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Image quality assessment (IQA) forms a natural and often straightforward undertaking for humans, yet effective automation of the task remains highly challenging. Recent metrics from the deep learning community commonly compare image pairs during training to improve upon traditional metrics such as PSNR or SSIM. However, current comparisons ignore the fact that image content affects quality assessment as comparisons only occur between images of similar content. This restricts the diversity and number of image pairs that the model is exposed to during training. In this paper, we strive to enrich these comparisons with content diversity. Firstly, we relax comparison constraints, and compare pairs of images with differing content. This increases the variety of available comparisons. Secondly, we introduce listwise comparisons to provide a holistic view to the model. By including differentiable regularizers, derived from correlation coefficients, models can better adjust predicted scores relative to one another. Evaluation on multiple benchmarks, covering a wide range of distortions and image content, shows the effectiveness of our learning scheme for training image quality assessment models.
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现有的基于深度学习的全参考IQA(FR-IQA)模型通常通过明确比较特征,以确定性的方式预测图像质量,从而衡量图像严重扭曲的图像是多远,相应的功能与参考的空间相对远。图片。本文中,我们从不同的角度看这个问题,并提议从统计分布的角度对知觉空间中的质量降解进行建模。因此,根据深度特征域中的Wasserstein距离来测量质量。更具体地说,根据执行最终质量评分,测量了预训练VGG网络的每个阶段的1Dwasserstein距离。 Deep Wasserstein距离(DEEPWSD)在神经网络的功能上执行的,可以更好地解释由各种扭曲引起的质量污染,并提出了高级质量预测能力。广泛的实验和理论分析表明,在质量预测和优化方面,提出的DEEPWSD的优越性。
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Subjective image-quality measurement plays a critical role in the development of image-processing applications. The purpose of a visual-quality metric is to approximate the results of subjective assessment. In this regard, more and more metrics are under development, but little research has considered their limitations. This paper addresses that deficiency: we show how image preprocessing before compression can artificially increase the quality scores provided by the popular metrics DISTS, LPIPS, HaarPSI, and VIF as well as how these scores are inconsistent with subjective-quality scores. We propose a series of neural-network preprocessing models that increase DISTS by up to 34.5%, LPIPS by up to 36.8%, VIF by up to 98.0%, and HaarPSI by up to 22.6% in the case of JPEG-compressed images. A subjective comparison of preprocessed images showed that for most of the metrics we examined, visual quality drops or stays unchanged, limiting the applicability of these metrics.
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Deep learning-based full-reference image quality assessment (FR-IQA) models typically rely on the feature distance between the reference and distorted images. However, the underlying assumption of these models that the distance in the deep feature domain could quantify the quality degradation does not scientifically align with the invariant texture perception, especially when the images are generated artificially by neural networks. In this paper, we bring a radical shift in inferring the quality with learned features and propose the Deep Image Dependency (DID) based FR-IQA model. The feature dependency facilitates the comparisons of deep learning features in a high-order manner with Brownian distance covariance, which is characterized by the joint distribution of the features from reference and test images, as well as their marginal distributions. This enables the quantification of the feature dependency against nonlinear transformation, which is far beyond the computation of the numerical errors in the feature space. Experiments on image quality prediction, texture image similarity, and geometric invariance validate the superior performance of our proposed measure.
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在这项工作中,我们介绍了梯度暹罗网络(GSN)进行图像质量评估。所提出的方法熟练地捕获了全参考图像质量评估(IQA)任务中扭曲的图像和参考图像之间的梯度特征。我们利用中央微分卷积获得图像对中隐藏的语义特征和细节差异。此外,空间注意力指导网络专注于与图像细节相关的区域。对于网络提取的低级,中级和高级功能,我们创新设计了一种多级融合方法,以提高功能利用率的效率。除了常见的均方根错误监督外,我们还进一步考虑了批处理样本之间的相对距离,并成功地将KL差异丢失应用于图像质量评估任务。我们在几个公开可用的数据集上试验了提出的算法GSN,并证明了其出色的性能。我们的网络赢得了NTIRE 2022感知图像质量评估挑战赛1的第二名。
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本文报告了NTIRE 2022关于感知图像质量评估(IQA)的挑战,并与CVPR 2022的图像恢复和增强研讨会(NTIRE)研讨会(NTIRE)讲习班的新趋势举行。感知图像处理算法。这些算法的输出图像与传统扭曲具有完全不同的特征,并包含在此挑战中使用的PIP数据集中。这个挑战分为两条曲目,一个类似于以前的NTIRE IQA挑战的全参考IQA轨道,以及一条侧重于No-Reference IQA方法的新曲目。挑战有192和179名注册参与者的两条曲目。在最后的测试阶段,有7和8个参与的团队提交了模型和事实表。几乎所有这些都比现有的IQA方法取得了更好的结果,并且获胜方法可以证明最先进的性能。
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随着移动平台上对计算摄影和成像的需求不断增长,在相机系统中开发和集成了高级图像传感器与新型算法的发展。但是,缺乏用于研究的高质量数据以及从行业和学术界进行深入交流的难得的机会限制了移动智能摄影和成像(MIPI)的发展。为了弥合差距,我们引入了第一个MIPI挑战,其中包括五个专注于新型图像传感器和成像算法的曲目。在本文中,引入了QUAD Remosaic和Denoise,这是五个曲目之一,在完全分辨率上进行了四QFA插值向拜耳进行插值。为参与者提供了一个新的数据集,包括70(培训)和15个(验证)高品质四边形和拜耳对的场景。此外,对于每个场景,在0dB,24dB和42dB上提供了不同噪声水平的四边形。所有数据均在室外和室内条件下使用四边形传感器捕获。最终结果使用客观指标,包括PSNR,SSIM,LPIPS和KLD。本文提供了此挑战中所有模型的详细描述。有关此挑战的更多详细信息以及数据集的链接,请访问https://github.com/mipi-challenge/mipi2022。
