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播客本质上是对话性的,说话者的变化很频繁 - 需要说话者诊断以了解内容。我们在不依赖语言特定组件的情况下提出了一种无监督的技术诊断技术。该算法是重叠的,不需要有关说话者数量的信息。我们的方法显示,针对播客数据的Google Cloud Platform解决方案,纯度得分(F-评分为34%)的纯度得分提高了79%。
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While recent research advances in speaker diarization mostly focus on improving the quality of diarization results, there is also an increasing interest in improving the efficiency of diarization systems. In this paper, we propose a multi-stage clustering strategy, that uses different clustering algorithms for input of different lengths. Specifically, a fallback clusterer is used to handle short-form inputs; a main clusterer is used to handle medium-length inputs; and a pre-clusterer is used to compress long-form inputs before they are processed by the main clusterer. Both the main clusterer and the pre-clusterer can be configured with an upper bound of the computational complexity to adapt to devices with different constraints. This multi-stage clustering strategy is critical for streaming on-device speaker diarization systems, where the budgets of CPU, memory and battery are tight.
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对话场景是语音处理技术最重要,最具挑战性的场景之一,因为对话中的人们以随意的方式相互反应。在对话中检测每个人的语音活动对于下游任务,例如自然语言处理,机器翻译等。人们指的是“何时说话”作为说话者诊断(SD)的检测技术。传统上,诊断错误率(DER)长期以来一直用作SD系统的标准评估度量。但是,der没有给简短的对话短语提供足够的重视,这在语义层面上很重要。此外,在语音社区中,仍然无法使用精心准确的手动测试数据集,适合评估对话性SD技术。在本文中,我们设计和描述了对话式短语扬声器诊断(CSSD)任务,该任务包括培训和测试数据集,评估指标和基线。在数据集方面,尽管先前开源的180小时对话魔术Data-RAMC数据集,但我们还准备了一个20小时的对话演讲测试数据集,并精心验证了CSSD任务的时间戳注释。在度量方面,我们设计了新的对话der(CDER)评估度量,该评估度量计算出语音级别的SD准确性。在基线方面,我们采用了一种常用的方法:变异贝叶斯HMM X-vector系统,作为CSSD任务的基线。我们的评估指标可在https://github.com/speechclub/cder_metric上公开获得。
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口语识别(SLR)是指用于确定语音样本中存在的语言的自动进程。例如,SLR是一个重要的任务,例如,作为分析或分类大量多语言数据的工具。此外,它也是用于在工作流中选择下游应用的必要工具,例如,选择适当的语音识别或机器转换模型。 SLR系统通常由两个阶段组成,其中提取表示音频样本的嵌入的一个阶段,并且第二个是计算每种语言的最终分数的次数。在这项工作中,我们将SLR任务接近作为检测问题,并实现第二阶段作为概率线性判别分析(PLDA)模型。我们表明,对PLDA参数的鉴别性培训相对于通常的生成培训提供了大的收益。此外,我们提出了一种新的分层方法是训练了两个PLDA模型,一个是生成高度相关语言的集群的分数,以及第二个是为每个群集产生分数的分数。最终的语言检测分数被计算为这两种分数的组合。完整的模型判别训练,以优化跨熵目标。我们表明,该层次方法始终如一地优于非等级化,以检测高度相关的语言,在许多情况下大幅度的边缘。我们培训我们的系统在包含100种语言的数据集合中,并在匹配和不匹配的条件下测试它们,表明增益是强大的状态不匹配。
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In this paper, we use data augmentation to improve performance of deep neural network (DNN) embeddings for speaker recognition. The DNN, which is trained to discriminate between speakers, maps variable-length utterances to fixed-dimensional embeddings that we call x-vectors. Prior studies have found that embeddings leverage large-scale training datasets better than i-vectors. However, it can be challenging to collect substantial quantities of labeled data for training. We use data augmentation, consisting of added noise and reverberation, as an inexpensive method to multiply the amount of training data and improve robustness. The x-vectors are compared with i-vector baselines on Speakers in the Wild and NIST SRE 2016 Cantonese. We find that while augmentation is beneficial in the PLDA classifier, it is not helpful in the i-vector extractor. However, the x-vector DNN effectively exploits data augmentation, due to its supervised training. As a result, the x-vectors achieve superior performance on the evaluation datasets.
