事实证明,视觉变压器(VIT)是有效的,可以通过大规模图像数据集训练2D图像理解任务;同时,作为一条单独的曲目,在对3D视觉世界进行建模时,例如体素或点云。但是,随着希望变压器能够成为异质数据的“通用”建模工具的越来越希望,到目前为止,用于2D和3D任务的VIT已经采用了截然不同的架构设计,这些设计几乎是不可传输的。这引起了一个雄心勃勃的问题:我们可以缩小2D和3D VIT体系结构之间的差距吗?作为一项试点研究,本文证明了使用标准的2D VIT体系结构了解3D视觉世界的有吸引力的承诺,仅在输入和输出水平上只有最小的定制而不会重新设计管道。为了从其2D兄弟姐妹构建3D VIT,我们将贴片嵌入和令牌序列“充气”,并配有旨在匹配3D数据几何形状的新位置编码机制。与高度自定义的3D特定设计相比,所得的“极简主义” 3D VIT(名为Simple3D Former)在流行的3D任务(例如对象分类,点云分割和室内场景检测)上表现出色。因此,它可以作为新3D VIT的强大基准。此外,我们注意到,除了科学的好奇心外,追求统一的2D-3D VIT设计具有实际相关性。具体而言,我们证明了Simple3D Former自然能够从大规模逼真的2D图像(例如Imagenet)中利用预先训练的重量的财富,可以插入以增强“免费” 3D任务性能。
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变压器是一种基于关注的编码器解码器架构,彻底改变了自然语言处理领域。灵感来自这一重大成就,最近在将变形式架构调整到计算机视觉(CV)领域的一些开创性作品,这已经证明了他们对各种简历任务的有效性。依靠竞争力的建模能力,与现代卷积神经网络相比在本文中,我们已经为三百不同的视觉变压器进行了全面的审查,用于三个基本的CV任务(分类,检测和分割),提出了根据其动机,结构和使用情况组织这些方法的分类。 。由于培训设置和面向任务的差异,我们还在不同的配置上进行了评估了这些方法,以便于易于和直观的比较而不是各种基准。此外,我们已经揭示了一系列必不可少的,但可能使变压器能够从众多架构中脱颖而出,例如松弛的高级语义嵌入,以弥合视觉和顺序变压器之间的差距。最后,提出了三个未来的未来研究方向进行进一步投资。
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变压器一直是自然语言处理(NLP)和计算机视觉(CV)革命的核心。 NLP和CV的显着成功启发了探索变压器在点云处理中的使用。但是,变压器如何应对点云的不规则性和无序性质?变压器对于不同的3D表示(例如,基于点或体素)的合适性如何?各种3D处理任务的变压器有多大的能力?截至目前,仍然没有对这些问题的研究进行系统的调查。我们第一次为3D点云分析提供了越来越受欢迎的变压器的全面概述。我们首先介绍变压器体系结构的理论,并在2D/3D字段中审查其应用程序。然后,我们提出三种不同的分类法(即实现 - 数据表示和基于任务),它们可以从多个角度对当前的基于变压器的方法进行分类。此外,我们介绍了研究3D中自我注意机制的变异和改进的结果。为了证明变压器在点云分析中的优势,我们提供了基于各种变压器的分类,分割和对象检测方法的全面比较。最后,我们建议三个潜在的研究方向,为3D变压器的开发提供福利参考。
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The pretraining-finetuning paradigm has demonstrated great success in NLP and 2D image fields because of the high-quality representation ability and transferability of their pretrained models. However, pretraining such a strong model is difficult in the 3D point cloud field since the training data is limited and point cloud collection is expensive. This paper introduces \textbf{E}fficient \textbf{P}oint \textbf{C}loud \textbf{L}earning (EPCL), an effective and efficient point cloud learner for directly training high-quality point cloud models with a frozen CLIP model. Our EPCL connects the 2D and 3D modalities by semantically aligning the 2D features and point cloud features without paired 2D-3D data. Specifically, the input point cloud is divided into a sequence of tokens and directly fed into the frozen CLIP model to learn point cloud representation. Furthermore, we design a task token to narrow the gap between 2D images and 3D point clouds. Comprehensive experiments on 3D detection, semantic segmentation, classification and few-shot learning demonstrate that the 2D CLIP model can be an efficient point cloud backbone and our method achieves state-of-the-art accuracy on both real-world and synthetic downstream tasks. Code will be available.
