大多数以前的基于学习的图形匹配算法通过丢弃一个或多个匹配约束并采用放宽的分配求解器来获取次优关卡的\ Textit {二次分配问题}(QAP)。这种放松可能实际上削弱了原始的图形匹配问题,反过来伤害了匹配的性能。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于深度学习的图形匹配框架,其适用于原始QAP而不会影响匹配约束。特别地,我们设计一个亲和分分配预测网络,共同学习一对亲和力并估计节点分配,然后我们开发由概率亲和力的可分辨率的求解器,其灵感来自对成对亲和力的概率视角。旨在获得更好的匹配结果,概率求解器以迭代方式精制估计的分配,以施加离散和一对一的匹配约束。所提出的方法是在三个普遍测试的基准(Pascal VOC,Willow Object和Spair-71K)上进行评估,并且在所有基准上表现出所有先前的最先进。
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近年来,由通过图表神经网络(GNN)模型的学习鉴别表现来源,深图形匹配方法在匹配语义特征的任务中取得了很大的进展。然而,这些方法通常依赖于启发式生成的图形模式,这可能引入不可靠的关系来损害匹配性能。在本文中,我们提出了一个名为Glam的联合\ EMPH {图学习和匹配}网络,以探索用于升压图形匹配的可靠图形结构。 Glam采用纯粹的关注框架,用于图形学习和图形匹配。具体而言,它采用两种类型的注意机制,自我关注和横向于任务。自我关注发现功能之​​间的关系,并通过学习结构进一步更新功能表示;并且横向计算要与特征重建匹配的两个特征集之间的横谱图相关性。此外,最终匹配解决方案直接来自横向层的输出,而不采用特定的匹配决策模块。所提出的方法是在三个流行的视觉匹配基准(Pascal VOC,Willow Object和Spair-71K)上进行评估,并且在以前的最先进的图表匹配方法中通过所有基准测试的重要利润率。此外,我们的模型学习的图形模式被验证,通过用学习的图形结构替换其手工制作的图形结构,能够显着增强先前的深度图匹配方法。
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在许多领域,包括计算机视觉和模式识别的许多领域,图形匹配(GM)一直是一个基础。尽管最近取得了令人印象深刻的进展,但现有的深入GM方法通常在处理这两个图中的异常值方面都有困难,这在实践中无处不在。我们提出了基于加权图匹配的基于深的增强学习(RL)方法RGM,其顺序节点匹配方案自然适合选择性嵌入式匹配与异常值的策略。设计了可撤销的动作方案,以提高代理商在复杂受约束的匹配任务上的灵活性。此外,我们提出了一种二次近似技术,以在存在异常值的情况下使亲和力矩阵正常化。因此,当目标得分停止增长时,RL代理可以及时完成匹配,否则,否则会有额外的超参数,即需要常见的嵌入式数量来避免匹配异常值。在本文中,我们专注于学习最通用的GM形式的后端求解器:Lawler's QAP,其输入是亲和力矩阵。我们的方法还可以使用亲和力输入来增强其他求解器。合成和现实世界数据集的实验结果展示了其在匹配准确性和鲁棒性方面的出色性能。
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近年来,线性分配问题(LAP)的可分解求解器(LAP)引起了很多研究的关注,通常嵌入到学习框架中作为组件。然而,以前的算法,有或没有学习策略,通常随着问题大小的增量而遭受最优性的降低。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于深图网络的学习线性分配求解器。具体地,我们首先将成本矩阵转换为二分图,并将分配任务转换为从构造的图表中选择可靠的边缘的问题。随后,开发了深图网络以聚合和更新节点和边的特征。最后,网络预测指示指示赋值关系的每个边缘的标签。合成数据集的实验结果表明,我们的方法优于最先进的基线,并以问题尺寸的增量达到始终如一的高精度。此外,我们还与最先进的基线求解器相比,嵌入了所提出的求解器,进入流行的多目标跟踪(MOT)框架,以以端到端的方式训练跟踪器。 MOT基准的实验结果表明,所提出的LAP解算器通过最大的边缘改善跟踪器。
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In this paper, we study a novel and widely existing problem in graph matching (GM), namely, Bi-level Noisy Correspondence (BNC), which refers to node-level noisy correspondence (NNC) and edge-level noisy correspondence (ENC). In brief, on the one hand, due to the poor recognizability and viewpoint differences between images, it is inevitable to inaccurately annotate some keypoints with offset and confusion, leading to the mismatch between two associated nodes, i.e., NNC. On the other hand, the noisy node-to-node correspondence will further contaminate the edge-to-edge correspondence, thus leading to ENC. For the BNC challenge, we propose a novel method termed Contrastive Matching with Momentum Distillation. Specifically, the proposed method is with a robust quadratic contrastive loss which enjoys the following merits: i) better exploring the node-to-node and edge-to-edge correlations through a GM customized quadratic contrastive learning paradigm; ii) adaptively penalizing the noisy assignments based on the confidence estimated by the momentum teacher. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets show the robustness of our model compared with 12 competitive baselines.
