We introduce a new method for diverse foreground generation with explicit control over various factors. Existing image inpainting based foreground generation methods often struggle to generate diverse results and rarely allow users to explicitly control specific factors of variation (e.g., varying the facial identity or expression for face inpainting results). We leverage contrastive learning with latent codes to generate diverse foreground results for the same masked input. Specifically, we define two sets of latent codes, where one controls a pre-defined factor (``known''), and the other controls the remaining factors (``unknown''). The sampled latent codes from the two sets jointly bi-modulate the convolution kernels to guide the generator to synthesize diverse results. Experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method over state-of-the-arts in result diversity and generation controllability.
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Our goal with this survey is to provide an overview of the state of the art deep learning technologies for face generation and editing. We will cover popular latest architectures and discuss key ideas that make them work, such as inversion, latent representation, loss functions, training procedures, editing methods, and cross domain style transfer. We particularly focus on GAN-based architectures that have culminated in the StyleGAN approaches, which allow generation of high-quality face images and offer rich interfaces for controllable semantics editing and preserving photo quality. We aim to provide an entry point into the field for readers that have basic knowledge about the field of deep learning and are looking for an accessible introduction and overview.
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Prior work has extensively studied the latent space structure of GANs for unconditional image synthesis, enabling global editing of generated images by the unsupervised discovery of interpretable latent directions. However, the discovery of latent directions for conditional GANs for semantic image synthesis (SIS) has remained unexplored. In this work, we specifically focus on addressing this gap. We propose a novel optimization method for finding spatially disentangled class-specific directions in the latent space of pretrained SIS models. We show that the latent directions found by our method can effectively control the local appearance of semantic classes, e.g., changing their internal structure, texture or color independently from each other. Visual inspection and quantitative evaluation of the discovered GAN controls on various datasets demonstrate that our method discovers a diverse set of unique and semantically meaningful latent directions for class-specific edits.
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Privacy of machine learning models is one of the remaining challenges that hinder the broad adoption of Artificial Intelligent (AI). This paper considers this problem in the context of image datasets containing faces. Anonymization of such datasets is becoming increasingly important due to their central role in the training of autonomous cars, for example, and the vast amount of data generated by surveillance systems. While most prior work de-identifies facial images by modifying identity features in pixel space, we instead project the image onto the latent space of a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) model, find the features that provide the biggest identity disentanglement, and then manipulate these features in latent space, pixel space, or both. The main contribution of the paper is the design of a feature-preserving anonymization framework, StyleID, which protects the individuals' identity, while preserving as many characteristics of the original faces in the image dataset as possible. As part of the contribution, we present a novel disentanglement metric, three complementing disentanglement methods, and new insights into identity disentanglement. StyleID provides tunable privacy, has low computational complexity, and is shown to outperform current state-of-the-art solutions.
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Although Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have made significant progress in face synthesis, there lacks enough understanding of what GANs have learned in the latent representation to map a random code to a photo-realistic image. In this work, we propose a framework called InterFaceGAN to interpret the disentangled face representation learned by the state-of-the-art GAN models and study the properties of the facial semantics encoded in the latent space. We first find that GANs learn various semantics in some linear subspaces of the latent space. After identifying these subspaces, we can realistically manipulate the corresponding facial attributes without retraining the model. We then conduct a detailed study on the correlation between different semantics and manage to better disentangle them via subspace projection, resulting in more precise control of the attribute manipulation. Besides manipulating the gender, age, expression, and presence of eyeglasses, we can even alter the face pose and fix the artifacts accidentally made by GANs. Furthermore, we perform an in-depth face identity analysis and a layer-wise analysis to evaluate the editing results quantitatively. Finally, we apply our approach to real face editing by employing GAN inversion approaches and explicitly training feed-forward models based on the synthetic data established by InterFaceGAN. Extensive experimental results suggest that learning to synthesize faces spontaneously brings a disentangled and controllable face representation.
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最近的图像入介方法取得了长足的进步,但在处理复杂图像中的大孔时,通常很难产生合理的图像结构。这部分是由于缺乏有效的网络结构可以捕获图像的远程依赖性和高级语义。我们提出了级联调制GAN(CM-GAN),这是一种新的网络设计,由编码器组成,该设计由带有傅立叶卷积块的编码器组成,该块从带有孔的输入图像中提取多尺度特征表示,并带有带有新型级联全球空间调制的双流式解码器在每个比例尺上块。在每个解码器块中,首先应用全局调制以执行粗糙和语义感知的结构合成,然后进行空间调制以进一步以空间自适应的方式调整特征图。此外,我们设计了一种对象感知的培训方案,以防止网络在孔内部幻觉,从而满足实际情况下对象删除任务的需求。进行了广泛的实验,以表明我们的方法在定量和定性评估中都显着优于现有方法。请参阅项目页面:\ url {https://github.com/htzheng/cm-gan-inpainting}。
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We explore and analyze the latent style space of Style-GAN2, a state-of-the-art architecture for image generation, using models pretrained on several different datasets. We first show that StyleSpace, the space of channel-wise style parameters, is significantly more disentangled than the other intermediate latent spaces explored by previous works. Next, we describe a method for discovering a large collection of style channels, each of which is shown to control a distinct visual attribute in a highly localized and disentangled manner. Third, we propose a simple method for identifying style channels that control a specific attribute, using a pretrained classifier or a small number of example images. Manipulation of visual attributes via these StyleSpace controls is shown to be better disentangled than via those proposed in previous works. To show this, we make use of a newly proposed Attribute Dependency metric. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability of StyleSpace controls to the manipulation of real images. Our findings pave the way to semantically meaningful and well-disentangled image manipulations via simple and intuitive interfaces.
