捕获该段落中的单词中复杂语言结构和长期依赖性的能力对于话语级关系提取(DRE)任务是必不可少的。图形神经网络(GNNS)是编码依赖图的方法之一,它在先前的RE中有效地显示了。然而,对GNN的接受领域得到了相对较少的关注,这对于需要话语理解的非常长的文本的情况可能是至关重要的。在这项工作中,我们利用图形汇集的想法,并建议在DRE任务上使用汇集解凝框架。汇集分支减少了图形尺寸,使GNN能够在更少的层内获得更大的接收领域; UnoDooling分支将池化图恢复为其原始分辨率,以便可以提取实体提及的表示。我们提出子句匹配(cm),这是一个新的语言启发图形汇集方法,用于NLP任务。两个DE DATASET上的实验表明,我们的模型在需要建模长期依赖性时显着改善基线,这表明了汇集了解冻框架的有效性和我们的CM汇集方法。
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Open Information Extraction (OpenIE) aims to extract relational tuples from open-domain sentences. Traditional rule-based or statistical models have been developed based on syntactic structures of sentences, identified by syntactic parsers. However, previous neural OpenIE models under-explore the useful syntactic information. In this paper, we model both constituency and dependency trees into word-level graphs, and enable neural OpenIE to learn from the syntactic structures. To better fuse heterogeneous information from both graphs, we adopt multi-view learning to capture multiple relationships from them. Finally, the finetuned constituency and dependency representations are aggregated with sentential semantic representations for tuple generation. Experiments show that both constituency and dependency information, and the multi-view learning are effective.
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Document-level relation extraction (DocRE) aims to identify semantic labels among entities within a single document. One major challenge of DocRE is to dig decisive details regarding a specific entity pair from long text. However, in many cases, only a fraction of text carries required information, even in the manually labeled supporting evidence. To better capture and exploit instructive information, we propose a novel expLicit syntAx Refinement and Subsentence mOdeliNg based framework (LARSON). By introducing extra syntactic information, LARSON can model subsentences of arbitrary granularity and efficiently screen instructive ones. Moreover, we incorporate refined syntax into text representations which further improves the performance of LARSON. Experimental results on three benchmark datasets (DocRED, CDR, and GDA) demonstrate that LARSON significantly outperforms existing methods.
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增强图在正规化图形神经网络(GNNS)方面起着至关重要的作用,该图形以信息传递的形式利用沿图的边缘进行信息交换。由于其有效性,简单的边缘和节点操作(例如,添加和删除)已被广泛用于图表增强中。然而,这种常见的增强技术可以显着改变原始图的语义,从而导致过度侵略性增强,从而在GNN学习中拟合不足。为了解决掉落或添加图形边缘和节点引起的此问题,我们提出了SoftEdge,将随机权重分配给给定图的一部分以进行增强。 SoftEdge生成的合成图保持与原始图相同的节点及其连接性,从而减轻原始图的语义变化。我们从经验上表明,这种简单的方法获得了与流行节点和边缘操纵方法的卓越精度,并且具有明显的弹性,可抵御GNN深度的准确性降解。
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The development of deep neural networks has improved representation learning in various domains, including textual, graph structural, and relational triple representations. This development opened the door to new relation extraction beyond the traditional text-oriented relation extraction. However, research on the effectiveness of considering multiple heterogeneous domain information simultaneously is still under exploration, and if a model can take an advantage of integrating heterogeneous information, it is expected to exhibit a significant contribution to many problems in the world. This thesis works on Drug-Drug Interactions (DDIs) from the literature as a case study and realizes relation extraction utilizing heterogeneous domain information. First, a deep neural relation extraction model is prepared and its attention mechanism is analyzed. Next, a method to combine the drug molecular structure information and drug description information to the input sentence information is proposed, and the effectiveness of utilizing drug molecular structures and drug descriptions for the relation extraction task is shown. Then, in order to further exploit the heterogeneous information, drug-related items, such as protein entries, medical terms and pathways are collected from multiple existing databases and a new data set in the form of a knowledge graph (KG) is constructed. A link prediction task on the constructed data set is conducted to obtain embedding representations of drugs that contain the heterogeneous domain information. Finally, a method that integrates the input sentence information and the heterogeneous KG information is proposed. The proposed model is trained and evaluated on a widely used data set, and as a result, it is shown that utilizing heterogeneous domain information significantly improves the performance of relation extraction from the literature.