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Speaker embedding extractors significantly influence the performance of clustering-based speaker diarisation systems. Conventionally, only one embedding is extracted from each speech segment. However, because of the sliding window approach, a segment easily includes two or more speakers owing to speaker change points. This study proposes a novel embedding extractor architecture, referred to as a high-resolution embedding extractor (HEE), which extracts multiple high-resolution embeddings from each speech segment. Hee consists of a feature-map extractor and an enhancer, where the enhancer with the self-attention mechanism is the key to success. The enhancer of HEE replaces the aggregation process; instead of a global pooling layer, the enhancer combines relative information to each frame via attention leveraging the global context. Extracted dense frame-level embeddings can each represent a speaker. Thus, multiple speakers can be represented by different frame-level features in each segment. We also propose an artificially generating mixture data training framework to train the proposed HEE. Through experiments on five evaluation sets, including four public datasets, the proposed HEE demonstrates at least 10% improvement on each evaluation set, except for one dataset, which we analyse that rapid speaker changes less exist.
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A method to perform offline and online speaker diarization for an unlimited number of speakers is described in this paper. End-to-end neural diarization (EEND) has achieved overlap-aware speaker diarization by formulating it as a multi-label classification problem. It has also been extended for a flexible number of speakers by introducing speaker-wise attractors. However, the output number of speakers of attractor-based EEND is empirically capped; it cannot deal with cases where the number of speakers appearing during inference is higher than that during training because its speaker counting is trained in a fully supervised manner. Our method, EEND-GLA, solves this problem by introducing unsupervised clustering into attractor-based EEND. In the method, the input audio is first divided into short blocks, then attractor-based diarization is performed for each block, and finally, the results of each block are clustered on the basis of the similarity between locally-calculated attractors. While the number of output speakers is limited within each block, the total number of speakers estimated for the entire input can be higher than the limitation. To use EEND-GLA in an online manner, our method also extends the speaker-tracing buffer, which was originally proposed to enable online inference of conventional EEND. We introduce a block-wise buffer update to make the speaker-tracing buffer compatible with EEND-GLA. Finally, to improve online diarization, our method improves the buffer update method and revisits the variable chunk-size training of EEND. The experimental results demonstrate that EEND-GLA can perform speaker diarization of an unseen number of speakers in both offline and online inferences.