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在本文中,我们解决了神经面部重演的问题,鉴于一对源和目标面部图像,我们需要通过将目标的姿势(定义为头部姿势及其面部表情定义)通过同时保留源的身份特征(例如面部形状,发型等),即使在源头和目标面属于不同身份的挑战性情况下也是如此。在此过程中,我们解决了最先进作品的一些局限在推理期间标记的数据以及c)它们不保留大型头部姿势变化中的身份。更具体地说,我们提出了一个框架,该框架使用未配对的随机生成的面部图像学会通过合并最近引入的样式空间$ \ Mathcal $ \ Mathcal {S} $ of Stylegan2的姿势,以将面部的身份特征从其姿势中解脱出来表现出显着的分解特性。通过利用这一点,我们学会使用3D模型的监督成功地混合了一对源和目标样式代码。随后用于重新制定的最终潜在代码由仅与源的面部姿势相对应的潜在单位和仅与源身份相对应的单位组成,从而显着改善了与最近的状态性能相比的重新制定性能。艺术方法。与艺术的状态相比,我们定量和定性地表明,即使在极端的姿势变化下,提出的方法也会产生更高的质量结果。最后,我们通过首先将它们嵌入预告片发电机的潜在空间来报告实际图像。我们在:https://github.com/stelabou/stylemask上公开提供代码和预估计的模型
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生成的对抗网络(GANS)已经实现了图像生成的照片逼真品质。但是,如何最好地控制图像内容仍然是一个开放的挑战。我们介绍了莱特基照片,这是一个两级GaN,它在古典GAN目标上训练了训练,在一组空间关键点上有内部调节。这些关键点具有相关的外观嵌入,分别控制生成对象的位置和样式及其部件。我们使用合适的网络架构和培训方案地址的一个主要困难在没有领域知识和监督信号的情况下将图像解开到空间和外观因素中。我们展示了莱特基点提供可解释的潜在空间,可用于通过重新定位和交换Keypoint Embedding来重新安排生成的图像,例如通过组合来自不同图像的眼睛,鼻子和嘴巴来产生肖像。此外,关键点和匹配图像的显式生成启用了一种用于无监督的关键点检测的新的GaN的方法。
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最近的面部生成方法试图根据给定的轮廓条件(例如低分辨率图像或草图)合成面部。但是,身份歧义的问题仍未解决,通常在轮廓太模糊而无法提供可靠的身份信息时(例如,当其分辨率极低时)发生。因此,可行的图像恢复解决方案可能是无限的。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个新颖的框架,该框架采用轮廓和一个额外的图像,将身份指定为输入,轮廓可以是各种方式,包括低分辨率图像,草图和语义标签映射。具体而言,我们提出了一种新颖的双重编码架构,其中身份编码器提取与身份相关的特征,并伴随着主编码器,以获取粗糙的轮廓信息并将所有信息进一步融合在一起。编码器输出迭代地馈入预训练的样式Generator,直到获得令人满意的结果为止。据我们所知,这是在多模式轮廓图像中获得身份引导的面部生成的第一部作品。此外,我们的方法可以以1024 $ \ times $ 1024的分辨率产生照片现实效果。
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Recent 3D-aware GANs rely on volumetric rendering techniques to disentangle the pose and appearance of objects, de facto generating entire 3D volumes rather than single-view 2D images from a latent code. Complex image editing tasks can be performed in standard 2D-based GANs (e.g., StyleGAN models) as manipulation of latent dimensions. However, to the best of our knowledge, similar properties have only been partially explored for 3D-aware GAN models. This work aims to fill this gap by showing the limitations of existing methods and proposing LatentSwap3D, a model-agnostic approach designed to enable attribute editing in the latent space of pre-trained 3D-aware GANs. We first identify the most relevant dimensions in the latent space of the model controlling the targeted attribute by relying on the feature importance ranking of a random forest classifier. Then, to apply the transformation, we swap the top-K most relevant latent dimensions of the image being edited with an image exhibiting the desired attribute. Despite its simplicity, LatentSwap3D provides remarkable semantic edits in a disentangled manner and outperforms alternative approaches both qualitatively and quantitatively. We demonstrate our semantic edit approach on various 3D-aware generative models such as pi-GAN, GIRAFFE, StyleSDF, MVCGAN, EG3D and VolumeGAN, and on diverse datasets, such as FFHQ, AFHQ, Cats, MetFaces, and CompCars. The project page can be found: \url{https://enisimsar.github.io/latentswap3d/}.
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