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Machine reading comprehension (MRC) is a long-standing topic in natural language processing (NLP). The MRC task aims to answer a question based on the given context. Recently studies focus on multi-hop MRC which is a more challenging extension of MRC, which to answer a question some disjoint pieces of information across the context are required. Due to the complexity and importance of multi-hop MRC, a large number of studies have been focused on this topic in recent years, therefore, it is necessary and worth reviewing the related literature. This study aims to investigate recent advances in the multi-hop MRC approaches based on 31 studies from 2018 to 2022. In this regard, first, the multi-hop MRC problem definition will be introduced, then 31 models will be reviewed in detail with a strong focus on their multi-hop aspects. They also will be categorized based on their main techniques. Finally, a fine-grain comprehensive comparison of the models and techniques will be presented.
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Deep learning has revolutionized many machine learning tasks in recent years, ranging from image classification and video processing to speech recognition and natural language understanding. The data in these tasks are typically represented in the Euclidean space. However, there is an increasing number of applications where data are generated from non-Euclidean domains and are represented as graphs with complex relationships and interdependency between objects. The complexity of graph data has imposed significant challenges on existing machine learning algorithms. Recently, many studies on extending deep learning approaches for graph data have emerged. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive overview of graph neural networks (GNNs) in data mining and machine learning fields. We propose a new taxonomy to divide the state-of-the-art graph neural networks into four categories, namely recurrent graph neural networks, convolutional graph neural networks, graph autoencoders, and spatial-temporal graph neural networks. We further discuss the applications of graph neural networks across various domains and summarize the open source codes, benchmark data sets, and model evaluation of graph neural networks. Finally, we propose potential research directions in this rapidly growing field.
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意义表示(AMR)是一种基于图形的语义表示的句子,由语义关系链接的概念集合组成。基于AMR的方法在各种应用程序中找到了成功,但在需要文档级背景下的任务中使用它的挑战是它只代表单个句子。在基于AMR的总结中的事先工作已经自动将单个句子图与文档图合并到文档图中,但尚未独立地评估合并方法及其对摘要内容选择的影响。在本文中,我们介绍了一种新的数据集,由配对文件的节点与可用于评估(1)合并策略之间的摘要之间的人为注释对齐组成; (2)在合并或未混合的AMR图表的节点上的内容选择方法的性能。我们将这两种形式的评估应用于现有工作以及节点合并的新方法,并表明我们的新方法比现有工作明显更好。
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Text classification is an important and classical problem in natural language processing. There have been a number of studies that applied convolutional neural networks (convolution on regular grid, e.g., sequence) to classification. However, only a limited number of studies have explored the more flexible graph convolutional neural networks (convolution on non-grid, e.g., arbitrary graph) for the task. In this work, we propose to use graph convolutional networks for text classification. We build a single text graph for a corpus based on word co-occurrence and document word relations, then learn a Text Graph Convolutional Network (Text GCN) for the corpus. Our Text GCN is initialized with one-hot representation for word and document, it then jointly learns the embeddings for both words and documents, as supervised by the known class labels for documents. Our experimental results on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate that a vanilla Text GCN without any external word embeddings or knowledge outperforms state-of-the-art methods for text classification. On the other hand, Text GCN also learns predictive word and document embeddings. In addition, experimental results show that the improvement of Text GCN over state-of-the-art comparison methods become more prominent as we lower the percentage of training data, suggesting the robustness of Text GCN to less training data in text classification.
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