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图神经网络(GNN)是一类用于处理图形域信息的基于深度学习的方法。 GNN最近已成为一种广泛使用的图形分析方法,因为它们可以为复杂的图形数据学习表示形式。但是,由于隐私问题和法规限制,集中的GNN可能很难应用于数据敏感的情况。 Federated学习(FL)是一种新兴技术,为保护隐私设置而开发,当几个方需要协作培训共享的全球模型时。尽管几项研究工作已应用于培训GNN(联邦GNN),但对他们对后门攻击的稳健性没有研究。本文通过在联邦GNN中进行两种类型的后门攻击来弥合这一差距:集中式后门攻击(CBA)和分发后门攻击(DBA)。我们的实验表明,在几乎所有评估的情况下,DBA攻击成功率高于CBA。对于CBA,即使对抗方的训练集嵌入了全球触发因素,所有本地触发器的攻击成功率也类似于全球触发因素。为了进一步探索联邦GNN中两次后门攻击的属性,我们评估了不同数量的客户,触发尺寸,中毒强度和触发密度的攻击性能。此外,我们探讨了DBA和CBA对两个最先进的防御能力的鲁棒性。我们发现,两次攻击都对被调查的防御能力进行了强大的强大,因此需要考虑将联邦GNN中的后门攻击视为需要定制防御的新威胁。
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由于联邦学习(FL)的分布性质,研究人员发现FL容易受到后门攻击的影响,该攻击旨在将子任务注入FL而不破坏主要任务的性能。当在FL模型收敛上注入时,单发后门攻击在主要任务和后门子任务上都可以达到高度精度。但是,早期注射的单发后门攻击是无效的,因为:(1)由于正常局部更新的稀释效果,在注射时未达到最大的后门效果; (2)后门效应迅速下降,因为后门将被新的普通本地更新所覆盖。在本文中,我们利用FL模型信息泄漏加强了早期注射的单发后门攻击。我们表明,如果客户在模拟整个人群的分布和梯度的数据集上进行训练,则可以加快FL收敛速度。基于这一观察结果,我们提出了两阶段的后门攻击,其中包括随后的后门攻击的初步阶段。在初步阶段,受攻击者控制的客户首先启动了整个人口分布推理攻击,然后在本地制作的数据集上进行训练,该数据集与梯度和推断分布保持一致。从初步阶段中受益,后来注射的后门实现了更好的有效性,因为后门效应不太可能被普通模型更新稀释。在各种数据异质性设置下,在MNIST数据集上进行了广泛的实验,以评估拟议的后门攻击的有效性。结果表明,即使有防御机制,该提议的后门以成功率和寿命都优于现有的后门攻击。
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Federated Learning has emerged to cope with raising concerns about privacy breaches in using Machine or Deep Learning models. This new paradigm allows the leverage of deep learning models in a distributed manner, enhancing privacy preservation. However, the server's blindness to local datasets introduces its vulnerability to model poisoning attacks and data heterogeneity, tampering with the global model performance. Numerous works have proposed robust aggregation algorithms and defensive mechanisms, but the approaches are orthogonal to individual attacks or issues. FedCC, the proposed method, provides robust aggregation by comparing the Centered Kernel Alignment of Penultimate Layers Representations. The experiment results on FedCC demonstrate that it mitigates untargeted and targeted model poisoning or backdoor attacks while also being effective in non-Independently and Identically Distributed data environments. By applying FedCC against untargeted attacks, global model accuracy is recovered the most. Against targeted backdoor attacks, FedCC nullified attack confidence while preserving the test accuracy. Most of the experiment results outstand the baseline methods.
