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我们介绍了Omnixai(Omni可解释的AI缩写),这是一个可解释AI(XAI)的开源Python库,它提供了可解释的AI功能和各种可解释的机器学习技术,以解决理解和解释做出的决策的痛苦点通过机器学习(ML)实践。 Omnixai的目标是成为一个一站式综合图书馆,使数据科学家,ML研究人员和从业人员易于解释,他们需要在ML流程的不同阶段进行各种类型的数据,模型和解释方法解释(数据探索,功能工程,模型,模型,发展,评估和决策等)。特别是,我们的库包括一个集成在统一界面中的丰富的解释方法,该方法支持多种数据类型(表格数据,图像,文本,时间序列),多种类型的ML模型(Scikit-Learn中的传统ML和Deep中的传统ML) Pytorch/Tensorflow中的学习模型,以及一系列不同的解释方法,包括“模型特定”和“模型 - 敏捷”的方法(例如特征 - 属性解释,反事实说明,基于梯度的解释,基于梯度的解释等)。对于从业人员而言,图书馆提供了一个易于使用的统一界面,仅通过编写几行代码来生成其应用程序的解释,以及一个GUI仪表板,用于可视化不同的解释,以提供有关决策的更多见解。在此技术报告中,我们介绍了Omnixai的设计原理,系统体系结构和主要功能,并在不同类型的数据,任务和模型中演示了几个示例用例。
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尽管在最近的文献中提出了几种类型的事后解释方法(例如,特征归因方法),但在系统地以有效且透明的方式进行系统基准测试这些方法几乎没有工作。在这里,我们介绍了OpenXai,这是一个全面且可扩展的开源框架,用于评估和基准测试事后解释方法。 OpenXAI由以下关键组件组成:(i)灵活的合成数据生成器以及各种现实世界数据集,预训练的模型和最新功能属性方法的集合,(ii)开源实现22个定量指标,用于评估忠诚,稳定性(稳健性)和解释方法的公平性,以及(iii)有史以来第一个公共XAI XAI排行榜对基准解释。 OpenXAI很容易扩展,因为用户可以轻松地评估自定义说明方法并将其纳入我们的排行榜。总体而言,OpenXAI提供了一种自动化的端到端管道,该管道不仅简化并标准化了事后解释方法的评估,而且还促进了基准这些方法的透明度和可重复性。 OpenXAI数据集和数据加载程序,最先进的解释方法的实现和评估指标以及排行榜,可在https://open-xai.github.io/上公开获得。
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Deep Learning and Machine Learning based models have become extremely popular in text processing and information retrieval. However, the non-linear structures present inside the networks make these models largely inscrutable. A significant body of research has focused on increasing the transparency of these models. This article provides a broad overview of research on the explainability and interpretability of natural language processing and information retrieval methods. More specifically, we survey approaches that have been applied to explain word embeddings, sequence modeling, attention modules, transformers, BERT, and document ranking. The concluding section suggests some possible directions for future research on this topic.
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State-of-the-art machine translation evaluation metrics are based on black-box language models. Hence, recent works consider their explainability with the goals of better understandability for humans and better metric analysis, including failure cases. In contrast, we explicitly leverage explanations to boost the metrics' performance. In particular, we perceive explanations as word-level scores, which we convert, via power means, into sentence-level scores. We combine this sentence-level score with the original metric to obtain a better metric. Our extensive evaluation and analysis across 5 datasets, 5 metrics and 4 explainability techniques shows that some configurations reliably improve the original metrics' correlation with human judgment. On two held datasets for testing, we obtain improvements in 15/18 resp. 4/4 cases. The gains in Pearson correlation are up to 0.032 resp. 0.055. We make our code available.
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As the societal impact of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) grows, the goals for advancing DNNs become more complex and diverse, ranging from improving a conventional model accuracy metric to infusing advanced human virtues such as fairness, accountability, transparency (FaccT), and unbiasedness. Recently, techniques in Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) are attracting considerable attention, and have tremendously helped Machine Learning (ML) engineers in understanding AI models. However, at the same time, we started to witness the emerging need beyond XAI among AI communities; based on the insights learned from XAI, how can we better empower ML engineers in steering their DNNs so that the model's reasonableness and performance can be improved as intended? This article provides a timely and extensive literature overview of the field Explanation-Guided Learning (EGL), a domain of techniques that steer the DNNs' reasoning process by adding regularization, supervision, or intervention on model explanations. In doing so, we first provide a formal definition of EGL and its general learning paradigm. Secondly, an overview of the key factors for EGL evaluation, as well as summarization and categorization of existing evaluation procedures and metrics for EGL are provided. Finally, the current and potential future application areas and directions of EGL are discussed, and an extensive experimental study is presented aiming at providing comprehensive comparative studies among existing EGL models in various popular application domains, such as Computer Vision (CV) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) domains.
