科学机器学习的进步改善了现代计算科学和工程应用。数据驱动的方法(例如动态模式分解(DMD))可以从动态系统生成的时空数据中提取相干结构,并推断上述系统的不同方案。时空数据作为快照,每次瞬间包含空间信息。在现代工程应用中,高维快照的产生可能是时间和/或资源要求。在本研究中,我们考虑了在大型数值模拟中增强DMD工作流程的两种策略:(i)快照压缩以减轻磁盘压力; (ii)使用原位可视化图像在运行时重建动力学(或部分)。我们通过两个3D流体动力学模拟评估我们的方法,并考虑DMD重建解决方案。结果表明,快照压缩大大减少了所需的磁盘空间。我们已经观察到,损耗的压缩将存储降低了几乎$ 50 \%$,而信号重建和其他关注数量的相对错误则较低。我们还使用原位可视化工具将分析扩展到了直接生成的数据,在运行时生成状态向量的图像文件。在大型模拟中,快照的产生可能足够慢,可以使用批处理算法进行推理。流DMD利用增量SVD算法,并随着每个新快照的到来更新模式。我们使用流式DMD来重建原位生成的图像的动力学。我们证明此过程是有效的,并且重建的动力学是准确的。
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高维时空动力学通常可以在低维子空间中编码。用于建模,表征,设计和控制此类大规模系统的工程应用通常依赖于降低尺寸,以实时计算解决方案。降低维度的常见范例包括线性方法,例如奇异值分解(SVD)和非线性方法,例如卷积自动编码器(CAE)的变体。但是,这些编码技术缺乏有效地表示与时空数据相关的复杂性的能力,后者通常需要可变的几何形状,非均匀的网格分辨率,自适应网格化和/或参数依赖性。为了解决这些实用的工程挑战,我们提出了一个称为神经隐式流(NIF)的一般框架,该框架可以实现大型,参数,时空数据的网格不稳定,低级别表示。 NIF由两个修改的多层感知器(MLP)组成:(i)shapenet,它分离并代表空间复杂性,以及(ii)参数,该参数解释了任何其他输入复杂性,包括参数依赖关系,时间和传感器测量值。我们演示了NIF用于参数替代建模的实用性,从而实现了复杂时空动力学的可解释表示和压缩,有效的多空间质量任务以及改善了稀疏重建的通用性能。
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数字双胞胎已成为优化工程产品和系统性能的关键技术。高保真数值模拟构成了工程设计的骨干,从而准确地了解了复杂系统的性能。但是,大规模的,动态的非线性模型需要大量的计算资源,并且对于实时数字双胞胎应用而言是高度的。为此,采用了减少的订单模型(ROM),以近似高保真解决方案,同时准确捕获身体行为的主要方面。本工作提出了一个新的机器学习(ML)平台,用于开发ROM,以处理处理瞬态非线性偏微分方程的大规模数值问题。我们的框架被称为$ \ textit {fastsvd-ml-rom} $,利用$ \ textit {(i)} $单数值分解(SVD)更新方法,以计算多效性解决方案的线性子空间仿真过程,$ \ textIt {(ii)} $降低非线性维度的卷积自动编码器,$ \ textit {(iii)} $ feed-feed-feed-forderward神经网络以将输入参数映射到潜在的空间,以及$ \ textit {(iv) )} $长的短期内存网络,以预测和预测参数解决方案的动力学。 $ \ textit {fastsvd-ml-rom} $框架的效率用于2D线性对流扩散方程,圆柱周围的流体问题以及动脉段内的3D血流。重建结果的准确性证明了鲁棒性,并评估了所提出的方法的效率。
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Data compression is becoming critical for storing scientific data because many scientific applications need to store large amounts of data and post process this data for scientific discovery. Unlike image and video compression algorithms that limit errors to primary data, scientists require compression techniques that accurately preserve derived quantities of interest (QoIs). This paper presents a physics-informed compression technique implemented as an end-to-end, scalable, GPU-based pipeline for data compression that addresses this requirement. Our hybrid compression technique combines machine learning techniques and standard compression methods. Specifically, we combine an autoencoder, an error-bounded lossy compressor to provide guarantees on raw data error, and a constraint satisfaction post-processing step to preserve the QoIs within a minimal error (generally less than floating point error). The effectiveness of the data compression pipeline is demonstrated by compressing nuclear fusion simulation data generated by a large-scale fusion code, XGC, which produces hundreds of terabytes of data in a single day. Our approach works within the ADIOS framework and results in compression by a factor of more than 150 while requiring only a few percent of the computational resources necessary for generating the data, making the overall approach highly effective for practical scenarios.