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联合学习(FL)容易受到模型中毒攻击的影响,在该攻击中,恶意客户通过将操纵模型更新发送到服务器来破坏全局模型。现有的防御措施主要依靠拜占庭式抗体方法,即使某些客户是恶意的,旨在学习准确的全球模型。但是,在实践中,他们只能抵抗少数恶意客户。如何与大量恶意客户抗衡模型中毒攻击仍然是一个公开挑战。我们的fldetector通过检测恶意客户来应对这一挑战。 FLDETECTOR旨在检测和删除大多数恶意客户,以便拜占庭式的fl方法可以使用其余客户学习准确的全球模型。我们的主要观察结果是,在模型中毒攻击中,在多次迭代中的客户更新的模型更新是不一致的。因此,FLDetector通过检查其模型更高的一致性来检测恶意客户端。大致来说,服务器根据其历史模型更新使用Cauchy Mean Valie Therorem和L-BFG预测客户端的模型更新在多个迭代中不一致。我们在三个基准数据集上进行的广泛实验表明,FLDETECTOR可以准确检测到多种最新模型中毒攻击中的恶意客户。在删除了被检测到的恶意客户端后,现有的拜占庭式FL方法可以学习准确的全球模型。
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联合学习(FL)旨在通过使客户能够在不共享其私有数据的情况下协作构建机器学习模型来保护数据隐私。然而,最近的作品表明FL容易受到基于梯度的数据恢复攻击。保存技术的品种已经利用,以进一步提升FL的隐私。尽管如此,它们的计算或通信昂贵(例如,同态加密)或遭受精密损失(例如,差异隐私)。在这项工作中,我们提出了\ textsc {fedcg},一个新颖的\下划线{fed} erated学习方法,它利用\下划线{c} onditional \下划线{g}良好的对手网络来实现高级隐私保护,同时仍然保持竞争模型表现。更具体地说,\ textsc {fedcg}将每个客户端的本地网络分解为私有提取器和公共分类器,并保留本地提取器保护隐私。而不是暴露作为隐私泄漏的罪魁祸首的提取器,而是将客户的生成器与服务器共享,以聚合旨在增强客户端网络性能的公共知识。广泛的实验表明,与基线FL方法相比,\ TextSc {FEDCG}可以实现竞争模型性能,数值隐私分析表明\ TextSC {FEDCG}具有高级别的隐私保存能力。
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Federated Learning (FL) is a scheme for collaboratively training Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) with multiple data sources from different clients. Instead of sharing the data, each client trains the model locally, resulting in improved privacy. However, recently so-called targeted poisoning attacks have been proposed that allow individual clients to inject a backdoor into the trained model. Existing defenses against these backdoor attacks either rely on techniques like Differential Privacy to mitigate the backdoor, or analyze the weights of the individual models and apply outlier detection methods that restricts these defenses to certain data distributions. However, adding noise to the models' parameters or excluding benign outliers might also reduce the accuracy of the collaboratively trained model. Additionally, allowing the server to inspect the clients' models creates a privacy risk due to existing knowledge extraction methods. We propose CrowdGuard, a model filtering defense, that mitigates backdoor attacks by leveraging the clients' data to analyze the individual models before the aggregation. To prevent data leaks, the server sends the individual models to secure enclaves, running in client-located Trusted Execution Environments. To effectively distinguish benign and poisoned models, even if the data of different clients are not independently and identically distributed (non-IID), we introduce a novel metric called HLBIM to analyze the outputs of the DNN's hidden layers. We show that the applied significance-based detection algorithm combined can effectively detect poisoned models, even in non-IID scenarios. We show in our extensive evaluation that CrowdGuard can effectively mitigate targeted poisoning attacks and achieve in various scenarios a True-Positive-Rate of 100% and a True-Negative-Rate of 100%.
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Federated embodied agent learning protects the data privacy of individual visual environments by keeping data locally at each client (the individual environment) during training. However, since the local data is inaccessible to the server under federated learning, attackers may easily poison the training data of the local client to build a backdoor in the agent without notice. Deploying such an agent raises the risk of potential harm to humans, as the attackers may easily navigate and control the agent as they wish via the backdoor. Towards Byzantine-robust federated embodied agent learning, in this paper, we study the attack and defense for the task of vision-and-language navigation (VLN), where the agent is required to follow natural language instructions to navigate indoor environments. First, we introduce a simple but effective attack strategy, Navigation as Wish (NAW), in which the malicious client manipulates local trajectory data to implant a backdoor into the global model. Results on two VLN datasets (R2R and RxR) show that NAW can easily navigate the deployed VLN agent regardless of the language instruction, without affecting its performance on normal test sets. Then, we propose a new Prompt-Based Aggregation (PBA) to defend against the NAW attack in federated VLN, which provides the server with a ''prompt'' of the vision-and-language alignment variance between the benign and malicious clients so that they can be distinguished during training. We validate the effectiveness of the PBA method on protecting the global model from the NAW attack, which outperforms other state-of-the-art defense methods by a large margin in the defense metrics on R2R and RxR.
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Federated Learning is a distributed machine learning framework designed for data privacy preservation i.e., local data remain private throughout the entire training and testing procedure. Federated Learning is gaining popularity because it allows one to use machine learning techniques while preserving privacy. However, it inherits the vulnerabilities and susceptibilities raised in deep learning techniques. For instance, Federated Learning is particularly vulnerable to data poisoning attacks that may deteriorate its performance and integrity due to its distributed nature and inaccessibility to the raw data. In addition, it is extremely difficult to correctly identify malicious clients due to the non-Independently and/or Identically Distributed (non-IID) data. The real-world data can be complex and diverse, making them hardly distinguishable from the malicious data without direct access to the raw data. Prior research has focused on detecting malicious clients while treating only the clients having IID data as benign. In this study, we propose a method that detects and classifies anomalous clients from benign clients when benign ones have non-IID data. Our proposed method leverages feature dimension reduction, dynamic clustering, and cosine similarity-based clipping. The experimental results validates that our proposed method not only classifies the malicious clients but also alleviates their negative influences from the entire procedure. Our findings may be used in future studies to effectively eliminate anomalous clients when building a model with diverse data.