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Single image super-resolution is the task of inferring a high-resolution image from a single low-resolution input. Traditionally, the performance of algorithms for this task is measured using pixel-wise reconstruction measures such as peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) which have been shown to correlate poorly with the human perception of image quality. As a result, algorithms minimizing these metrics tend to produce over-smoothed images that lack highfrequency textures and do not look natural despite yielding high PSNR values.We propose a novel application of automated texture synthesis in combination with a perceptual loss focusing on creating realistic textures rather than optimizing for a pixelaccurate reproduction of ground truth images during training. By using feed-forward fully convolutional neural networks in an adversarial training setting, we achieve a significant boost in image quality at high magnification ratios. Extensive experiments on a number of datasets show the effectiveness of our approach, yielding state-of-the-art results in both quantitative and qualitative benchmarks.
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This paper introduces a novel large dataset for examplebased single image super-resolution and studies the stateof-the-art as emerged from the NTIRE 2017 challenge. The challenge is the first challenge of its kind, with 6 competitions, hundreds of participants and tens of proposed solutions. Our newly collected DIVerse 2K resolution image dataset (DIV2K) was employed by the challenge. In our study we compare the solutions from the challenge to a set of representative methods from the literature and evaluate them using diverse measures on our proposed DIV2K dataset. Moreover, we conduct a number of experiments and draw conclusions on several topics of interest. We conclude that the NTIRE 2017 challenge pushes the state-ofthe-art in single-image super-resolution, reaching the best results to date on the popular Set5, Set14, B100, Urban100 datasets and on our newly proposed DIV2K.
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最近,Deep Models已经建立了SOTA性能,用于低分辨率图像介绍,但它们缺乏与现代相机(如4K或更多相关的现代相机)以及大孔相关的分辨率的保真度。我们为4K及以上代表现代传感器的照片贡献了一个介绍的基准数据集。我们展示了一个新颖的框架,结合了深度学习和传统方法。我们使用现有的深入介质模型喇嘛合理地填充孔,建立三个由结构,分割,深度组成的指南图像,并应用多个引导的贴片amatch,以产生八个候选候选图像。接下来,我们通过一个新型的策划模块来喂食所有候选构图,该模块选择了8x8反对称成对偏好矩阵的列求和良好的介绍。我们框架的结果受到了8个强大基线的用户的压倒性优先,其定量指标的改进高达7.4,而不是最好的基线喇嘛,而我们的技术与4种不同的SOTA配对时,我们的技术都会改善每个座椅,以使我们的每个人都非常偏爱用户,而不是用户偏爱用户。强大的超级分子基线。
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The structural similarity image quality paradigm is based on the assumption that the human visual system is highly adapted for extracting structural information from the scene, and therefore a measure of structural similarity can provide a good approximation to perceived image quality. This paper proposes a multi-scale structural similarity method, which supplies more flexibility than previous single-scale methods in incorporating the variations of viewing conditions. We develop an image synthesis method to calibrate the parameters that define the relative importance of different scales. Experimental comparisons demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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Learning continuous image representations is recently gaining popularity for image super-resolution (SR) because of its ability to reconstruct high-resolution images with arbitrary scales from low-resolution inputs. Existing methods mostly ensemble nearby features to predict the new pixel at any queried coordinate in the SR image. Such a local ensemble suffers from some limitations: i) it has no learnable parameters and it neglects the similarity of the visual features; ii) it has a limited receptive field and cannot ensemble relevant features in a large field which are important in an image; iii) it inherently has a gap with real camera imaging since it only depends on the coordinate. To address these issues, this paper proposes a continuous implicit attention-in-attention network, called CiaoSR. We explicitly design an implicit attention network to learn the ensemble weights for the nearby local features. Furthermore, we embed a scale-aware attention in this implicit attention network to exploit additional non-local information. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate CiaoSR significantly outperforms the existing single image super resolution (SISR) methods with the same backbone. In addition, the proposed method also achieves the state-of-the-art performance on the arbitrary-scale SR task. The effectiveness of the method is also demonstrated on the real-world SR setting. More importantly, CiaoSR can be flexibly integrated into any backbone to improve the SR performance.
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