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This work presents a set of neural network (NN) models specifically designed for accurate and efficient fluid dynamics forecasting. In this work, we show how neural networks training can be improved by reducing data complexity through a modal decomposition technique called higher order dynamic mode decomposition (HODMD), which identifies the main structures inside flow dynamics and reconstructs the original flow using only these main structures. This reconstruction has the same number of samples and spatial dimension as the original flow, but with a less complex dynamics and preserving its main features. We also show the low computational cost required by the proposed NN models, both in their training and inference phases. The core idea of this work is to test the limits of applicability of deep learning models to data forecasting in complex fluid dynamics problems. Generalization capabilities of the models are demonstrated by using the same neural network architectures to forecast the future dynamics of four different multi-phase flows. Data sets used to train and test these deep learning models come from Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of these flows.
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Recent years have witnessed a growth in mathematics for deep learning--which seeks a deeper understanding of the concepts of deep learning with mathematics, and explores how to make it more robust--and deep learning for mathematics, where deep learning algorithms are used to solve problems in mathematics. The latter has popularised the field of scientific machine learning where deep learning is applied to problems in scientific computing. Specifically, more and more neural network architectures have been developed to solve specific classes of partial differential equations (PDEs). Such methods exploit properties that are inherent to PDEs and thus solve the PDEs better than classical feed-forward neural networks, recurrent neural networks, and convolutional neural networks. This has had a great impact in the area of mathematical modeling where parametric PDEs are widely used to model most natural and physical processes arising in science and engineering, In this work, we review such methods and extend them for parametric studies as well as for solving the related inverse problems. We equally proceed to show their relevance in some industrial applications.
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物理信息的神经网络(PINN)是神经网络(NNS),它们作为神经网络本身的组成部分编码模型方程,例如部分微分方程(PDE)。如今,PINN是用于求解PDE,分数方程,积分分化方程和随机PDE的。这种新颖的方法已成为一个多任务学习框架,在该框架中,NN必须在减少PDE残差的同时拟合观察到的数据。本文对PINNS的文献进行了全面的综述:虽然该研究的主要目标是表征这些网络及其相关的优势和缺点。该综述还试图将出版物纳入更广泛的基于搭配的物理知识的神经网络,这些神经网络构成了香草·皮恩(Vanilla Pinn)以及许多其他变体,例如物理受限的神经网络(PCNN),各种HP-VPINN,变量HP-VPINN,VPINN,VPINN,变体。和保守的Pinn(CPINN)。该研究表明,大多数研究都集中在通过不同的激活功能,梯度优化技术,神经网络结构和损耗功能结构来定制PINN。尽管使用PINN的应用范围广泛,但通过证明其在某些情况下比有限元方法(FEM)等经典数值技术更可行的能力,但仍有可能的进步,最著名的是尚未解决的理论问题。
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在本文中,我们为非稳定于3D流体结构交互系统提供了一种基于深度学习的阶数(DL-ROM)。所提出的DL-ROM具有非线性状态空间模型的格式,并采用具有长短期存储器(LSTM)的经常性神经网络。我们考虑一种以状态空间格式的可弹性安装的球体的规范流体结构系统,其具有不可压缩的流体流动。我们开发了一种非线性数据驱动的耦合,用于预测横向方向自由振动球的非定常力和涡旋诱导的振动(VIV)锁定。我们设计输入输出关系作为用于流体结构系统的低维逼近的力和位移数据集的时间序列。基于VIV锁定过程的先验知识,输入功能包含一系列频率和幅度,其能够实现高效的DL-ROM,而无需用于低维建模的大量训练数据集。一旦训练,网络就提供了输入 - 输出动态的非线性映射,其可以通过反馈过程预测较长地平线的耦合流体结构动态。通过将LSTM网络与Eigensystem实现算法(时代)集成,我们构造了用于减少阶稳定性分析的数据驱动状态空间模型。我们通过特征值选择过程调查VIV的潜在机制和稳定性特征。为了了解频率锁定机制,我们研究了针对降低振荡频率和质量比的范围的特征值轨迹。与全阶模拟一致,通过组合的LSTM-ERA程序精确捕获频率锁定分支。所提出的DL-ROM与涉及流体结构相互作用的物理学数字双胞胎的基于物理的数字双胞胎。
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Machine learning-based modeling of physical systems has experienced increased interest in recent years. Despite some impressive progress, there is still a lack of benchmarks for Scientific ML that are easy to use but still challenging and representative of a wide range of problems. We introduce PDEBench, a benchmark suite of time-dependent simulation tasks based on Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). PDEBench comprises both code and data to benchmark the performance of novel machine learning models against both classical numerical simulations and machine learning baselines. Our proposed set of benchmark problems contribute the following unique features: (1) A much wider range of PDEs compared to existing benchmarks, ranging from relatively common examples to more realistic and difficult problems; (2) much larger ready-to-use datasets compared to prior work, comprising multiple simulation runs across a larger number of initial and boundary conditions and PDE parameters; (3) more extensible source codes with user-friendly APIs for data generation and baseline results with popular machine learning models (FNO, U-Net, PINN, Gradient-Based Inverse Method). PDEBench allows researchers to extend the benchmark freely for their own purposes using a standardized API and to compare the performance of new models to existing baseline methods. We also propose new evaluation metrics with the aim to provide a more holistic understanding of learning methods in the context of Scientific ML. With those metrics we identify tasks which are challenging for recent ML methods and propose these tasks as future challenges for the community. The code is available at https://github.com/pdebench/PDEBench.
