在表面缺陷检测中,由于阳性和负样品数量的极度失衡,基于阳性样本的异常检测方法已受到越来越多的关注。具体而言,基于重建的方法是最受欢迎的方法。但是,退出的方法要么难以修复异常的前景或重建清晰的背景。因此,我们提出了一个清晰的内存调制自动编码器。首先,我们提出了一个新颖的清晰内存调节模块,该模块将编码和内存编码结合在一起,以忘记和输入的方式,从而修复异常的前景和保存透明背景。其次,提出了一般人工异常产生算法来模拟尽可能逼真和特征富含特征的异常。最后,我们提出了一种新型的多量表特征残差检测方法,用于缺陷分割,这使缺陷位置更加准确。 CMA-AE使用五个基准数据集上的11种最先进方法进行比较实验,显示F1量的平均平均改善平均为18.6%。
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在视觉检查形式中对纹理表面进行工业检查的最新进展使这种检查成为可能,以实现高效,灵活的制造系统。我们提出了一个无监督的特征内存重排网络(FMR-NET),以同时准确检测各种纹理缺陷。与主流方法一致,我们采用了背景重建的概念。但是,我们创新地利用人工合成缺陷来使模型识别异常,而传统智慧仅依赖于无缺陷的样本。首先,我们采用一个编码模块来获得纹理表面的多尺度特征。随后,提出了一个基于对比的基于学习的内存特征模块(CMFM)来获得判别性表示,并在潜在空间中构建一个正常的特征记忆库,可以用作补丁级别的缺陷和快速异常得分。接下来,提出了一个新型的全球特征重排模块(GFRM),以进一步抑制残余缺陷的重建。最后,一个解码模块利用还原的功能来重建正常的纹理背景。此外,为了提高检查性能,还利用了两阶段的训练策略进行准确的缺陷恢复改进,并且我们利用一种多模式检查方法来实现噪声刺激性缺陷定位。我们通过广泛的实验来验证我们的方法,并通过多级检测方法在协作边缘进行实用的部署 - 云云智能制造方案,表明FMR-NET具有先进的检查准确性,并显示出巨大的使用潜力在启用边缘计算的智能行业中。
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Currently, most deep learning methods cannot solve the problem of scarcity of industrial product defect samples and significant differences in characteristics. This paper proposes an unsupervised defect detection algorithm based on a reconstruction network, which is realized using only a large number of easily obtained defect-free sample data. The network includes two parts: image reconstruction and surface defect area detection. The reconstruction network is designed through a fully convolutional autoencoder with a lightweight structure. Only a small number of normal samples are used for training so that the reconstruction network can be A defect-free reconstructed image is generated. A function combining structural loss and $\mathit{L}1$ loss is proposed as the loss function of the reconstruction network to solve the problem of poor detection of irregular texture surface defects. Further, the residual of the reconstructed image and the image to be tested is used as the possible region of the defect, and conventional image operations can realize the location of the fault. The unsupervised defect detection algorithm of the proposed reconstruction network is used on multiple defect image sample sets. Compared with other similar algorithms, the results show that the unsupervised defect detection algorithm of the reconstructed network has strong robustness and accuracy.
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Unsupervised pixel-level defective region segmentation is an important task in image-based anomaly detection for various industrial applications. The state-of-the-art methods have their own advantages and limitations: matrix-decomposition-based methods are robust to noise but lack complex background image modeling capability; representation-based methods are good at defective region localization but lack accuracy in defective region shape contour extraction; reconstruction-based methods detected defective region match well with the ground truth defective region shape contour but are noisy. To combine the best of both worlds, we present an unsupervised patch autoencoder based deep image decomposition (PAEDID) method for defective region segmentation. In the training stage, we learn the common background as a deep image prior by a patch autoencoder (PAE) network. In the inference stage, we formulate anomaly detection as an image decomposition problem with the deep image prior and domain-specific regularizations. By adopting the proposed approach, the defective regions in the image can be accurately extracted in an unsupervised fashion. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the PAEDID method in simulation studies and an industrial dataset in the case study.