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我们呈现Point-Bert,一种用于学习变压器的新范式,以概括BERT对3D点云的概念。灵感来自BERT,我们将屏蔽点建模(MPM)任务设计为预列火车点云变压器。具体地,我们首先将点云划分为几个本地点修补程序,并且具有离散变化性AutoEncoder(DVAE)的点云标记器被设计为生成包含有意义的本地信息的离散点令牌。然后,我们随机掩盖了一些输入点云的补丁并将它们送入骨干变压器。预训练目标是在销售器获得的点代币的监督下恢复蒙面地点的原始点令牌。广泛的实验表明,拟议的BERT风格的预训练策略显着提高了标准点云变压器的性能。配备了我们的预培训策略,我们表明,纯变压器架构对ModelNet40的准确性为93.8%,在ScanObjectnn的最艰难的设置上的准确性为83.1%,超越精心设计的点云模型,手工制作的设计更少。我们还证明,Point-Bert从新的任务和域中获悉的表示,我们的模型在很大程度上推动了几个射击点云分类任务的最先进。代码和预先训练的型号可在https://github.com/lulutang0608/pint -bert上获得
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变压器在自然语言处理中的成功最近引起了计算机视觉领域的关注。由于能够学习长期依赖性,变压器已被用作广泛使用的卷积运算符的替代品。事实证明,这种替代者在许多任务中都取得了成功,其中几种最先进的方法依靠变压器来更好地学习。在计算机视觉中,3D字段还见证了使用变压器来增加3D卷积神经网络和多层感知器网络的增加。尽管许多调查都集中在视力中的变压器上,但由于与2D视觉相比,由于数据表示和处理的差异,3D视觉需要特别注意。在这项工作中,我们介绍了针对不同3D视觉任务的100多种变压器方法的系统和彻底审查,包括分类,细分,检测,完成,姿势估计等。我们在3D Vision中讨论了变形金刚的设计,该设计使其可以使用各种3D表示形式处理数据。对于每个应用程序,我们强调了基于变压器的方法的关键属性和贡献。为了评估这些方法的竞争力,我们将它们的性能与12个3D基准测试的常见非转化方法进行了比较。我们通过讨论3D视觉中变压器的不同开放方向和挑战来结束调查。除了提出的论文外,我们的目标是频繁更新最新的相关论文及其相应的实现:https://github.com/lahoud/3d-vision-transformers。
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Astounding results from Transformer models on natural language tasks have intrigued the vision community to study their application to computer vision problems. Among their salient benefits, Transformers enable modeling long dependencies between input sequence elements and support parallel processing of sequence as compared to recurrent networks e.g., Long short-term memory (LSTM). Different from convolutional networks, Transformers require minimal inductive biases for their design and are naturally suited as set-functions. Furthermore, the straightforward design of Transformers allows processing multiple modalities (e.g., images, videos, text and speech) using similar processing blocks and demonstrates excellent scalability to very large capacity networks and huge datasets. These strengths have led to exciting progress on a number of vision tasks using Transformer networks. This survey aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Transformer models in the computer vision discipline. We start with an introduction to fundamental concepts behind the success of Transformers i.e., self-attention, large-scale pre-training, and bidirectional feature encoding. We then cover extensive applications of transformers in vision including popular recognition tasks (e.g., image classification, object detection, action recognition, and segmentation), generative modeling, multi-modal tasks (e.g., visual-question answering, visual reasoning, and visual grounding), video processing (e.g., activity recognition, video forecasting), low-level vision (e.g., image super-resolution, image enhancement, and colorization) and 3D analysis (e.g., point cloud classification and segmentation). We compare the respective advantages and limitations of popular techniques both in terms of architectural design and their experimental value. Finally, we provide an analysis on open research directions and possible future works. We hope this effort will ignite further interest in the community to solve current challenges towards the application of transformer models in computer vision.
