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近年来,由于深度神经网络的发展,面部识别取得了很大的进步,但最近发现深神经网络容易受到对抗性例子的影响。这意味着基于深神经网络的面部识别模型或系统也容易受到对抗例子的影响。但是,现有的攻击面部识别模型或具有对抗性示例的系统可以有效地完成白色盒子攻击,而不是黑盒模仿攻击,物理攻击或方便的攻击,尤其是在商业面部识别系统上。在本文中,我们提出了一种攻击面部识别模型或称为RSTAM的系统的新方法,该方法可以使用由移动和紧凑型打印机打印的对抗性面膜进行有效的黑盒模仿攻击。首先,RSTAM通过我们提出的随机相似性转换策略来增强对抗性面罩的可传递性。此外,我们提出了一种随机的元优化策略,以结合几种预训练的面部模型来产生更一般的对抗性掩模。最后,我们在Celeba-HQ,LFW,化妆转移(MT)和CASIA-FACEV5数据集上进行实验。还对攻击的性能进行了最新的商业面部识别系统的评估:Face ++,Baidu,Aliyun,Tencent和Microsoft。广泛的实验表明,RSTAM可以有效地对面部识别模型或系统进行黑盒模仿攻击。
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To assess the vulnerability of deep learning in the physical world, recent works introduce adversarial patches and apply them on different tasks. In this paper, we propose another kind of adversarial patch: the Meaningful Adversarial Sticker, a physically feasible and stealthy attack method by using real stickers existing in our life. Unlike the previous adversarial patches by designing perturbations, our method manipulates the sticker's pasting position and rotation angle on the objects to perform physical attacks. Because the position and rotation angle are less affected by the printing loss and color distortion, adversarial stickers can keep good attacking performance in the physical world. Besides, to make adversarial stickers more practical in real scenes, we conduct attacks in the black-box setting with the limited information rather than the white-box setting with all the details of threat models. To effectively solve for the sticker's parameters, we design the Region based Heuristic Differential Evolution Algorithm, which utilizes the new-found regional aggregation of effective solutions and the adaptive adjustment strategy of the evaluation criteria. Our method is comprehensively verified in the face recognition and then extended to the image retrieval and traffic sign recognition. Extensive experiments show the proposed method is effective and efficient in complex physical conditions and has a good generalization for different tasks.
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Adversarial patch is an important form of real-world adversarial attack that brings serious risks to the robustness of deep neural networks. Previous methods generate adversarial patches by either optimizing their perturbation values while fixing the pasting position or manipulating the position while fixing the patch's content. This reveals that the positions and perturbations are both important to the adversarial attack. For that, in this paper, we propose a novel method to simultaneously optimize the position and perturbation for an adversarial patch, and thus obtain a high attack success rate in the black-box setting. Technically, we regard the patch's position, the pre-designed hyper-parameters to determine the patch's perturbations as the variables, and utilize the reinforcement learning framework to simultaneously solve for the optimal solution based on the rewards obtained from the target model with a small number of queries. Extensive experiments are conducted on the Face Recognition (FR) task, and results on four representative FR models show that our method can significantly improve the attack success rate and query efficiency. Besides, experiments on the commercial FR service and physical environments confirm its practical application value. We also extend our method to the traffic sign recognition task to verify its generalization ability.
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The security of artificial intelligence (AI) is an important research area towards safe, reliable, and trustworthy AI systems. To accelerate the research on AI security, the Artificial Intelligence Security Competition (AISC) was organized by the Zhongguancun Laboratory, China Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team, Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Tsinghua University, and RealAI as part of the Zhongguancun International Frontier Technology Innovation Competition ( The competition consists of three tracks, including Deepfake Security Competition, Autonomous Driving Security Competition, and Face Recognition Security Competition. This report will introduce the competition rules of these three tracks and the solutions of top-ranking teams in each track.
