Industries must follow government rules and regulations around the world to classify products when assessing duties and taxes for international shipment. Harmonized System (HS) is the most standardized numerical method of classifying traded products among industry classification systems. A hierarchical ensemble model comprising of Bert- transformer, NER, distance-based approaches, and knowledge-graphs have been developed to address scalability, coverage, ability to capture nuances, automation and auditing requirements when classifying unknown text-descriptions as per HS method.
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Obtaining labelled data in a particular context could be expensive and time consuming. Although different algorithms, including unsupervised learning, semi-supervised learning, self-learning have been adopted, the performance of text classification varies with context. Given the lack of labelled dataset, we proposed a novel and simple unsupervised text classification model to classify cargo content in international shipping industry using the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) codes. Our method stems from representing words using pretrained Glove Word Embeddings and finding the most likely label using Cosine Similarity. To compare unsupervised text classification model with supervised classification, we also applied several Transformer models to classify cargo content. Due to lack of training data, the SITC numerical codes and the corresponding textual descriptions were used as training data. A small number of manually labelled cargo content data was used to evaluate the classification performances of the unsupervised classification and the Transformer based supervised classification. The comparison reveals that unsupervised classification significantly outperforms Transformer based supervised classification even after increasing the size of the training dataset by 30%. Lacking training data is a key bottleneck that prohibits deep learning models (such as Transformers) from successful practical applications. Unsupervised classification can provide an alternative efficient and effective method to classify text when there is scarce training data.
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知识图(kgs)中的实体类型信息(例如DBPEDIA,FREEBASE等)通常由于自动产生或人类策划而通常不完整。实体键入是在kg中分配或推断实体的语义类型的任务。本文介绍了\ textit {grand {grand},这是一种实体键入的新方法,利用RDF2VEC中的不同图形步行策略以及文本实体描述。 RDF2VEC首先生成图形步行,然后使用语言模型来获取图中每个节点的嵌入。这项研究表明,步行生成策略和嵌入模型对实体打字任务的性能有重大影响。所提出的方法的表现优于基准数据集DBPedia和Figer在kgs中的实体和小颗粒类别的实体。结果表明,订单感知RDF2VEC变体的组合以及文本实体描述的上下文嵌入可实现最佳结果。
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使用诸如BERT,ELMO和FLAIR等模型建模上下文信息的成立具有显着改善了文字的表示学习。它还给出了几乎每个NLP任务机器翻译,文本摘要和命名实体识别的Sota结果,以命名为少。在这项工作中,除了使用这些主导的上下文感知的表示之外,我们还提出了一种用于命名实体识别(NER)的知识意识表示学习(KARL)网络。我们讨论了利用现有方法在纳入世界知识方面的挑战,并展示了如何利用我们所提出的方法来克服这些挑战。 KARL基于变压器编码器,该变压器编码器利用表示为事实三元组的大知识库,将它们转换为图形上下文,并提取驻留在内部的基本实体信息以生成用于特征增强的上下文化三联表示。实验结果表明,使用卡尔的增强可以大大提升我们的内部系统的性能,并在三个公共网络数据集中的文献中的现有方法,即Conll 2003,Conll ++和Ontonotes V5实现了比文献中现有方法的显着更好的结果。我们还观察到更好的概括和应用于从Karl上看不见的实体的真实环境。
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The development of deep neural networks has improved representation learning in various domains, including textual, graph structural, and relational triple representations. This development opened the door to new relation extraction beyond the traditional text-oriented relation extraction. However, research on the effectiveness of considering multiple heterogeneous domain information simultaneously is still under exploration, and if a model can take an advantage of integrating heterogeneous information, it is expected to exhibit a significant contribution to many problems in the world. This thesis works on Drug-Drug Interactions (DDIs) from the literature as a case study and realizes relation extraction utilizing heterogeneous domain information. First, a deep neural relation extraction model is prepared and its attention mechanism is analyzed. Next, a method to combine the drug molecular structure information and drug description information to the input sentence information is proposed, and the effectiveness of utilizing drug molecular structures and drug descriptions for the relation extraction task is shown. Then, in order to further exploit the heterogeneous information, drug-related items, such as protein entries, medical terms and pathways are collected from multiple existing databases and a new data set in the form of a knowledge graph (KG) is constructed. A link prediction task on the constructed data set is conducted to obtain embedding representations of drugs that contain the heterogeneous domain information. Finally, a method that integrates the input sentence information and the heterogeneous KG information is proposed. The proposed model is trained and evaluated on a widely used data set, and as a result, it is shown that utilizing heterogeneous domain information significantly improves the performance of relation extraction from the literature.