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在工业应用中,无监督的异常检测是一项艰巨的任务,因为收集足够的异常样品是不切实际的。在本文中,通过共同探索锻造异常样品的有效生成方法和正常样品特征作为分割异常检测的指导信息,提出了一种新颖的自我监督指导性分割框架(SGSF)。具体而言,为确保生成的锻造异常样品有利于模型训练,提出了显着性增强模块(SAM)。 Sam引入了显着图来产生显着性Perlin噪声图,并制定了一种自适应分割策略,以在显着区域产生不规则的掩模。然后,将口罩用于生成伪造的异常样品作为训练的负样本。不幸的是,锻造和真实异常样品之间的分布差距使得基于锻造样品训练的模型难以有效定位真实异常。为此,提出了自我监督的指导网络(SGN)。它利用自我监督的模块提取无噪声的功能,并包含正常的语义信息作为分割模块的先验知识。分割模块具有正常模式段的知识,这些片段与指导特征不同。为了评估SGSF对异常检测的有效性,在三个异常检测数据集上进行了广泛的实验。实验结果表明,SGSF达到了最新的异常检测结果。
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Anomaly detection and localization are widely used in industrial manufacturing for its efficiency and effectiveness. Anomalies are rare and hard to collect and supervised models easily over-fit to these seen anomalies with a handful of abnormal samples, producing unsatisfactory performance. On the other hand, anomalies are typically subtle, hard to discern, and of various appearance, making it difficult to detect anomalies and let alone locate anomalous regions. To address these issues, we propose a framework called Prototypical Residual Network (PRN), which learns feature residuals of varying scales and sizes between anomalous and normal patterns to accurately reconstruct the segmentation maps of anomalous regions. PRN mainly consists of two parts: multi-scale prototypes that explicitly represent the residual features of anomalies to normal patterns; a multisize self-attention mechanism that enables variable-sized anomalous feature learning. Besides, we present a variety of anomaly generation strategies that consider both seen and unseen appearance variance to enlarge and diversify anomalies. Extensive experiments on the challenging and widely used MVTec AD benchmark show that PRN outperforms current state-of-the-art unsupervised and supervised methods. We further report SOTA results on three additional datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness and generalizability of PRN.
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Deep autoencoder has been extensively used for anomaly detection. Training on the normal data, the autoencoder is expected to produce higher reconstruction error for the abnormal inputs than the normal ones, which is adopted as a criterion for identifying anomalies. However, this assumption does not always hold in practice. It has been observed that sometimes the autoencoder "generalizes" so well that it can also reconstruct anomalies well, leading to the miss detection of anomalies. To mitigate this drawback for autoencoder based anomaly detector, we propose to augment the autoencoder with a memory module and develop an improved autoencoder called memory-augmented autoencoder, i.e. MemAE. Given an input, MemAE firstly obtains the encoding from the encoder and then uses it as a query to retrieve the most relevant memory items for reconstruction. At the training stage, the memory contents are updated and are encouraged to represent the prototypical elements of the normal data. At the test stage, the learned memory will be fixed, and the reconstruction is obtained from a few selected memory records of the normal data. The reconstruction will thus tend to be close to a normal sample. Thus the reconstructed errors on anomalies will be strengthened for anomaly detection. MemAE is free of assumptions on the data type and thus general to be applied to different tasks. Experiments on various datasets prove the excellent generalization and high effectiveness of the proposed MemAE.
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无监督的异常检测旨在通过在正常数据上训练来建立模型以有效地检测看不见的异常。尽管以前的基于重建的方法取得了富有成效的进展,但由于两个危急挑战,他们的泛化能力受到限制。首先,训练数据集仅包含正常模式,这限制了模型泛化能力。其次,现有模型学到的特征表示通常缺乏代表性,妨碍了保持正常模式的多样性的能力。在本文中,我们提出了一种称为自适应存储器网络的新方法,具有自我监督的学习(AMSL)来解决这些挑战,并提高无监督异常检测中的泛化能力。基于卷积的AutoEncoder结构,AMSL包含一个自我监督的学习模块,以学习一般正常模式和自适应内存融合模块来学习丰富的特征表示。四个公共多变量时间序列数据集的实验表明,与其他最先进的方法相比,AMSL显着提高了性能。具体而言,在具有9亿个样本的最大帽睡眠阶段检测数据集上,AMSL以精度和F1分数\ TextBF {4} \%+优于第二个最佳基线。除了增强的泛化能力之外,AMSL还针对输入噪声更加强大。
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Aiming at the problem that the current video anomaly detection cannot fully use the temporal information and ignore the diversity of normal behavior, an anomaly detection method is proposed to integrate the spatiotemporal information of pedestrians. Based on the convolutional autoencoder, the input frame is compressed and restored through the encoder and decoder. Anomaly detection is realized according to the difference between the output frame and the true value. In order to strengthen the characteristic information connection between continuous video frames, the residual temporal shift module and the residual channel attention module are introduced to improve the modeling ability of the network on temporal information and channel information, respectively. Due to the excessive generalization of convolutional neural networks, in the memory enhancement modules, the hopping connections of each codec layer are added to limit autoencoders' ability to represent abnormal frames too vigorously and improve the anomaly detection accuracy of the network. In addition, the objective function is modified by a feature discretization loss, which effectively distinguishes different normal behavior patterns. The experimental results on the CUHK Avenue and ShanghaiTech datasets show that the proposed method is superior to the current mainstream video anomaly detection methods while meeting the real-time requirements.
