The performance of differentially private machine learning can be boosted significantly by leveraging the transfer learning capabilities of non-private models pretrained on large public datasets. We critically review this approach. We primarily question whether the use of large Web-scraped datasets should be viewed as differential-privacy-preserving. We caution that publicizing these models pretrained on Web data as "private" could lead to harm and erode the public's trust in differential privacy as a meaningful definition of privacy. Beyond the privacy considerations of using public data, we further question the utility of this paradigm. We scrutinize whether existing machine learning benchmarks are appropriate for measuring the ability of pretrained models to generalize to sensitive domains, which may be poorly represented in public Web data. Finally, we notice that pretraining has been especially impactful for the largest available models -- models sufficiently large to prohibit end users running them on their own devices. Thus, deploying such models today could be a net loss for privacy, as it would require (private) data to be outsourced to a more compute-powerful third party. We conclude by discussing potential paths forward for the field of private learning, as public pretraining becomes more popular and powerful.
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It has become common to publish large (billion parameter) language models that have been trained on private datasets. This paper demonstrates that in such settings, an adversary can perform a training data extraction attack to recover individual training examples by querying the language model. We demonstrate our attack on GPT-2, a language model trained on scrapes of the public Internet, and are able to extract hundreds of verbatim text sequences from the model's training data. These extracted examples include (public) personally identifiable information (names, phone numbers, and email addresses), IRC conversations, code, and 128-bit UUIDs. Our attack is possible even though each of the above sequences are included in just one document in the training data.We comprehensively evaluate our extraction attack to understand the factors that contribute to its success. Worryingly, we find that larger models are more vulnerable than smaller models. We conclude by drawing lessons and discussing possible safeguards for training large language models.
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State-of-the-art computer vision systems are trained to predict a fixed set of predetermined object categories. This restricted form of supervision limits their generality and usability since additional labeled data is needed to specify any other visual concept. Learning directly from raw text about images is a promising alternative which leverages a much broader source of supervision. We demonstrate that the simple pre-training task of predicting which caption goes with which image is an efficient and scalable way to learn SOTA image representations from scratch on a dataset of 400 million (image, text) pairs collected from the internet. After pre-training, natural language is used to reference learned visual concepts (or describe new ones) enabling zero-shot transfer of the model to downstream tasks. We study the performance of this approach by benchmarking on over 30 different existing computer vision datasets, spanning tasks such as OCR, action recognition in videos, geo-localization, and many types of fine-grained object classification. The model transfers non-trivially to most tasks and is often competitive with a fully supervised baseline without the need for any dataset specific training. For instance, we match the accuracy of the original ResNet-50 on ImageNet zero-shot without needing to use any of the 1.28 million training examples it was trained on. We release our code and pre-trained model weights at
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We are currently unable to specify human goals and societal values in a way that reliably directs AI behavior. Law-making and legal interpretation form a computational engine that converts opaque human values into legible directives. "Law Informs Code" is the research agenda capturing complex computational legal processes, and embedding them in AI. Similar to how parties to a legal contract cannot foresee every potential contingency of their future relationship, and legislators cannot predict all the circumstances under which their proposed bills will be applied, we cannot ex ante specify rules that provably direct good AI behavior. Legal theory and practice have developed arrays of tools to address these specification problems. For instance, legal standards allow humans to develop shared understandings and adapt them to novel situations. In contrast to more prosaic uses of the law (e.g., as a deterrent of bad behavior through the threat of sanction), leveraged as an expression of how humans communicate their goals, and what society values, Law Informs Code. We describe how data generated by legal processes (methods of law-making, statutory interpretation, contract drafting, applications of legal standards, legal reasoning, etc.) can facilitate the robust specification of inherently vague human goals. This increases human-AI alignment and the local usefulness of AI. Toward society-AI alignment, we present a framework for understanding law as the applied philosophy of multi-agent alignment. Although law is partly a reflection of historically contingent political power - and thus not a perfect aggregation of citizen preferences - if properly parsed, its distillation offers the most legitimate computational comprehension of societal values available. If law eventually informs powerful AI, engaging in the deliberative political process to improve law takes on even more meaning.
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联合学习(FL)是一个系统,中央聚合器协调多个客户解决机器学习问题的努力。此设置允许分散培训数据以保护隐私。本文的目的是提供针对医疗保健的FL系统的概述。 FL在此根据其框架,架构和应用程序进行评估。这里显示的是,FL通过中央聚合器服务器通过共享的全球深度学习(DL)模型解决了前面的问题。本文研究了最新的发展,并提供了来自FL研究的快速增长的启发,列出了未解决的问题。在FL的背景下,描述了几种隐私方法,包括安全的多方计算,同态加密,差异隐私和随机梯度下降。此外,还提供了对各种FL类的综述,例如水平和垂直FL以及联合转移学习。 FL在无线通信,服务建议,智能医学诊断系统和医疗保健方面有应用,本文将在本文中进行讨论。我们还对现有的FL挑战进行了彻底的审查,例如隐私保护,沟通成本,系统异质性和不可靠的模型上传,然后是未来的研究指示。
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Foundation models can be disruptive for future AI development by scaling up deep learning in terms of model size and training data's breadth and size. These models achieve state-of-the-art performance (often through further adaptation) on a variety of tasks in domains such as natural language processing and computer vision. Foundational models exhibit a novel {emergent behavior}: {In-context learning} enables users to provide a query and a few examples from which a model derives an answer without being trained on such queries. Additionally, {homogenization} of models might replace a myriad of task-specific models with fewer very large models controlled by few corporations leading to a shift in power and control over AI. This paper provides a short introduction to foundation models. It contributes by crafting a crisp distinction between foundation models and prior deep learning models, providing a history of machine learning leading to foundation models, elaborating more on socio-technical aspects, i.e., organizational issues and end-user interaction, and a discussion of future research.