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Artificial intelligence(AI) systems based on deep neural networks (DNNs) and machine learning (ML) algorithms are increasingly used to solve critical problems in bioinformatics, biomedical informatics, and precision medicine. However, complex DNN or ML models that are unavoidably opaque and perceived as black-box methods, may not be able to explain why and how they make certain decisions. Such black-box models are difficult to comprehend not only for targeted users and decision-makers but also for AI developers. Besides, in sensitive areas like healthcare, explainability and accountability are not only desirable properties of AI but also legal requirements -- especially when AI may have significant impacts on human lives. Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) is an emerging field that aims to mitigate the opaqueness of black-box models and make it possible to interpret how AI systems make their decisions with transparency. An interpretable ML model can explain how it makes predictions and which factors affect the model's outcomes. The majority of state-of-the-art interpretable ML methods have been developed in a domain-agnostic way and originate from computer vision, automated reasoning, or even statistics. Many of these methods cannot be directly applied to bioinformatics problems, without prior customization, extension, and domain adoption. In this paper, we discuss the importance of explainability with a focus on bioinformatics. We analyse and comprehensively overview of model-specific and model-agnostic interpretable ML methods and tools. Via several case studies covering bioimaging, cancer genomics, and biomedical text mining, we show how bioinformatics research could benefit from XAI methods and how they could help improve decision fairness.
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The majority of existing post-hoc explanation approaches for machine learning models produce independent per-variable feature attribution scores, ignoring a critical characteristic, such as the inter-variable relationship between features that naturally occurs in visual and textual data. In response, we develop a novel model-agnostic and permutation-based feature attribution algorithm based on the relational analysis between input variables. As a result, we are able to gain a broader insight into machine learning model decisions and data. This type of local explanation measures the effects of interrelationships between local features, which provides another critical aspect of explanations. Experimental evaluations of our framework using setups involving both image and text data modalities demonstrate its effectiveness and validity.
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Explainability is a vibrant research topic in the artificial intelligence community, with growing interest across methods and domains. Much has been written about the topic, yet explainability still lacks shared terminology and a framework capable of providing structural soundness to explanations. In our work, we address these issues by proposing a novel definition of explanation that is a synthesis of what can be found in the literature. We recognize that explanations are not atomic but the product of evidence stemming from the model and its input-output and the human interpretation of this evidence. Furthermore, we fit explanations into the properties of faithfulness (i.e., the explanation being a true description of the model's decision-making) and plausibility (i.e., how much the explanation looks convincing to the user). Using our proposed theoretical framework simplifies how these properties are ope rationalized and provide new insight into common explanation methods that we analyze as case studies.
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人工智能(AI)和机器学习(ML)在网络安全挑战中的应用已在行业和学术界的吸引力,部分原因是对关键系统(例如云基础架构和政府机构)的广泛恶意软件攻击。入侵检测系统(IDS)使用某些形式的AI,由于能够以高预测准确性处理大量数据,因此获得了广泛的采用。这些系统托管在组织网络安全操作中心(CSOC)中,作为一种防御工具,可监视和检测恶意网络流,否则会影响机密性,完整性和可用性(CIA)。 CSOC分析师依靠这些系统来决定检测到的威胁。但是,使用深度学习(DL)技术设计的IDS通常被视为黑匣子模型,并且没有为其预测提供理由。这为CSOC分析师造成了障碍,因为他们无法根据模型的预测改善决策。解决此问题的一种解决方案是设计可解释的ID(X-IDS)。这项调查回顾了可解释的AI(XAI)的最先进的ID,目前的挑战,并讨论了这些挑战如何涉及X-ID的设计。特别是,我们全面讨论了黑匣子和白盒方法。我们还在这些方法之间的性能和产生解释的能力方面提出了权衡。此外,我们提出了一种通用体系结构,该建筑认为人类在循环中,该架构可以用作设计X-ID时的指南。研究建议是从三个关键观点提出的:需要定义ID的解释性,需要为各种利益相关者量身定制的解释以及设计指标来评估解释的需求。
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Abusive language is a concerning problem in online social media. Past research on detecting abusive language covers different platforms, languages, demographies, etc. However, models trained using these datasets do not perform well in cross-domain evaluation settings. To overcome this, a common strategy is to use a few samples from the target domain to train models to get better performance in that domain (cross-domain few-shot training). However, this might cause the models to overfit the artefacts of those samples. A compelling solution could be to guide the models toward rationales, i.e., spans of text that justify the text's label. This method has been found to improve model performance in the in-domain setting across various NLP tasks. In this paper, we propose RAFT (Rationale Adaptor for Few-shoT classification) for abusive language detection. We first build a multitask learning setup to jointly learn rationales, targets, and labels, and find a significant improvement of 6% macro F1 on the rationale detection task over training solely rationale classifiers. We introduce two rationale-integrated BERT-based architectures (the RAFT models) and evaluate our systems over five different abusive language datasets, finding that in the few-shot classification setting, RAFT-based models outperform baseline models by about 7% in macro F1 scores and perform competitively to models finetuned on other source domains. Furthermore, RAFT-based models outperform LIME/SHAP-based approaches in terms of plausibility and are close in performance in terms of faithfulness.
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