In recent years, there is a surge of generation-based information extraction work, which allows a more direct use of pre-trained language models and efficiently captures output dependencies. However, previous generative methods using lexical representation do not naturally fit document-level relation extraction (DocRE) where there are multiple entities and relational facts. In this paper, we investigate the root cause of the underwhelming performance of the existing generative DocRE models and discover that the culprit is the inadequacy of the training paradigm, instead of the capacities of the models. We propose to generate a symbolic and ordered sequence from the relation matrix which is deterministic and easier for model to learn. Moreover, we design a parallel row generation method to process overlong target sequences. Besides, we introduce several negative sampling strategies to improve the performance with balanced signals. Experimental results on four datasets show that our proposed method can improve the performance of the generative DocRE models. We have released our code at
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Generative Knowledge Graph Construction (KGC) refers to those methods that leverage the sequence-to-sequence framework for building knowledge graphs, which is flexible and can be adapted to widespread tasks. In this study, we summarize the recent compelling progress in generative knowledge graph construction. We present the advantages and weaknesses of each paradigm in terms of different generation targets and provide theoretical insight and empirical analysis. Based on the review, we suggest promising research directions for the future. Our contributions are threefold: (1) We present a detailed, complete taxonomy for the generative KGC methods; (2) We provide a theoretical and empirical analysis of the generative KGC methods; (3) We propose several research directions that can be developed in the future.
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文本的结构化和接地表示通常是通过封闭信息提取形式化的,提取与从知识库模式的预定义实体集合和关系一致的穷举集(主题,关系,对象)三元组的问题。大多数现有的作品是管道容易出错的累积,所有方法都仅适用于不切实际的少数实体和关系。我们介绍了Genie(生成信息提取),第一端到最终的归属化闭合信息提取。 Genie自然地通过自动生成文本形式的关系和实体来利用预先训练的变压器的语言知识。由于新的双层约束生成策略,仅生产与预定义知识库模式一致的三胞胎。我们的实验表明,Genie在封闭信息提取时是最先进的,从较少的训练数据点广泛地推广到基线,并缩放到以前无管理数量的实体和关系。通过这项工作,封闭的信息提取在现实情景中变得实用,为下游任务提供了新的机会。最后,这项工作为信息提取的核心任务铺平了统一的端到端方法。在提供的代码和模型。
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Natural Language Generation (NLG) has improved exponentially in recent years thanks to the development of sequence-to-sequence deep learning technologies such as Transformer-based language models. This advancement has led to more fluent and coherent NLG, leading to improved development in downstream tasks such as abstractive summarization, dialogue generation and data-to-text generation. However, it is also apparent that deep learning based generation is prone to hallucinate unintended text, which degrades the system performance and fails to meet user expectations in many real-world scenarios. To address this issue, many studies have been presented in measuring and mitigating hallucinated texts, but these have never been reviewed in a comprehensive manner before. In this survey, we thus provide a broad overview of the research progress and challenges in the hallucination problem in NLG. The survey is organized into two parts: (1) a general overview of metrics, mitigation methods, and future directions; and (2) an overview of task-specific research progress on hallucinations in the following downstream tasks, namely abstractive summarization, dialogue generation, generative question answering, data-to-text generation, machine translation, and visual-language generation. This survey serves to facilitate collaborative efforts among researchers in tackling the challenge of hallucinated texts in NLG.
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我们提出了文件的实体级关系联合模型。与其他方法形成鲜明对比 - 重点关注本地句子中的对,因此需要提及级别的注释 - 我们的模型在实体级别运行。为此,遵循多任务方法,它在Coreference分辨率上建立并通过多级别表示结合全局实体和本地提到信息来聚集相关信号。我们在积木数据集中实现最先进的关系提取结果,并报告了未来参考的第一个实体级端到端关系提取结果。最后,我们的实验结果表明,联合方法与特定于任务专用的学习相提并论,虽然由于共享参数和培训步骤而言更有效。
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Triplet extraction aims to extract entities and their corresponding relations in unstructured text. Most existing methods train an extraction model on high-quality training data, and hence are incapable of extracting relations that were not observed during training. Generalizing the model to unseen relations typically requires fine-tuning on synthetic training data which is often noisy and unreliable. In this paper, we argue that reducing triplet extraction to a template filling task over a pre-trained language model can equip the model with zero-shot learning capabilities and enable it to leverage the implicit knowledge in the language model. Embodying these ideas, we propose a novel framework, ZETT (ZEro-shot Triplet extraction by Template infilling), that is based on end-to-end generative transformers. Our experiments show that without any data augmentation or pipeline systems, ZETT can outperform previous state-of-the-art models with 25% less parameters. We further show that ZETT is more robust in detecting entities and can be incorporated with automatically generated templates for relations.