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联合学习是一种新兴的机器学习(ML)范式,其中大量设备集体训练ML模型,而数据仍保留在设备上。该研究领域有一系列独特的实践挑战,为了系统地取得进步,需要策划与此范式兼容的新数据集。图像域中的现有联合学习基准不能准确捕获许多实际用例的规模和异质性。我们介绍了Flair,这是一个具有挑战性的大规模注释图像数据集,用于适合联合学习的多标签分类。弗莱尔(Flair)拥有来自51,414个Flickr用户的429,078张图像,并捕获了联合学习中通常遇到的许多复杂性,例如异质用户数据和长尾标签分布。我们在此数据集上的不同任务中实现了不同的学习设置中的多个基线。我们认为,天赋可以作为推进联邦学习最先进的具有挑战性的基准。数据集访问和基准的代码可在\ url {}上获得。
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机器学习传感器代表了嵌入式机器学习应用程序未来的范式转移。当前的嵌入式机器学习(ML)实例化遭受了复杂的整合,缺乏模块化以及数据流动的隐私和安全问题。本文提出了一个以数据为中心的范式,用于将传感器智能嵌入边缘设备上,以应对这些挑战。我们对“传感器2.0”的愿景需要将传感器输入数据和ML处理从硬件级别隔离到更广泛的系统,并提供一个薄的界面,以模拟传统传感器的功能。这种分离导致模块化且易于使用的ML传感器设备。我们讨论了将ML处理构建到嵌入式系统上控制微处理器的软件堆栈中的标准方法所带来的挑战,以及ML传感器的模块化如何减轻这些问题。 ML传感器提高了隐私和准确性,同时使系统构建者更容易将ML集成到其产品中,以简单的组件。我们提供了预期的ML传感器和说明性数据表的例子,以表现出来,并希望这将建立对话使我们朝着传感器2.0迈进。
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成对图像和文本的大型数据集越来越受到愿景和愿景和语言任务的通用表示。此类数据集已通过查询搜索引擎或收集HTML Alt-Text构建 - 由于Web数据是嘈杂的,因此它们需要复杂的过滤管道来维护质量。我们探索备用数据源以收集具有最小滤波的高质量数据。我们介绍Redcaps - 从Reddit收集的12M图像文本对的大规模数据集。来自Reddit的图像和标题描绘并描述了各种各样的物体和场景。我们从手动策划的FuSoddits集中收集数据,这为粗略图像标签提供给粗略图像标签,并允许我们转向数据集组合而不标记单个实例。我们展示Redcaps培训的标题模型产生了人类优选的丰富和各种标题,并学习转移到许多下游任务的视觉表现。
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Federated learning is a collaborative method that aims to preserve data privacy while creating AI models. Current approaches to federated learning tend to rely heavily on secure aggregation protocols to preserve data privacy. However, to some degree, such protocols assume that the entity orchestrating the federated learning process (i.e., the server) is not fully malicious or dishonest. We investigate vulnerabilities to secure aggregation that could arise if the server is fully malicious and attempts to obtain access to private, potentially sensitive data. Furthermore, we provide a method to further defend against such a malicious server, and demonstrate effectiveness against known attacks that reconstruct data in a federated learning setting.
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我们为大规模训练的大规模训练语言模型提供了更简单,更稀疏,更快的算法,这些算法在许多标准的NLP任务上实现了最新的隐私与实用性权衡。我们为此问题提出了一个元框架,这是受高度参数效率方法进行微调成功的启发。我们的实验表明,这些方法的差异化适应能力在三个重要方面优于以前的私人算法:实用程序,隐私以及私人培训的计算和记忆成本。在许多经常研究的数据集中,私人模型的实用性接近了非私人模型的方法。例如,在MNLI数据集上,我们使用Roberta-large的准确度为87.8 \%$,使用Roberta-Base $ 83.5 \%$,其隐私预算为$ \ Epsilon = 6.7 $。相比之下,缺乏隐私限制,罗伯塔·莱格(Roberta-Large)的准确度为$ 90.2 \%$。我们的发现对于自然语言生成任务类似。与DART,GPT-2-SMALL,GPT-2中,GPT-2-MEDIUM,GPT-2-LARGE和GPT-2-XL的私人微调达到38.5、42.0、43.1和43.8($ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 43.8) epsilon = 6.8,\ delta = $ 1E-5),而非私人基线为$ 48.1 $。我们所有的实验都表明,较大的模型更适合私人微调:虽然众所周知,它们旨在非优先实现卓越的准确性,但我们发现当引入隐私时,它们也更好地保持其准确性。
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