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自动扬声器识别算法通常使用预定义的过滤库,例如MEL频率和伽马酮滤波器,以表征语音音频。但是,已经观察到使用这些滤纸提取的功能对各种音频降解没有弹性。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种基于学习的技术,以从大量的语音音频中推断出滤纸设计。这种过滤库的目的是提取特征在非理想的音频条件下(例如退化,持续时间短和多语言语音)的功能。为此,1D卷积神经网络旨在直接从原始的语音音频中学习一个名为deepvox的时间域滤纸。其次,开发了一种自适应三重态挖掘技术,以有效地挖掘最适合训练过滤器的数据样本。第三,对DeepVox FilterBanks进行的详细消融研究揭示了提取特征中的声源和声带特征的存在。 Voxceleb2,NIST SRE 2008、2010和2018和Fisher Speech数据集的实验结果证明了DeepVox特征在各种退化,短期和多语言语音中的功效。 DeepVox的功能还显示出可提高现有说话者识别算法的性能,例如XVECTOR-PLDA和IVECTOR-PLDA。
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爆发两年多后,Covid-19的大流行继续困扰世界各地的医疗系统,给稀缺资源带来压力,并夺走了人类的生命。从一开始,已经采用了各种基于AI的CoVID-19检测和监测工具,以试图通过及时诊断来阻止感染的潮流。特别是,已经建议计算机试听是一种非侵入性,成本效益和环保的替代方法,可通过声音通过声音来检测COVID-19的感染。但是,像所有AI方法一样,计算机试镜也很大程度上取决于可用数据的数量和质量,并且由于此类数据的敏感性,大规模的COVID-19声音数据集很难获取 - 除其他原因外。为此,我们介绍了COVYT数据集 - 一种新颖的Covid-19数据集,该数据集是从包含来自65位演讲者的8个小时以上语音的公共资源中收集的。与其他现有的COVID-19声音数据集相比,COVYT数据集的独特功能是,它包括所有65位扬声器的covid-19正和负样本。我们使用可解释的音频描述来分析Covid-19的声学表现,并使用可解释的音频描述,并研究几种分类场景,并调查一些分类场景,以将基于公平的言语的COVID进行适当的分配策略-19检测。
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Personal assistants, automatic speech recognizers and dialogue understanding systems are becoming more critical in our interconnected digital world. A clear example is air traffic control (ATC) communications. ATC aims at guiding aircraft and controlling the airspace in a safe and optimal manner. These voice-based dialogues are carried between an air traffic controller (ATCO) and pilots via very-high frequency radio channels. In order to incorporate these novel technologies into ATC (low-resource domain), large-scale annotated datasets are required to develop the data-driven AI systems. Two examples are automatic speech recognition (ASR) and natural language understanding (NLU). In this paper, we introduce the ATCO2 corpus, a dataset that aims at fostering research on the challenging ATC field, which has lagged behind due to lack of annotated data. The ATCO2 corpus covers 1) data collection and pre-processing, 2) pseudo-annotations of speech data, and 3) extraction of ATC-related named entities. The ATCO2 corpus is split into three subsets. 1) ATCO2-test-set corpus contains 4 hours of ATC speech with manual transcripts and a subset with gold annotations for named-entity recognition (callsign, command, value). 2) The ATCO2-PL-set corpus consists of 5281 hours of unlabeled ATC data enriched with automatic transcripts from an in-domain speech recognizer, contextual information, speaker turn information, signal-to-noise ratio estimate and English language detection score per sample. Both available for purchase through ELDA at http://catalog.elra.info/en-us/repository/browse/ELRA-S0484. 3) The ATCO2-test-set-1h corpus is a one-hour subset from the original test set corpus, that we are offering for free at https://www.atco2.org/data. We expect the ATCO2 corpus will foster research on robust ASR and NLU not only in the field of ATC communications but also in the general research community.
