The recent trend in multiple object tracking (MOT) is jointly solving detection and tracking, where object detection and appearance feature (or motion) are learned simultaneously. Despite competitive performance, in crowded scenes, joint detection and tracking usually fail to find accurate object associations due to missed or false detections. In this paper, we jointly model counting, detection and re-identification in an end-to-end framework, named CountingMOT, tailored for crowded scenes. By imposing mutual object-count constraints between detection and counting, the CountingMOT tries to find a balance between object detection and crowd density map estimation, which can help it to recover missed detections or reject false detections. Our approach is an attempt to bridge the gap of object detection, counting, and re-Identification. This is in contrast to prior MOT methods that either ignore the crowd density and thus are prone to failure in crowded scenes, or depend on local correlations to build a graphical relationship for matching targets. The proposed MOT tracker can perform online and real-time tracking, and achieves the state-of-the-art results on public benchmarks MOT16 (MOTA of 77.6), MOT17 (MOTA of 78.0%) and MOT20 (MOTA of 70.2%).
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Tracking has traditionally been the art of following interest points through space and time. This changed with the rise of powerful deep networks. Nowadays, tracking is dominated by pipelines that perform object detection followed by temporal association, also known as tracking-by-detection. We present a simultaneous detection and tracking algorithm that is simpler, faster, and more accurate than the state of the art. Our tracker, CenterTrack, applies a detection model to a pair of images and detections from the prior frame. Given this minimal input, CenterTrack localizes objects and predicts their associations with the previous frame. That's it. CenterTrack is simple, online (no peeking into the future), and real-time. It achieves 67.8% MOTA on the MOT17 challenge at 22 FPS and 89.4% MOTA on the KITTI tracking benchmark at 15 FPS, setting a new state of the art on both datasets. CenterTrack is easily extended to monocular 3D tracking by regressing additional 3D attributes. Using monocular video input, it achieves 28.3% AMOTA@0.2 on the newly released nuScenes 3D tracking benchmark, substantially outperforming the monocular baseline on this benchmark while running at 28 FPS.
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Crowd counting plays an important role in risk perception and early warning, traffic control and scene statistical analysis. The challenges of crowd counting in highly dense and complex scenes lie in the mutual occlusion of the human body parts, the large variation of the body scales and the complexity of imaging conditions. Deep learning based head detection is a promising method for crowd counting. However the highly concerned object detection networks cannot be well applied to this field for two main reasons. First, most of the existing head detection datasets are only annotated with the center points instead of bounding boxes which is mandatory for the canonical detectors. Second, the sample imbalance has not been overcome yet in highly dense and complex scenes because the existing loss functions calculate the positive loss at a single key point or in the entire target area with the same weight. To address these problems, We propose a novel loss function, called Mask Focal Loss, to unify the loss functions based on heatmap ground truth (GT) and binary feature map GT. Mask Focal Loss redefines the weight of the loss contributions according to the situ value of the heatmap with a Gaussian kernel. For better evaluation and comparison, a new synthetic dataset GTA\_Head is made public, including 35 sequences, 5096 images and 1732043 head labels with bounding boxes. Experimental results show the overwhelming performance and demonstrate that our proposed Mask Focal Loss is applicable to all of the canonical detectors and to various datasets with different GT. This provides a strong basis for surpassing the crowd counting methods based on density estimation.