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Many challenges from natural world can be formulated as a graph matching problem. Previous deep learning-based methods mainly consider a full two-graph matching setting. In this work, we study the more general partial matching problem with multi-graph cycle consistency guarantees. Building on a recent progress in deep learning on graphs, we propose a novel data-driven method (URL) for partial multi-graph matching, which uses an object-to-universe formulation and learns latent representations of abstract universe points. The proposed approach advances the state of the art in semantic keypoint matching problem, evaluated on Pascal VOC, CUB, and Willow datasets. Moreover, the set of controlled experiments on a synthetic graph matching dataset demonstrates the scalability of our method to graphs with large number of nodes and its robustness to high partiality.
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3D point cloud registration is a fundamental problem in computer vision and robotics. Recently, learning-based point cloud registration methods have made great progress. However, these methods are sensitive to outliers, which lead to more incorrect correspondences. In this paper, we propose a novel deep graph matching-based framework for point cloud registration. Specifically, we first transform point clouds into graphs and extract deep features for each point. Then, we develop a module based on deep graph matching to calculate a soft correspondence matrix. By using graph matching, not only the local geometry of each point but also its structure and topology in a larger range are considered in establishing correspondences, so that more correct correspondences are found. We train the network with a loss directly defined on the correspondences, and in the test stage the soft correspondences are transformed into hard one-to-one correspondences so that registration can be performed by a correspondence-based solver. Furthermore, we introduce a transformer-based method to generate edges for graph construction, which further improves the quality of the correspondences. Extensive experiments on object-level and scene-level benchmark datasets show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance. The code is available at: \href{https://github.com/fukexue/RGM}{https://github.com/fukexue/RGM}.
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This paper introduces SuperGlue, a neural network that matches two sets of local features by jointly finding correspondences and rejecting non-matchable points. Assignments are estimated by solving a differentiable optimal transport problem, whose costs are predicted by a graph neural network. We introduce a flexible context aggregation mechanism based on attention, enabling SuperGlue to reason about the underlying 3D scene and feature assignments jointly. Compared to traditional, hand-designed heuristics, our technique learns priors over geometric transformations and regularities of the 3D world through end-to-end training from image pairs. SuperGlue outperforms other learned approaches and achieves state-of-the-art results on the task of pose estimation in challenging real-world indoor and outdoor environments. The proposed method performs matching in real-time on a modern GPU and can be readily integrated into modern SfM or SLAM systems. The code and trained weights are publicly available at github.com/magicleap/SuperGluePretrainedNetwork.
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We present the Neural Satisfiability Network (NSNet), a general neural framework that models satisfiability problems as probabilistic inference and meanwhile exhibits proper explainability. Inspired by the Belief Propagation (BP), NSNet uses a novel graph neural network (GNN) to parameterize BP in the latent space, where its hidden representations maintain the same probabilistic interpretation as BP. NSNet can be flexibly configured to solve both SAT and #SAT problems by applying different learning objectives. For SAT, instead of directly predicting a satisfying assignment, NSNet performs marginal inference among all satisfying solutions, which we empirically find is more feasible for neural networks to learn. With the estimated marginals, a satisfying assignment can be efficiently generated by rounding and executing a stochastic local search. For #SAT, NSNet performs approximate model counting by learning the Bethe approximation of the partition function. Our evaluations show that NSNet achieves competitive results in terms of inference accuracy and time efficiency on multiple SAT and #SAT datasets.