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Wikidata是一个经常更新,社区驱动和多语言知识图形。因此,Wikidata是实体联系的一个有吸引力的基础,这是最近发表论文的增加显而易见的。该调查侧重于四个主题:(1)存在哪些Wikidata实体链接数据集,它们是多么广泛使用,它们是如何构建的? (2)对实体联系数据集的设计进行Wikidata的特点,如果是的话,怎么样? (3)当前实体链接方法如何利用Wikidata的特定特征? (4)现有实体链接方法未开发哪种Wikidata特征?本次调查显示,当前的Wikidata特定实体链接数据集在其他知识图表中的方案中的注释方案中没有不同。因此,没有提升多语言和时间依赖数据集的可能性,是自然适合维基帽的数据集。此外,我们表明大多数实体链接方法使用Wikidata以与任何其他知识图相同的方式,因为任何其他知识图都缺少了利用Wikidata特定特征来提高质量的机会。几乎所有方法都使用标签等特定属性,有时是描述,而是忽略超关系结构等特征。因此,例如,通过包括超关系图嵌入或类型信息,仍有改进的余地。许多方法还包括来自维基百科的信息,这些信息很容易与Wikidata组合并提供有价值的文本信息,Wikidata缺乏。
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链接的开放数据实践导致了过去十年中网络上结构化数据的显着增长。这样的结构化数据以机器可读的方式描述了现实世界实体,并为自然语言处理领域的研究创造了前所未有的机会。但是,缺乏有关如何使用此类数据,哪种任务以及它们在多大程度上对这些任务有用的研究。这项工作着重于电子商务领域,以探索利用此类结构化数据来创建可能用于产品分类和链接的语言资源的方法。我们以RDF N四分之一的形式处理数十亿个结构化数据点,以创建数百万个与产品相关的语料库单词,后来以三种不同的方式用于创建语言资源:培训单词嵌入模型,继续预训练类似于Bert的语言模型和训练机器翻译模型,这些模型被用作生成产品相关的关键字的代理。我们对大量基准测试的评估表明,嵌入单词是提高这两个任务准确性的最可靠和一致的方法(在某些数据集中,宏观 - 平均F1中最高6.9个百分点)。但是,其他两种方法并不那么有用。我们的分析表明,这可能是由于许多原因,包括结构化数据中的偏置域表示以及缺乏词汇覆盖范围。我们分享我们的数据集,并讨论如何将我们所学到的经验教训朝着这一方向介绍未来的研究。
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自动化医学编码是将临床注释编码为适当诊断和程序代码的一个过程,该过程会自动从ICD(国际疾病国际分类)和CPT(当前程序术语)中自动制定。手动编码过程涉及从临床注释中识别实体,然后查询遵循Medicare和Medicaid Services中心(CMS)指南的商业或非商业医学法规信息检索(IR)系统。我们建议通过使用从临床注释自动提取的实体自动构造IR系统的查询来自动化此手动过程。我们提出\ textbf {grabqc},a \ textbf {gra} ph \ textbf {b} ased \ textbf {q} uery \ textbf {c} onTextualization方法,该方法自动从临床文本中提取查询,从而使用临床文本提取质量,并在图形上提取质量网络(GNN)模型并使用外部IR系统获得ICD代码。我们还提出了一种标记用于训练模型的数据集的方法。我们在三个不同的设置中对两个临床文本数据集进行实验,以主张我们方法的有效性。实验结果表明,我们所提出的方法比所有三个设置中的基准都更好。
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创新是经济和社会发展的主要驱动力,有关多种创新的信息嵌入了专利和专利申请的半结构化数据中。尽管在专利数据中表达的创新的影响和新颖性很难通过传统手段来衡量,但ML提供了一套有希望的技术来评估新颖性,汇总贡献和嵌入语义。在本文中,我们介绍了Harvard USPTO专利数据集(HUPD),该数据集是2004年至2004年之间提交给美国专利商业办公室(USPTO)的大型,结构化和多用途的英语专利专利申请。 2018年。HUPD拥有超过450万张专利文件,是可比的Coldia的两到三倍。与以前在NLP中提出的专利数据集不同,HUPD包含了专利申请的发明人提交的版本(不是授予专利的最终版本),其中允许我们在第一次使用NLP方法进行申请时研究专利性。它在包含丰富的结构化元数据以及专利申请文本的同时也很新颖:通过提供每个应用程序的元数据及其所有文本字段,数据集使研究人员能够执行一组新的NLP任务,以利用结构性协变量的变异。作为有关HUPD的研究类型的案例研究,我们向NLP社区(即专利决策的二元分类)介绍了一项新任务。我们还显示数据集中提供的结构化元数据使我们能够对此任务进行概念转移的明确研究。最后,我们演示了如何将HUPD用于三个其他任务:专利主题领域的多类分类,语言建模和摘要。
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The International Workshop on Reading Music Systems (WoRMS) is a workshop that tries to connect researchers who develop systems for reading music, such as in the field of Optical Music Recognition, with other researchers and practitioners that could benefit from such systems, like librarians or musicologists. The relevant topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to: Music reading systems; Optical music recognition; Datasets and performance evaluation; Image processing on