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While the Transformer architecture has become the de-facto standard for natural language processing tasks, its applications to computer vision remain limited. In vision, attention is either applied in conjunction with convolutional networks, or used to replace certain components of convolutional networks while keeping their overall structure in place. We show that this reliance on CNNs is not necessary and a pure transformer applied directly to sequences of image patches can perform very well on image classification tasks. When pre-trained on large amounts of data and transferred to multiple mid-sized or small image recognition benchmarks (ImageNet, CIFAR-100, VTAB, etc.), Vision Transformer (ViT) attains excellent results compared to state-of-the-art convolutional networks while requiring substantially fewer computational resources to train. 1
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纯变压器模型在自然语言处理和计算机视觉方面取得了令人印象深刻的成功。但是,变压器的一个限制是它们需要大型培训数据。在3D点云的领域中,大数据集的可用性是一个挑战,它加剧了3D任务的训练变压器问题。在这项工作中,我们凭经验研究和研究利用大量图像的知识以了解点云的理解的效果。我们制定了一条称为\ textIt {pix4point}的管道,该管道允许在图像域中利用预验证的变压器来改善下游点云任务。这是通过用于3D域专门的令牌和解码器层的帮助,通过模态无形的纯变压器主链实现。使用图像预言的变压器,我们分别在Scanobjectnn,ShapenetPart和S3DIS基准上观察到3D点云分类,部分分割和语义分割的任务的Pix4Point的显着性能提高。我们的代码和模型可在:\ url {https://github.com/guochengqian/pix4point}中获得。
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We present in this paper a new architecture, named Convolutional vision Transformer (CvT), that improves Vision Transformer (ViT) in performance and efficiency by introducing convolutions into ViT to yield the best of both designs. This is accomplished through two primary modifications: a hierarchy of Transformers containing a new convolutional token embedding, and a convolutional Transformer block leveraging a convolutional projection. These changes introduce desirable properties of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to the ViT architecture (i.e. shift, scale, and distortion invariance) while maintaining the merits of Transformers (i.e. dynamic attention, global context, and better generalization). We validate CvT by conducting extensive experiments, showing that this approach achieves state-of-the-art performance over other Vision Transformers and ResNets on ImageNet-1k, with fewer parameters and lower FLOPs. In addition, performance gains are maintained when pretrained on larger datasets (e.g. ImageNet-22k) and fine-tuned to downstream tasks. Pretrained on ImageNet-22k, our CvT-W24 obtains a top-1 accuracy of 87.7% on the ImageNet-1k val set. Finally, our results show that the positional encoding, a crucial component in existing Vision Transformers, can be safely removed in our model, simplifying the design for higher resolution vision tasks. Code will be released at https: //github.com/leoxiaobin/CvT.
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大型视觉基础模型在自然图像上的视觉任务上取得了重大进展,在这种情况下,视觉变压器是其良好可扩展性和表示能力的主要选择。但是,在现有模型仍处于小规模的情况下,遥感社区(RS)社区中大型模型的利用仍然不足,从而限制了性能。在本文中,我们使用约1亿个参数求助于普通视觉变压器,并首次尝试提出针对RS任务定制的大型视觉模型,并探索如此大型模型的性能。具体而言,要处理RS图像中各种取向的较大图像大小和对象,我们提出了一个新的旋转型尺寸的窗户注意力,以替代变形金刚中的原始关注,这可以大大降低计算成本和内存足迹,同时学习更好的对象通过从生成的不同窗口中提取丰富上下文来表示。关于检测任务的实验证明了我们模型的优越性,超过了所有最新模型,在DOTA-V1.0数据集上实现了81.16 \%地图。与现有的高级方法相比,我们在下游分类和细分任务上的模型结果也证明了竞争性能。进一步的实验显示了我们模型对计算复杂性和几乎没有学习的优势。代码和模型将在https://github.com/vitae-transformer/remote-sensing-rvsa上发布
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我们介绍克斯内变压器,一种高效且有效的变压器的骨干,用于通用视觉任务。变压器设计的具有挑战性的问题是,全球自我关注来计算成本昂贵,而局部自我关注经常限制每个令牌的相互作用。为了解决这个问题,我们开发了以平行的横向和垂直条纹在水平和垂直条纹中计算自我关注的交叉形窗口自我关注机制,通过将输入特征分成相等的条纹而获得的每个条纹宽度。我们提供了条纹宽度效果的数学分析,并改变变压器网络的不同层的条纹宽度,这在限制计算成本时实现了强大的建模能力。我们还介绍了本地增强的位置编码(LEPE),比现有的编码方案更好地处理本地位置信息。 LEPE自然支持任意输入分辨率,因此对下游任务特别有效和友好。 CSWIN变压器并入其具有这些设计和分层结构,展示了普通愿景任务的竞争性能。具体来说,它在ImageNet-1K上实现了85.4 \%Top-1精度,而无需任何额外的培训数据或标签,53.9盒AP和46.4掩模AP,ADE20K语义分割任务上的52.2 Miou,超过以前的状态 - 在类似的拖鞋设置下,艺术品+1.2,+2.0,+1.4和+2.0分别为+1.2,+2.0,+1.4和+2.0。通过在较大的数据集Imagenet-21k上进行前预先预订,我们在Ave20K上实现了87.5%的成像-1K和高分性能,55.7 miou。代码和模型可在https://github.com/microsoft/cswin-transformer中找到。
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The recent success of pre-trained 2D vision models is mostly attributable to learning from large-scale datasets. However, compared with 2D image datasets, the current pre-training data of 3D point cloud is limited. To overcome this limitation, we propose a knowledge distillation method for 3D point cloud pre-trained models to acquire knowledge directly from the 2D representation learning model, particularly the image encoder of CLIP, through concept alignment. Specifically, we introduce a cross-attention mechanism to extract concept features from 3D point cloud and compare them with the semantic information from 2D images. In this scheme, the point cloud pre-trained models learn directly from rich information contained in 2D teacher models. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed knowledge distillation scheme achieves higher accuracy than the state-of-the-art 3D pre-training methods for synthetic and real-world datasets on downstream tasks, including object classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, and part segmentation.