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尽管利用对抗性示例的可传递性可以达到非目标攻击的攻击成功率,但它在有针对性的攻击中不能很好地工作,因为从源图像到目标类别的梯度方向通常在不同的DNN中有所不同。为了提高目标攻击的可转移性,最近的研究使生成的对抗示例的特征与从辅助网络或生成对抗网络中学到的目标类别的特征分布保持一致。但是,这些作品假定培训数据集可用,并且需要大量时间来培训网络,这使得很难应用于现实世界。在本文中,我们从普遍性的角度重新审视具有针对性转移性的对抗性示例,并发现高度普遍的对抗扰动往往更容易转移。基于此观察结果,我们提出了图像(LI)攻击的局部性,以提高目标传递性。具体而言,Li不仅仅是使用分类损失,而是引入了对抗性扰动的原始图像和随机裁剪的图像之间的特征相似性损失,这使得对抗性扰动的特征比良性图像更为主导,因此提高了目标传递性的性能。通过将图像的局部性纳入优化扰动中,LI攻击强调,有针对性的扰动应与多样化的输入模式,甚至本地图像贴片有关。广泛的实验表明,LI可以实现基于转移的目标攻击的高成功率。在攻击Imagenet兼容数据集时,LI与现有最新方法相比,LI的提高为12 \%。
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The authors thank Nicholas Carlini (UC Berkeley) and Dimitris Tsipras (MIT) for feedback to improve the survey quality. We also acknowledge X. Huang (Uni. Liverpool), K. R. Reddy (IISC), E. Valle (UNICAMP), Y. Yoo (CLAIR) and others for providing pointers to make the survey more comprehensive.
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Video classification systems are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, which can create severe security problems in video verification. Current black-box attacks need a large number of queries to succeed, resulting in high computational overhead in the process of attack. On the other hand, attacks with restricted perturbations are ineffective against defenses such as denoising or adversarial training. In this paper, we focus on unrestricted perturbations and propose StyleFool, a black-box video adversarial attack via style transfer to fool the video classification system. StyleFool first utilizes color theme proximity to select the best style image, which helps avoid unnatural details in the stylized videos. Meanwhile, the target class confidence is additionally considered in targeted attacks to influence the output distribution of the classifier by moving the stylized video closer to or even across the decision boundary. A gradient-free method is then employed to further optimize the adversarial perturbations. We carry out extensive experiments to evaluate StyleFool on two standard datasets, UCF-101 and HMDB-51. The experimental results demonstrate that StyleFool outperforms the state-of-the-art adversarial attacks in terms of both the number of queries and the robustness against existing defenses. Moreover, 50% of the stylized videos in untargeted attacks do not need any query since they can already fool the video classification model. Furthermore, we evaluate the indistinguishability through a user study to show that the adversarial samples of StyleFool look imperceptible to human eyes, despite unrestricted perturbations.
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Though CNNs have achieved the state-of-the-art performance on various vision tasks, they are vulnerable to adversarial examples -crafted by adding human-imperceptible perturbations to clean images. However, most of the existing adversarial attacks only achieve relatively low success rates under the challenging black-box setting, where the attackers have no knowledge of the model structure and parameters. To this end, we propose to improve the transferability of adversarial examples by creating diverse input patterns. Instead of only using the original images to generate adversarial examples, our method applies random transformations to the input images at each iteration. Extensive experiments on ImageNet show that the proposed attack method can generate adversarial examples that transfer much better to different networks than existing baselines. By evaluating our method against top defense solutions and official baselines from NIPS 2017 adversarial competition, the enhanced attack reaches an average success rate of 73.0%, which outperforms the top-1 attack submission in the NIPS competition by a large margin of 6.6%. We hope that our proposed attack strategy can serve as a strong benchmark baseline for evaluating the robustness of networks to adversaries and the effectiveness of different defense methods in the future. Code is available at https: // .