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Industrial vision anomaly detection plays a critical role in the advanced intelligent manufacturing process, while some limitations still need to be addressed under such a context. First, existing reconstruction-based methods struggle with the identity mapping of trivial shortcuts where the reconstruction error gap is legible between the normal and abnormal samples, leading to inferior detection capabilities. Then, the previous studies mainly concentrated on the convolutional neural network (CNN) models that capture the local semantics of objects and neglect the global context, also resulting in inferior performance. Moreover, existing studies follow the individual learning fashion where the detection models are only capable of one category of the product while the generalizable detection for multiple categories has not been explored. To tackle the above limitations, we proposed a self-induction vision Transformer(SIVT) for unsupervised generalizable multi-category industrial visual anomaly detection and localization. The proposed SIVT first extracts discriminatory features from pre-trained CNN as property descriptors. Then, the self-induction vision Transformer is proposed to reconstruct the extracted features in a self-supervisory fashion, where the auxiliary induction tokens are additionally introduced to induct the semantics of the original signal. Finally, the abnormal properties can be detected using the semantic feature residual difference. We experimented with the SIVT on existing Mvtec AD benchmarks, the results reveal that the proposed method can advance state-of-the-art detection performance with an improvement of 2.8-6.3 in AUROC, and 3.3-7.6 in AP.
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新奇检测是识别不属于目标类分布的样本的任务。在培训期间,缺乏新颖的课程,防止使用传统分类方法。深度自动化器已被广泛用作许多无监督的新奇检测方法的基础。特别地,上下文自动码器在新颖的检测任务中已经成功了,因为他们通过从随机屏蔽的图像重建原始图像来学习的更有效的陈述。然而,上下文AutoEncoders的显着缺点是随机屏蔽不能一致地涵盖输入图像的重要结构,导致次优表示 - 特别是对于新颖性检测任务。在本文中,为了优化输入掩蔽,我们设计了由两个竞争网络,掩模模块和重建器组成的框架。掩码模块是一个卷积的AutoEncoder,用于生成涵盖最重要的图像的最佳掩码。或者,重建器是卷积编码器解码器,其旨在从屏蔽图像重建未受带的图像。网络训练以侵略的方式训练,其中掩模模块生成应用于给予重构的图像的掩码。以这种方式,掩码模块寻求最大化重建错误的重建错误最小化。当应用于新颖性检测时,与上下文自动置换器相比,所提出的方法学习语义上更丰富的表示,并通过更新的屏蔽增强了在测试时间的新颖性检测。 MNIST和CIFAR-10图像数据集上的新奇检测实验证明了所提出的方法对尖端方法的优越性。在用于新颖性检测的UCSD视频数据集的进一步实验中,所提出的方法实现了最先进的结果。
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歧视性无监督的表面异常检测的最新面积取决于外部数据集用于合成异常训练图像的外部数据集。这种方法很容易出现近乎分布异常的失败,因为由于它们与无异常区域的相似性,因此很难现实地合成这些异常。我们提出了一个基于量化的特征空间表示的架构,该架构避免了图像级异常合成要求。在没有对异常的视觉特性做出任何假设的情况下,DSR通过对学到的量化特征空间进行采样,从而在特征级别生成异常,从而允许受控的近乎分布异常。 DSR在KSDD2和MVTEC异常检测数据集上实现了最新结果。关于具有挑战性的现实世界KSDD2数据集的实验表明,DSR明显优于其他无监督的表面异常检测方法,在异常检测中提高了10%的AP,并在异常定位中提高了35%的AP。
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