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Vision Transformers have shown great promise recently for many vision tasks due to the insightful architecture design and attention mechanism. By revisiting the self-attention responses in Transformers, we empirically observe two interesting issues. First, Vision Transformers present a queryirrelevant behavior at deep layers, where the attention maps exhibit nearly consistent contexts in global scope, regardless of the query patch position (also head-irrelevant). Second, the attention maps are intrinsically sparse, few tokens dominate the attention weights; introducing the knowledge from ConvNets would largely smooth the attention and enhance the performance. Motivated by above observations, we generalize self-attention formulation to abstract a queryirrelevant global context directly and further integrate the global context into convolutions. The resulting model, a Fully Convolutional Vision Transformer (i.e., FCViT), purely consists of convolutional layers and firmly inherits the merits of both attention mechanism and convolutions, including dynamic property, weight sharing, and short- and long-range feature modeling, etc. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of FCViT. With less than 14M parameters, our FCViT-S12 outperforms related work ResT-Lite by 3.7% top1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K. When scaling FCViT to larger models, we still perform better than previous state-of-the-art ConvNeXt with even fewer parameters. FCViT-based models also demonstrate promising transferability to downstream tasks, like object detection, instance segmentation, and semantic segmentation. Codes and models are made available at: https://github.com/ma-xu/FCViT.
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最近,Vision Transformer通过推动各种视觉任务的最新技术取得了巨大的成功。视觉变压器中最具挑战性的问题之一是,图像令牌的较大序列长度会导致高计算成本(二次复杂性)。解决此问题的一个流行解决方案是使用单个合并操作来减少序列长度。本文考虑如何改善现有的视觉变压器,在这种变压器中,单个合并操作提取的合并功能似乎不太强大。为此,我们注意到,由于其在上下文抽象中的强大能力,金字塔池在各种视觉任务中已被证明是有效的。但是,在骨干网络设计中尚未探索金字塔池。为了弥合这一差距,我们建议在视觉变压器中将金字塔池汇总到多头自我注意力(MHSA)中,同时降低了序列长度并捕获强大的上下文特征。我们插入了基于池的MHSA,我们构建了一个通用视觉变压器主链,称为金字塔池变压器(P2T)。广泛的实验表明,与先前的基于CNN-和基于变压器的网络相比,当将P2T用作骨干网络时,它在各种视觉任务中显示出很大的优势。该代码将在https://github.com/yuhuan-wu/p2t上发布。
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变形金刚最近在计算机视觉社区中引起了极大的关注。然而,缺乏关于图像大小的自我注意力机制的可扩展性限制了它们在最先进的视觉骨架中的广泛采用。在本文中,我们介绍了一种高效且可扩展的注意模型,我们称之为多轴注意,该模型由两个方面组成:阻止局部和扩张的全球关注。这些设计选择允许仅具有线性复杂性的任意输入分辨率上进行全局本地空间相互作用。我们还通过有效地将我们提出的注意模型与卷积混合在一起,提出了一个新的建筑元素,因此,通过简单地在多个阶段重复基本的构建块,提出了一个简单的层次视觉主链,称为Maxvit。值得注意的是,即使在早期的高分辨率阶段,Maxvit也能够在整个网络中“看到”。我们证明了模型在广泛的视觉任务上的有效性。根据图像分类,Maxvit在各种设置下实现最先进的性能:没有额外的数据,Maxvit获得了86.5%的Imagenet-1K Top-1精度;使用Imagenet-21K预训练,我们的模型可实现88.7%的TOP-1精度。对于下游任务,麦克斯维特(Maxvit)作为骨架可在对象检测以及视觉美学评估方面提供有利的性能。我们还表明,我们提出的模型表达了ImageNet上强大的生成建模能力,这表明了Maxvit块作为通用视觉模块的优势潜力。源代码和训练有素的模型将在https://github.com/google-research/maxvit上找到。
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Very recently, a variety of vision transformer architectures for dense prediction tasks have been proposed and they show that the design of spatial attention is critical to their success in these tasks. In this work, we revisit the design of the spatial attention and demonstrate that a carefully devised yet simple spatial attention mechanism performs favorably against the state-of-the-art schemes. As a result, we propose two vision transformer architectures, namely, Twins-PCPVT and Twins-SVT. Our proposed architectures are highly efficient and easy to implement, only involving matrix multiplications that are highly optimized in modern deep learning frameworks. More importantly, the proposed architectures achieve excellent performance on a wide range of visual tasks including image-level classification as well as dense detection and segmentation. The simplicity and strong performance suggest that our proposed architectures may serve as stronger backbones for many vision tasks. Our Code is available at: https://git.io/Twins.
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