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基于深的神经网络(DNNS)基于合成孔径雷达(SAR)自动靶标识别(ATR)系统已显示出非常容易受到故意设计但几乎无法察觉的对抗扰动的影响,但是当添加到靶向物体中时,DNN推断可能会偏差。在将DNN应用于高级SAR ATR应用时,这会导致严重的安全问题。因此,增强DNN的对抗性鲁棒性对于对现代现实世界中的SAR ATR系统实施DNN至关重要。本文旨在构建更健壮的DNN基于DNN的SAR ATR模型,探讨了SAR成像过程的领域知识,并提出了一种新型的散射模型引导的对抗攻击(SMGAA)算法,该算法可以以电磁散射响应的形式产生对抗性扰动(称为对抗散射器) )。提出的SMGAA由两个部分组成:1)参数散射模型和相应的成像方法以及2)基于自定义的基于梯度的优化算法。首先,我们介绍了有效的归因散射中心模型(ASCM)和一种通用成像方法,以描述SAR成像过程中典型几何结构的散射行为。通过进一步制定几种策略来考虑SAR目标图像的领域知识并放松贪婪的搜索程序,建议的方法不需要经过审慎的态度,但是可以有效地找到有效的ASCM参数来欺骗SAR分类器并促进SAR分类器并促进强大的模型训练。对MSTAR数据集的全面评估表明,SMGAA产生的对抗散射器对SAR处理链中的扰动和转换比当前研究的攻击更为强大,并且有效地构建了针对恶意散射器的防御模型。
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近年来,随着神经网络的快速发展,深入学习模式的安全性越来越突出,这易于对抗性示例。几乎所有现有的基于梯度的攻击方法使用生成中的符号功能来满足$ l_ \ idty $ norm的扰动预算要求。然而,我们发现,由于它修改了精确梯度方向,因此可以对生成对抗示例的符号功能可能是不正确的。我们建议去除符号功能,并直接利用精确的梯度方向,具有缩放因子,以产生对抗扰动,即使扰动较少的扰动例子也提高了对抗性示例的攻击成功率。此外,考虑到最佳缩放因子在不同的图像上变化,我们提出了一种自适应缩放因子发生器,为每个图像寻求适当的缩放因子,这避免了手动搜索缩放因子的计算成本。我们的方法可以与几乎所有现有的基于梯度的攻击方法集成,以进一步提高攻击成功率。在CIFAR10和Imagenet数据集上的广泛实验表明,我们的方法表现出更高的可转移性和优于最先进的方法。
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Recent studies reveal that deep neural network (DNN) based object detectors are vulnerable to adversarial attacks in the form of adding the perturbation to the images, leading to the wrong output of object detectors. Most current existing works focus on generating perturbed images, also called adversarial examples, to fool object detectors. Though the generated adversarial examples themselves can remain a certain naturalness, most of them can still be easily observed by human eyes, which limits their further application in the real world. To alleviate this problem, we propose a differential evolution based dual adversarial camouflage (DE_DAC) method, composed of two stages to fool human eyes and object detectors simultaneously. Specifically, we try to obtain the camouflage texture, which can be rendered over the surface of the object. In the first stage, we optimize the global texture to minimize the discrepancy between the rendered object and the scene images, making human eyes difficult to distinguish. In the second stage, we design three loss functions to optimize the local texture, making object detectors ineffective. In addition, we introduce the differential evolution algorithm to search for the near-optimal areas of the object to attack, improving the adversarial performance under certain attack area limitations. Besides, we also study the performance of adaptive DE_DAC, which can be adapted to the environment. Experiments show that our proposed method could obtain a good trade-off between the fooling human eyes and object detectors under multiple specific scenes and objects.
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转移对抗性攻击是一种非普通的黑匣子逆势攻击,旨在对替代模型进行对抗的对抗扰动,然后对受害者模型应用这种扰动。然而,来自现有方法的扰动的可转移性仍然有限,因为对逆势扰动易于用单个替代模型和特定数据模式容易接收。在本文中,我们建议学习学习可转让的攻击(LLTA)方法,这使得对逆势扰动更广泛地通过学习数据和模型增强。对于数据增强,我们采用简单的随机调整大小和填充。对于模型增强,我们随机更改后部传播而不是前向传播,以消除对模型预测的影响。通过将特定数据和修改模型作为任务的攻击处理,我们预计对抗扰动采用足够的任务来普遍。为此,在扰动生成的迭代期间进一步引入了元学习算法。基础使用的数据集上的经验结果证明了我们的攻击方法的有效性,与最先进的方法相比,转移攻击的成功率较高的12.85%。我们还评估我们在真实世界在线系统上的方法,即Google Cloud Vision API,进一步展示了我们方法的实际潜力。
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Convolutional neural networks have demonstrated high accuracy on various tasks in recent years. However, they are extremely vulnerable to adversarial examples. For example, imperceptible perturbations added to clean images can cause convolutional neural networks to fail. In this paper, we propose to utilize randomization at inference time to mitigate adversarial effects. Specifically, we use two randomization operations: random resizing, which resizes the input images to a random size, and random padding, which pads zeros around the input images in a random manner. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed randomization method is very effective at defending against both single-step and iterative attacks. Our method provides the following advantages: 1) no additional training or fine-tuning, 2) very few additional computations, 3) compatible with other adversarial defense methods. By combining the proposed randomization method with an adversarially trained model, it achieves a normalized score of 0.924 (ranked No.2 among 107 defense teams) in the NIPS 2017 adversarial examples defense challenge, which is far better than using adversarial training alone with a normalized score of 0.773 (ranked No.56). The code is public available at https: //
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