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将对象检测和ID嵌入提取到统一网络的单次多对象跟踪,近年来取得了开创性的结果。然而,目前的单次追踪器仅依赖于单帧检测来预测候选界限盒,当面对灾难性的视觉下降时,例如运动模糊,闭塞时可能是不可靠的。一旦检测器错误地被错误地归类为背景,将不再维护其相应的ROCKLET的时间一致性。在本文中,我们首先通过提出重新检查网络恢复被错误分类为“假背景”的边界框。重新检查网络创新地扩展了ID从数据关联嵌入ID的角色,以通过有效地将先前的轨迹传播到具有小开销的当前帧的运动预测。请注意,传播结果由独立和有效的嵌入搜索产生,防止模型过度依赖于检测结果。最终,它有助于重新加载“假背景”并修复破碎的Tracklet。在强大的基线Cstrack上建立一个新的单次追踪器,分别通过70.7 $ 76.4,70.6 $ \右前场达到76.3美元的MOT17和MOT17。它还达到了新的最先进的Mota和IDF1性能。代码在发布。
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3D多对象跟踪(MOT)确保在连续动态检测过程中保持一致性,有利于自动驾驶中随后的运动计划和导航任务。但是,基于摄像头的方法在闭塞情况下受到影响,准确跟踪基于激光雷达的方法的对象的不规则运动可能是具有挑战性的。某些融合方法效果很好,但不认为在遮挡下出现外观特征的不可信问题。同时,错误检测问题也显着影响跟踪。因此,我们根据组合的外观运动优化(Camo-Mot)提出了一种新颖的相机融合3D MOT框架,该框架使用相机和激光镜数据,并大大减少了由遮挡和错误检测引起的跟踪故障。对于遮挡问题,我们是第一个提出遮挡头来有效地选择最佳对象外观的人,从而减少了闭塞的影响。为了减少错误检测在跟踪中的影响,我们根据置信得分设计一个运动成本矩阵,从而提高了3D空间中的定位和对象预测准确性。由于现有的多目标跟踪方法仅考虑一个类别,因此我们还建议建立多类损失,以在多类别场景中实现多目标跟踪。在Kitti和Nuscenes跟踪基准测试上进行了一系列验证实验。我们提出的方法在KITTI测试数据集上的所有多模式MOT方法中实现了最先进的性能和最低的身份开关(IDS)值(CAR为23,行人为137)。并且我们提出的方法在Nuscenes测试数据集上以75.3%的AMOTA进行了所有算法中的最新性能。
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多对象跟踪(MOT)的目标是检测和跟踪场景中的所有对象,同时为每个对象保留唯一的标识符。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的可靠的最新跟踪器,该跟踪器可以结合运动和外观信息的优势,以及摄像机运动补偿以及更准确的Kalman滤波器状态矢量。我们的新跟踪器在Mot17和Mot20测试集的Motchallenge [29,11]的数据集[29,11]中,Bot-Sort-Reid排名第一,就所有主要MOT指标而言:MOTA,IDF1和HOTA。对于Mot17:80.5 Mota,80.2 IDF1和65.0 HOTA。源代码和预培训模型可在上找到
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我们提出了一种称为独角兽的统一方法,可以使用相同的模型参数同时使用单个网络解决四个跟踪问题(SOT,MOT,VOS,MOTS)。由于对象跟踪问题本身的定义零散,因此开发了大多数现有的跟踪器来解决任务的单个或一部分,并过分地对特定任务的特征进行了专业化。相比之下,Unicorn提供了一个统一的解决方案,在所有跟踪任务中采用相同的输入,骨干,嵌入和头部。我们第一次完成了跟踪网络体系结构和学习范式的巨大统一。Unicorn在8个跟踪数据集中的特定于任务特定的对应物(包括Lasot,TrackingNet,Mot17,BDD100K,Davis16-17,MOTS20和BDD100K MOT)在PAR上或更好的对应物。我们认为,独角兽将是朝着一般视觉模型迈出的坚实一步。代码可从获得。
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近年来,多个对象跟踪引起了研究人员的极大兴趣,它已成为计算机视觉中的趋势问题之一,尤其是随着自动驾驶的最新发展。 MOT是针对不同问题的关键视觉任务之一,例如拥挤的场景中的闭塞,相似的外观,小物体检测难度,ID切换等,以应对这些挑战,因为研究人员试图利用变压器的注意力机制,与田径的相互关系,与田径的相互关系,图形卷积神经网络,与暹罗网络不同帧中对象的外观相似性,他们还尝试了基于IOU匹配的CNN网络,使用LSTM的运动预测。为了将这些零散的技术在雨伞下采用,我们研究了过去三年发表的一百多篇论文,并试图提取近代研究人员更关注的技术来解决MOT的问题。我们已经征集了许多应用,可能性以及MOT如何与现实生活有关。我们的评论试图展示研究人员使用过时的技术的不同观点,并为潜在的研究人员提供了一些未来的方向。此外,我们在这篇评论中包括了流行的基准数据集和指标。
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对象运动和对象外观是多个对象跟踪(MOT)应用中的常用信息,用于将帧跨越帧的检测相关联,或用于联合检测和跟踪方法的直接跟踪预测。然而,不仅是这两种类型的信息通常是单独考虑的,而且它们也没有帮助直接从当前感兴趣帧中使用视觉信息的用法。在本文中,我们提出了PatchTrack,一种基于变压器的联合检测和跟踪系统,其使用当前感兴趣的帧帧的曲线预测曲目。我们使用卡尔曼滤波器从前一帧预测当前帧中的现有轨道的位置。从预测边界框裁剪的补丁被发送到变压器解码器以推断新曲目。通过利用在补丁中编码的对象运动和对象外观信息,所提出的方法将更多地关注新曲目更有可能发生的位置。我们展示了近期MOT基准的Patchtrack的有效性,包括MOT16(MOTA 73.71%,IDF1 65.77%)和MOT17(MOTA 73.59%,IDF1 65.23%)。结果在上发布。
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Due to object detection's close relationship with video analysis and image understanding, it has attracted much research attention in recent years. Traditional object detection methods are built on handcrafted features and shallow trainable architectures. Their performance easily stagnates by constructing complex ensembles which combine multiple low-level image features with high-level context from object detectors and scene classifiers. With the rapid development in deep learning, more powerful tools, which are able to learn semantic, high-level, deeper features, are introduced to address the problems existing in traditional architectures. These models behave differently in network architecture, training strategy and optimization function, etc. In this paper, we provide a review on deep learning based object detection frameworks. Our review begins with a brief introduction on the history of deep learning and its representative tool, namely Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Then we focus on typical generic object detection architectures along with some modifications and useful tricks to improve detection performance further. As distinct specific detection tasks exhibit different characteristics, we also briefly survey several specific tasks, including salient object detection, face detection and pedestrian detection. Experimental analyses are also provided to compare various methods and draw some meaningful conclusions. Finally, several promising directions and tasks are provided to serve as guidelines for future work in both object detection and relevant neural network based learning systems.
