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While deep learning has led to remarkable advances across diverse applications, it struggles in domains where the data distribution changes over the course of learning. In stark contrast, biological neural networks continually adapt to changing domains, possibly by leveraging complex molecular machinery to solve many tasks simultaneously. In this study, we introduce intelligent synapses that bring some of this biological complexity into artificial neural networks. Each synapse accumulates task relevant information over time, and exploits this information to rapidly store new memories without forgetting old ones. We evaluate our approach on continual learning of classification tasks, and show that it dramatically reduces forgetting while maintaining computational efficiency.
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We introduce a conceptually simple and scalable framework for continual learning domains where tasks are learned sequentially. Our method is constant in the number of parameters and is designed to preserve performance on previously encountered tasks while accelerating learning progress on subsequent problems. This is achieved by training a network with two components: A knowledge base, capable of solving previously encountered problems, which is connected to an active column that is employed to efficiently learn the current task. After learning a new task, the active column is distilled into the knowledge base, taking care to protect any previously acquired skills. This cycle of active learning (progression) followed by consolidation (compression) requires no architecture growth, no access to or storing of previous data or tasks, and no task-specific parameters. We demonstrate the progress & compress approach on sequential classification of handwritten alphabets as well as two reinforcement learning domains: Atari games and 3D maze navigation.
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Lack of performance when it comes to continual learning over non-stationary distributions of data remains a major challenge in scaling neural network learning to more human realistic settings. In this work we propose a new conceptualization of the continual learning problem in terms of a temporally symmetric trade-off between transfer and interference that can be optimized by enforcing gradient alignment across examples. We then propose a new algorithm, Meta-Experience Replay (MER), that directly exploits this view by combining experience replay with optimization based meta-learning. This method learns parameters that make interference based on future gradients less likely and transfer based on future gradients more likely. 1 We conduct experiments across continual lifelong supervised learning benchmarks and non-stationary reinforcement learning environments demonstrating that our approach consistently outperforms recently proposed baselines for continual learning. Our experiments show that the gap between the performance of MER and baseline algorithms grows both as the environment gets more non-stationary and as the fraction of the total experiences stored gets smaller.
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The ability to learn tasks in a sequential fashion is crucial to the development of artificial intelligence. Neural networks are not, in general, capable of this and it has been widely thought that catastrophic forgetting is an inevitable feature of connectionist models. We show that it is possible to overcome this limitation and train networks that can maintain expertise on tasks which they have not experienced for a long time. Our approach remembers old tasks by selectively slowing down learning on the weights important for those tasks. We demonstrate our approach is scalable and effective by solving a set of classification tasks based on the MNIST hand written digit dataset and by learning several Atari 2600 games sequentially.
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已知生物制剂在他们的生活过程中学习许多不同的任务,并且能够重新审视以前的任务和行为,而没有表现不损失。相比之下,人工代理容易出于“灾难性遗忘”,在以前任务上的性能随着所获取的新的任务而恶化。最近使用该方法通过鼓励参数保持接近以前任务的方法来解决此缺点。这可以通过(i)使用特定的参数正常数来完成,该参数正常数是在参数空间中映射合适的目的地,或(ii)通过将渐变投影到不会干扰先前任务的子空间来指导优化旅程。然而,这些方法通常在前馈和经常性神经网络中表现出子分子表现,并且经常性网络对支持生物持续学习的神经动力学研究感兴趣。在这项工作中,我们提出了自然的持续学习(NCL),一种统一重量正则化和预测梯度下降的新方法。 NCL使用贝叶斯重量正常化来鼓励在收敛的所有任务上进行良好的性能,并将其与梯度投影结合使用先前的精度,这可以防止在优化期间陷入灾难性遗忘。当应用于前馈和经常性网络中的连续学习问题时,我们的方法占据了标准重量正则化技术和投影的方法。最后,训练有素的网络演变了特定于任务特定的动态,这些动态被认为是学习的新任务,类似于生物电路中的实验结果。
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灾难性忘记破坏了深神网络(DNN)在诸如持续学习和终身学习等方案中的有效性。尽管已经提出了几种解决这个问题的方法,但有限的工作解释了为什么这些方法效果很好。本文的目的是更好地解释一种避免灾难性遗忘的普遍使用的技术:二次正则化。我们表明,二次正规化器可以通过在每次训练迭代时插值当前和先前的值来忘记过去的任务。在多次训练迭代中,这种插值操作降低了更重要的模型参数的学习率,从而最大程度地减少了它们的运动。我们的分析还揭示了二次正则化的两个缺点:(a)参数插值对训练超参数的依赖性通常会导致训练不稳定性,并且(b)(b)将较低的重要性分配到更深的层,这通常是DNNS中遗忘的地方。通过对操作顺序的简单修改,我们表明可以轻松避免这些缺点,从而在4.5%降低平均遗忘时的平均准确度增加6.2 \%。我们通过在不同的环境中培训2000多个模型来确认结果的鲁棒性。可在\ url {https://github.com/ekdeepslubana/qrforgetting}上获得代码
