Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have significantly intensified research in the geoscience and remote sensing (RS) field. AI algorithms, especially deep learning-based ones, have been developed and applied widely to RS data analysis. The successful application of AI covers almost all aspects of Earth observation (EO) missions, from low-level vision tasks like super-resolution, denoising, and inpainting, to high-level vision tasks like scene classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation. While AI techniques enable researchers to observe and understand the Earth more accurately, the vulnerability and uncertainty of AI models deserve further attention, considering that many geoscience and RS tasks are highly safety-critical. This paper reviews the current development of AI security in the geoscience and RS field, covering the following five important aspects: adversarial attack, backdoor attack, federated learning, uncertainty, and explainability. Moreover, the potential opportunities and trends are discussed to provide insights for future research. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this paper is the first attempt to provide a systematic review of AI security-related research in the geoscience and RS community. Available code and datasets are also listed in the paper to move this vibrant field of research forward.
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Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) is transforming the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by enhancing the trust of end-users in machines. As the number of connected devices keeps on growing, the Internet of Things (IoT) market needs to be trustworthy for the end-users. However, existing literature still lacks a systematic and comprehensive survey work on the use of XAI for IoT. To bridge this lacking, in this paper, we address the XAI frameworks with a focus on their characteristics and support for IoT. We illustrate the widely-used XAI services for IoT applications, such as security enhancement, Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), Industrial IoT (IIoT), and Internet of City Things (IoCT). We also suggest the implementation choice of XAI models over IoT systems in these applications with appropriate examples and summarize the key inferences for future works. Moreover, we present the cutting-edge development in edge XAI structures and the support of sixth-generation (6G) communication services for IoT applications, along with key inferences. In a nutshell, this paper constitutes the first holistic compilation on the development of XAI-based frameworks tailored for the demands of future IoT use cases.
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Speech-centric machine learning systems have revolutionized many leading domains ranging from transportation and healthcare to education and defense, profoundly changing how people live, work, and interact with each other. However, recent studies have demonstrated that many speech-centric ML systems may need to be considered more trustworthy for broader deployment. Specifically, concerns over privacy breaches, discriminating performance, and vulnerability to adversarial attacks have all been discovered in ML research fields. In order to address the above challenges and risks, a significant number of efforts have been made to ensure these ML systems are trustworthy, especially private, safe, and fair. In this paper, we conduct the first comprehensive survey on speech-centric trustworthy ML topics related to privacy, safety, and fairness. In addition to serving as a summary report for the research community, we point out several promising future research directions to inspire the researchers who wish to explore further in this area.
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Although Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have achieved impressive results in computer vision, their exposed vulnerability to adversarial attacks remains a serious concern. A series of works has shown that by adding elaborate perturbations to images, DNNs could have catastrophic degradation in performance metrics. And this phenomenon does not only exist in the digital space but also in the physical space. Therefore, estimating the security of these DNNs-based systems is critical for safely deploying them in the real world, especially for security-critical applications, e.g., autonomous cars, video surveillance, and medical diagnosis. In this paper, we focus on physical adversarial attacks and provide a comprehensive survey of over 150 existing papers. We first clarify the concept of the physical adversarial attack and analyze its characteristics. Then, we define the adversarial medium, essential to perform attacks in the physical world. Next, we present the physical adversarial attack methods in task order: classification, detection, and re-identification, and introduce their performance in solving the trilemma: effectiveness, stealthiness, and robustness. In the end, we discuss the current challenges and potential future directions.
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With rapid progress and significant successes in a wide spectrum of applications, deep learning is being applied in many safety-critical environments. However, deep neural networks have been recently found vulnerable to well-designed input samples, called adversarial examples. Adversarial perturbations are imperceptible to human but can easily fool deep neural networks in the testing/deploying stage. The vulnerability to adversarial examples becomes one of the major risks for applying deep neural networks in safety-critical environments. Therefore, attacks and defenses on adversarial examples draw great attention. In this paper, we review recent findings on adversarial examples for deep neural networks, summarize the methods for generating adversarial examples, and propose a taxonomy of these methods. Under the taxonomy, applications for adversarial examples are investigated. We further elaborate on countermeasures for adversarial examples. In addition, three major challenges in adversarial examples and the potential solutions are discussed.
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恶意应用程序(尤其是针对Android平台的应用程序)对开发人员和最终用户构成了严重威胁。许多研究工作都致力于开发有效的方法来防御Android恶意软件。但是,鉴于Android恶意软件的爆炸性增长以及恶意逃避技术(如混淆和反思)的持续发展,基于手动规则或传统机器学习的Android恶意软件防御方法可能无效。近年来,具有强大功能抽象能力的主要研究领域称为“深度学习”(DL),在各个领域表现出了令人信服和有希望的表现,例如自然语言处理和计算机视觉。为此,采用深度学习技术来阻止Android恶意软件攻击,最近引起了广泛的研究关注。然而,没有系统的文献综述着重于针对Android恶意软件防御的深度学习方法。在本文中,我们进行了系统的文献综述,以搜索和分析在Android环境中恶意软件防御的背景下采用了如何应用的。结果,确定了涵盖2014 - 2021年期间的132项研究。我们的调查表明,尽管大多数这些来源主要考虑基于Android恶意软件检测的基于DL,但基于其他方案的53项主要研究(40.1%)设计防御方法。这篇综述还讨论了基于DL的Android恶意软件防御措施中的研究趋势,研究重点,挑战和未来的研究方向。
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The authors thank Nicholas Carlini (UC Berkeley) and Dimitris Tsipras (MIT) for feedback to improve the survey quality. We also acknowledge X. Huang (Uni. Liverpool), K. R. Reddy (IISC), E. Valle (UNICAMP), Y. Yoo (CLAIR) and others for providing pointers to make the survey more comprehensive.