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Entities, as important carriers of real-world knowledge, play a key role in many NLP tasks. We focus on incorporating entity knowledge into an encoder-decoder framework for informative text generation. Existing approaches tried to index, retrieve, and read external documents as evidence, but they suffered from a large computational overhead. In this work, we propose an encoder-decoder framework with an entity memory, namely EDMem. The entity knowledge is stored in the memory as latent representations, and the memory is pre-trained on Wikipedia along with encoder-decoder parameters. To precisely generate entity names, we design three decoding methods to constrain entity generation by linking entities in the memory. EDMem is a unified framework that can be used on various entity-intensive question answering and generation tasks. Extensive experimental results show that EDMem outperforms both memory-based auto-encoder models and non-memory encoder-decoder models.
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实体歧义(ED)的最新工作通常忽略了结构性知识库(KB)事实,而是依靠有限的KB信息子集,例如实体描述或类型。这限制了实体可以消除歧义的环境范围。为了允许使用所有KB事实以及描述和类型,我们介绍了一个ED模型,该模型通过以完全可区分的方式通过符号知识基础来链接实体。我们的型号平均超过了六个良好的ED数据集的最新基线。通过允许访问所有KB信息,我们的模型较少依赖于基于流行的实体先验,并提高了具有挑战性的Shadowlink数据集(强调不频繁和模棱两可的实体)的性能12.7 F1。
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在文档级事件提取(DEE)任务中,事件参数始终散布在句子(串行问题)中,并且多个事件可能存在于一个文档(多事件问题)中。在本文中,我们认为事件参数的关系信息对于解决上述两个问题具有重要意义,并提出了一个新的DEE框架,该框架可以对关系依赖关系进行建模,称为关系授权的文档级事件提取(REDEE)。更具体地说,该框架具有一种新颖的量身定制的变压器,称为关系增强的注意变形金刚(RAAT)。 RAAT可扩展以捕获多尺度和多启动参数关系。为了进一步利用关系信息,我们介绍了一个单独的事件关系预测任务,并采用多任务学习方法来显式增强事件提取性能。广泛的实验证明了该方法的有效性,该方法可以在两个公共数据集上实现最新性能。我们的代码可在https:// github上找到。 com/tencentyouturesearch/raat。
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Document-level relation extraction faces two overlooked challenges: long-tail problem and multi-label problem. Previous work focuses mainly on obtaining better contextual representations for entity pairs, hardly address the above challenges. In this paper, we analyze the co-occurrence correlation of relations, and introduce it into DocRE task for the first time. We argue that the correlations can not only transfer knowledge between data-rich relations and data-scarce ones to assist in the training of tailed relations, but also reflect semantic distance guiding the classifier to identify semantically close relations for multi-label entity pairs. Specifically, we use relation embedding as a medium, and propose two co-occurrence prediction sub-tasks from both coarse- and fine-grained perspectives to capture relation correlations. Finally, the learned correlation-aware embeddings are used to guide the extraction of relational facts. Substantial experiments on two popular DocRE datasets are conducted, and our method achieves superior results compared to baselines. Insightful analysis also demonstrates the potential of relation correlations to address the above challenges.
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Neural language representation models such as BERT pre-trained on large-scale corpora can well capture rich semantic patterns from plain text, and be fine-tuned to consistently improve the performance of various NLP tasks. However, the existing pre-trained language models rarely consider incorporating knowledge graphs (KGs), which can provide rich structured knowledge facts for better language understanding. We argue that informative entities in KGs can enhance language representation with external knowledge. In this paper, we utilize both large-scale textual corpora and KGs to train an enhanced language representation model (ERNIE), which can take full advantage of lexical, syntactic, and knowledge information simultaneously. The experimental results have demonstrated that ERNIE achieves significant improvements on various knowledge-driven tasks, and meanwhile is comparable with the state-of-the-art model BERT on other common NLP tasks. The source code and experiment details of this paper can be obtained from https://
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