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我们引入了一个新的培训范式,该范围对神经网络参数空间进行间隔约束以控制遗忘。当代持续学习(CL)方法从一系列数据流有效地培训神经网络,同时减少灾难性遗忘的负面影响,但它们不能提供任何确保的确保网络性能不会随着时间的流逝而无法控制地恶化。在这项工作中,我们展示了如何通过将模型的持续学习作为其参数空间的持续收缩来遗忘。为此,我们提出了Hypertrectangle训练,这是一种新的训练方法,其中每个任务都由参数空间中的超矩形表示,完全包含在先前任务的超矩形中。这种配方将NP-HARD CL问题降低到多项式时间,同时提供了完全防止遗忘的弹性。我们通过开发Intercontinet(间隔持续学习)算法来验证我们的主张,该算法利用间隔算术来有效地将参数区域建模为高矩形。通过实验结果,我们表明我们的方法在不连续的学习设置中表现良好,而无需存储以前的任务中的数据。
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The recent emergence of new algorithms for permuting models into functionally equivalent regions of the solution space has shed some light on the complexity of error surfaces, and some promising properties like mode connectivity. However, finding the right permutation is challenging, and current optimization techniques are not differentiable, which makes it difficult to integrate into a gradient-based optimization, and often leads to sub-optimal solutions. In this paper, we propose a Sinkhorn re-basin network with the ability to obtain the transportation plan that better suits a given objective. Unlike the current state-of-art, our method is differentiable and, therefore, easy to adapt to any task within the deep learning domain. Furthermore, we show the advantage of our re-basin method by proposing a new cost function that allows performing incremental learning by exploiting the linear mode connectivity property. The benefit of our method is compared against similar approaches from the literature, under several conditions for both optimal transport finding and linear mode connectivity. The effectiveness of our continual learning method based on re-basin is also shown for several common benchmark datasets, providing experimental results that are competitive with state-of-art results from the literature.
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当在具有不同分布的数据集上不断学习时,神经网络往往会忘记以前学习的知识,这一现象被称为灾难性遗忘。数据集之间的分配更改会导致更多的遗忘。最近,基于参数 - 隔离的方法在克服遗忘时具有巨大的潜力。但是,当他们在培训过程中修复每个数据集的神经路径时,他们的概括不佳,并且在推断过程中需要数据集标签。此外,他们不支持向后的知识转移,因为它们优先于过去的数据。在本文中,我们提出了一种名为ADAPTCL的新的自适应学习方法,该方法完全重复使用并在学习的参数上生长,以克服灾难性的遗忘,并允许在不需要数据集标签的情况下进行积极的向后传输。我们提出的技术通过允许最佳的冷冻参数重复使用在相同的神经路径上生长。此外,它使用参数级数据驱动的修剪来为数据分配同等优先级。我们对MNIST变体,域和食物新鲜度检测数据集进行了广泛的实验,而无需数据集标签。结果表明,我们所提出的方法优于替代基线,可以最大程度地减少遗忘和实现积极的向后知识转移。
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Interacting with a complex world involves continual learning, in which tasks and data distributions change over time. A continual learning system should demonstrate both plasticity (acquisition of new knowledge) and stability (preservation of old knowledge). Catastrophic forgetting is the failure of stability, in which new experience overwrites previous experience. In the brain, replay of past experience is widely believed to reduce forgetting, yet it has been largely overlooked as a solution to forgetting in deep reinforcement learning. Here, we introduce CLEAR, a replay-based method that greatly reduces catastrophic forgetting in multi-task reinforcement learning. CLEAR leverages off-policy learning and behavioral cloning from replay to enhance stability, as well as on-policy learning to preserve plasticity. We show that CLEAR performs better than state-of-the-art deep learning techniques for mitigating forgetting, despite being significantly less complicated and not requiring any knowledge of the individual tasks being learned.
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Incremental learning (IL) has received a lot of attention recently, however, the literature lacks a precise problem definition, proper evaluation settings, and metrics tailored specifically for the IL problem. One of the main objectives of this work is to fill these gaps so as to provide a common ground for better understanding of IL. The main challenge for an IL algorithm is to update the classifier whilst preserving existing knowledge. We observe that, in addition to forgetting, a known issue while preserving knowledge, IL also suffers from a problem we call intransigence, inability of a model to update its knowledge. We introduce two metrics to quantify forgetting and intransigence that allow us to understand, analyse, and gain better insights into the behaviour of IL algorithms. We present RWalk, a generalization of EWC++ (our efficient version of EWC [7]) and Path Integral [26] with a theoretically grounded KL-divergence based perspective. We provide a thorough analysis of various IL algorithms on MNIST and CIFAR-100 datasets. In these experiments, RWalk obtains superior results in terms of accuracy, and also provides a better trade-off between forgetting and intransigence.
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