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最近的机器学习(ML)和深度学习(DL)的发展增加了所有部门的机会。 ML是一种重要的工具,可以应用于许多学科,但其直接应用于土木工程问题可能是挑战性的。在实验室中模拟的土木工程应用程序通常在现实世界测试中失败。这通常归因于用于培训和测试ML模型的数据之间的数据不匹配以及它在现实世界中遇到的数据,称为数据偏移的现象。然而,基于物理的ML模型集成了数据,部分微分方程(PDE)和数学模型以解决数据移位问题。基于物理的ML模型训练,以解决监督学习任务,同时尊重一般非线性方程描述的任何给定的物理定律。基于物理的ML,它在许多科学学科中占据中心阶段,在流体动力学,量子力学,计算资源和数据存储中起着重要作用。本文综述了基于物理学的ML历史及其在土木工程中的应用。
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Deep operator networks (DeepONets) are powerful architectures for fast and accurate emulation of complex dynamics. As their remarkable generalization capabilities are primarily enabled by their projection-based attribute, we investigate connections with low-rank techniques derived from the singular value decomposition (SVD). We demonstrate that some of the concepts behind proper orthogonal decomposition (POD)-neural networks can improve DeepONet's design and training phases. These ideas lead us to a methodology extension that we name SVD-DeepONet. Moreover, through multiple SVD analyses, we find that DeepONet inherits from its projection-based attribute strong inefficiencies in representing dynamics characterized by symmetries. Inspired by the work on shifted-POD, we develop flexDeepONet, an architecture enhancement that relies on a pre-transformation network for generating a moving reference frame and isolating the rigid components of the dynamics. In this way, the physics can be represented on a latent space free from rotations, translations, and stretches, and an accurate projection can be performed to a low-dimensional basis. In addition to flexibility and interpretability, the proposed perspectives increase DeepONet's generalization capabilities and computational efficiencies. For instance, we show flexDeepONet can accurately surrogate the dynamics of 19 variables in a combustion chemistry application by relying on 95% less trainable parameters than the ones of the vanilla architecture. We argue that DeepONet and SVD-based methods can reciprocally benefit from each other. In particular, the flexibility of the former in leveraging multiple data sources and multifidelity knowledge in the form of both unstructured data and physics-informed constraints has the potential to greatly extend the applicability of methodologies such as POD and PCA.
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Low-rank matrix approximations, such as the truncated singular value decomposition and the rank-revealing QR decomposition, play a central role in data analysis and scientific computing. This work surveys and extends recent research which demonstrates that randomization offers a powerful tool for performing low-rank matrix approximation. These techniques exploit modern computational architectures more fully than classical methods and open the possibility of dealing with truly massive data sets.This paper presents a modular framework for constructing randomized algorithms that compute partial matrix decompositions. These methods use random sampling to identify a subspace that captures most of the action of a matrix. The input matrix is then compressed-either explicitly or implicitly-to this subspace, and the reduced matrix is manipulated deterministically to obtain the desired low-rank factorization. In many cases, this approach beats its classical competitors in terms of accuracy, speed, and robustness. These claims are supported by extensive numerical experiments and a detailed error analysis.The specific benefits of randomized techniques depend on the computational environment. Consider the model problem of finding the k dominant components of the singular value decomposition of an m × n matrix. (i) For a dense input matrix, randomized algorithms require O(mn log(k)) floating-point operations (flops) in contrast with O(mnk) for classical algorithms. (ii) For a sparse input matrix, the flop count matches classical Krylov subspace methods, but the randomized approach is more robust and can easily be reorganized to exploit multi-processor architectures. (iii) For a matrix that is too large to fit in fast memory, the randomized techniques require only a constant number of passes over the data, as opposed to O(k) passes for classical algorithms. In fact, it is sometimes possible to perform matrix approximation with a single pass over the data.
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