music scores; Writer identification; Authoring, editing, storing and presentation systems for music scores; Multi-modal systems; Novel input-methods for music to produce written music; Web-based Music Information Retrieval services; Applications and projects; Use-cases related to written music. These are the proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Reading Music Systems, held in Alicante on the 23rd of July 2021.
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Opinion mining is the branch of computation that deals with opinions, appraisals, attitudes, and emotions of people and their different aspects. This field has attracted substantial research interest in recent years. Aspect-level (called aspect-based opinion mining) is often desired in practical applications as it provides detailed opinions or sentiments about different aspects of entities and entities themselves, which are usually required for action. Aspect extraction and entity extraction are thus two core tasks of aspect-based opinion mining. his paper has presented a framework of aspect-based opinion mining based on the concept of transfer learning. on real-world customer reviews available on the Amazon website. The model has yielded quite satisfactory results in its task of aspect-based opinion mining.
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Identification of named entities from legal texts is an essential building block for developing other legal Artificial Intelligence applications. Named Entities in legal texts are slightly different and more fine-grained than commonly used named entities like Person, Organization, Location etc. In this paper, we introduce a new corpus of 46545 annotated legal named entities mapped to 14 legal entity types. The Baseline model for extracting legal named entities from judgment text is also developed.
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We consider the problem of embedding character-entity relationships from the reduced semantic space of narratives, proposing and evaluating the assumption that these relationships hold under a reflection operation. We analyze this assumption and compare the approach to a baseline state-of-the-art model with a unique evaluation that simulates efficacy on a downstream clustering task with human-created labels. Although our model creates clusters that achieve Silhouette scores of -.084, outperforming the baseline -.227, our analysis reveals that the models approach the task much differently and perform well on very different examples. We conclude that our assumption might be useful for specific types of data and should be evaluated on a wider range of tasks.
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