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Federated learning (FL) is an emerging machine learning paradigm, in which clients jointly learn a model with the help of a cloud server. A fundamental challenge of FL is that the clients are often heterogeneous, e.g., they have different computing powers, and thus the clients may send model updates to the server with substantially different delays. Asynchronous FL aims to address this challenge by enabling the server to update the model once any client's model update reaches it without waiting for other clients' model updates. However, like synchronous FL, asynchronous FL is also vulnerable to poisoning attacks, in which malicious clients manipulate the model via poisoning their local data and/or model updates sent to the server. Byzantine-robust FL aims to defend against poisoning attacks. In particular, Byzantine-robust FL can learn an accurate model even if some clients are malicious and have Byzantine behaviors. However, most existing studies on Byzantine-robust FL focused on synchronous FL, leaving asynchronous FL largely unexplored. In this work, we bridge this gap by proposing AFLGuard, a Byzantine-robust asynchronous FL method. We show that, both theoretically and empirically, AFLGuard is robust against various existing and adaptive poisoning attacks (both untargeted and targeted). Moreover, AFLGuard outperforms existing Byzantine-robust asynchronous FL methods.
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联合学习(FL)是一项广泛采用的分布式学习范例,在实践中,打算在利用所有参与者的整个数据集进行培训的同时保护用户的数据隐私。在FL中,多种型号在用户身上独立培训,集中聚合以在迭代过程中更新全局模型。虽然这种方法在保护隐私方面是优异的,但FL仍然遭受攻击或拜占庭故障等质量问题。最近的一些尝试已经解决了对FL的强大聚集技术的这种质量挑战。然而,最先进的(SOTA)强大的技术的有效性尚不清楚并缺乏全面的研究。因此,为了更好地了解这些SOTA流域的当前质量状态和挑战在存在攻击和故障的情况下,我们进行了大规模的实证研究,以研究SOTA FL的质量,从多个攻击角度,模拟故障(通过突变运算符)和聚合(防御)方法。特别是,我们对两个通用图像数据集和一个现实世界联邦医学图像数据集进行了研究。我们还系统地调查了攻击用户和独立和相同分布的(IID)因子,每个数据集的攻击/故障的分布对鲁棒性结果的影响。经过496个配置进行大规模分析后,我们发现每个用户的大多数突变者对最终模型具有可忽略不计的影响。此外,选择最强大的FL聚合器取决于攻击和数据集。最后,我们说明了可以实现几乎在所有攻击和配置上的任何单个聚合器以及具有简单集合模型的所有攻击和配置的常用解决方案的通用解决方案。
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隐私法规法(例如GDPR)将透明度和安全性作为数据处理算法的设计支柱。在这种情况下,联邦学习是保护隐私的分布式机器学习的最具影响力的框架之一,从而实现了许多自然语言处理和计算机视觉任务的惊人结果。一些联合学习框架采用差异隐私,以防止私人数据泄漏到未经授权的政党和恶意攻击者。但是,许多研究突出了标准联邦学习对中毒和推理的脆弱性,因此引起了人们对敏感数据潜在风险的担忧。为了解决此问题,我们提出了SGDE,这是一种生成数据交换协议,可改善跨索洛联合会中的用户安全性和机器学习性能。 SGDE的核心是共享具有强大差异隐私的数据生成器,保证了对私人数据培训的培训,而不是通信显式梯度信息。这些发电机合成了任意大量数据,这些数据保留了私人样品的独特特征,但有很大差异。我们展示了将SGDE纳入跨核心联合网络如何提高对联邦学习最有影响力的攻击的弹性。我们在图像和表格数据集上测试我们的方法,利用β变量自动编码器作为数据生成器,并突出了对非生成数据的本地和联合学习的公平性和绩效改进。
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Federated learning is a collaborative method that aims to preserve data privacy while creating AI models. Current approaches to federated learning tend to rely heavily on secure aggregation protocols to preserve data privacy. However, to some degree, such protocols assume that the entity orchestrating the federated learning process (i.e., the server) is not fully malicious or dishonest. We investigate vulnerabilities to secure aggregation that could arise if the server is fully malicious and attempts to obtain access to private, potentially sensitive data. Furthermore, we provide a method to further defend against such a malicious server, and demonstrate effectiveness against known attacks that reconstruct data in a federated learning setting.
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缺乏足够大的开放医疗数据库是AI驱动的医疗保健中最大的挑战之一。使用生成对抗网络(GAN)创建的合成数据似乎是减轻隐私政策问题的好解决方案。另一种类型的治疗是在多个医疗机构之间进行分散方案,而无需交换本地数据样本。在本文中,我们探讨了集中式和分散的设置中的无条件和有条件的gan。集中式设置模仿了对大型但高度不平衡的皮肤病变数据集的研究,而分散的人则通过三个机构模拟了更现实的医院情况。我们评估了模型的性能,从忠诚度,多样性,训练速度和对生成合成数据进行培训的分类器的预测能力。此外,我们通过探索潜在空间和嵌入投影的解释性。计算出的真实图像及其在潜在空间中的投影之间的距离证明了训练有素的gan的真实性和概括,这是此类应用程序中的主要关注点之一。用于进行研究的开源代码可在\ url {https://github.com/aidse/stylegan2-ada-pytorch}上公开获得。
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