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在这项工作中,我们对情感和压力环境中的文本独立扬声器验证性能进行了实证对比研究。这项工作结合了浅架构的深层模型,导致新的混合分类器。利用了四种不同的混合模型:深神经网络隐藏式马尔可夫模型(DNN-HMM),深神经网络 - 高斯混合模型(DNN-GMM),高斯混合模型 - 深神经网络(GMM-DNN)和隐藏的马尔可夫模型-Deep神经网络(HMM-DNN)。所有模型都基于新颖的实施架构。比较研究使用了三个不同的语音数据集:私人阿拉伯数据集和两个公共英语数据库,即在模拟和实际压力下的演讲(Susas)和情感语音和歌曲(Ravdess)的ryerson视听数据库。上述混合模型的测试结果表明,所提出的HMM-DNN利用情绪和压力环境中的验证性能。结果还表明,HMM-DNN在曲线(AUC)评估度量下的相同错误率(eer)和面积方面优于所有其他混合模型。基于三个数据集的平均所产生的验证系统分别基于HMM-DNN,DNN-HMM,DNN-GMM和GMM-DNN产生7.19%,16.85%,11.51%和11.90%的eERs。此外,我们发现,与两个谈话环境中的所有其他混合模型相比,DNN-GMM模型展示了最少的计算复杂性。相反,HMM-DNN模型需要最多的培训时间。调查结果还证明了EER和AUC值在比较平均情绪和压力表演时依赖于数据库。
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我们为电视节目和电影等媒体内容中的主动扬声器检测提供了一个跨模式的无监督框架。机器学习的进步使能够从语音和面部图像中识别个人方面令人印象深刻的表现。我们利用言语和面部的说话者身份信息,并将主动的说话者检测作为语音面条分配任务,从而使主动的说话者的脸和基本语音识别同一个人(角色)。我们以相关的说话者身份距离(来自所有其他语音段)来表达语音段,以捕获视频的相对身份结构。然后,我们从同时出现的面上的每个语音段分配一个主动扬声器的面孔,以使所获得的一组活跃的扬声器面显示相似的相对身份结构。此外,我们提出了一种简单有效的方法来解决言语在屏幕外出现的语音细分。我们在三个基准数据集上评估了拟议的系统 - 视觉人群聚类数据集,AVA Active Speaker数据集和哥伦比亚数据集 - 由娱乐和广播媒体的视频组成,并显示出对最先进的竞争性能,充分监督方法。
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夫妻通常在一起管理慢性疾病,管理层对患者及其浪漫伴侣造成了情感上的伤害。因此,认识到日常生活中每个伴侣的情绪可以提供对他们在慢性疾病管理中的情感健康的见解。当前,评估每个伴侣的情绪的过程是手动,时间密集和昂贵的。尽管夫妻之间存在着关于情感识别的作品,但这些作品都没有使用夫妻在日常生活中的互动中收集的数据。在这项工作中,我们收集了85小时(1,021个5分钟样本)现实世界多模式智能手表传感器数据(语音,心率,加速度计和陀螺仪)和自我报告的情绪数据(n = 612)(13个伙伴)(13)夫妻)在日常生活中管理2型糖尿病。我们提取了生理,运动,声学和语言特征,以及训练有素的机器学习模型(支持向量机和随机森林),以识别每个伴侣的自我报告的情绪(价和唤醒)。我们最佳模型的结果比偶然的结果更好,唤醒和价值分别为63.8%和78.1%。这项工作有助于建立自动情绪识别系统,最终使伙伴能够监视他们在日常生活中的情绪,并能够提供干预措施以改善其情感幸福感。
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在本文中,我们提出了一种解决方案,以允许扬声器条件语音模型,例如VoiceFilter-Lite,以支持单个通过中的任意数量的注册用户。这是通过使用多个扬声器嵌入的注意机制来实现,以计算单个细小嵌入,然后将其用作模型的侧面输入。我们实现了多用户VoiceFilter-Lite并为三个任务进行了评估:(1)流自动语音识别(ASR)任务; (2)独立于文本的扬声器验证任务; (3)个性化关键级检测任务,其中ASR必须在嘈杂的环境中检测来自多个注册用户的关键次数。我们的实验表明,在最多四个注册的用户中,多用户VoiceFilter-Lite能够在具有重叠语音时显着降低语音识别和扬声器验证错误,而不会影响其他声学条件下的性能。这种细心的扬声器嵌入方法也可以轻松应用于其他扬声器条件模型,如个人VAD和个性化ASR。
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Modern speech recognition systems exhibits rapid performance degradation under domain shift. This issue is especially prevalent in data-scarce settings, such as low-resource languages, where diversity of training data is limited. In this work we propose M2DS2, a simple and sample-efficient finetuning strategy for large pretrained speech models, based on mixed source and target domain self-supervision. We find that including source domain self-supervision stabilizes training and avoids mode collapse of the latent representations. For evaluation, we collect HParl, a $120$ hour speech corpus for Greek, consisting of plenary sessions in the Greek Parliament. We merge HParl with two popular Greek corpora to create GREC-MD, a test-bed for multi-domain evaluation of Greek ASR systems. In our experiments we find that, while other Unsupervised Domain Adaptation baselines fail in this resource-constrained environment, M2DS2 yields significant improvements for cross-domain adaptation, even when a only a few hours of in-domain audio are available. When we relax the problem in a weakly supervised setting, we find that independent adaptation for audio using M2DS2 and language using simple LM augmentation techniques is particularly effective, yielding word error rates comparable to the fully supervised baselines.
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