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在监控和搜索和救援应用程序中,重要的是在低端设备上实时执行多目标跟踪(MOT)。今天的MOT解决方案采用深度神经网络,往往具有高计算复杂性。识别帧大小对跟踪性能的影响,我们提出了深度,一种模型不可知框架尺寸选择方法,可在现有的全卷积网络基跟踪器之上进行操作,以加速跟踪吞吐量。在培训阶段,我们将可检测性分数纳入单次跟踪器架构,使得DeepScale以自我监督的方式学习不同帧大小的表示估计。在推理期间,它可以根据基于用户控制参数根据视觉内容的复杂性来调整帧大小。为了利用边缘服务器上的计算资源,我们提出了两个计算分区模式,即仅使用自适应帧大小传输和边缘服务器辅助跟踪仅适用于MOT,即边缘服务器。 MOT数据集的广泛实验和基准测试证明了深度的有效性和灵活性。与最先进的追踪器相比,DeepScale ++,DeepScale的变种实现1.57倍加速,仅在一个配置中的MOT15数据集上跟踪准确性。我们已经实现和评估了DeepScale ++,以及由NVIDIA JETSON TX2板和GPU服务器组成的小型测试平台上所提出的计算分区方案。实验显示与仅服务器或智能相机的解决方案相比跟踪性能和延迟之间的非琐碎权衡。
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多摄像机多对象跟踪目前在计算机视野中引起了注意力,因为它在现实世界应用中的卓越性能,如具有拥挤场景或巨大空间的视频监控。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种基于空间升降的多乳制型配方的数学上优雅的多摄像多对象跟踪方法。我们的模型利用单摄像头跟踪器产生的最先进的TOOTWLET作为提案。由于这些Tracklet可能包含ID-Switch错误,因此我们通过从3D几何投影获得的新型预簇来完善它们。因此,我们派生了更好的跟踪图,没有ID交换机,更精确的数据关联阶段的亲和力成本。然后通过求解全局提升的多乳制型制剂,将轨迹与多摄像机轨迹匹配,该组件包含位于同一相机和相互相机间的Tracklet上的短路和远程时间交互。在Wildtrack DataSet的实验结果是近乎完美的结果,在校园上表现出最先进的追踪器,同时在PETS-09数据集上处于校准状态。我们将在接受纸质时进行我们的实施。
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The problem of tracking multiple objects in a video sequence poses several challenging tasks. For tracking-bydetection, these include object re-identification, motion prediction and dealing with occlusions. We present a tracker (without bells and whistles) that accomplishes tracking without specifically targeting any of these tasks, in particular, we perform no training or optimization on tracking data. To this end, we exploit the bounding box regression of an object detector to predict the position of an object in the next frame, thereby converting a detector into a Tracktor. We demonstrate the potential of Tracktor and provide a new state-of-the-art on three multi-object tracking benchmarks by extending it with a straightforward re-identification and camera motion compensation.We then perform an analysis on the performance and failure cases of several state-of-the-art tracking methods in comparison to our Tracktor. Surprisingly, none of the dedicated tracking methods are considerably better in dealing with complex tracking scenarios, namely, small and occluded objects or missing detections. However, our approach tackles most of the easy tracking scenarios. Therefore, we motivate our approach as a new tracking paradigm and point out promising future research directions. Overall, Tracktor yields superior tracking performance than any current tracking method and our analysis exposes remaining and unsolved tracking challenges to inspire future research directions.
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