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人工智能(AI)模型的黑框性质不允许用户理解和有时信任该模型创建的输出。在AI应用程序中,不仅结果,而且结果的决策路径至关重要,此类Black-Box AI模型还不够。可解释的人工智能(XAI)解决了此问题,并定义了用户可解释的一组AI模型。最近,有几种XAI模型是通过在医疗保健,军事,能源,金融和工业领域等各个应用领域的黑盒模型缺乏可解释性和解释性来解决有关的问题。尽管XAI的概念最近引起了广泛关注,但它与物联网域的集成尚未完全定义。在本文中,我们在物联网域范围内使用XAI模型对最近的研究进行了深入和系统的综述。我们根据其方法和应用领域对研究进行分类。此外,我们旨在专注于具有挑战性的问题和开放问题,并为未来的方向指导开发人员和研究人员进行未来的未来调查。
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人工智能(AI)和机器学习(ML)在网络安全挑战中的应用已在行业和学术界的吸引力,部分原因是对关键系统(例如云基础架构和政府机构)的广泛恶意软件攻击。入侵检测系统(IDS)使用某些形式的AI,由于能够以高预测准确性处理大量数据,因此获得了广泛的采用。这些系统托管在组织网络安全操作中心(CSOC)中,作为一种防御工具,可监视和检测恶意网络流,否则会影响机密性,完整性和可用性(CIA)。 CSOC分析师依靠这些系统来决定检测到的威胁。但是,使用深度学习(DL)技术设计的IDS通常被视为黑匣子模型,并且没有为其预测提供理由。这为CSOC分析师造成了障碍,因为他们无法根据模型的预测改善决策。解决此问题的一种解决方案是设计可解释的ID(X-IDS)。这项调查回顾了可解释的AI(XAI)的最先进的ID,目前的挑战,并讨论了这些挑战如何涉及X-ID的设计。特别是,我们全面讨论了黑匣子和白盒方法。我们还在这些方法之间的性能和产生解释的能力方面提出了权衡。此外,我们提出了一种通用体系结构,该建筑认为人类在循环中,该架构可以用作设计X-ID时的指南。研究建议是从三个关键观点提出的:需要定义ID的解释性,需要为各种利益相关者量身定制的解释以及设计指标来评估解释的需求。
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In terms of artificial intelligence, there are several security and privacy deficiencies in the traditional centralized training methods of machine learning models by a server. To address this limitation, federated learning (FL) has been proposed and is known for breaking down ``data silos" and protecting the privacy of users. However, FL has not yet gained popularity in the industry, mainly due to its security, privacy, and high cost of communication. For the purpose of advancing the research in this field, building a robust FL system, and realizing the wide application of FL, this paper sorts out the possible attacks and corresponding defenses of the current FL system systematically. Firstly, this paper briefly introduces the basic workflow of FL and related knowledge of attacks and defenses. It reviews a great deal of research about privacy theft and malicious attacks that have been studied in recent years. Most importantly, in view of the current three classification criteria, namely the three stages of machine learning, the three different roles in federated learning, and the CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability) guidelines on privacy protection, we divide attack approaches into two categories according to the training stage and the prediction stage in machine learning. Furthermore, we also identify the CIA property violated for each attack method and potential attack role. Various defense mechanisms are then analyzed separately from the level of privacy and security. Finally, we summarize the possible challenges in the application of FL from the aspect of attacks and defenses and discuss the future development direction of FL systems. In this way, the designed FL system has the ability to resist different attacks and is more secure and stable.
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尽管有无数的同伴审查的论文,证明了新颖的人工智能(AI)基于大流行期间的Covid-19挑战的解决方案,但很少有临床影响。人工智能在Covid-19大流行期间的影响因缺乏模型透明度而受到极大的限制。这种系统审查考察了在大流行期间使用可解释的人工智能(Xai)以及如何使用它可以克服现实世界成功的障碍。我们发现,Xai的成功使用可以提高模型性能,灌输信任在最终用户,并提供影响用户决策所需的值。我们将读者介绍给常见的XAI技术,其实用程序以及其应用程序的具体例子。 XAI结果的评估还讨论了最大化AI的临床决策支持系统的价值的重要步骤。我们说明了Xai的古典,现代和潜在的未来趋势,以阐明新颖的XAI技术的演变。最后,我们在最近出版物支持的实验设计过程中提供了建议的清单。潜在解决方案的具体示例也解决了AI解决方案期间的共同挑战。我们希望本次审查可以作为提高未来基于AI的解决方案的临床影响的指导。
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