质量。
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本文介绍了一种新的基于仿真的推理程序,以对访问I.I.D. \ samples的多维概率分布进行建模和样本,从而规避明确建模密度函数或设计Markov Chain Monte Carlo的通常方法。我们提出了一个称为可逆的Gromov-monge(RGM)距离的新概念的距离和同构的动机,并研究了RGM如何用于设计新的转换样本,以执行基于模拟的推断。我们的RGM采样器还可以估计两个异质度量度量空间之间的最佳对齐$(\ cx,\ mu,c _ {\ cx})$和$(\ cy,\ cy,\ nu,c _ {\ cy})$从经验数据集中,估计的地图大约将一个量度$ \ mu $推向另一个$ \ nu $,反之亦然。我们研究了RGM距离的分析特性,并在轻度条件下得出RGM等于经典的Gromov-Wasserstein距离。奇怪的是,与Brenier的两极分解结合了连接,我们表明RGM采样器以$ C _ {\ cx} $和$ C _ {\ cy} $的正确选择诱导了强度同构的偏见。研究了有关诱导采样器的收敛,表示和优化问题的统计率。还展示了展示RGM采样器有效性的合成和现实示例。
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How can we perform efficient inference and learning in directed probabilistic models, in the presence of continuous latent variables with intractable posterior distributions, and large datasets? We introduce a stochastic variational inference and learning algorithm that scales to large datasets and, under some mild differentiability conditions, even works in the intractable case. Our contributions is two-fold. First, we show that a reparameterization of the variational lower bound yields a lower bound estimator that can be straightforwardly optimized using standard stochastic gradient methods. Second, we show that for i.i.d. datasets with continuous latent variables per datapoint, posterior inference can be made especially efficient by fitting an approximate inference model (also called a recognition model) to the intractable posterior using the proposed lower bound estimator. Theoretical advantages are reflected in experimental results.
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