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图形匹配优化问题是计算机视觉中许多任务的重要组成部分,例如在通信中带来两个可变形对象。自然,在过去的几十年中,已经提出了广泛的适用算法。由于尚未开发出通用的标准基准,因此由于对不同的问题实例的评估和标准使结果无与伦比,因此通常很难验证其绩效主张。为了解决这些缺点,我们提出了匹配算法的比较研究。我们创建了一个统一的基准测试标准,在其中收集和分类了一组现有和公开可用的计算机视觉图形匹配问题,以通用格式。同时,我们收集和分类图形匹配算法的最流行的开源实现。它们的性能以与比较优化算法的最佳实践相符的方式进行评估。该研究旨在可再现和扩展,以作为未来的宝贵资源。我们的研究提供了三个值得注意的见解:1。)流行问题实例在少于1秒的时间内完全可以解决,因此不足以进行将来的经​​验评估; 2.)最受欢迎的基线方法高于最佳可用方法; 3.)尽管该问题存在NP硬度,但即使对于具有超过500个顶点的图形,也可以在几秒钟内求解来自视力应用程序的实例。
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Deep learning has revolutionized many machine learning tasks in recent years, ranging from image classification and video processing to speech recognition and natural language understanding. The data in these tasks are typically represented in the Euclidean space. However, there is an increasing number of applications where data are generated from non-Euclidean domains and are represented as graphs with complex relationships and interdependency between objects. The complexity of graph data has imposed significant challenges on existing machine learning algorithms. Recently, many studies on extending deep learning approaches for graph data have emerged. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive overview of graph neural networks (GNNs) in data mining and machine learning fields. We propose a new taxonomy to divide the state-of-the-art graph neural networks into four categories, namely recurrent graph neural networks, convolutional graph neural networks, graph autoencoders, and spatial-temporal graph neural networks. We further discuss the applications of graph neural networks across various domains and summarize the open source codes, benchmark data sets, and model evaluation of graph neural networks. Finally, we propose potential research directions in this rapidly growing field.
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关键点匹配是多个图像相关应用的关键组件,例如图像拼接,视觉同时定位和映射(SLAM)等。基于手工制作和最近出现的深度学习的关键点匹配方法仅依赖于关键点和本地功能,同时在上述应用中丢失其他可用传感器(如惯性测量单元(IMU))的视觉。在本文中,我们证明IMU集成的运动估计可用于利用图像之间的关键点之前的空间分布。为此,提出了一种注意力制剂的概率视角,以自然地将空间分布集成到注意力图神经网络中。在空间分布的帮助下,可以减少用于建模隐藏特征的网络的努力。此外,我们为所提出的关键点匹配网络提出了一个投影损耗,它在匹配和未匹配的关键点之间提供了平滑的边缘。图像匹配在Visual Slam数据集上的实验表明了呈现的方法的有效性和效率。
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The task of multi-label image recognition is to predict a set of object labels that present in an image. As objects normally co-occur in an image, it is desirable to model the label dependencies to improve the recognition performance. To capture and explore such important dependencies, we propose a multi-label classification model based on Graph Convolutional Network (GCN). The model builds a directed graph over the object labels, where each node (label) is represented by word embeddings of a label, and GCN is learned to map this label graph into a set of inter-dependent object classifiers. These classifiers are applied to the image descriptors extracted by another sub-net, enabling the whole network to be end-to-end trainable. Furthermore, we propose a novel re-weighted scheme to create an effective label correlation matrix to guide information propagation among the nodes in GCN. Experiments on two multi-label image recognition datasets show that our approach obviously outperforms other existing state-of-the-art methods. In addition, visualization analyses reveal that the classifiers learned by our model maintain meaningful semantic topology.
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